/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {fakeAsync, tick} from '@angular/core/testing'; import {beforeEach, describe, expect, it} from '@angular/core/testing/src/testing_internal'; import {FormBuilder} from '@angular/forms'; import {of } from 'rxjs/observable/of'; (function() { function syncValidator(_: any /** TODO #9100 */): any /** TODO #9100 */ { return null; } function asyncValidator(_: any /** TODO #9100 */) { return Promise.resolve(null); } describe('Form Builder', () => { let b: FormBuilder; beforeEach(() => { b = new FormBuilder(); }); it('should create controls from a value', () => { const g = b.group({'login': 'some value'}); expect(g.controls['login'].value).toEqual('some value'); }); it('should create controls from a boxed value', () => { const g = b.group({'login': {value: 'some value', disabled: true}}); expect(g.controls['login'].value).toEqual('some value'); expect(g.controls['login'].disabled).toEqual(true); }); it('should create controls from an array', () => { const g = b.group( {'login': ['some value'], 'password': ['some value', syncValidator, asyncValidator]}); expect(g.controls['login'].value).toEqual('some value'); expect(g.controls['password'].value).toEqual('some value'); expect(g.controls['password'].validator).toEqual(syncValidator); expect(g.controls['password'].asyncValidator).toEqual(asyncValidator); }); it('should use controls whose form state is a standalone value', () => { const g = b.group({'login': b.control('some value', syncValidator, asyncValidator)}); expect(g.controls['login'].value).toEqual('some value'); expect(g.controls['login'].validator).toBe(syncValidator); expect(g.controls['login'].asyncValidator).toBe(asyncValidator); }); it('should support controls with no validators and whose form state is null', () => { const g = b.group({'login': b.control(null)}); expect(g.controls['login'].value).toBeNull(); expect(g.controls['login'].validator).toBeNull(); expect(g.controls['login'].asyncValidator).toBeNull(); }); it('should support controls with validators and whose form state is null', () => { const g = b.group({'login': b.control(null, syncValidator, asyncValidator)}); expect(g.controls['login'].value).toBeNull(); expect(g.controls['login'].validator).toBe(syncValidator); expect(g.controls['login'].asyncValidator).toBe(asyncValidator); }); it('should support controls with no validators and whose form state is undefined', () => { const g = b.group({'login': b.control(undefined)}); expect(g.controls['login'].value).toBeNull(); expect(g.controls['login'].validator).toBeNull(); expect(g.controls['login'].asyncValidator).toBeNull(); }); it('should support controls with validators and whose form state is undefined', () => { const g = b.group({'login': b.control(undefined, syncValidator, asyncValidator)}); expect(g.controls['login'].value).toBeNull(); expect(g.controls['login'].validator).toBe(syncValidator); expect(g.controls['login'].asyncValidator).toBe(asyncValidator); }); it('should create groups with a custom validator', () => { const g = b.group( {'login': 'some value'}, {'validator': syncValidator, 'asyncValidator': asyncValidator}); expect(g.validator).toBe(syncValidator); expect(g.asyncValidator).toBe(asyncValidator); }); it('should create control arrays', () => { const c = b.control('three'); const e = b.control(null); const f = b.control(undefined); const a = b.array( ['one', ['two', syncValidator], c, b.array(['four']), e, f], syncValidator, asyncValidator); expect(a.value).toEqual(['one', 'two', 'three', ['four'], null, null]); expect(a.validator).toBe(syncValidator); expect(a.asyncValidator).toBe(asyncValidator); }); it('should create control arrays with multiple async validators', fakeAsync(() => { function asyncValidator1() { return of ({'async1': true}); } function asyncValidator2() { return of ({'async2': true}); } const a = b.array(['one', 'two'], null, [asyncValidator1, asyncValidator2]); expect(a.value).toEqual(['one', 'two']); tick(); expect(a.errors).toEqual({'async1': true, 'async2': true}); })); it('should create control arrays with multiple sync validators', () => { function syncValidator1() { return {'sync1': true}; } function syncValidator2() { return {'sync2': true}; } const a = b.array(['one', 'two'], [syncValidator1, syncValidator2]); expect(a.value).toEqual(['one', 'two']); expect(a.errors).toEqual({'sync1': true, 'sync2': true}); }); }); })();