import { ddescribe, describe, it, iit, xit, expect, beforeEach, afterEach, IS_DARTIUM } from 'angular2/test_lib'; import { CONST_EXPR, isPresent, isBlank, isJsObject, BaseException, FunctionWrapper } from 'angular2/src/facade/lang'; import {List, ListWrapper, MapWrapper, StringMapWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection'; import { ChangeDispatcher, DehydratedException, DynamicChangeDetector, ChangeDetectionError, BindingRecord, DirectiveRecord, DirectiveIndex, PipeRegistry, Pipe, CHECK_ALWAYS, CHECK_ONCE, CHECKED, DETACHED, ON_PUSH, DEFAULT, WrappedValue, JitProtoChangeDetector, DynamicProtoChangeDetector, ChangeDetectorDefinition, Lexer, Parser, Locals, ProtoChangeDetector } from 'angular2/change_detection'; import {getDefinition} from './simple_watch_config'; import {getFactoryById} from './generated/simple_watch_classes'; const _DEFAULT_CONTEXT = CONST_EXPR(new Object()); export function main() { // These tests also run against pre-generated Dart Change Detectors. We will move tests up from // the loop below as they are converted. ListWrapper.forEach(['dynamic', 'JIT', 'Pregen'], (cdType) => { if (cdType == "JIT" && IS_DARTIUM) return; if (cdType == "Pregen" && !IS_DARTIUM) return; describe(`${cdType} Change Detector`, () => { function _getProtoChangeDetector(def: ChangeDetectorDefinition, registry = null) { switch (cdType) { case 'dynamic': return new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(registry, def); case 'JIT': return new JitProtoChangeDetector(registry, def); case 'Pregen': return getFactoryById(, def); default: return null; } } function _createWithoutHydrate(expression: string) { var dispatcher = new TestDispatcher(); var registry = null; var cd = _getProtoChangeDetector(getDefinition(expression).cdDef, registry).instantiate(dispatcher); return new _ChangeDetectorAndDispatcher(cd, dispatcher); } function _createChangeDetector(expression: string, context = _DEFAULT_CONTEXT, registry = null) { var dispatcher = new TestDispatcher(); var testDef = getDefinition(expression); var protoCd = _getProtoChangeDetector(testDef.cdDef, registry); var cd = protoCd.instantiate(dispatcher); cd.hydrate(context, testDef.locals, null); return new _ChangeDetectorAndDispatcher(cd, dispatcher); } function _bindSimpleValue(expression: string, context = _DEFAULT_CONTEXT) { var val = _createChangeDetector(expression, context); val.changeDetector.detectChanges(); return val.dispatcher.log; } it('should support literals', () => { expect(_bindSimpleValue('10')).toEqual(['propName=10']); }); it('should strip quotes from literals', () => { expect(_bindSimpleValue('"str"')).toEqual(['propName=str']); }); it('should support newlines in literals', () => { expect(_bindSimpleValue('"a\n\nb"')).toEqual(['propName=a\n\nb']); }); it('should support + operations', () => { expect(_bindSimpleValue('10 + 2')).toEqual(['propName=12']); }); it('should support - operations', () => { expect(_bindSimpleValue('10 - 2')).toEqual(['propName=8']); }); it('should support * operations', () => { expect(_bindSimpleValue('10 * 2')).toEqual(['propName=20']); }); it('should support / operations', () => { expect(_bindSimpleValue('10 / 2')).toEqual([`propName=${5.0}`]); }); // dart exp=5.0, js exp=5 it('should support % operations', () => { expect(_bindSimpleValue('11 % 2')).toEqual(['propName=1']); }); it('should support == operations on identical', () => { expect(_bindSimpleValue('1 == 1')).toEqual(['propName=true']); }); it('should support != operations', () => { expect(_bindSimpleValue('1 != 1')).toEqual(['propName=false']); }); it('should support == operations on coerceible', () => { var expectedValue = IS_DARTIUM ? 'false' : 'true'; expect(_bindSimpleValue('1 == true')).toEqual([`propName=${expectedValue}`]); }); it('should support === operations on identical', () => { expect(_bindSimpleValue('1 === 1')).toEqual(['propName=true']); }); it('should support !== operations', () => { expect(_bindSimpleValue('1 !