/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {platform} from 'os'; import * as ts from 'typescript'; import {ErrorCode, ngErrorCode} from '../../src/ngtsc/diagnostics'; import {absoluteFrom} from '../../src/ngtsc/file_system'; import {runInEachFileSystem} from '../../src/ngtsc/file_system/testing'; import {LazyRoute} from '../../src/ngtsc/routing'; import {loadStandardTestFiles} from '../../src/ngtsc/testing'; import {restoreTypeScriptVersionForTesting, setTypeScriptVersionForTesting} from '../../src/typescript_support'; import {NgtscTestEnvironment} from './env'; const trim = (input: string): string => input.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim(); const varRegExp = (name: string): RegExp => new RegExp(`var \\w+ = \\[\"${name}\"\\];`); const viewQueryRegExp = (predicate: string, flags: number, ref?: string): RegExp => { const maybeRef = ref ? `, ${ref}` : ``; return new RegExp(`i0\\.ɵɵviewQuery\\(${predicate}, ${flags}${maybeRef}\\)`); }; const contentQueryRegExp = (predicate: string, flags: number, ref?: string): RegExp => { const maybeRef = ref ? `, ${ref}` : ``; return new RegExp(`i0\\.ɵɵcontentQuery\\(dirIndex, ${predicate}, ${flags}${maybeRef}\\)`); }; const setClassMetadataRegExp = (expectedType: string): RegExp => new RegExp(`setClassMetadata(.*?${expectedType}.*?)`); const testFiles = loadStandardTestFiles(); function getDiagnosticSourceCode(diag: ts.Diagnostic): string { return diag.file!.text.substr(diag.start!, diag.length!); } runInEachFileSystem(os => { describe('ngtsc behavioral tests', () => { let env!: NgtscTestEnvironment; beforeEach(() => { env = NgtscTestEnvironment.setup(testFiles); env.tsconfig(); }); it('should compile Injectables without errors', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Injectable} from '@angular/core'; @Injectable() export class Dep {} @Injectable() export class Service { constructor(dep: Dep) {} } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('Dep.ɵprov ='); expect(jsContents).toContain('Service.ɵprov ='); expect(jsContents).not.toContain('__decorate'); const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts'); expect(dtsContents).toContain('static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDef;'); expect(dtsContents).toContain('static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDef;'); expect(dtsContents).toContain('static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDef;'); expect(dtsContents).toContain('static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDef;'); }); it('should compile Injectables with a generic service', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Injectable} from '@angular/core'; @Injectable() export class Store {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('Store.ɵprov ='); const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts'); expect(dtsContents).toContain('static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDef, never>;'); expect(dtsContents).toContain('static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDef>;'); }); it('should compile Injectables with providedIn without errors', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Injectable} from '@angular/core'; @Injectable() export class Dep {} @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class Service { constructor(dep: Dep) {} } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('Dep.ɵprov ='); expect(jsContents).toContain('Service.ɵprov ='); expect(jsContents) .toContain( 'Service.ɵfac = function Service_Factory(t) { return new (t || Service)(i0.ɵɵinject(Dep)); };'); expect(jsContents).toContain('providedIn: \'root\' })'); expect(jsContents).not.toContain('__decorate'); const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts'); expect(dtsContents).toContain('static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDef;'); expect(dtsContents).toContain('static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDef;'); expect(dtsContents).toContain('static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDef;'); expect(dtsContents).toContain('static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDef;'); }); it('should compile Injectables with providedIn and factory without errors', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Injectable} from '@angular/core'; @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root', useFactory: () => new Service() }) export class Service { constructor() {} } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('Service.ɵprov ='); expect(jsContents) .toContain('factory: function () { return (function () { return new Service(); })(); }'); expect(jsContents).toContain('Service_Factory(t) { return new (t || Service)(); }'); expect(jsContents).toContain(', providedIn: \'root\' });'); expect(jsContents).not.toContain('__decorate'); const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts'); expect(dtsContents).toContain('static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDef;'); expect(dtsContents).toContain('static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDef;'); }); it('should compile Injectables with providedIn and factory with deps without errors', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Injectable} from '@angular/core'; @Injectable() export class Dep {} @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root', useFactory: (dep: Dep) => new Service(dep), deps: [Dep] }) export class Service { constructor(dep: Dep) {} } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('Service.ɵprov ='); expect(jsContents).toContain('factory: function Service_Factory(t) { var r = null; if (t) {'); expect(jsContents).toContain('return new (t || Service)(i0.ɵɵinject(Dep));'); expect(jsContents) .toContain('r = (function (dep) { return new Service(dep); })(i0.ɵɵinject(Dep));'); expect(jsContents).toContain('return r; }, providedIn: \'root\' });'); expect(jsContents).not.toContain('__decorate'); const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts'); expect(dtsContents).toContain('static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDef;'); expect(dtsContents).toContain('static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDef;'); }); it('should compile @Injectable with an @Optional dependency', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Injectable, Optional as Opt} from '@angular/core'; @Injectable() class Dep {} @Injectable() class Service { constructor(@Opt() dep: Dep) {} } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('inject(Dep, 8)'); }); it('should compile @Injectable with constructor overloads', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Injectable, Optional} from '@angular/core'; @Injectable() class Dep {} @Injectable() class OptionalDep {} @Injectable() class Service { constructor(dep: Dep); constructor(dep: Dep, @Optional() optionalDep?: OptionalDep) {} } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents) .toContain( `Service.ɵfac = function Service_Factory(t) { ` + `return new (t || Service)(i0.ɵɵinject(Dep), i0.ɵɵinject(OptionalDep, 8)); };`); }); it('should compile Directives without errors', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Directive} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({selector: '[dir]'}) export class TestDir {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('TestDir.ɵdir = i0.ɵɵdefineDirective'); expect(jsContents).toContain('TestDir.ɵfac = function'); expect(jsContents).not.toContain('__decorate'); const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts'); expect(dtsContents) .toContain( 'static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta'); expect(dtsContents).toContain('static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDef'); }); it('should compile abstract Directives without errors', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Directive} from '@angular/core'; @Directive() export class TestDir {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('TestDir.ɵdir = i0.ɵɵdefineDirective'); expect(jsContents).toContain('TestDir.ɵfac = function'); expect(jsContents).not.toContain('__decorate'); const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts'); expect(dtsContents) .toContain( 'static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta'); expect(dtsContents).toContain('static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDef'); }); it('should compile Components (inline template) without errors', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', template: 'this is a test', }) export class TestCmp {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('TestCmp.ɵcmp = i0.ɵɵdefineComponent'); expect(jsContents).toContain('TestCmp.ɵfac = function'); expect(jsContents).not.toContain('__decorate'); const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts'); expect(dtsContents) .toContain( 'static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDefWithMeta'); expect(dtsContents).toContain('static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDef'); }); it('should compile Components (dynamic inline template) without errors', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', template: 'this is ' + 'a test', }) export class TestCmp {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('TestCmp.ɵcmp = i0.ɵɵdefineComponent'); expect(jsContents).toContain('TestCmp.ɵfac = function'); expect(jsContents).not.toContain('__decorate'); const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts'); expect(dtsContents) .toContain( 'static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDefWithMeta' + ''); expect(dtsContents).toContain('static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDef'); }); it('should compile Components (function call inline template) without errors', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; function getTemplate() { return 'this is a test'; } @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', template: getTemplate(), }) export class TestCmp {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('TestCmp.ɵcmp = i0.ɵɵdefineComponent'); expect(jsContents).toContain('TestCmp.ɵfac = function'); expect(jsContents).not.toContain('__decorate'); const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts'); expect(dtsContents) .toContain( 'static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDefWithMeta'); expect(dtsContents).toContain('static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDef'); }); it('should compile Components (external template) without errors', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', templateUrl: './dir/test.html', }) export class TestCmp {} `); env.write('dir/test.html', '

