/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {absoluteFrom, AbsoluteFsPath, FileSystem, getFileSystem} from '../../../src/ngtsc/file_system'; import {runInEachFileSystem} from '../../../src/ngtsc/file_system/testing'; import {loadTestFiles} from '../../../src/ngtsc/testing'; import {JsonObject} from '../../src/packages/entry_point'; import {DirectPackageJsonUpdater, PackageJsonUpdater} from '../../src/writing/package_json_updater'; runInEachFileSystem(() => { describe('DirectPackageJsonUpdater', () => { let _: typeof absoluteFrom; let fs: FileSystem; let updater: PackageJsonUpdater; // Helpers const readJson = (path: AbsoluteFsPath) => JSON.parse(fs.readFile(path)); beforeEach(() => { _ = absoluteFrom; fs = getFileSystem(); updater = new DirectPackageJsonUpdater(fs); }); it('should update a `package.json` file on disk', () => { const jsonPath = _('/foo/package.json'); loadTestFiles([ {name: jsonPath, contents: '{"foo": true, "bar": {"baz": "OK"}}'}, ]); const update = updater.createUpdate().addChange(['foo'], false).addChange(['bar', 'baz'], 42); // Not updated yet. expect(readJson(jsonPath)).toEqual({ foo: true, bar: {baz: 'OK'}, }); update.writeChanges(jsonPath); // Updated now. expect(readJson(jsonPath)).toEqual({ foo: false, bar: {baz: 42}, }); }); it('should update an in-memory representation (if provided)', () => { const jsonPath = _('/foo/package.json'); loadTestFiles([ {name: jsonPath, contents: '{"foo": true, "bar": {"baz": "OK"}}'}, ]); const pkg = readJson(jsonPath); const update = updater.createUpdate().addChange(['foo'], false).addChange(['bar', 'baz'], 42); // Not updated yet. expect(pkg).toEqual({ foo: true, bar: {baz: 'OK'}, }); update.writeChanges(jsonPath, pkg); // Updated now. expect(pkg).toEqual({ foo: false, bar: {baz: 42}, }); }); it('should create the `package.json` file, if it does not exist', () => { const jsonPath = _('/foo/package.json'); expect(fs.exists(jsonPath)).toBe(false); updater.createUpdate() .addChange(['foo'], false) .addChange(['bar', 'baz'], 42) .writeChanges(jsonPath); expect(fs.exists(jsonPath)).toBe(true); expect(readJson(jsonPath)).toEqual({ foo: false, bar: {baz: 42}, }); }); it('should create any missing ancestor objects', () => { const jsonPath = _('/foo/package.json'); loadTestFiles([ {name: jsonPath, contents: '{"foo": {}}'}, ]); const pkg = readJson(jsonPath); updater.createUpdate() .addChange(['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux'], 'updated') .writeChanges(jsonPath, pkg); expect(readJson(jsonPath)).toEqual(pkg); expect(pkg).toEqual({ foo: { bar: { baz: { qux: 'updated', }, }, }, }); }); it('should throw, if no changes have been recorded', () => { const jsonPath = _('/foo/package.json'); expect(() => updater.createUpdate().writeChanges(jsonPath)) .toThrowError(`No changes to write to '${jsonPath}'.`); }); it('should throw, if a property-path is empty', () => { const jsonPath = _('/foo/package.json'); expect(() => updater.createUpdate().addChange([], 'missing').writeChanges(jsonPath)) .toThrowError(`Missing property path for writing value to '${jsonPath}'.`); }); it('should throw, if a property-path points to a non-object intermediate value', () => { const jsonPath = _('/foo/package.json'); loadTestFiles([ {name: jsonPath, contents: '{"foo": null, "bar": 42, "baz": {"qux": []}}'}, ]); const writeToProp = (propPath: string[]) => updater.createUpdate().addChange(propPath, 'updated').writeChanges(jsonPath); expect(() => writeToProp(['foo', 'child'])) .toThrowError('Property path \'foo.child\' does not point to an object.'); expect(() => writeToProp(['bar', 'child'])) .toThrowError('Property path \'bar.child\' does not point to an object.'); expect(() => writeToProp(['baz', 'qux', 'child'])) .toThrowError('Property path \'baz.qux.child\' does not point to an object.'); }); it('should throw, if trying to re-apply an already applied update', () => { const update = updater.createUpdate().addChange(['foo'], 