/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {StyleData} from '../../src/common/style_data'; import {Animation} from '../../src/dsl/animation'; import {AUTO_STYLE, AnimationMetadata, animate, group, keyframes, sequence, style} from '../../src/dsl/animation_metadata'; import {AnimationTimelineInstruction} from '../../src/dsl/animation_timeline_instruction'; import {validateAnimationSequence} from '../../src/dsl/animation_validator_visitor'; export function main() { describe('Animation', () => { describe('validation', () => { it('should throw an error if one or more but not all keyframes() styles contain offsets', () => { const steps = animate(1000, keyframes([ style({opacity: 0}), style({opacity: 1, offset: 1}), ])); expect(() => { validateAndThrowAnimationSequence(steps); }) .toThrowError( /Not all style\(\) steps within the declared keyframes\(\) contain offsets/); }); it('should throw an error if not all offsets are between 0 and 1', () => { let steps = animate(1000, keyframes([ style({opacity: 0, offset: -1}), style({opacity: 1, offset: 1}), ])); expect(() => { validateAndThrowAnimationSequence(steps); }).toThrowError(/Please ensure that all keyframe offsets are between 0 and 1/); steps = animate(1000, keyframes([ style({opacity: 0, offset: 0}), style({opacity: 1, offset: 1.1}), ])); expect(() => { validateAndThrowAnimationSequence(steps); }).toThrowError(/Please ensure that all keyframe offsets are between 0 and 1/); }); it('should throw an error if a smaller offset shows up after a bigger one', () => { let steps = animate(1000, keyframes([ style({opacity: 0, offset: 1}), style({opacity: 1, offset: 0}), ])); expect(() => { validateAndThrowAnimationSequence(steps); }).toThrowError(/Please ensure that all keyframe offsets are in order/); }); it('should throw an error if any styles overlap during parallel animations', () => { const steps = group([ sequence([ // 0 -> 2000ms style({opacity: 0}), animate('500ms', style({opacity: .25})), animate('500ms', style({opacity: .5})), animate('500ms', style({opacity: .75})), animate('500ms', style({opacity: 1})) ]), animate('1s 500ms', keyframes([ // 0 -> 1500ms style({width: 0}), style({opacity: 1, width: 1000}), ])) ]); expect(() => { validateAndThrowAnimationSequence(steps); }) .toThrowError( /The CSS property "opacity" that exists between the times of "0ms" and "2000ms" is also being animated in a parallel animation between the times of "0ms" and "1500ms"/); }); it('should throw an error if an animation time is invalid', () => { const steps = [animate('500xs', style({opacity: 1}))]; expect(() => { validateAndThrowAnimationSequence(steps); }).toThrowError(/The provided timing value "500xs" is invalid/); const steps2 = [animate('500ms 500ms 500ms ease-out', style({opacity: 1}))]; expect(() => { validateAndThrowAnimationSequence(steps2); }).toThrowError(/The provided timing value "500ms 500ms 500ms ease-out" is invalid/); }); }); describe('keyframe building', () => { describe('style() / animate()', () => { it('should produce a balanced series of keyframes given a sequence of animate steps', () => { const steps = [ style({width: 0}), animate(1000, style({height: 50})), animate(1000, style({width: 100})), animate(1000, style({height: 150})), animate(1000, style({width: 200})) ]; const players = invokeAnimationSequence(steps); expect(players[0].keyframes).toEqual([ {height: AUTO_STYLE, width: 0, offset: 0}, {height: 50, width: 0, offset: .25}, {height: 50, width: 100, offset: .5}, {height: 150, width: 100, offset: .75}, {height: 150, width: 200, offset: 1}, ]); }); it('should fill in missing starting steps when a starting `style()` value is not used', () => { const steps = [animate(1000, style({width: 999}))]; const players = invokeAnimationSequence(steps); expect(players[0].keyframes).toEqual([ {width: AUTO_STYLE, offset: 0}, {width: 