/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import * as ts from 'typescript'; import {HelperFunction} from './helpers'; import {findImportSpecifier} from './util'; /** A call expression that is based on a property access. */ type PropertyAccessCallExpression = ts.CallExpression&{expression: ts.PropertyAccessExpression}; /** Replaces an import inside an import statement with a different one. */ export function replaceImport(node: ts.NamedImports, oldImport: string, newImport: string) { const isAlreadyImported = findImportSpecifier(node.elements, newImport); if (isAlreadyImported) { return node; } const existingImport = findImportSpecifier(node.elements, oldImport); if (!existingImport) { throw new Error(`Could not find an import to replace using ${oldImport}.`); } return ts.updateNamedImports(node, [ ...node.elements.filter(current => current !== existingImport), // Create a new import while trying to preserve the alias of the old one. ts.createImportSpecifier( existingImport.propertyName ? ts.createIdentifier(newImport) : undefined, existingImport.propertyName ? existingImport.name : ts.createIdentifier(newImport)) ]); } /** * Migrates a function call expression from `Renderer` to `Renderer2`. * Returns null if the expression should be dropped. */ export function migrateExpression(node: ts.CallExpression, typeChecker: ts.TypeChecker): {node: ts.Node|null, requiredHelpers?: HelperFunction[]} { if (isPropertyAccessCallExpression(node)) { switch (node.expression.name.getText()) { case 'setElementProperty': return {node: renameMethodCall(node, 'setProperty')}; case 'setText': return {node: renameMethodCall(node, 'setValue')}; case 'listenGlobal': return {node: renameMethodCall(node, 'listen')}; case 'selectRootElement': return {node: migrateSelectRootElement(node)}; case 'setElementClass': return {node: migrateSetElementClass(node)}; case 'setElementStyle': return {node: migrateSetElementStyle(node, typeChecker)}; case 'invokeElementMethod': return {node: migrateInvokeElementMethod(node)}; case 'setBindingDebugInfo': return {node: null}; case 'createViewRoot': return {node: migrateCreateViewRoot(node)}; case 'setElementAttribute': return { node: switchToHelperCall(node, HelperFunction.setElementAttribute, node.arguments), requiredHelpers: [ HelperFunction.any, HelperFunction.splitNamespace, HelperFunction.setElementAttribute ] }; case 'createElement': return { node: switchToHelperCall(node, HelperFunction.createElement, node.arguments.slice(0, 2)), requiredHelpers: [HelperFunction.any, HelperFunction.splitNamespace, HelperFunction.createElement] }; case 'createText': return { node: switchToHelperCall(node, HelperFunction.createText, node.arguments.slice(0, 2)), requiredHelpers: [HelperFunction.any, HelperFunction.createText] }; case 'createTemplateAnchor': return { node: switchToHelperCall( node, HelperFunction.createTemplateAnchor, node.arguments.slice(0, 1)), requiredHelpers: [HelperFunction.any, HelperFunction.createTemplateAnchor] }; case 'projectNodes': return { node: switchToHelperCall(node, HelperFunction.projectNodes, node.arguments), requiredHelpers: [HelperFunction.any, HelperFunction.projectNodes] }; case 'animate': return { node: migrateAnimateCall(), requiredHelpers: [HelperFunction.any, HelperFunction.animate] }; case 'destroyView': return { node: switchToHelperCall(node, HelperFunction.destroyView, [node.arguments[1]]), requiredHelpers: [HelperFunction.any, HelperFunction.destroyView] }; case 'detachView': return { node: switchToHelperCall(node, HelperFunction.detachView, [node.arguments[0]]), requiredHelpers: [HelperFunction.any, HelperFunction.detachView] }; case 'attachViewAfter': return { node: switchToHelperCall(node, HelperFunction.attachViewAfter, node.arguments), requiredHelpers: [HelperFunction.any, HelperFunction.attachViewAfter] }; } } return {node}; } /** Checks whether a node is a PropertyAccessExpression. */ function isPropertyAccessCallExpression(node: ts.Node): node is PropertyAccessCallExpression { return ts.isCallExpression(node) && ts.isPropertyAccessExpression(node.expression); } /** Renames a method call while keeping all of the parameters in place. */ function renameMethodCall(node: PropertyAccessCallExpression, newName: string): ts.CallExpression { const newExpression = ts.updatePropertyAccess( node.expression, node.expression.expression, ts.createIdentifier(newName)); return ts.updateCall(node, newExpression, node.typeArguments, node.arguments); } /** * Migrates a `selectRootElement` call by removing the last argument which is no longer supported. */ function migrateSelectRootElement(node: ts.CallExpression): ts.Node { // The only thing we need to do is to drop the last argument // (`debugInfo`), if the consumer was passing it in. if (node.arguments.length > 1) { return ts.updateCall(node, node.expression, node.typeArguments, [node.arguments[0]]); } return node; } /** * Migrates a call to `setElementClass` either to a call to `addClass` or `removeClass`, or * to an expression like `isAdd ? addClass(el, className) : removeClass(el, className)`. */ function migrateSetElementClass(node: PropertyAccessCallExpression): ts.Node { // Clone so we don't mutate by accident. Note that we assume that // the user's code is providing all three required arguments. const outputMethodArgs = node.arguments.slice(); const isAddArgument = outputMethodArgs.pop()!; const createRendererCall = (isAdd: boolean) => { const innerExpression = node.expression.expression; const topExpression = ts.createPropertyAccess(innerExpression, isAdd ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'); return ts.createCall(topExpression, [], node.arguments.slice(0, 2)); }; // If the call has the `isAdd` argument as a literal boolean, we can map it directly to // `addClass` or `removeClass`. Note that we can't use the type checker here, because it // won't tell us whether the value resolves to true or false. if (isAddArgument.