== 1')).toEqual(['propName=false']); }); it('should support === operations on coerceible', () => { expect(_bindSimpleValue('1 === true')).toEqual(['propName=false']); }); it('should support true < operations', () => { expect(_bindSimpleValue('1 < 2')).toEqual(['propName=true']); }); it('should support false < operations', () => { expect(_bindSimpleValue('2 < 1')).toEqual(['propName=false']); }); it('should support false > operations', () => { expect(_bindSimpleValue('1 > 2')).toEqual(['propName=false']); }); it('should support true > operations', () => { expect(_bindSimpleValue('2 > 1')).toEqual(['propName=true']); }); it('should support true <= operations', () => { expect(_bindSimpleValue('1 <= 2')).toEqual(['propName=true']); }); it('should support equal <= operations', () => { expect(_bindSimpleValue('2 <= 2')).toEqual(['propName=true']); }); it('should support false <= operations', () => { expect(_bindSimpleValue('2 <= 1')).toEqual(['propName=false']); }); it('should support true >= operations', () => { expect(_bindSimpleValue('2 >= 1')).toEqual(['propName=true']); }); it('should support equal >= operations', () => { expect(_bindSimpleValue('2 >= 2')).toEqual(['propName=true']); }); it('should support false >= operations', () => { expect(_bindSimpleValue('1 >= 2')).toEqual(['propName=false']); }); it('should support true && operations', () => { expect(_bindSimpleValue('true && true')).toEqual(['propName=true']); }); it('should support false && operations', () => { expect(_bindSimpleValue('true && false')).toEqual(['propName=false']); }); it('should support true || operations', () => { expect(_bindSimpleValue('true || false')).toEqual(['propName=true']); }); it('should support false || operations', () => { expect(_bindSimpleValue('false || false')).toEqual(['propName=false']); }); it('should support negate', () => { expect(_bindSimpleValue('!true')).toEqual(['propName=false']); }); it('should support double negate', () => { expect(_bindSimpleValue('!!true')).toEqual(['propName=true']); }); it('should support true conditionals', () => { expect(_bindSimpleValue('1 < 2 ? 1 : 2')).toEqual(['propName=1']); }); it('should support false conditionals', () => { expect(_bindSimpleValue('1 > 2 ? 1 : 2')).toEqual(['propName=2']); }); it('should support keyed access to a list item', () => { expect(_bindSimpleValue('["foo", "bar"][0]')).toEqual(['propName=foo']); }); it('should support keyed access to a map item', () => { expect(_bindSimpleValue('{"foo": "bar"}["foo"]')).toEqual(['propName=bar']); }); it('should report all changes on the first run including uninitialized values', () => { expect(_bindSimpleValue('value', new Uninitialized())).toEqual(['propName=null']); }); it('should report all changes on the first run including null values', () => { var td = new TestData(null); expect(_bindSimpleValue('a', td)).toEqual(['propName=null']); }); it('should support simple chained property access', () => { var address = new Address('Grenoble'); var person = new Person('Victor', address); expect(_bindSimpleValue('', person)).toEqual(['propName=Grenoble']); }); it('should support the safe navigation operator', () => { var person = new Person('Victor', null); expect(_bindSimpleValue('address?.city', person)).toEqual(['propName=null']); expect(_bindSimpleValue('address?.toString()', person)).toEqual(['propName=null']); person.address = new Address('MTV'); expect(_bindSimpleValue('address?.city', person)).toEqual(['propName=MTV']); expect(_bindSimpleValue('address?.toString()', person)).toEqual(['propName=MTV']); }); it('should support method calls', () => { var person = new Person('Victor'); expect(_bindSimpleValue('sayHi("Jim")', person)).toEqual(['propName=Hi, Jim']); }); it('should support function calls', () => { var td = new TestData(() => (a) => a); expect(_bindSimpleValue('a()(99)', td)).toEqual(['propName=99']); }); it('should support chained method calls', () => { var person = new Person('Victor'); var td = new