@cheatsheetSection Component configuration @cheatsheetIndex 6 @description `@Component` extends `@Directive`, so the `@Directive` configuration applies to components as well @cheatsheetItem `viewProviders: [MyService, provide(...)]`|`viewProviders:` Array of dependency injection providers scoped to this component's view. @cheatsheetItem `template: 'Hello {{name}}' templateUrl: 'my-component.html'`|`template:`|`templateUrl:` Inline template / external template url of the component's view. @cheatsheetItem `styles: ['.primary {color: red}'] styleUrls: ['my-component.css']`|`styles:`|`styleUrls:` List of inline css styles / external stylesheet urls for styling component’s view. @cheatsheetItem `directives: [MyDirective, MyComponent]`|`directives:` List of directives used in the the component’s template. @cheatsheetItem `pipes: [MyPipe, OtherPipe]`|`pipes:` List of pipes used in the component's template.