@description Angular applications are made up of _components_. A _component_ is the combination of an HTML template and a component class that controls a portion of the screen. Here is an example of a component that displays a simple string: Angular 应用是由*组件*组成的。 *组件*由 HTML 模板和组件类组成,组件类控制视图。下面是一个显示简单字符串的组件:
Try this **QuickStart example on Plunker** without installing anything. Try it locally with the [***QuickStart seed***](guide/guide/setup "Setup for local development with the QuickStart seed") and prepare for development of a real Angular application. 试试这个**Plunker上的QuickStart范例**。 也可以在本地使用[***QuickStart种子工程***](guide/guide/setup "Setup for local development with the QuickStart seed")来为开发真实的Angular应用做好准备。
Every component begins with an `@Component` [decorator](guide/glossary#decorator '"decorator" explained') function that takes a _metadata_ object. The metadata object describes how the HTML template and component class work together. 每个组件都以`@Component`[装饰器](guide/glossary#!{_decorator} '"!{_decorator}" explained')函数开始,它接受一个_元数据_对象参数。该元素对象描述了 HTML 模板和组件类是如何一起工作的。 The `selector` property tells Angular to display the component inside a custom `` tag in the `index.html`. `selector`属性为 Angular 指定了在`index.html`中的自定义``标签里显示该组件。 The `template` property defines a message inside an `

` header. The message starts with "Hello" and ends with `{{name}}`, which is an Angular [interpolation binding](guide/guide/displaying-data) expression. At runtime, Angular replaces `{{name}}` with the value of the component's `name` property. Interpolation binding is one of many Angular features you'll discover in this documentation. `template`属性定义了`

`标题里的一条消息。 该消息以 “Hello” 开始,以 Angular [插值绑定](guide/guide/displaying-data)表达式`{{name}}`结束。 在运行时,Angular 用组件的`name`属性值替换`{{name}}`。 插值绑定是 Angular 的特征之一。你将在本文档中探索更多 Angular 的特征。 In the example, change the component class's `name` property from `'Angular'` to `'World'` and see what happens. 在这个例子中,把组件类的`name`属性从`'Angular'`改为`'World'`,看看会怎么样。
A word about TypeScript
关于 TypeScript

This example is written in TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript. Angular uses TypeScript because its types make it easy to support developer productivity with tooling. You can also write Angular code in JavaScript; this guide explains how.

本例是用 JavaScript 的一个超集 TypeScript 编写的。 Angular 使用 TypeScript 是因为它的类型可以帮助工具提高开发者效率。你也可以用 JavaScript 编写 Angular 代码,参见本指南

### Next step ### 下一步 Start [**learning Angular**](guide/learning-angular "Learning Angular"). 开始[**学习 Angular**](guide/learning-angular "学习 Angular").