/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {Component} from '@angular/core'; import {ComponentFixture, TestBed, waitForAsync} from '@angular/core/testing'; { describe('binding to CSS class list', () => { let fixture: ComponentFixture|null; function normalizeClassNames(classes: string) { return classes.trim().split(' ').sort().join(' '); } function detectChangesAndExpectClassName(classes: string): void { fixture!.detectChanges(); let nonNormalizedClassName = fixture!.debugElement.children[0].nativeElement.className; expect(normalizeClassNames(nonNormalizedClassName)).toEqual(normalizeClassNames(classes)); } function getComponent(): TestComponent { return fixture!.debugElement.componentInstance; } afterEach(() => { fixture = null; }); beforeEach(() => { TestBed.configureTestingModule({ declarations: [TestComponent], }); }); it('should clean up when the directive is destroyed', waitForAsync(() => { fixture = createTestComponent('
'); getComponent().items = [['0']]; fixture.detectChanges(); getComponent().items = [['1']]; detectChangesAndExpectClassName('1'); })); describe('expressions evaluating to objects', () => { it('should add classes specified in an object literal', waitForAsync(() => { fixture = createTestComponent('
'); detectChangesAndExpectClassName('foo'); })); it('should add classes specified in an object literal without change in class names', waitForAsync(() => { fixture = createTestComponent(`
`); detectChangesAndExpectClassName('foo-bar fooBar'); })); it('should add and remove classes based on changes in object literal values', waitForAsync(() => { fixture = createTestComponent('
'); detectChangesAndExpectClassName('foo'); getComponent().condition = false; detectChangesAndExpectClassName('bar'); })); it('should add and remove classes based on changes to the expression object', waitForAsync(() => { fixture = createTestComponent('
'); const objExpr = getComponent().objExpr; detectChangesAndExpectClassName('foo'); objExpr!['bar'] = true; detectChangesAndExpectClassName('foo bar'); objExpr!['baz'] = true; detectChangesAndExpectClassName('foo bar baz'); delete (objExpr!['bar']); detectChangesAndExpectClassName('foo baz'); })); it('should add and remove classes based on reference changes to the expression object', waitForAsync(() => { fixture = createTestComponent('
'); detectChangesAndExpectClassName('foo'); getComponent().objExpr = {foo: true, bar: true}; detectChangesAndExpectClassName('foo bar'); getComponent().objExpr = {baz: true}; detectChangesAndExpectClassName('baz'); })); it('should remove active classes when expression evaluates to null', waitForAsync(() => { fixture = createTestComponent('
'); detectChangesAndExpectClassName('foo'); getComponent().objExpr = null; detectChangesAndExpectClassName(''); getComponent().objExpr = {'foo': false, 'bar': true}; detectChangesAndExpectClassName('bar'); })); it('should allow multiple classes per expression', waitForAsync(() => { fixture = createTestComponent('
'); getComponent().objExpr = {'bar baz': true, 'bar1 baz1': true}; detectChangesAndExpectClassName('bar baz bar1 baz1'); getComponent().objExpr = {'bar baz': false, 'bar1 baz1': true}; detectChangesAndExpectClassName('bar1 baz1'); })); it('should split by one or more spaces between classes', waitForAsync(() => { fixture = createTestComponent('
'); getComponent().objExpr = {'foo bar baz': true}; detectChangesAndExpectClassName('foo bar baz'); })); }); describe('expressions evaluating to lists', () => { it('should add classes specified in a list literal', waitForAsync(() => { fixture = createTestComponent(`
`); detectChangesAndExpectClassName('foo bar foo-bar fooBar'); })); it('should add and remove classes based on changes to the expression', waitForAsync(() => { fixture = createTestComponent('
'); const arrExpr = getComponent().arrExpr; detectChangesAndExpectClassName('foo'); arrExpr.push('bar'); detectChangesAndExpectClassName('foo bar'); arrExpr[1] = 'baz'; detectChangesAndExpectClassName('foo baz'); getComponent().arrExpr = arrExpr.filter((v: string) => v !== 'baz'); detectChangesAndExpectClassName('foo'); })); it('should add and remove classes when a reference changes', waitForAsync(() => { fixture = createTestComponent('
'); detectChangesAndExpectClassName('foo'); getComponent().arrExpr = ['bar']; detectChangesAndExpectClassName('bar'); })); it('should take initial classes into account when a reference changes', waitForAsync(() => { fixture = createTestComponent('
'); detectChangesAndExpectClassName('foo'); getComponent().arrExpr = ['bar']; detectChangesAndExpectClassName('foo bar'); })); it('should ignore empty or blank class names', waitForAsync(() => { fixture = createTestComponent('
'); getComponent().arrExpr = ['', ' ']; detectChangesAndExpectClassName('foo'); })); it('should trim blanks from class names', waitForAsync(() => { fixture = createTestComponent('
'); getComponent().arrExpr = [' bar ']; detectChangesAndExpectClassName('foo bar'); })); it('should allow multiple classes per item in arrays', waitForAsync(() => { fixture = createTestComponent('
'); getComponent().arrExpr = ['foo bar baz', 'foo1 bar1 baz1']; detectChangesAndExpectClassName('foo bar baz foo1 bar1 baz1'); getComponent().arrExpr = ['foo bar baz foobar']; detectChangesAndExpectClassName('foo bar baz foobar'); })); it('should throw with descriptive error message when CSS class is not a string', () => { fixture = createTestComponent(`
`); expect(() => fixture!.detectChanges()) .toThrowError( /NgClass can only toggle CSS classes expressed as strings, got \[object Object\]/); }); }); describe('expressions evaluating to sets', () => { it('should add and remove classes if the set instance changed', waitForAsync(() => { fixture = createTestComponent('
