/* tslint:disable:forin member-ordering */ // #docplaster import { AfterViewInit, Component, ElementRef, OnInit, QueryList, ViewChildren } from '@angular/core'; import { NgForm } from '@angular/forms'; import { Hero } from './hero'; // Alerter fn: monkey patch during test export function alerter(msg?: string) { window.alert(msg); } export enum Color {Red, Green, Blue}; /** * Giant grab bag of stuff to drive the chapter */ @Component({ moduleId: module.id, selector: 'my-app', templateUrl: 'app.component.html' }) export class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit, OnInit { ngOnInit() { this.refreshHeroes(); } ngAfterViewInit() { this.detectNgForTrackByEffects(); } actionName = 'Go for it'; alert = alerter; badCurly = 'bad curly'; classes = 'special'; callFax(value: string) {this.alert(`Faxing ${value} ...`); } callPhone(value: string) {this.alert(`Calling ${value} ...`); } canSave = true; Color = Color; color = Color.Red; colorToggle() {this.color = (this.color === Color.Red) ? Color.Blue : Color.Red; } currentHero = Hero.MockHeroes[0]; deleteHero(hero: Hero) { this.alert('Deleted hero: ' + (hero && hero.firstName)); } // #docregion evil-title evilTitle = 'Template Syntax'; // #enddocregion evil-title title = 'Template Syntax'; // DevMode memoization fields private priorClasses: {}; private _priorStyles: {}; getStyles(el: Element) { let styles = window.getComputedStyle(el); let showStyles = {}; for (let p in this.setStyles()) { showStyles[p] = styles[p]; } return JSON.stringify(showStyles); } getVal() { return this.val; } heroes: Hero[]; // heroImageUrl = 'http://www.wpclipart.com/cartoon/people/hero/hero_silhoutte_T.png'; // Public Domain terms of use: http://www.wpclipart.com/terms.html heroImageUrl = 'images/hero.png'; // iconUrl = 'https://angular.io/resources/images/logos/standard/shield-large.png'; clicked = ''; clickMessage = ''; clickMessage2 = ''; iconUrl = 'images/ng-logo.png'; isActive = false; isSpecial = true; isUnchanged = true; nullHero: Hero = null; // or undefined onCancel(event: KeyboardEvent) { let evtMsg = event ? ' Event target is ' + (event.target).innerHTML : ''; this.alert('Canceled.' + evtMsg); } onClickMe(event: KeyboardEvent) { let evtMsg = event ? ' Event target class is ' + (event.target).className : ''; this.alert('Click me.' + evtMsg); } onSave(event: KeyboardEvent) { let evtMsg = event ? ' Event target is ' + (event.target).innerText : ''; this.alert('Saved.' + evtMsg); } onSubmit(form: NgForm) { let evtMsg = form.valid ? ' Form value is ' + JSON.stringify(form.value) : ' Form is invalid'; this.alert('Form submitted.' + evtMsg); } product = { name: 'frimfram', price: 42 }; // #docregion refresh-heroes // update this.heroes with fresh set of cloned heroes refreshHeroes() { this.heroes = Hero.MockHeroes.map(hero => Hero.clone(hero)); } // #enddocregion refresh-heroes // #docregion same-as-it-ever-was private samenessCount = 5; moreOfTheSame() { this.samenessCount++; }; get sameAsItEverWas() { let result: string[] = Array(this.samenessCount); for ( let i = result.length; i-- > 0; ) { result[i] = 'same as it ever was ...'; } return result; // return [1,2,3,4,5].map(id => { // return {id:id, text: 'same as it ever was ...'}; // }); } // #enddocregion same-as-it-ever-was setUpperCaseFirstName(firstName: string) { // console.log(firstName); this.currentHero.firstName = firstName.toUpperCase(); } // #docregion setClasses setClasses() { let classes = { saveable: this.canSave, // true modified: !this.isUnchanged, // false special: this.isSpecial, // true }; // #enddocregion setClasses // compensate for DevMode (sigh) if (JSON.stringify(classes) === JSON.stringify(this.priorClasses)) { return this.priorClasses; } this.priorClasses = classes; // #docregion setClasses return classes; } // #enddocregion setClasses // #docregion setStyles setStyles() { let styles = { // CSS property names 'font-style': this.canSave ? 'italic' : 'normal', // italic 'font-weight': !this.isUnchanged ? 'bold' : 'normal', // normal 'font-size': this.isSpecial ? '24px' : '8px', // 24px }; // #enddocregion setStyles // compensate for DevMode (sigh) if (JSON.stringify(styles) === JSON.stringify(this._priorStyles)) { return this._priorStyles; } this._priorStyles = styles; // #docregion setStyles return styles; } // #enddocregion setStyles // #docregion NgStyle isItalic = false; isBold = false; fontSize: string = 'large'; fontSizePx: number | string = 14; setStyle() { return { 'font-style': this.isItalic ? 'italic' : 'normal', 'font-weight': this.isBold ? 'bold' : 'normal', 'font-size': this.fontSize }; } // #enddocregion NgStyle toeChoice = ''; toeChooser(picker: HTMLFieldSetElement) { let choices = picker.children; for (let i = 0; i < choices.length; i++) { let choice = choices[i]; if (choice.checked) {return this.toeChoice = choice.value; } } } // #docregion trackByHeroes trackByHeroes(index: number, hero: Hero) { return hero.id; } // #enddocregion trackByHeroes // #docregion trackById trackById(index: number, item: any): string { return item['id']; } // #enddocregion trackById val = 2; // villainImageUrl = 'http://www.clker.com/cliparts/u/s/y/L/x/9/villain-man-hi.png' // Public Domain terms of use http://www.clker.com/disclaimer.html villainImageUrl = 'images/villain.png'; //////// Detect effects of NgForTrackBy /////////////// @ViewChildren('noTrackBy') childrenNoTrackBy: QueryList; @ViewChildren('withTrackBy') childrenWithTrackBy: QueryList; private _oldNoTrackBy: HTMLElement[]; private _oldWithTrackBy: HTMLElement[]; heroesNoTrackByChangeCount = 0; heroesWithTrackByChangeCount = 0; private detectNgForTrackByEffects() { this._oldNoTrackBy = toArray(this.childrenNoTrackBy); this._oldWithTrackBy = toArray(this.childrenWithTrackBy); this.childrenNoTrackBy.changes.subscribe((changes: any) => { let newNoTrackBy = toArray(changes); let isSame = this._oldNoTrackBy.every((v: any, i: number) => v === newNoTrackBy[i]); if (!isSame) { this._oldNoTrackBy = newNoTrackBy; this.heroesNoTrackByChangeCount++; } }); this.childrenWithTrackBy.changes.subscribe((changes: any) => { let newWithTrackBy = toArray(changes); let isSame = this._oldWithTrackBy.every((v: any, i: number) => v === newWithTrackBy[i]); if (!isSame) { this._oldWithTrackBy = newWithTrackBy; this.heroesWithTrackByChangeCount++; } }); } /////////////////// } // helper to convert viewChildren to an array of HTMLElements function toArray(viewChildren: QueryList) { let result: HTMLElement[] = []; let children = viewChildren.toArray()[0].nativeElement.children; for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { result.push(children[i]); } return result; }