library test.src.mock_sdk; import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart' as resource; import 'package:analyzer/file_system/memory_file_system.dart' as resource; import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart'; import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/sdk.dart'; import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart'; class MockSdk implements DartSdk { static const _MockSdkLibrary LIB_CORE = const _MockSdkLibrary('dart:core', '/lib/core/core.dart', ''' library dart.core; import 'dart:async'; class Object { bool operator ==(other) => identical(this, other); String toString() => 'a string'; int get hashCode => 0; } class Function {} class StackTrace {} class Symbol {} class Type {} abstract class Comparable { int compareTo(T other); } abstract class String implements Comparable { external factory String.fromCharCodes(Iterable charCodes, [int start = 0, int end]); bool get isEmpty => false; bool get isNotEmpty => false; int get length => 0; String toUpperCase(); List get codeUnits; } class bool extends Object {} abstract class num implements Comparable { bool operator <(num other); bool operator <=(num other); bool operator >(num other); bool operator >=(num other); num operator +(num other); num operator -(num other); num operator *(num other); num operator /(num other); int toInt(); num abs(); int round(); } abstract class int extends num { bool get isEven => false; int operator -(); external static int parse(String source, { int radix, int onError(String source) }); } class double extends num {} class DateTime extends Object {} class Null extends Object {} class Deprecated extends Object { final String expires; const Deprecated(this.expires); } const Object deprecated = const Deprecated("next release"); class Iterator { bool moveNext(); E get current; } abstract class Iterable { Iterator get iterator; bool get isEmpty; } abstract class List implements Iterable { void add(E value); E operator [](int index); void operator []=(int index, E value); Iterator get iterator => null; void clear(); } abstract class Map extends Object { Iterable get keys; } external bool identical(Object a, Object b); void print(Object object) {} class _Override { const _Override(); } const Object override = const _Override(); '''); static const _MockSdkLibrary LIB_ASYNC = const _MockSdkLibrary('dart:async', '/lib/async/async.dart', ''' library dart.async; import 'dart:math'; class Future { factory Future.delayed(Duration duration, [T computation()]) => null; factory Future.value([value]) => null; static Future wait(List futures) => null; } class Stream {} abstract class StreamTransformer {} '''); static const _MockSdkLibrary LIB_COLLECTION = const _MockSdkLibrary( 'dart:collection', '/lib/collection/collection.dart', ''' library dart.collection; abstract class HashMap implements Map {} '''); static const _MockSdkLibrary LIB_CONVERT = const _MockSdkLibrary( 'dart:convert', '/lib/convert/convert.dart', ''' library dart.convert; import 'dart:async'; abstract class Converter implements StreamTransformer {} class JsonDecoder extends Converter {} '''); static const _MockSdkLibrary LIB_MATH = const _MockSdkLibrary('dart:math', '/lib/math/math.dart', ''' library dart.math; const double E = 2.718281828459045; const double PI = 3.1415926535897932; const double LN10 = 2.302585092994046; num min(num a, num b) => 0; num max(num a, num b) => 0; external double cos(num x); external double sin(num x); external double sqrt(num x); class Random { bool nextBool() => true; double nextDouble() => 2.0; int nextInt() => 1; } '''); static const _MockSdkLibrary LIB_HTML = const _MockSdkLibrary('dart:html', '/lib/html/dartium/html_dartium.dart', ''' library dart.html; class HtmlElement {} '''); static const List LIBRARIES = const [ LIB_CORE, LIB_ASYNC, LIB_COLLECTION, LIB_CONVERT, LIB_MATH, LIB_HTML, ]; final resource.MemoryResourceProvider provider = new resource.MemoryResourceProvider(); /** * The [AnalysisContext] which is used for all of the sources. */ InternalAnalysisContext _analysisContext; MockSdk() { LIBRARIES.forEach((_MockSdkLibrary library) { provider.newFile(library.path, library.content); }); } @override AnalysisContext get context { if (_analysisContext == null) { _analysisContext = new SdkAnalysisContext(); SourceFactory factory = new SourceFactory([new DartUriResolver(this)]); _analysisContext.sourceFactory = factory; ChangeSet changeSet = new ChangeSet(); for (String uri in uris) { Source source = factory.forUri(uri); changeSet.addedSource(source); } _analysisContext.applyChanges(changeSet); } return _analysisContext; } @override List get sdkLibraries => LIBRARIES; @override String get sdkVersion => throw unimplemented; UnimplementedError get unimplemented => new UnimplementedError(); @override List get uris { List uris = []; for (SdkLibrary library in LIBRARIES) { uris.add(library.shortName); } return uris; } @override Source fromFileUri(Uri uri) { String filePath = uri.path; String libPath = '/lib'; if (!filePath.startsWith("$libPath/")) { return null; } for (SdkLibrary library in LIBRARIES) { String libraryPath = library.path; if (filePath.replaceAll('\\', '/') == libraryPath) { try { resource.File file = provider.getResource(uri.path); Uri dartUri = Uri.parse(library.shortName); return file.createSource(dartUri); } catch (exception) { return null; } } if (filePath.startsWith("$libraryPath/")) { String pathInLibrary = filePath.substring(libraryPath.length + 1); String path = '${library.shortName}/${pathInLibrary}'; try { resource.File file = provider.getResource(uri.path); Uri dartUri = new Uri(scheme: 'dart', path: path); return file.createSource(dartUri); } catch (exception) { return null; } } } return null; } @override SdkLibrary getSdkLibrary(String dartUri) { // getSdkLibrary() is only used to determine whether a library is internal // to the SDK. The mock SDK doesn't have any internals, so it's safe to // return null. return null; } @override Source mapDartUri(String dartUri) { const Map uriToPath = const { "dart:core": "/lib/core/core.dart", "dart:html": "/lib/html/dartium/html_dartium.dart", "dart:async": "/lib/async/async.dart", "dart:collection": "/lib/collection/collection.dart", "dart:convert": "/lib/convert/convert.dart", "dart:math": "/lib/math/math.dart" }; String path = uriToPath[dartUri]; if (path != null) { resource.File file = provider.getResource(path); Uri uri = new Uri(scheme: 'dart', path: dartUri.substring(5)); return file.createSource(uri); } // If we reach here then we tried to use a dartUri that's not in the // table above. return null; } } class _MockSdkLibrary implements SdkLibrary { final String shortName; final String path; final String content; const _MockSdkLibrary(this.shortName, this.path, this.content); @override String get category => throw unimplemented; @override bool get isDart2JsLibrary => throw unimplemented; @override bool get isDocumented => throw unimplemented; @override bool get isImplementation => throw unimplemented; @override bool get isInternal => throw unimplemented; @override bool get isShared => throw unimplemented; @override bool get isVmLibrary => throw unimplemented; UnimplementedError get unimplemented => new UnimplementedError(); }