'updated'); expect(() => update.writeChanges(_('/foo/package.json'))).not.toThrow(); expect(() => update.writeChanges(_('/foo/package.json'))) .toThrowError('Trying to apply a `PackageJsonUpdate` that has already been applied.'); expect(() => update.writeChanges(_('/bar/package.json'))) .toThrowError('Trying to apply a `PackageJsonUpdate` that has already been applied.'); }); describe('(property positioning)', () => { // Helpers const createJsonFile = (jsonObj: JsonObject) => { const jsonPath = _('/foo/package.json'); loadTestFiles([{name: jsonPath, contents: JSON.stringify(jsonObj)}]); return jsonPath; }; const expectJsonEquals = (jsonFilePath: AbsoluteFsPath, jsonObj: JsonObject) => expect(fs.readFile(jsonFilePath).trim()).toBe(JSON.stringify(jsonObj, null, 2)); it('should not change property positioning by default', () => { const jsonPath = createJsonFile({ p2: '2', p1: {p12: '1.2', p11: '1.1'}, }); updater.createUpdate() .addChange(['p1', 'p11'], '1.1-updated') .addChange(['p1', 'p10'], '1.0-added') .addChange(['p2'], '2-updated') .addChange(['p0'], '0-added') .writeChanges(jsonPath); expectJsonEquals(jsonPath, { p2: '2-updated', p1: {p12: '1.2', p11: '1.1-updated', p10: '1.0-added'}, p0: '0-added', }); }); it('should not change property positioning with `positioning: unimportant`', () => { const jsonPath = createJsonFile({ p2: '2', p1: {p12: '1.2', p11: '1.1'}, }); updater.createUpdate() .addChange(['p1', 'p11'], '1.1-updated', 'unimportant') .addChange(['p1', 'p10'], '1.0-added', 'unimportant') .addChange(['p2'], '2-updated', 'unimportant') .addChange(['p0'], '0-added', 'unimportant') .writeChanges(jsonPath); expectJsonEquals(jsonPath, { p2: '2-updated', p1: {p12: '1.2', p11: '1.1-updated', p10: '1.0-added'}, p0: '0-added', }); }); it('should position added/updated properties alphabetically with `positioning: alphabetic`', () => { const jsonPath = createJsonFile({ p2: '2', p1: {p12: '1.2', p11: '1.1'}, }); updater.createUpdate() .addChange(['p1', 'p11'], '1.1-updated', 'alphabetic') .addChange(['p1', 'p10'], '1.0-added', 'alphabetic') .addChange(['p0'], '0-added', 'alphabetic') .addChange(['p3'], '3-added', 'alphabetic') .writeChanges(jsonPath); expectJsonEquals(jsonPath, { p0: '0-added', p2: '2', p1: {p10: '1.0-added', p11: '1.1-updated', p12: '1.2'}, p3: '3-added', }); }); it('should position added/updated properties correctly with `positioning: {before: ...}`', () => { const jsonPath = createJsonFile({ p2: '2', p1: {p12: '1.2', p11: '1.1'}, }); updater.createUpdate() .addChange(['p0'], '0-added', {before: 'p1'}) .addChange(['p1', 'p10'], '1.0-added', {before: 'p11'}) .addChange(['p1', 'p12'], '1.2-updated', {before: 'p11'}) .writeChanges(jsonPath); expectJsonEquals(jsonPath, { p2: '2', p0: '0-added', p1: {p10: '1.0-added', p12: '1.2-updated', p11: '1.1'}, }); // Verify that trying to add before non-existent property, puts updated property at the // end. updater.createUpdate() .addChange(['p3'], '3-added', {before: 'non-existent'}) .addChange(['p1', 'p10'], '1.0-updated', {before: 'non-existent'}) .writeChanges(jsonPath); expectJsonEquals(jsonPath, { p2: '2', p0: '0-added', p1: {p12: '1.2-updated', p11: '1.1', p10: '1.0-updated'}, p3: '3-added', }); }); it('should ignore positioning when updating an in-memory representation', () => { const jsonObj = { p20: '20', p10: {p102: '10.2', p101: '10.1'}, }; const jsonPath = createJsonFile(jsonObj); updater.createUpdate() .addChange(['p0'], '0-added', 'alphabetic') .addChange(['p1'], '1-added', 'unimportant') .addChange(['p2'], '2-added') .addChange(['p20'], '20-updated', 'alphabetic') .addChange(['p10', 'p103'], '10.3-added', {before: 'p102'}) .addChange(['p10', 'p102'], '10.2-updated', {before: 'p103'}) .writeChanges(jsonPath, jsonObj); expect(JSON.stringify(jsonObj)).toBe(JSON.stringify({ p20: '20-updated', p10: {p102: '10.2-updated', p101: '10.1', p103: '10.3-added'}, p0: '0-added', p1: '1-added', p2: '2-added', })); }); }); }); });