block includes include ../_util-fns - var _JavaScript = 'JavaScript'; //- Double underscore means don't escape var, use !{__var}. - var __chaining_op = '; or ,'; - var __new_op = 'new'; - var __objectAsMap = 'object'; //- The docs standard h4 style uppercases, making code terms unreadable. Override it. style. h4 {font-size: 17px !important; text-transform: none !important;} .syntax { font-family: Consolas, 'Lucida Sans', Courier, sans-serif; color: black; font-size: 85%; } h4 .syntax { font-size: 100%; } :marked The Angular application manages what the user sees and can do, achieving this through the interaction of a component class instance (the *component*) and its user-facing template. You may be familiar with the component/template duality from your experience with model-view-controller (MVC) or model-view-viewmodel (MVVM). In Angular, the component plays the part of the controller/viewmodel, and the template represents the view. a#toc :marked ### Contents This guide covers the basic elements of the Angular template syntax, elements you'll need to construct the view: * [HTML in templates](#html) * [Interpolation ( {{...}} )](#interpolation) * [Template expressions](#template-expressions) * [Template statements](#template-statements) * [Binding syntax](#binding-syntax) * [Property binding ( [property] )](#property-binding) * [Attribute, class, and style bindings](#other-bindings) * [Event binding ( (event) )](#event-binding) * [Two-way data binding ( [(...)] )](#two-way) * [Built-in directives](#directives) * [Built-in attribute directives](#attribute-directives) * [NgClass](#ngClass) * [NgStyle](#ngStyle) * [NgModel ([(ngModel)]) ](#ngModel) * [Built-in structural directives](#structural-directives) * [NgIf](#ngIf) * [NgFor](#ngFor) * [Template input variables](#template-input-variables) * [Microsyntax](#microsyntax) * [The NgSwitch directives](#ngSwitch) * [Template reference variables ( #var )](#ref-vars) * [Input and output properties ( @Input and @Output )](#inputs-outputs) * [Template expression operators](#expression-operators) * [pipe ( | )](#pipe) * [safe navigation operator ( ?. )](#safe-navigation-operator) The demonstrates all of the syntax and code snippets described in this guide. .l-hr a#html :marked ## HTML in templates HTML is the language of the Angular template. Almost all HTML syntax is valid template syntax. The `