load("//tools:defaults.bzl", "protractor_web_test_suite") """ Macro that can be used to define a benchmark test. This differentiates from a normal Protractor test suite because we specify a custom "perf" configuration that sets up "@angular/benchpress". Benchmark test targets will not run on CI unless explicitly requested. """ def benchmark_test(name, server, tags = [], **kwargs): protractor_web_test_suite( name = name, configuration = "//:protractor-perf.conf.js", data = [ "//packages/benchpress", ], on_prepare = "//modules/benchmarks:start-server.js", server = server, # Benchmark targets should not run on CI by default. tags = tags + [ "manual", "no-remote-exec", ], test_suite_tags = [ "manual", "no-remote-exec", ], **kwargs )