# Accessibility in Angular The web is used by a wide variety of people, including those who have visual or motor impairments. A variety of assistive technologies are available that make it much easier for these groups to interact with web-based software applications. In addition, designing an application to be more accessible generally improves the user experience for all users. For an in-depth introduction to issues and techniques for designing accessible applications, see the [Accessibility](https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/accessibility/#what_is_accessibility) section of the Google's [Web Fundamentals](https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/). This page discusses best practices for designing Angular applications that work well for all users, including those who rely on assistive technologies.
For the sample application that this page describes, see the .
## Accessibility attributes Building accessible web experience often involves setting [ARIA attributes](https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/accessibility/semantics-aria) to provide semantic meaning where it might otherwise be missing. Use [attribute binding](guide/attribute-binding) template syntax to control the values of accessibility-related attributes. When binding to ARIA attributes in Angular, you must use the `attr.` prefix, as the ARIA specification depends specifically on HTML attributes rather than properties of DOM elements. ```html ``` Note that this syntax is only necessary for attribute _bindings_. Static ARIA attributes require no extra syntax. ```html ```
By convention, HTML attributes use lowercase names (`tabindex`), while properties use camelCase names (`tabIndex`). See the [Binding syntax](guide/binding-syntax#html-attribute-vs-dom-property) guide for more background on the difference between attributes and properties.
## Angular UI components The [Angular Material](https://material.angular.io/) library, which is maintained by the Angular team, is a suite of reusable UI components that aims to be fully accessible. The [Component Development Kit (CDK)](https://material.angular.io/cdk/categories) includes the `a11y` package that provides tools to support various areas of accessibility. For example: * `LiveAnnouncer` is used to announce messages for screen-reader users using an `aria-live` region. See the W3C documentation for more information on [aria-live regions](https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/aria-1.1/states_and_properties#aria-live). * The `cdkTrapFocus` directive traps Tab-key focus within an element. Use it to create accessible experience for components like modal dialogs, where focus must be constrained. For full details of these and other tools, see the [Angular CDK accessibility overview](https://material.angular.io/cdk/a11y/overview). ### Augmenting native elements Native HTML elements capture a number of standard interaction patterns that are important to accessibility. When authoring Angular components, you should re-use these native elements directly when possible, rather than re-implementing well-supported behaviors. For example, instead of creating a custom element for a new variety of button, you can create a component that uses an attribute selector with a native `