package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) exports_files([ "protractor.conf.js", ]) # ts_library and ng_module use the `//:tsconfig.json` target # by default. This alias allows omitting explicit tsconfig # attribute. alias( name = "tsconfig.json", actual = "//src:tsconfig.json", ) filegroup( name = "node_modules", srcs = glob( [ # Include only .js, .json & .d.ts files to reduce the number of # files in the //:node_modules filegroup "node_modules/**/*.js", "node_modules/**/*.json", "node_modules/**/*.d.ts", # All the files in the http-server package are necesssary "node_modules/http-server/**", # All the files in the protractor package are necesssary "node_modules/protractor/**", # Also include all files in node_modules/.bin "node_modules/.bin/*", ], exclude = [ # Exclude files with spaces which are illegal bazel labels "node_modules/**/* *", ], ), )