999, offset: 1} ]); }); it('should merge successive style() calls together before an animate() call', () => { const steps = [ style({width: 0}), style({height: 0}), style({width: 200}), style({opacity: 0}), animate(1000, style({width: 100, height: 400, opacity: 1})) ]; const players = invokeAnimationSequence(steps); expect(players[0].keyframes).toEqual([ {width: 200, height: 0, opacity: 0, offset: 0}, {width: 100, height: 400, opacity: 1, offset: 1} ]); }); it('should not merge in successive style() calls to the previous animate() keyframe', () => { const steps = [ style({opacity: 0}), animate(1000, style({opacity: .5})), style({opacity: .6}), animate(1000, style({opacity: 1})) ]; const players = invokeAnimationSequence(steps); const keyframes = humanizeOffsets(players[0].keyframes, 4); expect(keyframes).toEqual([ {opacity: 0, offset: 0}, {opacity: .5, offset: .4998}, {opacity: .6, offset: .5002}, {opacity: 1, offset: 1}, ]); }); it('should support an easing value that uses cubic-bezier(...)', () => { const steps = [ style({opacity: 0}), animate('1s cubic-bezier(.29, .55 ,.53 ,1.53)', style({opacity: 1})) ]; const player = invokeAnimationSequence(steps)[0]; const lastKeyframe = player.keyframes[1]; const lastKeyframeEasing = lastKeyframe['easing']; expect(lastKeyframeEasing.replace(/\s+/g, '')).toEqual('cubic-bezier(.29,.55,.53,1.53)'); }); }); describe('sequence()', () => { it('should not produce extra timelines when multiple sequences are used within each other', () => { const steps = [ style({width: 0}), animate(1000, style({width: 100})), sequence([ animate(1000, style({width: 200})), sequence([animate(1000, style({width: 300}))]) ]), animate(1000, style({width: 400})), sequence([animate(1000, style({width: 500}))]) ]; const players = invokeAnimationSequence(steps); expect(players[0].keyframes).toEqual([ {width: 0, offset: 0}, {width: 100, offset: .2}, {width: 200, offset: .4}, {width: 300, offset: .6}, {width: 400, offset: .8}, {width: 500, offset: 1} ]); }); it('should produce a 1ms animation step if a style call exists before sequence within a call to animate()', () => { const steps = [ style({width: 100}), sequence([ animate(1000, style({width: 200})), ]) ]; const players = invokeAnimationSequence(steps); expect(humanizeOffsets(players[0].keyframes, 4)).toEqual([ {width: 100, offset: 0}, {width: 100, offset: .001}, {width: 200, offset: 1} ]); }); it('should create a new timeline after a sequence if group() or keyframe() commands are used within', () => { const steps = [ style({width: 100, height: 100}), animate(1000, style({width: 150, height: 150})), sequence([ group([ animate(1000, style({height: 200})), ]), animate(1000, keyframes([style({width: 180}), style({width: 200})])) ]), animate(1000, style({width: 500, height: 500})) ]; const players = invokeAnimationSequence(steps); expect(players.length).toEqual(4); const finalPlayer = players[players.length - 1]; expect(finalPlayer.keyframes).toEqual([ {width: 200, height: 200, offset: 0}, {width: 500, height: 500, offset: 1} ]); }); }); describe('keyframes()', () => { it('should produce a sub timeline when `keyframes()` is used within a sequence', () => { const steps = [ animate(1000, style({opacity: .5})), animate(1000, style({opacity: 1})), animate( 1000, keyframes([style({height: 0}), style({height: 100}), style({height: 50})])), animate(1000, style({height: 0, opacity: 0})) ]; const players = invokeAnimationSequence(steps); expect(players.length).toEqual(3); const player0 = players[0]; expect(player0.delay).toEqual(0); expect(player0.keyframes).toEqual([ {opacity: AUTO_STYLE, offset: 0}, {opacity: .5, offset: .5}, {opacity: 1, offset: 1}, ]); const subPlayer = players[1]; expect(subPlayer.delay).toEqual(2000); expect(subPlayer.keyframes).toEqual([ {height: 0, offset: 0}, {height: 100, offset: .5}, {height: 50, offset: 1}, ]); const