import {GithubApi} from './github-api'; import {assert, assertNotMissingOrEmpty} from './utils'; export interface PullRequest { number: number; user: {login: string}; labels: {name: string}[]; } export interface FileInfo { sha: string; filename: string; } export type PullRequestState = 'all' | 'closed' | 'open'; /** * Access pull requests on GitHub. */ export class GithubPullRequests { public repoSlug: string; /** * Create an instance of this helper * @param api An instance of the Github API helper. * @param githubOrg The organisation on GitHub whose repo we will interrogate. * @param githubRepo The repository on Github with whose PRs we will interact. */ constructor(private api: GithubApi, githubOrg: string, githubRepo: string) { assertNotMissingOrEmpty('githubOrg', githubOrg); assertNotMissingOrEmpty('githubRepo', githubRepo); this.repoSlug = `${githubOrg}/${githubRepo}`; } /** * Post a comment on a PR. * @param pr The number of the PR on which to comment. * @param body The body of the comment to post. * @returns A promise that resolves when the comment has been posted. */ public addComment(pr: number, body: string): Promise { assert(pr > 0, `Invalid PR number: ${pr}`); assert(!!body, `Invalid or empty comment body: ${body}`); return`/repos/${this.repoSlug}/issues/${pr}/comments`, null, {body}); } /** * Request information about a PR. * @param pr The number of the PR for which to request info. * @returns A promise that is resolves with information about the specified PR. */ public fetch(pr: number): Promise { assert(pr > 0, `Invalid PR number: ${pr}`); // Using the `/issues/` URL, because the `/pulls/` one does not provide labels. return this.api.get(`/repos/${this.repoSlug}/issues/${pr}`); } /** * Request information about all PRs that match the given state. * @param state Only retrieve PRs that have this state. * @returns A promise that is resolved with information about the requested PRs. */ public fetchAll(state: PullRequestState = 'all'): Promise { const pathname = `/repos/${this.repoSlug}/pulls`; const params = {state}; return this.api.getPaginated(pathname, params); } /** * Request a list of files for the given PR. * @param pr The number of the PR for which to request files. * @returns A promise that resolves to an array of file information */ public fetchFiles(pr: number): Promise { assert(pr > 0, `Invalid PR number: ${pr}`); return this.api.get(`/repos/${this.repoSlug}/pulls/${pr}/files`); } }