/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {APP_BASE_HREF} from '@angular/common'; import {ApplicationRef, CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA, Component, NgModule, destroyPlatform} from '@angular/core'; import {inject} from '@angular/core/testing'; import {BrowserModule, DOCUMENT, ɵgetDOM as getDOM} from '@angular/platform-browser'; import {platformBrowserDynamic} from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic'; import {NavigationEnd, Resolve, Router, RouterModule} from '@angular/router'; describe('bootstrap', () => { let log: any[] = []; let testProviders: any[] = null !; @Component({selector: 'test-app', template: 'root '}) class RootCmp { constructor() { log.push('RootCmp'); } } @Component({selector: 'test-app2', template: 'root '}) class SecondRootCmp { } class TestResolver implements Resolve { resolve() { let resolve: any = null; const res = new Promise(r => resolve = r); setTimeout(() => resolve('test-data'), 0); return res; } } beforeEach(inject([DOCUMENT], (doc: any) => { destroyPlatform(); const el1 = getDOM().createElement('test-app', doc); const el2 = getDOM().createElement('test-app2', doc); getDOM().appendChild(doc.body, el1); getDOM().appendChild(doc.body, el2); log = []; testProviders = [{provide: APP_BASE_HREF, useValue: ''}]; })); afterEach(inject([DOCUMENT], (doc: any) => { const oldRoots = getDOM().querySelectorAll(doc, 'test-app,test-app2'); for (let i = 0; i < oldRoots.length; i++) { getDOM().remove(oldRoots[i]); } })); it('should wait for resolvers to complete when initialNavigation = enabled', (done) => { @Component({selector: 'test', template: 'test'}) class TestCmpEnabled { } @NgModule({ imports: [ BrowserModule, RouterModule.forRoot( [{path: '**', component: TestCmpEnabled, resolve: {test: TestResolver}}], {useHash: true, initialNavigation: 'enabled'}) ], declarations: [RootCmp, TestCmpEnabled], bootstrap: [RootCmp], providers: [...testProviders, TestResolver], schemas: [CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA] }) class TestModule { constructor(router: Router) { log.push('TestModule'); router.events.subscribe(e => log.push(e.constructor.name)); } } platformBrowserDynamic([]).bootstrapModule(TestModule).then(res => { const router = res.injector.get(Router); const data = router.routerState.snapshot.root.firstChild !.data; expect(data['test']).toEqual('test-data'); expect(log).toEqual([ 'TestModule', 'NavigationStart', 'RoutesRecognized', 'GuardsCheckStart', 'GuardsCheckEnd', 'ResolveStart', 'ResolveEnd', 'RootCmp', 'NavigationEnd' ]); done(); }); }); it('should NOT wait for resolvers to complete when initialNavigation = legacy_enabled', (done) => { @Component({selector: 'test', template: 'test'}) class TestCmpLegacyEnabled { } @NgModule({ imports: [ BrowserModule, RouterModule.forRoot( [{path: '**', component: TestCmpLegacyEnabled, resolve: {test: TestResolver}}], {useHash: true, initialNavigation: 'legacy_enabled'}) ], declarations: [RootCmp, TestCmpLegacyEnabled], bootstrap: [RootCmp], providers: [...testProviders, TestResolver], schemas: [CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA] }) class TestModule { constructor(router: Router) { log.push('TestModule'); router.events.subscribe(e => log.push(e.constructor.name)); } } platformBrowserDynamic([]).bootstrapModule(TestModule).then(res => { const router = res.injector.get(Router); expect(router.routerState.snapshot.root.firstChild).toBeNull(); // ResolveEnd has not been emitted yet because bootstrap returned too early expect(log).toEqual([ 'TestModule', 'RootCmp', 'NavigationStart', 'RoutesRecognized', 'GuardsCheckStart', 'GuardsCheckEnd', 'ResolveStart' ]); router.events.subscribe((e) => { if (e instanceof NavigationEnd) { done(); } }); }); }); it('should not run navigation when initialNavigation = disabled', (done) => { @Component({selector: 'test', template: 'test'}) class TestCmpDiabled { } @NgModule({ imports: [ BrowserModule, RouterModule.forRoot( [{path: '**', component: TestCmpDiabled, resolve: {test: TestResolver}}], {useHash: true, initialNavigation: 'disabled'}) ], declarations: [RootCmp, TestCmpDiabled], bootstrap: [RootCmp], providers: [...testProviders, TestResolver], schemas: [CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA] }) class TestModule { constructor(router: Router) { log.push('TestModule'); router.events.subscribe(e => log.push(e.constructor.name)); } } platformBrowserDynamic([]).bootstrapModule(TestModule).then(res => { const router = res.injector.get(Router); expect(log).toEqual(['TestModule', 'RootCmp']); done(); }); }); it('should not run navigation when initialNavigation = legacy_disabled', (done) => { @Component({selector: 'test', template: 'test'}) class TestCmpLegacyDisabled { } @NgModule({ imports: [ BrowserModule, RouterModule.forRoot( [{path: '**', component: TestCmpLegacyDisabled, resolve: {test: TestResolver}}], {useHash: true, initialNavigation: 'legacy_disabled'}) ], declarations: [RootCmp, TestCmpLegacyDisabled], bootstrap: [RootCmp], providers: [...testProviders, TestResolver], schemas: [CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA] }) class TestModule { constructor(router: Router) { log.push('TestModule'); router.events.subscribe(e => log.push(e.constructor.name)); } } platformBrowserDynamic([]).bootstrapModule(TestModule).then(res => { const router = res.injector.get(Router); expect(log).toEqual(['TestModule', 'RootCmp']); done(); }); }); it('should not init router navigation listeners if a non root component is bootstrapped', (done) => { @NgModule({ imports: [BrowserModule, RouterModule.forRoot([], {useHash: true})], declarations: [SecondRootCmp, RootCmp], entryComponents: [SecondRootCmp], bootstrap: [RootCmp], providers: testProviders, schemas: [CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA] }) class TestModule { } platformBrowserDynamic([]).bootstrapModule(TestModule).then(res => { const router = res.injector.get(Router); spyOn(router, 'resetRootComponentType').and.callThrough(); const appRef: ApplicationRef = res.injector.get(ApplicationRef); appRef.bootstrap(SecondRootCmp); expect(router.resetRootComponentType).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }); }); it('should reinit router navigation listeners if a previously bootstrapped root component is destroyed', (done) => { @NgModule({ imports: [BrowserModule, RouterModule.forRoot([], {useHash: true})], declarations: [SecondRootCmp, RootCmp], entryComponents: [SecondRootCmp], bootstrap: [RootCmp], providers: testProviders, schemas: [CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA] }) class TestModule { } platformBrowserDynamic([]).bootstrapModule(TestModule).then(res => { const router = res.injector.get(Router); spyOn(router, 'resetRootComponentType').and.callThrough(); const appRef: ApplicationRef = res.injector.get(ApplicationRef); appRef.components[0].onDestroy(() => { appRef.bootstrap(SecondRootCmp); expect(router.resetRootComponentType).toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }); appRef.components[0].destroy(); }); }); });