/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {AST} from '../../../src/expression_parser/ast'; import {Lexer} from '../../../src/expression_parser/lexer'; import {Parser} from '../../../src/expression_parser/parser'; import * as i18n from '../../../src/i18n/i18n_ast'; import * as o from '../../../src/output/output_ast'; import * as t from '../../../src/render3/r3_ast'; import {I18nContext} from '../../../src/render3/view/i18n/context'; import {getSerializedI18nContent} from '../../../src/render3/view/i18n/serializer'; import {I18nMeta, formatI18nPlaceholderName, parseI18nMeta} from '../../../src/render3/view/i18n/util'; import {parseR3 as parse} from './util'; const expressionParser = new Parser(new Lexer()); const i18nOf = (element: t.Node & {i18n?: i18n.AST}) => element.i18n !; describe('I18nContext', () => { it('should support i18n content collection', () => { const ref = o.variable('ref'); const ast = new i18n.Message([], {}, {}, '', '', ''); const ctx = new I18nContext(5, ref, 0, null, ast); // basic checks expect(ctx.isRoot).toBe(true); expect(ctx.isResolved).toBe(true); expect(ctx.id).toBe(0); expect(ctx.ref).toBe(ref); expect(ctx.index).toBe(5); expect(ctx.templateIndex).toBe(null); const tree = parse('
A {{ valueA }}


'); const [boundText, element, template] = (tree.nodes[0] as t.Element).children; // data collection checks expect(ctx.placeholders.size).toBe(0); ctx.appendBoundText(i18nOf(boundText)); // interpolation ctx.appendElement(i18nOf(element), 1); // open tag ctx.appendElement(i18nOf(element), 1, true); // close tag ctx.appendTemplate(i18nOf(template), 2); // open + close tags expect(ctx.placeholders.size).toBe(5); // binding collection checks expect(ctx.bindings.size).toBe(0); ctx.appendBinding(expressionParser.parseInterpolation('{{ valueA }}', '') as AST); ctx.appendBinding(expressionParser.parseInterpolation('{{ valueB }}', '') as AST); expect(ctx.bindings.size).toBe(2); }); it('should support nested contexts', () => { const template = `
A {{ valueA }}
B {{ valueB }}
C {{ valueC }}
`; const tree = parse(template); const root = tree.nodes[0] as t.Element; const [boundTextA, elementA, templateA] = root.children; const elementB = (templateA as t.Template).children[0] as t.Element; const [boundTextB, elementC, boundTextC] = (elementB as t.Element).children; // simulate I18nContext for a given template const ctx = new I18nContext(1, o.variable('ctx'), 0, null, root.i18n !); // set data for root ctx ctx.appendBoundText(i18nOf(boundTextA)); ctx.appendBinding(expressionParser.parseInterpolation('{{ valueA }}', '') as AST); ctx.appendElement(i18nOf(elementA), 0); ctx.appendTemplate(i18nOf(templateA), 1); ctx.appendElement(i18nOf(elementA), 0, true); expect(ctx.bindings.size).toBe(1); expect(ctx.placeholders.size).toBe(5); expect(ctx.isResolved).toBe(false); // create child context const childCtx = ctx.forkChildContext(2, 1, (templateA as t.Template).i18n !); expect(childCtx.bindings.size).toBe(0); expect(childCtx.isRoot).toBe(false); // set data for child context childCtx.appendElement(i18nOf(elementB), 0); childCtx.appendBoundText(i18nOf(boundTextB)); childCtx.appendBinding(expressionParser.parseInterpolation('{{ valueB }}', '') as AST); childCtx.appendElement(i18nOf(elementC), 1); childCtx.appendElement(i18nOf(elementC), 1, true); childCtx.appendBoundText(i18nOf(boundTextC)); childCtx.appendBinding(expressionParser.parseInterpolation('{{ valueC }}', '') as AST); childCtx.appendElement(i18nOf(elementB), 0, true); expect(childCtx.bindings.size).toBe(2); expect(childCtx.placeholders.size).toBe(6); // ctx bindings and placeholders are not shared, // so root bindings and placeholders do not change expect(ctx.bindings.size).toBe(1); expect(ctx.placeholders.size).toBe(5); // reconcile ctx.reconcileChildContext(childCtx); // verify placeholders const expected = new Map([ ['INTERPOLATION', '�0�'], ['START_TAG_DIV', '�#0�|�#1:1�'], ['START_BOLD_TEXT', '�*1:1��#0:1�'], ['CLOSE_BOLD_TEXT', '�/#0:1��/*1:1�'], ['CLOSE_TAG_DIV', '�/#0�|�/#1:1�'], ['INTERPOLATION_1', '�0:1�'], ['INTERPOLATION_2', '�1:1�'] ]); const