'use strict'; // Canonical path provides a consistent path (i.e. always forward slashes) across different OSes var path = require('canonical-path'); var jsonfile = require('jsonfile'); var assert = require('assert-plus'); // adm-zip does not work properly on Windows // var Zip = require('adm-zip'); var archiver = require('archiver'); var fs = require('fs'); var mkdirp = require('mkdirp'); var globby = require('globby'); var regionExtractor = require('../doc-shredder/regionExtractor'); class ExampleZipper { constructor(sourceDirName, outputDirName) { let gpathPlnkr = path.join(sourceDirName, '**/*plnkr.json'); let gpathZipper = path.join(sourceDirName, '**/zipper.json'); let configFileNames = globby.sync([gpathPlnkr, gpathZipper], { ignore: ['**/node_modules/**'] }); // we only need typescript examples configFileNames = configFileNames.filter((configFileName) => { return configFileName.indexOf('ts') != -1; }); configFileNames.forEach((configFileName) => { this._zipExample(configFileName, sourceDirName, outputDirName); }); } _changeTypeRoots(tsconfig) { return tsconfig.replace('../../../', '../'); } _createZipArchive(zipFileName) { let dirName = path.dirname(zipFileName); // ensure that the folder exists. if (!fs.existsSync(dirName)) { mkdirp.sync(dirName); } let output = fs.createWriteStream(zipFileName); let archive = archiver('zip'); output.on('close', function () { console.log('zip created: ' + zipFileName + ' (' + archive.pointer() + ' total bytes)'); }); archive.on('error', function (err) { throw err; }); archive.pipe(output); return archive; } _zipExample(configFileName, sourceDirName, outputDirName) { let json = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(configFileName, 'utf-8')); const basePath = json.basePath || ''; const jsonFileName = configFileName.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, ''); const relativeDirName = path.dirname(path.dirname(path.relative(sourceDirName, configFileName))); const exampleDirName = path.dirname(configFileName); const examplesPackageJson = 'public/docs/_examples/package.json'; const examplesSystemjsConfig = 'public/docs/_examples/_boilerplate/src/systemjs.config.js'; const examplesSystemjsLoaderConfig = 'public/docs/_examples/_boilerplate/src/systemjs-angular-loader.js'; const exampleTsconfig = 'public/docs/_examples/_boilerplate/src/tsconfig.json'; let exampleZipName = jsonFileName.replace(/(plnkr|zipper).json/, relativeDirName); const outputFileName = path.join(outputDirName, relativeDirName, exampleZipName + '.zip'); let defaultIncludes = ['**/*.ts', '**/*.js', '**/*.css', '**/*.html', '**/*.md', '**/*.json', '**/*.png']; let alwaysIncludes = ['bs-config.json', 'tslint.json', 'karma-test-shim.js', 'karma.conf.js', 'src/testing/**/*']; var defaultExcludes = [ '!**/bs-config.e2e.json', '!**/*plnkr.*', '!**/*zipper.*', '!**/systemjs.config.js', '!**/npm-debug.log', '!**/package.json', '!**/example-config.json', '!**/wallaby.js', '!**/tsconfig.json', '!**/package.webpack.json', // AoT related files '!**/aot/**/*.*', '!**/*-aot.*' ]; if (json.files) { if (json.files.length > 0) { json.files = json.files.map(file => { if (file.startsWith('!')) { if (file.startsWith('!**')) { return file; } return '!' + basePath + file.substr(1); } return basePath + file; }); if (json.files[0].substr(0, 1) === '!') { json.files = defaultIncludes.concat(json.files); } } } else { json.files = defaultIncludes; } json.files = json.files.concat(alwaysIncludes); let gpaths = json.files.map((fileName) => { fileName = fileName.trim(); if (fileName.substr(0, 1) === '!') { return '!' + path.join(exampleDirName, fileName.substr(1)); } else { return path.join(exampleDirName, fileName); } }); Array.prototype.push.apply(gpaths, defaultExcludes); let fileNames = globby.sync(gpaths, { ignore: ['**/node_modules/**']}); let zip = this._createZipArchive(outputFileName); fileNames.forEach((fileName) => { let relativePath = path.relative(exampleDirName, fileName); let content = fs.readFileSync(fileName, 'utf8'); let extn = path.extname(fileName).substr(1); // if we don't need to clean up the file then we can do the following. // zip.append(fs.createReadStream(fileName), { name: relativePath }); let output = regionExtractor.removeDocTags(content, extn); zip.append(output, { name: relativePath } ) }); // we need the package.json from _examples root, not the _boilerplate one zip.append(fs.readFileSync(examplesPackageJson, 'utf8'), { name: 'package.json' }); // also a systemjs config if (!json.removeSystemJsConfig) { zip.append(fs.readFileSync(examplesSystemjsConfig, 'utf8'), { name: 'src/systemjs.config.js' }); zip.append(fs.readFileSync(examplesSystemjsLoaderConfig, 'utf8'), { name: 'src/systemjs-angular-loader.js' }); } // a modified tsconfig let tsconfig = fs.readFileSync(exampleTsconfig, 'utf8'); zip.append(this._changeTypeRoots(tsconfig), {name: 'src/tsconfig.json'}); zip.finalize(); } } module.exports = ExampleZipper;