/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {BehaviorSubject} from 'rxjs'; import {createUrlTree} from '../src/create_url_tree'; import {ActivatedRoute, ActivatedRouteSnapshot, advanceActivatedRoute} from '../src/router_state'; import {Params, PRIMARY_OUTLET} from '../src/shared'; import {DefaultUrlSerializer, UrlSegment, UrlSegmentGroup, UrlTree} from '../src/url_tree'; describe('createUrlTree', () => { const serializer = new DefaultUrlSerializer(); describe('query parameters', () => { it('should support parameter with multiple values', () => { const p1 = serializer.parse('/'); const t1 = createRoot(p1, ['/'], {m: ['v1', 'v2']}); expect(serializer.serialize(t1)).toEqual('/?m=v1&m=v2'); const p2 = serializer.parse('/a/c'); const t2 = create(p2.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], 1, p2, ['c2'], {m: ['v1', 'v2']}); expect(serializer.serialize(t2)).toEqual('/a/c/c2?m=v1&m=v2'); }); it('should support parameter with empty arrays as values', () => { const p1 = serializer.parse('/a/c'); const t1 = create(p1.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], 1, p1, ['c2'], {m: []}); expect(serializer.serialize(t1)).toEqual('/a/c/c2'); const p2 = serializer.parse('/a/c'); const t2 = create(p2.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], 1, p2, ['c2'], {m: [], n: 1}); expect(serializer.serialize(t2)).toEqual('/a/c/c2?n=1'); }); it('should set query params', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/'); const t = createRoot(p, [], {a: 'hey'}); expect(t.queryParams).toEqual({a: 'hey'}); expect(t.queryParamMap.get('a')).toEqual('hey'); }); it('should stringify query params', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/'); const t = createRoot(p, [], {a: 1}); expect(t.queryParams).toEqual({a: '1'}); expect(t.queryParamMap.get('a')).toEqual('1'); }); }); it('should navigate to the root', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/'); const t = createRoot(p, ['/']); expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/'); }); it('should error when navigating to the root segment with params', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/'); expect(() => createRoot(p, ['/', {p: 11}])) .toThrowError(/Root segment cannot have matrix parameters/); }); it('should support nested segments', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/a/b'); const t = createRoot(p, ['/one', 11, 'two', 22]); expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/one/11/two/22'); }); it('should stringify positional parameters', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/a/b'); const t = createRoot(p, ['/one', 11]); const params = t.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET].segments; expect(params[0].path).toEqual('one'); expect(params[1].path).toEqual('11'); }); it('should work if command = null', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/a/b'); const t = createRoot(p, [null]); const params = t.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET].segments; expect(params[0].path).toEqual('null'); }); it('should work if command is undefined', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/a/b'); const t = createRoot(p, [undefined]); const params = t.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET].segments; expect(params[0].path).toEqual('undefined'); }); it('should support first segments containing slashes', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/'); const t = createRoot(p, [{segmentPath: '/one'}, 'two/three']); expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/%2Fone/two%2Fthree'); }); it('should preserve secondary segments', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/a/11/b(right:c)'); const t = createRoot(p, ['/a', 11, 'd']); expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/a/11/d(right:c)'); }); it('should support updating secondary segments (absolute)', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/a(right:b)'); const t = createRoot(p, ['/', {outlets: {right: ['c']}}]); expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/a(right:c)'); }); it('should support updating secondary segments', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/a(right:b)'); const t = createRoot(p, [{outlets: {right: ['c', 11, 'd']}}]); expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/a(right:c/11/d)'); }); it('should support updating secondary segments (nested case)', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/a/(b//right:c)'); const t = createRoot(p, ['a', {outlets: {right: ['d', 11, 'e']}}]); expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/a/(b//right:d/11/e)'); }); describe('', () => { /** * In this group of scenarios, imagine a config like: * { * path: 'parent', * children: [ * { * path: 'child', * component: AnyCmp * }, * { * path: 'popup', * outlet: 'secondary', * component: AnyCmp * } * ] * }, * { * path: 'other', * component: AnyCmp * }, * { * path: 'rootPopup', * outlet: 'rootSecondary', * } */ it('should support removing secondary outlet with prefix', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/parent/(child//secondary:popup)'); const t = createRoot(p, ['parent', {outlets: {secondary: null}}]); // - Segment index 0: // * match and keep existing 'parent' // - Segment index 1: // * 'secondary' outlet cleared with `null` // * 'primary' outlet not provided in the commands list, so the existing value is kept expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/parent/child'); }); it('should support updating secondary and primary outlets with prefix', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/parent/child'); const t = createRoot(p, ['parent', {outlets: {primary: 'child', secondary: 'popup'}}]); expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/parent/(child//secondary:popup)'); }); it('should support updating two outlets at the same time relative to non-root segment', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/parent/child'); const t = create( p.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], 0 /* relativeTo: 'parent' */, p, [{outlets: {primary: 'child', secondary: 'popup'}}]); expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/parent/(child//secondary:popup)'); }); it('should support adding multiple outlets with prefix', () => { const p = serializer.parse(''); const t = createRoot(p, ['parent', {outlets: {primary: 'child', secondary: 'popup'}}]); expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/parent/(child//secondary:popup)'); }); it('should support updating clearing primary and secondary with prefix', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/parent/(child//secondary:popup)'); const t = createRoot(p, ['other']); // Because we navigate away from the 'parent' route, the children of that route are cleared // because they are note valid for the 'other' path. expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/other'); }); it('should not clear secondary outlet when at root and prefix is used', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/other(rootSecondary:rootPopup)'); const t = createRoot(p, ['parent', {outlets: {primary: 'child', rootSecondary: null}}]); // We prefixed the navigation with 'parent' so we cannot clear the "rootSecondary" outlet // because once the outlets object is consumed, traversal is beyond the root segment. expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/parent/child(rootSecondary:rootPopup)'); }); it('should not clear non-root secondary outlet when command is targeting root', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/parent/(child//secondary:popup)'); const t = createRoot(p, [{outlets: {secondary: null}}]); // The start segment index for the command is at 0, but the outlet lives at index 1 // so we cannot clear the outlet from processing segment index 0. expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/parent/(child//secondary:popup)'); }); it('can clear an auxiliary outlet at the correct segment level', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/parent/(child//secondary:popup)(rootSecondary:rootPopup)'); // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ // The parens here show that 'child' and 'secondary:popup' appear at the same 'level' in the // config, i.e. are part of the same children list. You can also imagine an implicit paren // group around the whole URL to visualize how 'parent' and 'rootSecondary:rootPopup' are also // defined at the same level. const t = createRoot(p, ['parent', {outlets: {primary: 'child', secondary: null}}]); expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/parent/child(rootSecondary:rootPopup)'); }); }); it('can navigate to nested route where commands is string', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/'); const t = createRoot( p, ['/', {outlets: {primary: ['child', {outlets: {primary: 'nested-primary'}}]}}]); expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/child/nested-primary'); }); it('should throw when outlets is not the last command', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/a'); expect(() => createRoot(p, ['a', {outlets: {right: ['c']}}, 'c'])) .toThrowError('{outlets:{}} has to be the last command'); }); it('should support updating using a string', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/a(right:b)'); const t = createRoot(p, [{outlets: {right: 'c/11/d'}}]); expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/a(right:c/11/d)'); }); it('should support updating primary and secondary segments at once', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/a(right:b)'); const t = createRoot(p, [{outlets: {primary: 'y/z', right: 'c/11/d'}}]); expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/y/z(right:c/11/d)'); }); it('should support removing primary segment', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/a/(b//right:c)'); const t = createRoot(p, ['a', {outlets: {primary: null, right: 'd'}}]); expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/a/(right:d)'); }); it('should support removing secondary segments', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/a(right:b)'); const t = createRoot(p, [{outlets: {right: null}}]); expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/a'); }); it('should support removing parenthesis for primary segment on second path element', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/a/(b//right:c)'); const t = createRoot(p, ['a', {outlets: {right: null}}]); expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/a/b'); }); it('should update matrix parameters', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/a;pp=11'); const t = createRoot(p, ['/a', {pp: 22, dd: 33}]); expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/a;pp=22;dd=33'); }); it('should create matrix parameters', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/a'); const t = createRoot(p, ['/a', {pp: 22, dd: 33}]); expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/a;pp=22;dd=33'); }); it('should create matrix parameters together with other segments', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/a'); const t = createRoot(p, ['/a', 'b', {aa: 22, bb: 33}]); expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/a/b;aa=22;bb=33'); }); it('should stringify matrix parameters', () => { const pr = serializer.parse('/r'); const relative = create(pr.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], 0, pr, [{pp: 22}]); const segmentR = relative.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET].segments[0]; expect(segmentR.parameterMap.get('pp')).toEqual('22'); const pa = serializer.parse('/a'); const absolute = createRoot(pa, ['/b', {pp: 33}]); const segmentA = absolute.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET].segments[0]; expect(segmentA.parameterMap.get('pp')).toEqual('33'); }); describe('relative navigation', () => { it('should work', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/a/(c//left:cp)(left:ap)'); const t = create(p.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], 0, p, ['c2']); expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/a/(c2//left:cp)(left:ap)'); }); it('should work when the first command starts with a ./', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/a/(c//left:cp)(left:ap)'); const t = create(p.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], 0, p, ['./c2']); expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/a/(c2//left:cp)(left:ap)'); }); it('should work when the first command is ./)', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/a/(c//left:cp)(left:ap)'); const t = create(p.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], 0, p, ['./', 'c2']); expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/a/(c2//left:cp)(left:ap)'); }); it('should support parameters-only navigation', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/a'); const t = create(p.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], 0, p, [{k: 99}]); expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/a;k=99'); }); it('should support parameters-only navigation (nested case)', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/a/(c//left:cp)(left:ap)'); const t = create(p.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], 0, p, [{'x': 99}]); expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/a;x=99(left:ap)'); }); it('should support parameters-only navigation (with a double dot)', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/a/(c//left:cp)(left:ap)'); const t = create(p.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET].children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], 0, p, ['../', {x: 5}]); expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/a;x=5(left:ap)'); }); it('should work when index > 0', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/a/c'); const t = create(p.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], 1, p, ['c2']); expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/a/c/c2'); }); it('should support going to a parent (within a segment)', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/a/c'); const t = create(p.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], 1, p, ['../c2']); expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/a/c2'); }); it('should support going to a parent (across segments)', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/q/(a/(c//left:cp)//left:qp)(left:ap)'); const t = create(p.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET].children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], 0, p, ['../../q2']); expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/q2(left:ap)'); }); it('should navigate to the root', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/a/c'); const t = create(p.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], 0, p, ['../']); expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/'); }); it('should work with ../ when absolute url', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/a/c'); const t = create(p.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], 1, p, ['../', 'c2']); expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/a/c2'); }); it('should work with position = -1', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/'); const t = create(p.root, -1, p, ['11']); expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/11'); }); it('should throw when too many ..', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/a/(c//left:cp)(left:ap)'); expect(() => create(p.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], 0, p, ['../../'])) .toThrowError('Invalid number of \'../\''); }); it('should support updating secondary segments', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/a/b'); const t = create(p.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], 1, p, [{outlets: {right: ['c']}}]); expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/a/b/(right:c)'); }); }); it('should set fragment', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/'); const t = createRoot(p, [], {}, 'fragment'); expect(t.fragment).toEqual('fragment'); }); it('should support pathless route', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/a'); const t = create(p.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], -1, p, ['b']); expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/b'); }); it('should support pathless route with ../ at root', () => { const p = serializer.parse('/a'); const t = create(p.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET], -1, p, ['../b']); expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/b'); }); it('should support pathless child of pathless root', () => { // i.e. routes = {path: '', loadChildren: () => import('child')...} // forChild: {path: '', component: Comp} const p = serializer.parse(''); const empty = new UrlSegmentGroup([], {}); p.root.children[PRIMARY_OUTLET] = empty; empty.parent = p.root; const t = create(empty, -1, p, ['lazy']); expect(serializer.serialize(t)).toEqual('/lazy'); }); }); function createRoot(tree: UrlTree, commands: any[], queryParams?: Params, fragment?: string) { const s = new (ActivatedRouteSnapshot as any)( [], {}, {}, '', {}, PRIMARY_OUTLET, 'someComponent', null, tree.root, -1, null); const a = new (ActivatedRoute as any)( new BehaviorSubject(null!), new BehaviorSubject(null!), new BehaviorSubject(null!), new BehaviorSubject(null!), new BehaviorSubject(null!), PRIMARY_OUTLET, 'someComponent', s); advanceActivatedRoute(a); return createUrlTree(a, tree, commands, queryParams ?? null, fragment ?? null); } function create( segment: UrlSegmentGroup, startIndex: number, tree: UrlTree, commands: any[], queryParams?: Params, fragment?: string) { if (!segment) { expect(segment).toBeDefined(); } const s = new (ActivatedRouteSnapshot as any)( segment.segments, {}, {}, '', {}, PRIMARY_OUTLET, 'someComponent', null, segment, startIndex, null); const a = new (ActivatedRoute as any)( new BehaviorSubject(null!), new BehaviorSubject(null!), new BehaviorSubject(null!), new BehaviorSubject(null!), new BehaviorSubject(null!), PRIMARY_OUTLET, 'someComponent', s); advanceActivatedRoute(a); return createUrlTree(a, tree, commands, queryParams ?? null, fragment ?? null); }