import {describe, ddescribe, it, iit, xit, xdescribe, expect, beforeEach} from 'angular2/test_lib'; import {bootstrap, appDocumentToken, appElementToken} from 'angular2/src/core/application'; import {Component} from 'angular2/src/core/annotations/annotations'; import {DOM} from 'angular2/src/facade/dom'; import {ListWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection'; import {PromiseWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/async'; import {bind, Inject} from 'angular2/di'; import {TemplateConfig} from 'angular2/src/core/annotations/template_config'; import {LifeCycle} from 'angular2/src/core/life_cycle/life_cycle'; @Component({ selector: 'hello-app', template: new TemplateConfig({ inline: '{{greeting}} world!', directives: [] }) }) class HelloRootCmp { greeting:string; constructor() { this.greeting = 'hello'; } } @Component({ selector: 'hello-app-2', template: new TemplateConfig({ inline: '{{greeting}} world, again!', directives: [] }) }) class HelloRootCmp2 { greeting:string; constructor() { this.greeting = 'hello'; } } @Component({ selector: 'hello-app', template: new TemplateConfig({ inline: '', directives: [] }) }) class HelloRootCmp3 { appBinding; constructor(@Inject("appBinding") appBinding) { this.appBinding = appBinding; } } @Component({ selector: 'hello-app', template: new TemplateConfig({ inline: '', directives: [] }) }) class HelloRootCmp4 { lc; constructor(@Inject(LifeCycle) lc) { = lc; } } export function main() { var fakeDoc, el, el2, testBindings; beforeEach(() => { fakeDoc = DOM.createHtmlDocument(); el = DOM.createElement('hello-app', fakeDoc); el2 = DOM.createElement('hello-app-2', fakeDoc); DOM.appendChild(fakeDoc.body, el); DOM.appendChild(fakeDoc.body, el2); testBindings = [bind(appDocumentToken).toValue(fakeDoc)]; }); describe('bootstrap factory method', () => { it('should throw if no element is found', (done) => { var injectorPromise = bootstrap(HelloRootCmp, [], (e,t) => {throw e;}); PromiseWrapper.then(injectorPromise, null, (reason) => { expect(reason.message).toContain( 'The app selector "hello-app" did not match any elements'); done(); }); }); it('should create an injector promise', () => { var injectorPromise = bootstrap(HelloRootCmp, testBindings); expect(injectorPromise).not.toBe(null); }); it('should resolve an injector promise and contain bindings', (done) => { var injectorPromise = bootstrap(HelloRootCmp, testBindings); injectorPromise.then((injector) => { expect(injector.get(appElementToken)).toBe(el); done(); }); }); it('should provide the application component in the injector', (done) => { var injectorPromise = bootstrap(HelloRootCmp, testBindings); injectorPromise.then((injector) => { expect(injector.get(HelloRootCmp)).toBeAnInstanceOf(HelloRootCmp); done(); }); }); it('should display hello world', (done) => { var injectorPromise = bootstrap(HelloRootCmp, testBindings); injectorPromise.then((injector) => { expect(injector.get(appElementToken) .shadowRoot.childNodes[0].nodeValue).toEqual('hello world!'); done(); }); }); it('should support multiple calls to bootstrap', (done) => { var injectorPromise1 = bootstrap(HelloRootCmp, testBindings); var injectorPromise2 = bootstrap(HelloRootCmp2, testBindings); PromiseWrapper.all([injectorPromise1, injectorPromise2]).then((injectors) => { expect(injectors[0].get(appElementToken) .shadowRoot.childNodes[0].nodeValue).toEqual('hello world!'); expect(injectors[1].get(appElementToken) .shadowRoot.childNodes[0].nodeValue).toEqual('hello world, again!'); done(); }); }); it("should make the provided binings available to the application component", (done) => { var injectorPromise = bootstrap(HelloRootCmp3, [ testBindings, bind("appBinding").toValue("BoundValue") ]); injectorPromise.then((injector) => { expect(injector.get(HelloRootCmp3).appBinding).toEqual("BoundValue"); done(); }); }); it("should avoid cyclic dependencies when root component requires Lifecycle through DI", (done) => { var injectorPromise = bootstrap(HelloRootCmp4, testBindings); injectorPromise.then((injector) => { expect(injector.get(HelloRootCmp4).lc).toBe(injector.get(LifeCycle)); done(); }); }); }); }