TestData(person); expect(_bindSimpleValue('a.sayHi("Jim")', td)).toEqual(['propName=Hi, Jim']); }); it('should do simple watching', () => { var person = new Person('misko'); var val = _createChangeDetector('name', person); val.changeDetector.detectChanges(); expect(val.dispatcher.log).toEqual(['propName=misko']); val.dispatcher.clear(); val.changeDetector.detectChanges(); expect(val.dispatcher.log).toEqual([]); val.dispatcher.clear(); = 'Misko'; val.changeDetector.detectChanges(); expect(val.dispatcher.log).toEqual(['propName=Misko']); }); it('should support literal array', () => { var val = _createChangeDetector('[1, 2]'); val.changeDetector.detectChanges(); expect(val.dispatcher.loggedValues).toEqual([[1, 2]]); val = _createChangeDetector('[1, a]', new TestData(2)); val.changeDetector.detectChanges(); expect(val.dispatcher.loggedValues).toEqual([[1, 2]]); }); it('should support literal maps', () => { var val = _createChangeDetector('{z: 1}'); val.changeDetector.detectChanges(); expect(val.dispatcher.loggedValues[0]['z']).toEqual(1); val = _createChangeDetector('{z: a}', new TestData(1)); val.changeDetector.detectChanges(); expect(val.dispatcher.loggedValues[0]['z']).toEqual(1); }); it('should support interpolation', () => { var val = _createChangeDetector('interpolation', new TestData('value')); val.changeDetector.hydrate(new TestData('value'), null, null); val.changeDetector.detectChanges(); expect(val.dispatcher.log).toEqual(['propName=BvalueA']); }); describe('change notification', () => { describe('simple checks', () => { it('should pass a change record to the dispatcher', () => { var person = new Person('bob'); var val = _createChangeDetector('name', person); val.changeDetector.detectChanges(); expect(val.dispatcher.loggedValues).toEqual(['bob']); }); }); describe('pipes', () => { it('should pass a change record to the dispatcher', () => { var registry = new FakePipeRegistry('pipe', () => new CountingPipe()); var person = new Person('bob'); var val = _createChangeDetector('name | pipe', person, registry); val.changeDetector.detectChanges(); expect(val.dispatcher.loggedValues).toEqual(['bob state:0']); }); }); describe('updating directives', () => { var directive1; var directive2; beforeEach(() => { directive1 = new TestDirective(); directive2 = new TestDirective(); }); it('should happen directly, without invoking the dispatcher', () => { var val = _createWithoutHydrate('directNoDispatcher'); val.changeDetector.hydrate(_DEFAULT_CONTEXT, null, new FakeDirectives([directive1], [])); val.changeDetector.detectChanges(); expect(val.dispatcher.loggedValues).toEqual([]); expect(directive1.a).toEqual(42); }); describe('onChange', () => { it('should notify the directive when a group of records changes', () => { var cd = _createWithoutHydrate('groupChanges').changeDetector; cd.hydrate(_DEFAULT_CONTEXT, null, new FakeDirectives([directive1, directive2], [])); cd.detectChanges(); expect(directive1.changes).toEqual({'a': 1, 'b': 2}); expect(directive2.changes).toEqual({'a': 3}); }); }); describe('onCheck', () => { it('should notify the directive when it is checked', () => { var cd = _createWithoutHydrate('directiveOnCheck').changeDetector; cd.hydrate(_DEFAULT_CONTEXT, null, new FakeDirectives([directive1], [])); cd.detectChanges(); expect(directive1.onCheckCalled).toBe(true); directive1.onCheckCalled = false; cd.detectChanges(); expect(directive1.onCheckCalled).toBe(true); }); it('should not call onCheck in detectNoChanges', () => { var cd = _createWithoutHydrate('directiveOnCheck').changeDetector; cd.hydrate(_DEFAULT_CONTEXT, null, new FakeDirectives([directive1], [])); cd.checkNoChanges(); expect(directive1.onCheckCalled).toBe(false); }); }); describe('onInit', () => { it('should notify the directive after it has been checked the first time', () => { var cd = _createWithoutHydrate('directiveOnInit').changeDetector; cd.hydrate(_DEFAULT_CONTEXT, null, new FakeDirectives([directive1], [])); cd.detectChanges(); expect(directive1.onInitCalled).toBe(true); directive1.onInitCalled = false; cd.detectChanges(); expect(directive1.onInitCalled).toBe(false); }); it('should not call onInit in detectNoChanges', () => { var cd = _createWithoutHydrate('directiveOnInit').changeDetector; cd.hydrate(_DEFAULT_CONTEXT, null, new FakeDirectives([directive1], [])); cd.checkNoChanges(); expect(directive1.onInitCalled).toBe(false); }); }); describe('onAllChangesDone', () => { it('should be called after processing all the children', () => { var cd = _createWithoutHydrate('emptyWithDirectiveRecords').changeDetector; cd.hydrate(_DEFAULT_CONTEXT, null, new FakeDirectives([directive1, directive2], [])); cd.detectChanges(); expect(directive1.onChangesDoneCalled).toBe(true); expect(directive2.onChangesDoneCalled).toBe(true); // reset directives directive1.onChangesDoneCalled = false; directive2.onChangesDoneCalled = false; // Verify that checking should not call them. cd.checkNoChanges(); expect(directive1.onChangesDoneCalled).toBe(false); expect(directive2.onChangesDoneCalled).toBe(false); // re-verify that changes are still detected cd.detectChanges(); expect(directive1.onChangesDoneCalled).toBe(true); expect(directive2.onChangesDoneCalled).toBe(true); }); it('should not be called when onAllChangesDone is false', () => { var cd = _createWithoutHydrate('noCallbacks').changeDetector; cd.hydrate(_DEFAULT_CONTEXT, null, new FakeDirectives([directive1], [])); cd.detectChanges(); expect(directive1.onChangesDoneCalled).toEqual(false); }); it('should be called in reverse order so the child is always notified before the parent', () => { var cd = _createWithoutHydrate('emptyWithDirectiveRecords').changeDetector; var onChangesDoneCalls = []; var td1; td1 = new TestDirective(() => ListWrapper.push(onChangesDoneCalls, td1)); var td2; td2 = new TestDirective(() => ListWrapper.push(onChangesDoneCalls, td2)); cd.hydrate(_DEFAULT_CONTEXT, null, new FakeDirectives([td1, td2], [])); cd.detectChanges(); expect(onChangesDoneCalls).toEqual([td2, td1]); }); it('should be called before processing shadow dom children', () => { var parent = _createWithoutHydrate('directNoDispatcher').changeDetector; var child = _createWithoutHydrate('directNoDispatcher').changeDetector; parent.addShadowDomChild(child); var orderOfOperations = []; var directiveInShadowDom = null; directiveInShadowDom = new TestDirective(() => { ListWrapper.push(orderOfOperations, directiveInShadowDom); }); var parentDirective = null; parentDirective = new TestDirective(() => { ListWrapper.push(orderOfOperations, parentDirective); }); parent.hydrate(_DEFAULT_CONTEXT, null, new FakeDirectives([parentDirective], [])); child.hydrate(_DEFAULT_CONTEXT, null, new FakeDirectives([directiveInShadowDom], [])); parent.detectChanges(); expect(orderOfOperations).toEqual([parentDirective, directiveInShadowDom]); }); }); }); }); describe('reading directives', () => { it('should read directive properties', () => { var directive = new TestDirective(); directive.a = 'aaa'; var val = _createWithoutHydrate('readingDirectives'); val.changeDetector.hydrate(_DEFAULT_CONTEXT, null, new FakeDirectives([directive], [])); val.changeDetector.detectChanges(); expect(val.dispatcher.loggedValues).toEqual(['aaa']); }); }); describe('enforce no new changes', () => { it('should throw when a record gets changed after it has been checked', () => { var val = _createChangeDetector('a', new TestData('value')); expect(() => { val.changeDetector.checkNoChanges(); }) .toThrowError(new RegExp( 'Expression [\'"]a in location[\'"] has changed after it was checked')); }); it('should not break the next run', () => { var val = _createChangeDetector('a', new TestData('value')); expect(() => val.changeDetector.checkNoChanges()) .toThrowError(new RegExp( 'Expression [\'"]a in location[\'"] has changed after it was checked.')); val.changeDetector.detectChanges(); expect(val.dispatcher.loggedValues).toEqual(['value']); }); }); // TODO vsavkin: implement it describe('error handling', () => { xit('should wrap