phs = ctx.getSerializedPlaceholders(); expected.forEach((value, key) => { expect(phs.get(key) !.join('|')).toEqual(value); }); // placeholders are added into the root ctx expect(phs.size).toBe(expected.size); // root context is considered resolved now expect(ctx.isResolved).toBe(true); // bindings are not merged into root ctx expect(ctx.bindings.size).toBe(1); }); it('should support templates based on ', () => { const template = ` Level A Level B Level C `; const tree = parse(template); const root = tree.nodes[0] as t.Template; const [textA, templateA] = root.children; const [textB, templateB] = (templateA as t.Template).children; const [textC] = (templateB as t.Template).children; // simulate I18nContext for a given template const ctxLevelA = new I18nContext(0, o.variable('ctx'), 0, null, root.i18n !); // create Level A context ctxLevelA.appendTemplate(i18nOf(templateA), 1); expect(ctxLevelA.placeholders.size).toBe(2); expect(ctxLevelA.isResolved).toBe(false); // create Level B context const ctxLevelB = ctxLevelA.forkChildContext(0, 1, (templateA as t.Template).i18n !); ctxLevelB.appendTemplate(i18nOf(templateB), 1); expect(ctxLevelB.isRoot).toBe(false); // create Level 2 context const ctxLevelC = ctxLevelB.forkChildContext(0, 1, (templateB as t.Template).i18n !); expect(ctxLevelC.isRoot).toBe(false); // reconcile ctxLevelB.reconcileChildContext(ctxLevelC); ctxLevelA.reconcileChildContext(ctxLevelB); // verify placeholders const expected = new Map( [['START_TAG_NG-TEMPLATE', '�*1:1�|�*1:2�'], ['CLOSE_TAG_NG-TEMPLATE', '�/*1:2�|�/*1:1�']]); const phs = ctxLevelA.getSerializedPlaceholders(); expected.forEach((value, key) => { expect(phs.get(key) !.join('|')).toEqual(value); }); // placeholders are added into the root ctx expect(phs.size).toBe(expected.size); // root context is considered resolved now expect(ctxLevelA.isResolved).toBe(true); }); }); describe('Utils', () => { it('formatI18nPlaceholderName', () => { const cases = [ // input, output ['', ''], ['ICU', 'icu'], ['ICU_1', 'icu_1'], ['ICU_1000', 'icu_1000'], ['START_TAG_NG-CONTAINER', 'startTagNgContainer'], ['START_TAG_NG-CONTAINER_1', 'startTagNgContainer_1'], ['CLOSE_TAG_ITALIC', 'closeTagItalic'], ['CLOSE_TAG_BOLD_1', 'closeTagBold_1'] ]; cases.forEach( ([input, output]) => { expect(formatI18nPlaceholderName(input)).toEqual(output); }); }); it('parseI18nMeta', () => { const meta = (id?: string, meaning?: string, description?: string) => ({id, meaning, description}); const cases = [ ['', meta()], ['desc', meta('', '', 'desc')], ['desc@@id', meta('id', '', 'desc')], ['meaning|desc', meta('', 'meaning', 'desc')], ['meaning|desc@@id', meta('id', 'meaning', 'desc')], ['@@id', meta('id', '', '')], ]; cases.forEach(([input, output]) => { expect(parseI18nMeta(input as string)).toEqual(output as I18nMeta, input); }); }); }); describe('Serializer', () => { const serialize = (input: string): string => { const tree = parse(`
`); const root = tree.nodes[0] as t.Element; return getSerializedI18nContent(root.i18n as i18n.Message); }; it('should produce output for i18n content', () => { const cases = [ // plain text ['Some text', 'Some text'], // text with interpolation [ 'Some text {{ valueA }} and {{ valueB + valueC }}', 'Some text {$interpolation} and {$interpolation_1}' ], // content with HTML tags [ 'A B
D', 'A {$startTagSpan}B{$startTagDiv}C{$closeTagDiv}{$closeTagSpan} D' ], // simple ICU ['{age, plural, 10 {ten} other {other}}', '{VAR_PLURAL, plural, 10 {ten} other {other}}'], // nested ICUs [ '{age, plural, 10 {ten {size, select, 1 {one} 2 {two} other {2+}}} other {other}}', '{VAR_PLURAL, plural, 10 {ten {VAR_SELECT, select, 1 {one} 2 {two} other {2+}}} other {other}}' ], // ICU with nested HTML [ '{age, plural, 10 {ten} other {
}}', '{VAR_PLURAL, plural, 10 {{START_BOLD_TEXT}ten{CLOSE_BOLD_TEXT}} other {{START_TAG_DIV}other{CLOSE_TAG_DIV}}}' ] ]; cases.forEach(([input, output]) => { expect(serialize(input)).toEqual(output); }); }); });