h2 Blog Posts by thoughtram
li: a(href="http://blog.thoughtram.io/angular/2016/02/22/angular-2-change-detection-explained.html") Angular Change Detection Explained
li Even ES5 code for Angular
li Shadow DOM Strategies in Angular
li Styling Angular components
li Routing in Angular
li Dependency Injection in Angular
li Writing Angular code in ES5
li The difference between annotations and decorators
li Developing a Tabs component in Angular
li Developing a Zippy component in Angular
li Angular Template Syntax Demystified - Part 1
li Host and Visibility in Angular's DI
li Upgrading apps to Angular using ngUpgrade
li Resolving Service Dependencies in Angular
li Forward References in Angular
h2 Victor Savkin's Blog Posts
li: a(href="http://victorsavkin.com/post/137821436516/managing-state-in-angular-2-applications") Managing State in Angular Applications
li Two Phases of Angular Applications
li Forms in Angular
li Change detection
li Functional programming
li Dependency injection
h2 Videos
h4 Intro Videos
li Building a Todo App by David East
li Angular Forms by David East
h4 ng-conf
li Playlist of ng-conf 2015 videos.
li Day 1 Keynote: a broad overview of Angular, migration, and where we are headed.
li Day 2 Keynote: Misko and Rado do a deep-dive on Angular details.
li Creating Container Components with Web Components in Angular: Kara Erickson & Rachael L Moore.
li Change Detection Reinvented: Why Angular change detection is fast out of the box and options for developers to make it even faster.
h4 ng-europe
li Oct 2014 playlist of ng-europe videos on Angular and the future of Angular.
h2 API Design Docs & Notes
li Best Practices
li API Design Docs
li Meeting Notes
li Presentations
li More...