/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {bazelDefineCompileValue} from './bazel_define_compile_value'; /** * Set this constant to `true` to run all tests and report which of the tests marked with `fixmeIvy` * are actually already passing. * * This is useful for locating already passing tests. The already passing tests should have their * `fixmeIvy` removed. */ const FIND_PASSING_TESTS = false; /** * A function to conditionally include a test or a block of tests only when tests run against Ivy. * * The modification of the behavior must be well justified, not affect common usage patterns, and * documented as a breaking change. * * ``` * ivyEnabled && describe(...); * ``` * * or * * ``` * ivyEnabled && it(...); * ``` */ export const ivyEnabled = 'aot' === (bazelDefineCompileValue as string); /** * A function to conditionally skip the execution of tests that are yet to be fixed * when running against Ivy. * * ``` * fixmeIvy('some reason').describe(...); * ``` * * or * * ``` * fixmeIvy('some reason').it(...); * ``` */ export function fixmeIvy(reason: string): JasmineMethods { if (FIND_PASSING_TESTS) { return ivyEnabled ? PASSTHROUGH : IGNORE; } else { return ivyEnabled ? IGNORE : PASSTHROUGH; } } /** * A function to conditionally skip the execution of tests that are not relevant when * running against Ivy. * * Any tests disabled using this switch should not be user-facing breaking changes. * * ``` * obsoleteInIvy('some reason').describe(...); * ``` * * or * * ``` * obsoleteInIvy('some reason').it(...); * ``` */ export function obsoleteInIvy(reason: string): JasmineMethods { return ivyEnabled ? IGNORE : PASSTHROUGH; } /** * A function to conditionally skip the execution of tests that have intentionally * been broken when running against Ivy. * * The modification of the behavior must be well justified, not affect common usage patterns, and * documented as a breaking change. * * ``` * modifiedInIvy('some reason').describe(...); * ``` * * or * * ``` * modifiedInIvy('some reason').it(...); * ``` */ export function modifiedInIvy(reason: string): JasmineMethods { return ivyEnabled ? IGNORE : PASSTHROUGH; } export interface JasmineMethods { it: typeof it; fit: typeof fit; describe: typeof describe; fdescribe: typeof fdescribe; fixmeIvy: typeof fixmeIvy; isEnabled: boolean; } const PASSTHROUGH: JasmineMethods = { it: maybeAppendFindPassingTestsMarker(it), fit: maybeAppendFindPassingTestsMarker(fit), describe: maybeAppendFindPassingTestsMarker(describe), fdescribe: maybeAppendFindPassingTestsMarker(fdescribe), fixmeIvy: maybeAppendFindPassingTestsMarker(fixmeIvy), isEnabled: true, }; const FIND_PASSING_TESTS_MARKER = '__FIND_PASSING_TESTS_MARKER__'; function maybeAppendFindPassingTestsMarker(fn: T): T { return FIND_PASSING_TESTS ? function(...args: any[]) { if (typeof args[0] == 'string') { args[0] += FIND_PASSING_TESTS_MARKER; } return fn.apply(this, args); } : fn as any; } function noop() {} const IGNORE: JasmineMethods = { it: noop, fit: noop, describe: noop, fdescribe: noop, fixmeIvy: (reason) => IGNORE, isEnabled: false, }; if (FIND_PASSING_TESTS) { const env = jasmine.getEnv(); const passingTests: jasmine.CustomReporterResult[] = []; const stillFailing: jasmine.CustomReporterResult[] = []; let specCount = 0; env.clearReporters(); env.addReporter({ specDone: function(result: jasmine.CustomReporterResult) { specCount++; if (result.fullName.indexOf(FIND_PASSING_TESTS_MARKER) != -1) { (result.status == 'passed' ? passingTests : stillFailing).push(result); } }, jasmineDone: function(details: jasmine.RunDetails) { if (passingTests.length) { passingTests.forEach((result) => { // tslint:disable-next-line:no-console console.log('ALREADY PASSING', result.fullName.replace(FIND_PASSING_TESTS_MARKER, '')); }); // tslint:disable-next-line:no-console console.log( `${specCount} specs,`, // `${passingTests.length} passing specs,`, // `${stillFailing.length} still failing specs`); } else { // tslint:disable-next-line:no-console console.log('NO PASSING TESTS FOUND.'); } } }); }