import * as ts from 'typescript'; import {Evaluator} from './evaluator'; import {Symbols} from './symbols'; import { ClassMetadata, ConstructorMetadata, ModuleMetadata, MemberMetadata, MetadataMap, MetadataSymbolicExpression, MetadataSymbolicReferenceExpression, MetadataValue, MethodMetadata } from './schema'; import * as path from 'path'; const EXT_REGEX = /(\.ts|\.d\.ts|\.js|\.jsx|\.tsx)$/; const NODE_MODULES = '/node_modules/'; const NODE_MODULES_PREFIX = 'node_modules/'; function pathTo(from: string, to: string): string { var result = path.relative(path.dirname(from), to); if (path.dirname(result) === '.') { result = '.' + path.sep + result; } return result; } function moduleNameFromBaseName(moduleFileName: string, baseFileName: string): string { // Remove the extension moduleFileName = moduleFileName.replace(EXT_REGEX, ''); // Check for node_modules const nodeModulesIndex = moduleFileName.lastIndexOf(NODE_MODULES); if (nodeModulesIndex >= 0) { return moduleFileName.substr(nodeModulesIndex + NODE_MODULES.length); } if (moduleFileName.lastIndexOf(NODE_MODULES_PREFIX, NODE_MODULES_PREFIX.length) !== -1) { return moduleFileName.substr(NODE_MODULES_PREFIX.length); } // Construct a simplified path from the file to the module return pathTo(baseFileName, moduleFileName); } /** * Collect decorator metadata from a TypeScript module. */ export class MetadataCollector { constructor() {} /** * Returns a JSON.stringify friendly form describing the decorators of the exported classes from * the source file that is expected to correspond to a module. */ public getMetadata(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile, typeChecker: ts.TypeChecker): ModuleMetadata { const locals = new Symbols(); const moduleNameOf = (fileName: string) => moduleNameFromBaseName(fileName, sourceFile.fileName); const evaluator = new Evaluator(typeChecker, locals, moduleNameOf); function objFromDecorator(decoratorNode: ts.Decorator): MetadataSymbolicExpression { return evaluator.evaluateNode(decoratorNode.expression); } function referenceFromType(type: ts.Type): MetadataSymbolicReferenceExpression { if (type) { let symbol = type.getSymbol(); if (symbol) { if (symbol.flags & ts.SymbolFlags.Alias) { symbol = typeChecker.getAliasedSymbol(symbol); } if (symbol.declarations.length) { const declaration = symbol.declarations[0]; const sourceFile = declaration.getSourceFile(); return { __symbolic: "reference", module: moduleNameOf(sourceFile.fileName), name: }; } } } } function classMetadataOf(classDeclaration: ts.ClassDeclaration): ClassMetadata { let result: ClassMetadata = { __symbolic: "class" } function getDecorators(decorators: ts.Decorator[]): MetadataSymbolicExpression[] { if (decorators && decorators.length) return => objFromDecorator(decorator)); return undefined; } // Add class decorators if (classDeclaration.decorators) { result.decorators = getDecorators(classDeclaration.decorators); } // member decorators let members: MetadataMap = null; function recordMember(name: string, metadata: MemberMetadata) { if (!members) members = {}; let data = members.hasOwnProperty(name) ? members[name] : []; data.push(metadata); members[name] = data; } for (const member of classDeclaration.members) { let isConstructor = false; switch (member.kind) { case ts.SyntaxKind.Constructor: isConstructor = true; // fallthrough case ts.SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration: const method = member; const methodDecorators = getDecorators(method.decorators); const parameters = method.parameters; const parameterDecoratorData: MetadataSymbolicExpression[][] = []; const parametersData: MetadataSymbolicReferenceExpression[] = []; let hasDecoratorData: boolean = false; let hasParameterData: boolean = false; for (const parameter of parameters) { const parameterData = getDecorators(parameter.decorators); parameterDecoratorData.push(parameterData); hasDecoratorData = hasDecoratorData || !!parameterData; if (isConstructor) { const parameterType = typeChecker.getTypeAtLocation(parameter); parametersData.push(referenceFromType(parameterType) || null); hasParameterData = true; } } if (methodDecorators || hasDecoratorData || hasParameterData) { const data: MethodMetadata = {__symbolic: isConstructor ? "constructor" : "method"}; const name = isConstructor ? "__ctor__" : evaluator.nameOf(; if (methodDecorators) { data.decorators = methodDecorators; } if (hasDecoratorData) { data.parameterDecorators = parameterDecoratorData; } if (hasParameterData) { (data).parameters = parametersData; } recordMember(name, data); } break; case ts.SyntaxKind.PropertyDeclaration: case ts.SyntaxKind.GetAccessor: case ts.SyntaxKind.SetAccessor: const property = member; const propertyDecorators = getDecorators(property.decorators); if (propertyDecorators) { recordMember(evaluator.nameOf(, {__symbolic: 'property', decorators: propertyDecorators}); } break; } } if (members) { result.members = members; } return result.decorators || members ? result : undefined; } let metadata: {[name: string]: (ClassMetadata | MetadataValue)}; const symbols = typeChecker.getSymbolsInScope(sourceFile, ts.SymbolFlags.ExportValue); for (var symbol of symbols) { for (var declaration of symbol.getDeclarations()) { switch (declaration.kind) { case ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration: const classDeclaration = declaration; if (classDeclaration.decorators) { if (!metadata) metadata = {}; metadata[] = classMetadataOf(classDeclaration) } break; case ts.SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration: const variableDeclaration = declaration; if (variableDeclaration.initializer) { const value = evaluator.evaluateNode(variableDeclaration.initializer); if (value !== undefined) { if (evaluator.isFoldable(variableDeclaration.initializer)) { // Record the value for use in other initializers locals.set(symbol, value); } if (!metadata) metadata = {}; metadata[evaluator.nameOf(] = evaluator.evaluateNode(variableDeclaration.initializer); } } break; } } } return metadata && {__symbolic: "module", module: moduleNameOf(sourceFile.fileName), metadata}; } }