player1 = players[2]; expect(player1.delay).toEqual(3000); expect(player1.keyframes).toEqual([ {opacity: 1, height: 50, offset: 0}, {opacity: 0, height: 0, offset: 1} ]); }); it('should propagate inner keyframe style data to the parent timeline if used afterwards', () => { const steps = [ style({opacity: 0}), animate(1000, style({opacity: .5})), animate(1000, style({opacity: 1})), animate(1000, keyframes([ style({color: 'red'}), style({color: 'blue'}), ])), animate(1000, style({color: 'green', opacity: 0})) ]; const players = invokeAnimationSequence(steps); const finalPlayer = players[players.length - 1]; expect(finalPlayer.keyframes).toEqual([ {opacity: 1, color: 'blue', offset: 0}, {opacity: 0, color: 'green', offset: 1} ]); }); it('should feed in starting data into inner keyframes if used in an style step beforehand', () => { const steps = [ animate(1000, style({opacity: .5})), animate(1000, keyframes([ style({opacity: .8, offset: .5}), style({opacity: 1, offset: 1}), ])) ]; const players = invokeAnimationSequence(steps); expect(players.length).toEqual(2); const topPlayer = players[0]; expect(topPlayer.keyframes).toEqual([ {opacity: AUTO_STYLE, offset: 0}, {opacity: .5, offset: 1} ]); const subPlayer = players[1]; expect(subPlayer.keyframes).toEqual([ {opacity: .5, offset: 0}, {opacity: .8, offset: 0.5}, {opacity: 1, offset: 1} ]); }); it('should set the easing value as an easing value for the entire timeline', () => { const steps = [ style({opacity: 0}), animate(1000, style({opacity: .5})), animate( '1s ease-out', keyframes([style({opacity: .8, offset: .5}), style({opacity: 1, offset: 1})])) ]; const player = invokeAnimationSequence(steps)[1]; expect(player.easing).toEqual('ease-out'); }); it('should combine the starting time + the given delay as the delay value for the animated keyframes', () => { const steps = [ style({opacity: 0}), animate(500, style({opacity: .5})), animate( '1s 2s ease-out', keyframes([style({opacity: .8, offset: .5}), style({opacity: 1, offset: 1})])) ]; const player = invokeAnimationSequence(steps)[1]; expect(player.delay).toEqual(2500); }); it('should not leak in additional styles used later on after keyframe styles have already been declared', () => { const steps = [ animate(1000, style({height: '50px'})), animate( 2000, keyframes([ style({left: '0', transform: 'rotate(0deg)', offset: 0}), style({ left: '40%', transform: 'rotate(250deg) translateY(-200px)', offset: .33 }), style( {left: '60%', transform: 'rotate(180deg) translateY(200px)', offset: .66}), style({left: 'calc(100% - 100px)', transform: 'rotate(0deg)', offset: 1}), ])), group([animate('2s', style({width: '200px'}))]), animate('2s', style({height: '300px'})), group([animate('2s', style({height: '500px', width: '500px'}))]) ]; const players = invokeAnimationSequence(steps); expect(players.length).toEqual(5); const firstPlayerKeyframes = players[0].keyframes; expect(firstPlayerKeyframes[0]['width']).toBeFalsy(); expect(firstPlayerKeyframes[1]['width']).toBeFalsy(); expect(firstPlayerKeyframes[0]['height']).toEqual(AUTO_STYLE); expect(firstPlayerKeyframes[1]['height']).toEqual('50px'); const keyframePlayerKeyframes = players[1].keyframes; expect(keyframePlayerKeyframes[0]['width']).toBeFalsy(); expect(keyframePlayerKeyframes[0]['height']).toBeFalsy(); const groupPlayerKeyframes = players[2].keyframes; expect(groupPlayerKeyframes[0]['width']).toEqual(AUTO_STYLE); expect(groupPlayerKeyframes[1]['width']).toEqual('200px'); expect(groupPlayerKeyframes[0]['height']).toBeFalsy(); expect(groupPlayerKeyframes[1]['height']).toBeFalsy(); const secondToFinalAnimatePlayerKeyframes = players[3].keyframes; expect(secondToFinalAnimatePlayerKeyframes[0]['width']).toBeFalsy(); expect(secondToFinalAnimatePlayerKeyframes[1]['width']).toBeFalsy(); expect(secondToFinalAnimatePlayerKeyframes[0]['height']).toEqual('50px'); expect(secondToFinalAnimatePlayerKeyframes[1]['height']).toEqual('300px'); const