# Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license load("@build_bazel_rules_nodejs//:defs.bzl", "nodejs_binary", "nodejs_test") """ Macro that can be used to track the size of a given input file by inspecting the corresponding source map. A golden file is used to compare the current file size data against previously approved file size data """ def js_size_tracking_test( name, src, sourceMap, goldenFile, maxPercentageDiff, maxByteDiff, data = [], **kwargs): all_data = data + [ "//tools/size-tracking", "@npm//source-map", "@npm//chalk", ] entry_point = ":index.ts" nodejs_test( name = name, data = all_data, entry_point = entry_point, configuration_env_vars = ["compile"], templated_args = [src, sourceMap, goldenFile, "%d" % maxPercentageDiff, "%d" % maxByteDiff, "false"], **kwargs ) nodejs_binary( name = "%s.accept" % name, testonly = True, data = all_data, entry_point = entry_point, configuration_env_vars = ["compile"], templated_args = [src, sourceMap, goldenFile, "0", "0", "true"], **kwargs )