p. Mission: You should be able to display data from both properties and lists from a component’s controller to the view. .l-main-section h2#section-examples Examples: ul li a(href='http://plnkr.co/edit/pQojSb3CTfTEejX0wGjO?p=preview') TypeScript li a(href='http://plnkr.co/edit/GOJiWOEem9jrOyEeY3uW?p=preview') ES5 p. Displaying data is job number one for any good application. In Angular, you bind data to elements in HTML templates and Angular automatically updates the UI as data changes. p. Let's walk through how we'd display a property, a list of properties, and then conditionally show content based on state. p. We'll end up with a UI that looks like this: div(align='center') img(src='displaying-data-example1.png') .l-main-section h2#section-create-an-entry-point Create an entry point p Open your favorite editor and create a show-properties.html file with the content: pre.prettyprint.linenums.lang-javascript code. //ES5 pre.prettyprint.linenums.lang-typescript code. //TypeScript p | The <display> component here acts as the site where you'll insert your application. | We'll assume a structure like this for the rest of the examples here and just focus on the parts that | are different. .l-main-section h2#section-showing-properties-with-interpolation Showing properties with interpolation p.text-body(ng-non-bindable) | The simple method for binding text into templates is through interpolation where you put the name of a property | inside {{ }}. p To see this working, create another file, show-properties.js, and add the following: