#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eux -o pipefail function installLocalPackages() { # Install Angular packages that are built locally from HEAD. # This also gets around the bug whereby yarn caches local `file://` urls. # See https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/issues/2165 readonly pwd=$(pwd) readonly packages=( animations common compiler core forms platform-browser platform-browser-dynamic router bazel compiler-cli language-service ) local local_packages=() for package in "${packages[@]}"; do local_packages+=("@angular/${package}@file:${pwd}/../../../dist/packages-dist/${package}") done # keep typescript, tslib, and @types/node versions in sync with the ones used in this repo local_packages+=("typescript@file:${pwd}/../../../node_modules/typescript") local_packages+=("tslib@file:${pwd}/../../../node_modules/tslib") local_packages+=("@types/node@file:${pwd}/../../../node_modules/@types/node") yarn add --ignore-scripts --silent "${local_packages[@]}" } function testBazel() { # Set up bazel version ng version rm -rf demo # Create project ng new demo --collection=@angular/bazel --routing --skip-git --skip-install --style=scss cd demo installLocalPackages ng generate component widget --style=css ng build ng test ng e2e ng e2e --prod if [ -e 'WORKSPACE' ] || [ -e 'BUILD.bazel' ]; then echo 'WORKSPACE / BUILD.bazel file should not exist in project' exit 1 fi } function testNonBazel() { # Replace angular.json that uses Bazel builder with the default generated by CLI mv ./angular.json.bak ./angular.json rm -rf dist src/main.dev.ts src/main.prod.ts # disable CLI's version check (if version is 0.0.0, then no version check happens) yarn --cwd node_modules/@angular/cli version --new-version 0.0.0 --no-git-tag-version # re-add build-angular yarn add --dev file:../../../node_modules/@angular-devkit/build-angular yarn webdriver-manager update --gecko=false --standalone=false ${CI_CHROMEDRIVER_VERSION_ARG:---versions.chrome 2.45} ng build --progress=false ng test --progress=false --watch=false ng e2e --configuration=production --webdriver-update=false } testBazel # this test verifies that users can undo bazel - the value of this is questionable # because there are way too many manual steps and it would be easier for users to # just revert the diff created by `ng add @angular/bazel` testNonBazel