finalAnimatePlayerKeyframes = players[4].keyframes; expect(finalAnimatePlayerKeyframes[0]['width']).toEqual('200px'); expect(finalAnimatePlayerKeyframes[1]['width']).toEqual('500px'); expect(finalAnimatePlayerKeyframes[0]['height']).toEqual('300px'); expect(finalAnimatePlayerKeyframes[1]['height']).toEqual('500px'); }); }); describe('group()', () => { it('should properly tally style data within a group() for use in a follow-up animate() step', () => { const steps = [ style({width: 0, height: 0}), animate(1000, style({width: 20, height: 50})), group([animate('1s 1s', style({width: 200})), animate('1s', style({height: 500}))]), animate(1000, style({width: 1000, height: 1000})) ]; const players = invokeAnimationSequence(steps); expect(players.length).toEqual(4); const player0 = players[0]; expect(player0.duration).toEqual(1000); expect(player0.keyframes).toEqual([ {width: 0, height: 0, offset: 0}, {width: 20, height: 50, offset: 1} ]); const gPlayer1 = players[1]; expect(gPlayer1.duration).toEqual(2000); expect(gPlayer1.delay).toEqual(1000); expect(gPlayer1.keyframes).toEqual([ {width: 20, offset: 0}, {width: 20, offset: .5}, {width: 200, offset: 1} ]); const gPlayer2 = players[2]; expect(gPlayer2.duration).toEqual(1000); expect(gPlayer2.delay).toEqual(1000); expect(gPlayer2.keyframes).toEqual([ {height: 50, offset: 0}, {height: 500, offset: 1} ]); const player1 = players[3]; expect(player1.duration).toEqual(1000); expect(player1.delay).toEqual(3000); expect(player1.keyframes).toEqual([ {width: 200, height: 500, offset: 0}, {width: 1000, height: 1000, offset: 1} ]); }); it('should support groups with nested sequences', () => { const steps = [group([ sequence([ style({opacity: 0}), animate(1000, style({opacity: 1})), ]), sequence([ style({width: 0}), animate(1000, style({width: 200})), ]) ])]; const players = invokeAnimationSequence(steps); expect(players.length).toEqual(2); const gPlayer1 = players[0]; expect(gPlayer1.delay).toEqual(0); expect(gPlayer1.keyframes).toEqual([ {opacity: 0, offset: 0}, {opacity: 1, offset: 1}, ]); const gPlayer2 = players[1]; expect(gPlayer1.delay).toEqual(0); expect(gPlayer2.keyframes).toEqual([{width: 0, offset: 0}, {width: 200, offset: 1}]); }); it('should respect delays after group entries', () => { const steps = [ style({width: 0, height: 0}), animate(1000, style({width: 50, height: 50})), group([ animate(1000, style({width: 100})), animate(1000, style({height: 100})), ]), animate('1s 1s', style({height: 200, width: 200})) ]; const players = invokeAnimationSequence(steps); expect(players.length).toEqual(4); const finalPlayer = players[players.length - 1]; expect(finalPlayer.delay).toEqual(2000); expect(finalPlayer.duration).toEqual(2000); expect(finalPlayer.keyframes).toEqual([ {width: 100, height: 100, offset: 0}, {width: 100, height: 100, offset: .5}, {width: 200, height: 200, offset: 1}, ]); }); it('should respect delays after multiple calls to group()', () => { const steps = [ group([animate('2s', style({opacity: 1})), animate('2s', style({width: '100px'}))]), animate(2000, style({width: 0, opacity: 0})), group([animate('2s', style({opacity: 1})), animate('2s', style({width: '200px'}))]), animate(2000, style({width: 0, opacity: 0})) ]; const players = invokeAnimationSequence(steps); const middlePlayer = players[2]; expect(middlePlayer.delay).toEqual(2000); expect(middlePlayer.duration).toEqual(2000); const finalPlayer = players[players.length - 1]; expect(finalPlayer.delay).toEqual(6000); expect(finalPlayer.duration).toEqual(2000); }); }); describe('timing values', () => { it('should properly combine an easing value with a delay into a set of three keyframes', () => { const steps: AnimationMetadata[] = [style({opacity: 0}), animate('3s 1s ease-out', style({opacity: 