exceptions into ChangeDetectionError', () => { var val = _createChangeDetector('invalidProp'); try { val.changeDetector.detectChanges(); throw new BaseException('fail'); } catch (e) { expect(e).toBeAnInstanceOf(ChangeDetectionError); expect(e.location).toEqual('invalidProp in someComponent'); } }); }); describe('Locals', () => { it('should read a value from locals', () => { expect(_bindSimpleValue('valueFromLocals')).toEqual(['propName=value']); }); it('should invoke a function from local', () => { expect(_bindSimpleValue('functionFromLocals')).toEqual(['propName=value']); }); it('should handle nested locals', () => { expect(_bindSimpleValue('nestedLocals')).toEqual(['propName=value']); }); it('should fall back to a regular field read when the locals map' + 'does not have the requested field', () => { expect(_bindSimpleValue('fallbackLocals', new Person('Jim'))) .toEqual(['propName=Jim']); }); it('should correctly handle nested properties', () => { var address = new Address('Grenoble'); var person = new Person('Victor', address); expect(_bindSimpleValue('contextNestedPropertyWithLocals', person)) .toEqual(['propName=Grenoble']); expect(_bindSimpleValue('localPropertyWithSimilarContext', person)) .toEqual(['propName=MTV']); }); }); describe('handle children', () => { var parent, child; beforeEach(() => { parent = _createChangeDetector('10').changeDetector; child = _createChangeDetector('"str"').changeDetector; }); it('should add light dom children', () => { parent.addChild(child); expect(parent.lightDomChildren.length).toEqual(1); expect(parent.lightDomChildren[0]).toBe(child); }); it('should add shadow dom children', () => { parent.addShadowDomChild(child); expect(parent.shadowDomChildren.length).toEqual(1); expect(parent.shadowDomChildren[0]).toBe(child); }); it('should remove light dom children', () => { parent.addChild(child); parent.removeChild(child); expect(parent.lightDomChildren).toEqual([]); }); it('should remove shadow dom children', () => { parent.addShadowDomChild(child); parent.removeShadowDomChild(child); expect(parent.shadowDomChildren.length).toEqual(0); }); }); describe('mode', () => { it('should set the mode to CHECK_ALWAYS when the default change detection is used', () => { var cd = _createWithoutHydrate('emptyUsingDefaultStrategy').changeDetector; expect(cd.mode).toEqual(null); cd.hydrate(_DEFAULT_CONTEXT, null, null); expect(cd.mode).toEqual(CHECK_ALWAYS); }); it('should set the mode to CHECK_ONCE when the push change detection is used', () => { var cd = _createWithoutHydrate('emptyUsingOnPushStrategy').changeDetector; cd.hydrate(_DEFAULT_CONTEXT, null, null); expect(cd.mode).toEqual(CHECK_ONCE); }); it('should not check a detached change detector', () => { var val = _createChangeDetector('a', new TestData('value')); val.changeDetector.hydrate(_DEFAULT_CONTEXT, null, null); val.changeDetector.mode = DETACHED; val.changeDetector.detectChanges(); expect(val.dispatcher.log).toEqual([]); }); it('should not check a checked change detector', () => { var val = _createChangeDetector('a', new TestData('value')); val.changeDetector.hydrate(_DEFAULT_CONTEXT, null, null); val.changeDetector.mode = CHECKED; val.changeDetector.detectChanges(); expect(val.dispatcher.log).toEqual([]); }); it('should change CHECK_ONCE to CHECKED', () => { var cd = _createChangeDetector('10').changeDetector; cd.hydrate(_DEFAULT_CONTEXT, null, null); cd.mode = CHECK_ONCE; cd.detectChanges(); expect(cd.mode).toEqual(CHECKED); }); it('should not change the CHECK_ALWAYS', () => { var cd = _createChangeDetector('10').changeDetector; cd.hydrate(_DEFAULT_CONTEXT, null, null); cd.mode = CHECK_ALWAYS; cd.detectChanges(); expect(cd.mode).toEqual(CHECK_ALWAYS); }); describe('marking ON_PUSH detectors as CHECK_ONCE after an update', () => { var checkedDetector; var directives; beforeEach(() => { checkedDetector = _createWithoutHydrate('emptyUsingOnPushStrategy').changeDetector; checkedDetector.hydrate(_DEFAULT_CONTEXT, null, null); checkedDetector.mode = CHECKED; var targetDirective = new TestData(null); directives = new FakeDirectives([targetDirective], [checkedDetector]); }); it('should set the mode to CHECK_ONCE when a binding is updated', () => { var cd = _createWithoutHydrate('onPushRecordsUsingDefaultStrategy').changeDetector; cd.hydrate(_DEFAULT_CONTEXT, null, directives); expect(checkedDetector.mode).toEqual(CHECKED); // evaluate the record, update the targetDirective, and mark its detector as // CHECK_ONCE cd.detectChanges(); expect(checkedDetector.mode).toEqual(CHECK_ONCE); }); }); }); describe('markPathToRootAsCheckOnce', () => { function changeDetector(mode, parent) { var val = _createChangeDetector('10'); val.changeDetector.mode = mode; if (isPresent(parent)) parent.addChild(val.changeDetector); return val.changeDetector; } it('should mark all checked detectors as CHECK_ONCE until reaching a detached one', () => { var root = changeDetector(CHECK_ALWAYS, null); var disabled = changeDetector(DETACHED, root); var parent = changeDetector(CHECKED, disabled); var checkAlwaysChild = changeDetector(CHECK_ALWAYS, parent); var checkOnceChild = changeDetector(CHECK_ONCE, checkAlwaysChild); var checkedChild = changeDetector(CHECKED, checkOnceChild); checkedChild.markPathToRootAsCheckOnce(); expect(root.mode).toEqual(CHECK_ALWAYS); expect(disabled.mode).toEqual(DETACHED); expect(parent.mode).toEqual(CHECK_ONCE); expect(checkAlwaysChild.mode).toEqual(CHECK_ALWAYS); expect(checkOnceChild.mode).toEqual(CHECK_ONCE); expect(checkedChild.mode).toEqual(CHECK_ONCE); }); }); describe('hydration', () => { it('should be able to rehydrate a change detector', () => { var cd = _createChangeDetector('name').changeDetector; cd.hydrate('some context', null, null); expect(cd.hydrated()).toBe(true); cd.dehydrate(); expect(cd.hydrated()).toBe(false); cd.hydrate('other context', null, null); expect(cd.hydrated()).toBe(true); }); it('should destroy all active pipes during dehyration', () => { var pipe = new OncePipe(); var registry = new FakePipeRegistry('pipe', () => pipe); var cd = _createChangeDetector('name | pipe', new Person('bob'), registry).changeDetector; cd.detectChanges(); cd.dehydrate(); expect(pipe.destroyCalled).toBe(true); }); it('should throw when detectChanges is called on a dehydrated detector', () => { var context = new Person('Bob'); var val = _createChangeDetector('name', context); val.changeDetector.detectChanges(); expect(val.dispatcher.log).toEqual(['propName=Bob']); val.changeDetector.dehydrate(); var dehydratedException = new DehydratedException(); expect(() => {val.changeDetector.detectChanges()}) .toThrowError(dehydratedException.toString()); expect(val.dispatcher.log).toEqual(['propName=Bob']); }); }); describe('pipes', () => { it('should support pipes', () => { var registry = new FakePipeRegistry('pipe', () => new CountingPipe()); var ctx = new Person('Megatron'); var val = _createChangeDetector('name | pipe', ctx, registry); val.changeDetector.detectChanges(); expect(val.dispatcher.log).toEqual(['propName=Megatron state:0']); val.dispatcher.clear(); val.changeDetector.detectChanges(); expect(val.dispatcher.log).toEqual(['propName=Megatron state:1']); }); it('should lookup pipes in the registry when the context is not supported', () => { var registry = new FakePipeRegistry('pipe', () => new OncePipe()); var ctx = new Person('Megatron'); var cd = _createChangeDetector('name | pipe', ctx, registry).changeDetector; cd.detectChanges(); expect(registry.numberOfLookups).toEqual(1); = 'Optimus Prime'; cd.detectChanges(); expect(registry.numberOfLookups).toEqual(2); }); it('should invoke onDestroy on a pipe before switching to another one', () => { var pipe = new OncePipe(); var registry = new FakePipeRegistry('pipe', () => pipe); var ctx = new Person('Megatron'); var cd = _createChangeDetector('name | pipe', ctx, registry).changeDetector; cd.detectChanges(); = 'Optimus Prime'; cd.detectChanges(); expect(pipe.destroyCalled).toEqual(true); }); it('should inject