'); let setExpr = new Set(); setExpr.add('bar'); getComponent().setExpr = setExpr; detectChangesAndExpectClassName('bar'); setExpr = new Set(); setExpr.add('baz'); getComponent().setExpr = setExpr; detectChangesAndExpectClassName('baz'); })); }); describe('expressions evaluating to string', () => { it('should add classes specified in a string literal', waitForAsync(() => { fixture = createTestComponent(`
`); detectChangesAndExpectClassName('foo bar foo-bar fooBar'); })); it('should add and remove classes based on changes to the expression', waitForAsync(() => { fixture = createTestComponent('
'); detectChangesAndExpectClassName('foo'); getComponent().strExpr = 'foo bar'; detectChangesAndExpectClassName('foo bar'); getComponent().strExpr = 'baz'; detectChangesAndExpectClassName('baz'); })); it('should remove active classes when switching from string to null', waitForAsync(() => { fixture = createTestComponent(`
`); detectChangesAndExpectClassName('foo'); getComponent().strExpr = null; detectChangesAndExpectClassName(''); })); it('should take initial classes into account when switching from string to null', waitForAsync(() => { fixture = createTestComponent(`
`); detectChangesAndExpectClassName('foo'); getComponent().strExpr = null; detectChangesAndExpectClassName('foo'); })); it('should ignore empty and blank strings', waitForAsync(() => { fixture = createTestComponent(`
`); getComponent().strExpr = ''; detectChangesAndExpectClassName('foo'); })); }); describe('cooperation with other class-changing constructs', () => { it('should co-operate with the class attribute', waitForAsync(() => { fixture = createTestComponent('
'); const objExpr = getComponent().objExpr; objExpr!['bar'] = true; detectChangesAndExpectClassName('init foo bar'); objExpr!['foo'] = false; detectChangesAndExpectClassName('init bar'); getComponent().objExpr = null; detectChangesAndExpectClassName('init foo'); })); it('should co-operate with the interpolated class attribute', waitForAsync(() => { fixture = createTestComponent(`
`); const objExpr = getComponent().objExpr; objExpr!['bar'] = true; detectChangesAndExpectClassName(`init foo bar`); objExpr!['foo'] = false; detectChangesAndExpectClassName(`init bar`); getComponent().objExpr = null; detectChangesAndExpectClassName(`init foo`); })); it('should co-operate with the interpolated class attribute when interpolation changes', waitForAsync(() => { fixture = createTestComponent( `
`); detectChangesAndExpectClassName(`foo small`); getComponent().strExpr = 'bar'; detectChangesAndExpectClassName(`bar small`); })); it('should co-operate with the class attribute and binding to it', waitForAsync(() => { fixture = createTestComponent(`
`); const objExpr = getComponent().objExpr; objExpr!['bar'] = true; detectChangesAndExpectClassName(`init foo bar`); objExpr!['foo'] = false; detectChangesAndExpectClassName(`init bar`); getComponent().objExpr = null; detectChangesAndExpectClassName(`init foo`); })); it('should co-operate with the class attribute and class.name binding', waitForAsync(() => { const template = '
'; fixture = createTestComponent(template); const objExpr = getComponent().objExpr; detectChangesAndExpectClassName('init foo baz'); objExpr!['bar'] = true; detectChangesAndExpectClassName('init foo baz bar'); objExpr!['foo'] = false; detectChangesAndExpectClassName('init baz bar'); getComponent().condition = false; detectChangesAndExpectClassName('init bar'); })); it('should co-operate with initial class and class attribute binding when binding changes', waitForAsync(() => { const template = '
'; fixture = createTestComponent(template); const cmp = getComponent(); detectChangesAndExpectClassName('init foo'); cmp.objExpr!['bar'] = true; detectChangesAndExpectClassName('init foo bar'); cmp.strExpr = 'baz'; detectChangesAndExpectClassName('init bar baz foo'); cmp.objExpr = null; detectChangesAndExpectClassName('init baz'); })); }); describe('prevent regressions', () => { // https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/34336 it('should not write to the native node unless the bound expression has changed', () => { fixture = createTestComponent(`
`); detectChangesAndExpectClassName('color-red'); // Overwrite CSS classes so that we can check if ngClass performed DOM manipulation to // update it fixture.debugElement.children[0].nativeElement.className = ''; // Assert that the DOM node still has the same value after change detection detectChangesAndExpectClassName(''); fixture.componentInstance.condition = false; fixture.detectChanges(); fixture.componentInstance.condition = true; detectChangesAndExpectClassName('color-red'); }); it('should allow classes with trailing and leading spaces in [ngClass]', () => { @Component({ template: `
` }) class Cmp { applyClasses = true; } TestBed.configureTestingModule({declarations: [Cmp]}); const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Cmp); fixture.detectChanges(); const leading = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('[leading-space]'); const trailing = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('[trailing-space]'); expect(leading.className).toBe('foo'); expect(trailing.className).toBe('foo'); }); }); }); } @Component({selector: 'test-cmp', template: ''}) class TestComponent { condition: boolean = true; items: any[]|undefined; arrExpr: string[] = ['foo']; setExpr: Set = new Set(); objExpr: {[klass: string]: any}|null = {'foo': true, 'bar': false}; strExpr: string|null = 'foo'; constructor() { this.setExpr.add('foo'); } } function createTestComponent(template: string): ComponentFixture { return TestBed.overrideComponent(TestComponent, {set: {template: template}}) .createComponent(TestComponent); }