// Because Angular is using dart:html, we need these tests to run on an actual // browser. This means that it should be run with `-p dartium` or `-p chrome`. @TestOn('browser') import 'package:angular2/angular2.dart' show Component, View, NgFor, provide, Inject, Injectable, Optional; import 'package:test/test.dart'; import 'package:angular2_testing/angular2_testing.dart'; // This is the component we will be testing. @Component(selector: 'test-cmp') @View(directives: const [NgFor]) class TestComponent { List items; TestComponent() { this.items = [1, 2]; } } @Injectable() class TestService { String status = 'not ready'; init() { this.status = 'ready'; } } @Component(selector: 'external-template-cmp') @View(templateUrl: 'test_template.html') class ExternalTemplateComponent { ExternalTemplateComponent() { } } class MyToken {} const TEMPLATE = '
'; void main() { initAngularTests(); setUpProviders(() => [provide(MyToken, useValue: 'my string'), TestService]); test('normal function', () { var string = 'foo,bar,baz'; expect(string.split(','), equals(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])); }); ngTest('can grab injected values', (@Inject(MyToken) token, TestService testService) { expect(token, equals('my string')); expect(testService.status, equals('not ready')); }); group('nested ngSetUp', () { ngSetUp((TestService testService) { testService.init(); }); ngTest('ngSetUp modifies injected services', (TestService testService) { expect(testService.status, equals('ready')); }); }); ngTest('create a component using the TestComponentBuilder', (TestComponentBuilder tcb) async { var rootTC = await tcb .overrideTemplate(TestComponent, TEMPLATE) .createAsync(TestComponent); rootTC.detectChanges(); expect(rootTC.debugElement.nativeElement.text, equals('1;2;')); }); ngTest('should reflect added elements', (TestComponentBuilder tcb) async { var rootTC = await tcb .overrideTemplate(TestComponent, TEMPLATE) .createAsync(TestComponent); rootTC.detectChanges(); (rootTC.debugElement.componentInstance.items as List).add(3); rootTC.detectChanges(); expect(rootTC.debugElement.nativeElement.text, equals('1;2;3;')); }); ngTest('should allow a component using a templateUrl', (TestComponentBuilder tcb) async { var rootTC = await tcb .createAsync(ExternalTemplateComponent); rootTC.detectChanges(); expect(rootTC.debugElement.nativeElement.text, equals('from external template\n')); }); group('expected failures', () { ngTest('no type in param list', (notTyped) { expect(1, equals(2)); }); ngSetUp((TestService testService) { testService.init(); }); // This would fail, since setUpProviders is used after a call to ngSetUp has already // initialized the injector. group('nested', () { setUpProviders(() => [TestService]); test('foo', () { expect(1 + 1, equals(2)); }); }); }, skip: 'expected failures'); }