1}))]; const player = invokeAnimationSequence(steps)[0]; expect(player.keyframes).toEqual([ {opacity: 0, offset: 0}, {opacity: 0, offset: .25}, {opacity: 1, offset: 1, easing: 'ease-out'} ]); }); it('should allow easing values to exist for each animate() step', () => { const steps: AnimationMetadata[] = [ style({width: 0}), animate('1s linear', style({width: 10})), animate('2s ease-out', style({width: 20})), animate('1s ease-in', style({width: 30})) ]; const players = invokeAnimationSequence(steps); expect(players.length).toEqual(1); const player = players[0]; expect(player.keyframes).toEqual([ {width: 0, offset: 0}, {width: 10, offset: .25, easing: 'linear'}, {width: 20, offset: .75, easing: 'ease-out'}, {width: 30, offset: 1, easing: 'ease-in'} ]); }); it('should produce a top-level timeline only for the duration that is set as before a group kicks in', () => { const steps: AnimationMetadata[] = [ style({width: 0, height: 0, opacity: 0}), animate('1s', style({width: 100, height: 100, opacity: .2})), group([ animate('500ms 1s', style({width: 500})), animate('1s', style({height: 500})), sequence([ animate(500, style({opacity: .5})), animate(500, style({opacity: .6})), animate(500, style({opacity: .7})), animate(500, style({opacity: 1})), ]) ]) ]; const player = invokeAnimationSequence(steps)[0]; expect(player.duration).toEqual(1000); expect(player.delay).toEqual(0); }); it('should offset group() and keyframe() timelines with a delay which is the current time of the previous player when called', () => { const steps: AnimationMetadata[] = [ style({width: 0, height: 0}), animate('1500ms linear', style({width: 10, height: 10})), group([ animate(1000, style({width: 500, height: 500})), animate(2000, style({width: 500, height: 500})) ]), animate(1000, keyframes([ style({width: 200}), style({width: 500}), ])) ]; const players = invokeAnimationSequence(steps); expect(players[0].delay).toEqual(0); // top-level animation expect(players[1].delay).toEqual(1500); // first entry in group() expect(players[2].delay).toEqual(1500); // second entry in group() expect(players[3].delay).toEqual(3500); // animate(...keyframes()) }); }); describe('state based data', () => { it('should create an empty animation if there are zero animation steps', () => { const steps: AnimationMetadata[] = []; const fromStyles: StyleData[] = [{background: 'blue', height: 100}]; const toStyles: StyleData[] = [{background: 'red'}]; const player = invokeAnimationSequence(steps, fromStyles, toStyles)[0]; expect(player.duration).toEqual(0); expect(player.keyframes).toEqual([]); }); it('should produce an animation from start to end between the to and from styles if there are animate steps in between', () => { const steps: AnimationMetadata[] = [animate(1000)]; const fromStyles: StyleData[] = [{background: 'blue', height: 100}]; const toStyles: StyleData[] = [{background: 'red'}]; const players = invokeAnimationSequence(steps, fromStyles, toStyles); expect(players[0].keyframes).toEqual([ {background: 'blue', height: 100, offset: 0}, {background: 'red', height: AUTO_STYLE, offset: 1} ]); }); }); }); }); } function humanizeOffsets(keyframes: StyleData[], digits: number = 3): StyleData[] { return keyframes.map(keyframe => { keyframe['offset'] = Number(parseFloat(keyframe['offset']).toFixed(digits)); return keyframe; }); } function invokeAnimationSequence( steps: AnimationMetadata | AnimationMetadata[], startingStyles: StyleData[] = [], destinationStyles: StyleData[] = []): AnimationTimelineInstruction[] { return new Animation(steps).buildTimelines(startingStyles, destinationStyles); } function validateAndThrowAnimationSequence(steps: AnimationMetadata | AnimationMetadata[]) { const ast = Array.isArray(steps) ? sequence(steps) : steps; const errors = validateAnimationSequence(ast); if (errors.length) { throw new Error(errors.join('\n')); } }