the ChangeDetectorRef ' + 'of the encompassing component into a pipe', () => { var registry = new FakePipeRegistry('pipe', () => new IdentityPipe()); var cd = _createChangeDetector('name | pipe', new Person('bob'), registry).changeDetector; cd.detectChanges(); expect(registry.cdRef).toBe(cd.ref); }); }); it('should do nothing when no change', () => { var registry = new FakePipeRegistry('pipe', () => new IdentityPipe()); var ctx = new Person('Megatron'); var val = _createChangeDetector('name | pipe', ctx, registry); val.changeDetector.detectChanges(); expect(val.dispatcher.log).toEqual(['propName=Megatron']); val.dispatcher.clear(); val.changeDetector.detectChanges(); expect(val.dispatcher.log).toEqual([]); }); it('should unwrap the wrapped value', () => { var registry = new FakePipeRegistry('pipe', () => new WrappedPipe()); var ctx = new Person('Megatron'); var val = _createChangeDetector('name | pipe', ctx, registry); val.changeDetector.detectChanges(); expect(val.dispatcher.log).toEqual(['propName=Megatron']); }); }); }); } class CountingPipe extends Pipe { state: number; constructor() { super(); this.state = 0; } supports(newValue) { return true; } transform(value) { return `${value} state:${this.state ++}`; } } class OncePipe extends Pipe { called: boolean; destroyCalled: boolean; constructor() { super(); this.called = false; this.destroyCalled = false; } supports(newValue) { return !this.called; } onDestroy() { this.destroyCalled = true; } transform(value) { this.called = true; return value; } } class IdentityPipe extends Pipe { transform(value) { return value; } } class WrappedPipe extends Pipe { transform(value) { return WrappedValue.wrap(value); } } class FakePipeRegistry extends PipeRegistry { numberOfLookups: number; pipeType: string; factory: Function; cdRef: any; constructor(pipeType, factory) { super({}); this.pipeType = pipeType; this.factory = factory; this.numberOfLookups = 0; } get(type: string, obj, cdRef) { if (type != this.pipeType) return null; this.numberOfLookups++; this.cdRef = cdRef; return this.factory(); } } class TestDirective { a; b; changes; onChangesDoneCalled; onChangesDoneSpy; onCheckCalled; onInitCalled; constructor(onChangesDoneSpy = null) { this.onChangesDoneCalled = false; this.onCheckCalled = false; this.onInitCalled = false; this.onChangesDoneSpy = onChangesDoneSpy; this.a = null; this.b = null; this.changes = null; } onCheck() { this.onCheckCalled = true; } onInit() { this.onInitCalled = true; } onChange(changes) { var r = {}; StringMapWrapper.forEach(changes, (c, key) => r[key] = c.currentValue); this.changes = r; } onAllChangesDone() { this.onChangesDoneCalled = true; if (isPresent(this.onChangesDoneSpy)) { this.onChangesDoneSpy(); } } } class Person { age: number; constructor(public name: string, public address: Address = null) {} sayHi(m) { return `Hi, ${m}`; } toString(): string { var address = this.address == null ? '' : ' address=' + this.address.toString(); return 'name=' + + address; } } class Address { constructor(public city: string) {} toString(): string { return isBlank( ? '-' : } } class Uninitialized { value: any; } class TestData { constructor(public a: any) {} } class FakeDirectives { constructor(public directives: List, public detectors: List) {} getDirectiveFor(di: DirectiveIndex) { return this.directives[di.directiveIndex]; } getDetectorFor(di: DirectiveIndex) { return this.detectors[di.directiveIndex]; } } class TestDispatcher extends ChangeDispatcher { log: List; loggedValues: List; constructor() { super(); this.clear(); } clear() { this.log = ListWrapper.create(); this.loggedValues = ListWrapper.create(); } notifyOnBinding(binding, value) { ListWrapper.push(this.log, `${binding.propertyName}=${this._asString(value)}`); ListWrapper.push(this.loggedValues, value); } _asString(value) { return (isBlank(value) ? 'null' : value.toString()); } } class _ChangeDetectorAndDispatcher { constructor(public changeDetector: any, public dispatcher: TestDispatcher) {} }