import {Arguments, Argv} from 'yargs'; import {discoverNewConflictsForPr} from './index'; /** Builds the discover-new-conflicts pull request command. */ export function buildDiscoverNewConflictsCommand(yargs: Argv) { return yargs.option('date', { description: 'Only consider PRs updated since provided date', defaultDescription: '30 days ago', coerce: Date.parse, default: getThirtyDaysAgoDate, }); } /** Handles the discover-new-conflicts pull request command. */ export async function handleDiscoverNewConflictsCommand({prNumber, date}: Arguments) { // If a provided date is not able to be parsed, yargs provides it as NaN. if (isNaN(date)) { console.error('Unable to parse the value provided via --date flag'); process.exit(1); } await discoverNewConflictsForPr(prNumber, date); } /** Gets a date object 30 days ago from today. */ function getThirtyDaysAgoDate(): Date { const date = new Date(); // Set the hours, minutes and seconds to 0 to only consider date. date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); // Set the date to 30 days in the past. date.setDate(date.getDate() - 30); return date; }