/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {camelToDashCase, createCustomEvent, isElement, isFunction, kebabToCamelCase, matchesSelector, scheduler, strictEquals} from '../src/utils'; describe('utils', () => { describe('scheduler', () => { describe('schedule()', () => { let setTimeoutSpy: jasmine.Spy; let clearTimeoutSpy: jasmine.Spy; beforeEach(() => { // TODO: @JiaLiPassion, need to wait @types/jasmine to fix the wrong return // type infer issue. // https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/issues/43486 setTimeoutSpy = spyOn(window, 'setTimeout').and.returnValue(42 as any); clearTimeoutSpy = spyOn(window, 'clearTimeout'); }); it('should delegate to `window.setTimeout()`', () => { const cb = () => null; const delay = 1337; scheduler.schedule(cb, delay); expect(setTimeoutSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(cb, delay); }); it('should return a function for cancelling the scheduled job', () => { const cancelFn = scheduler.schedule(() => null, 0); expect(clearTimeoutSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); cancelFn(); expect(clearTimeoutSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(42); }); }); describe('scheduleBeforeRender()', () => { if (typeof window.requestAnimationFrame === 'undefined') { const mockCancelFn = () => undefined; let scheduleSpy: jasmine.Spy; beforeEach(() => scheduleSpy = spyOn(scheduler, 'schedule').and.returnValue(mockCancelFn)); it('should delegate to `scheduler.schedule()`', () => { const cb = () => null; expect(scheduler.scheduleBeforeRender(cb)).toBe(mockCancelFn); expect(scheduleSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(cb, 16); }); } else { let requestAnimationFrameSpy: jasmine.Spy; let cancelAnimationFrameSpy: jasmine.Spy; beforeEach(() => { requestAnimationFrameSpy = spyOn(window, 'requestAnimationFrame').and.returnValue(42); cancelAnimationFrameSpy = spyOn(window, 'cancelAnimationFrame'); }); it('should delegate to `window.requestAnimationFrame()`', () => { const cb = () => null; scheduler.scheduleBeforeRender(cb); expect(requestAnimationFrameSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(cb); }); it('should return a function for cancelling the scheduled job', () => { const cancelFn = scheduler.scheduleBeforeRender(() => null); expect(cancelAnimationFrameSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); cancelFn(); expect(cancelAnimationFrameSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(42); }); } }); }); describe('camelToKebabCase()', () => { it('should convert camel-case to kebab-case', () => { expect(camelToDashCase('fooBarBazQux')).toBe('foo-bar-baz-qux'); expect(camelToDashCase('foo1Bar2Baz3Qux4')).toBe('foo1-bar2-baz3-qux4'); }); it('should keep existing dashes', () => { expect(camelToDashCase('fooBar-baz-Qux')).toBe('foo-bar-baz--qux'); }); }); describe('createCustomEvent()', () => { it('should create a custom event (with appropriate properties)', () => { const value = {bar: 'baz'}; const event = createCustomEvent(document, 'foo', value); expect(event).toEqual(jasmine.any(CustomEvent)); expect(event).toEqual(jasmine.any(Event)); expect(event.type).toBe('foo'); expect(event.bubbles).toBe(false); expect(event.cancelable).toBe(false); expect(event.detail).toEqual(value); }); }); describe('isElement()', () => { it('should return true for Element nodes', () => { const elems = [ document.body, document.createElement('div'), document.createElement('option'), document.documentElement, ]; elems.forEach(n => expect(isElement(n)).toBe(true)); }); it('should return false for non-Element nodes', () => { const nonElems = [ document, document.createAttribute('foo'), document.createDocumentFragment(), document.createComment('bar'), document.createTextNode('baz'), ]; nonElems.forEach(n => expect(isElement(n)).toBe(false)); }); }); describe('isFunction()', () => { it('should return true for functions', () => { const obj = {foo: function() {}, bar: () => null, baz() {}}; const fns = [ function() {}, () => null, obj.foo, obj.bar, obj.baz, Function, Date, ]; fns.forEach(v => expect(isFunction(v)).toBe(true)); }); it('should return false for non-functions', () => { const nonFns = [ undefined, null, true, 42, {}, ]; nonFns.forEach(v => expect(isFunction(v)).toBe(false)); }); }); describe('kebabToCamelCase()', () => { it('should convert camel-case to kebab-case', () => { expect(kebabToCamelCase('foo-bar-baz-qux')).toBe('fooBarBazQux'); expect(kebabToCamelCase('foo1-bar2-baz3-qux4')).toBe('foo1Bar2Baz3Qux4'); expect(kebabToCamelCase('foo-1-bar-2-baz-3-qux-4')).toBe('foo1Bar2Baz3Qux4'); }); it('should keep uppercase letters', () => { expect(kebabToCamelCase('foo-barBaz-Qux')).toBe('fooBarBaz-Qux'); expect(kebabToCamelCase('foo-barBaz--qux')).toBe('fooBarBaz-Qux'); }); }); describe('matchesSelector()', () => { let li: HTMLLIElement; beforeEach(() => { const div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = `
`; li = div.querySelector('li')!; }); it('should return whether the element matches the selector', () => { expect(matchesSelector(li, 'li')).toBe(true); expect(matchesSelector(li, '.qux')).toBe(true); expect(matchesSelector(li, '#quxLi')).toBe(true); expect(matchesSelector(li, '.qux#quxLi:not(.quux)')).toBe(true); expect(matchesSelector(li, '.bar > #bazUl > li')).toBe(true); expect(matchesSelector(li, '.bar .baz ~ .baz li')).toBe(true); expect(matchesSelector(li, 'ol')).toBe(false); expect(matchesSelector(li, '.quux')).toBe(false); expect(matchesSelector(li, '#quuxOl')).toBe(false); expect(matchesSelector(li, '.qux#quxLi:not(li)')).toBe(false); expect(matchesSelector(li, '.bar > #bazUl > .quxLi')).toBe(false); expect(matchesSelector(li, 'div span ul li')).toBe(false); }); }); describe('strictEquals()', () => { it('should perform strict equality check', () => { const values = [ undefined, null, true, false, 42, '42', () => undefined, () => undefined, {}, {}, ]; values.forEach((v1, i) => { values.forEach((v2, j) => { expect(strictEquals(v1, v2)).toBe(i === j); }); }); }); it('should consider two `NaN` values equals', () => { expect(strictEquals(NaN, NaN)).toBe(true); expect(strictEquals(NaN, 'foo')).toBe(false); expect(strictEquals(NaN, 42)).toBe(false); expect(strictEquals(NaN, null)).toBe(false); expect(strictEquals(NaN, undefined)).toBe(false); }); }); });