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.TrueKeyword || isAddArgument.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.FalseKeyword) { return createRendererCall(isAddArgument.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.TrueKeyword); } // Otherwise create a ternary on the variable. return ts.createConditional(isAddArgument, createRendererCall(true), createRendererCall(false)); } /** * Migrates a call to `setElementStyle` call either to a call to * `setStyle` or `removeStyle`. or to an expression like * `value == null ? removeStyle(el, key) : setStyle(el, key, value)`. */ function migrateSetElementStyle( node: PropertyAccessCallExpression, typeChecker: ts.TypeChecker): ts.Node { const args = node.arguments; const addMethodName = 'setStyle'; const removeMethodName = 'removeStyle'; const lastArgType = args[2] ? typeChecker.typeToString( typeChecker.getTypeAtLocation(args[2]), node, ts.TypeFormatFlags.AddUndefined) : null; // Note that for a literal null, TS considers it a `NullKeyword`, // whereas a literal `undefined` is just an Identifier. if (args.length === 2 || lastArgType === 'null' || lastArgType === 'undefined') { // If we've got a call with two arguments, or one with three arguments where the last one is // `undefined` or `null`, we can safely switch to a `removeStyle` call. const innerExpression = node.expression.expression; const topExpression = ts.createPropertyAccess(innerExpression, removeMethodName); return ts.createCall(topExpression, [], args.slice(0, 2)); } else if (args.length === 3) { // We need the checks for string literals, because the type of something // like `"blue"` is the literal `blue`, not `string`. if (lastArgType === 'string' || lastArgType === 'number' || ts.isStringLiteral(args[2]) || ts.isNoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral(args[2]) || ts.isNumericLiteral(args[2])) { // If we've got three arguments and the last one is a string literal or a number, we // can safely rename to `setStyle`. return renameMethodCall(node, addMethodName); } else { // Otherwise migrate to a ternary that looks like: // `value == null ? removeStyle(el, key) : setStyle(el, key, value)` const condition = ts.createBinary(args[2], ts.SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsToken, ts.createNull()); const whenNullCall = renameMethodCall( ts.createCall(node.expression, [], args.slice(0, 2)) as PropertyAccessCallExpression, removeMethodName); return ts.createConditional(condition, whenNullCall, renameMethodCall(node, addMethodName)); } } return node; } /** * Migrates a call to `invokeElementMethod(target, method, [arg1, arg2])` either to * `target.method(arg1, arg2)` or `(target as any)[method].apply(target, [arg1, arg2])`. */ function migrateInvokeElementMethod(node: ts.CallExpression): ts.Node { const [target, name, args] = node.arguments; const isNameStatic = ts.isStringLiteral(name) || ts.isNoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral(name); const isArgsStatic = !args || ts.isArrayLiteralExpression(args); if (isNameStatic && isArgsStatic) { // If the name is a static string and the arguments are an array literal, // we can safely convert the node into a call expression. const expression = ts.createPropertyAccess( target, (name as ts.StringLiteral | ts.NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral).text); const callArguments = args ? (args as ts.ArrayLiteralExpression).elements : []; return ts.createCall(expression, [], callArguments); } else { // Otherwise create an expression in the form of `(target as any)[name].apply(target, args)`. const asExpression = ts.createParen( ts.createAsExpression(target, ts.createKeywordTypeNode(ts.SyntaxKind.AnyKeyword))); const elementAccess = ts.createElementAccess(asExpression, name); const applyExpression = ts.createPropertyAccess(elementAccess, 'apply'); return ts.createCall(applyExpression, [], args ? [target, args] : [target]); } } /** Migrates a call to `createViewRoot` to whatever node was passed in as the first argument. */ function migrateCreateViewRoot(node: ts.CallExpression): ts.Node { return node.arguments[0]; } /** Migrates a call to `migrate` a direct call to the helper. */ function migrateAnimateCall() { return ts.createCall(ts.createIdentifier(HelperFunction.animate), [], []); } /** * Switches out a call to the `Renderer` to a call to one of our helper functions. * Most of the helpers accept an instance of `Renderer2` as the first argument and all * subsequent arguments differ. * @param node Node of the original method call. * @param helper Name of the helper with which to replace the original call. * @param args Arguments that should be passed into the helper after the renderer argument. */ function switchToHelperCall( node: PropertyAccessCallExpression, helper: HelperFunction, args: ts.Expression[]|ts.NodeArray): ts.Node { return ts.createCall(ts.createIdentifier(helper), [], [node.expression.expression, ...args]); }