#!/usr/bin/env node const shell = require('shelljs'); shell.config.fatal = true; const util = require('./utils/git_util'); if (require.main === module) { main(process.argv.splice(2)).then( (v) => process.exitCode = v, (e) => console.error(process.exitCode = 1, e) ); } async function main(args) { let prNumber = 0; args.forEach((arg) => { if (prNumber == 0 && arg > 0) { prNumber = arg; } else { shell.echo('Unexpected argument: ', arg); } }); if (prNumber === 0) { shell.echo('Bring github pull request onto your local repo for review and edit'); shell.echo(''); shell.echo(`${process.argv[1]} PR_NUMBER`); shell.echo(''); return 1; } if (util.gitHasLocalModifications()) { shell.echo('Local modification detected. exiting...'); return 1; } let prShaCount = (await util.githubPrInfo(prNumber)).commits; shell.exec(`git checkout master`); if (util.execNoFatal(`git rev-parse --verify --quiet pr/${prNumber}`).code == 0) { shell.exec(`git branch -D pr/${prNumber}`); } shell.echo(`Fetching pull request #${prNumber} with ${prNumber} SHA(s) into branch range: pr/${prNumber}_base..pr/${prNumber}_top`); shell.exec(`git fetch -f git@github.com:angular/angular.git pull/${prNumber}/head:pr/${prNumber}_top`); shell.exec(`git branch -f pr/${prNumber}_base pr/${prNumber}_top~${prShaCount}`); shell.echo(`======================================================================================`); shell.exec(`git log --oneline --color pr/${prNumber}_base..pr/${prNumber}_top`); shell.echo(`======================================================================================`); // Reset the HEAD so that we can see changed files for review shell.exec(`git checkout --force -b pr/${prNumber} pr/${prNumber}_top`); shell.exec(`git reset pr/${prNumber}_base`); shell.exec(`git status`); return 0; }