Hello World

'); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('Hello World'); }); it('should not report that broken components in modules are not components', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'broken-cmp', template: '{{ broken = "true" }}', // assignment not legal in this context }) export class BrokenCmp {} @NgModule({ declarations: [BrokenCmp], }) export class Module { broken = "false"; } `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); if (diags.some(diag => diag.code === ngErrorCode(ErrorCode.NGMODULE_INVALID_DECLARATION))) { fail('Should not produce a diagnostic that BrokenCmp is not a component'); } }); // This test triggers the Tsickle compiler which asserts that the file-paths // are valid for the real OS. When on non-Windows systems it doesn't like paths // that start with `C:`. if (os !== 'Windows' || platform() === 'win32') { describe('when closure annotations are requested', () => { it('should add @nocollapse to static fields', () => { env.tsconfig({ 'annotateForClosureCompiler': true, }); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', templateUrl: './dir/test.html', }) export class TestCmp {} `); env.write('dir/test.html', '

Hello World

'); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('/** @nocollapse */ TestCmp.ɵcmp'); }); it('should still perform schema checks in embedded views', () => { env.tsconfig({ 'fullTemplateTypeCheck': false, 'annotateForClosureCompiler': true, }); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, Directive, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', template: \` Has a directive, should be okay Should trigger a schema error \` }) export class TestCmp {} @Directive({ selector: 'some-dir', }) export class TestDir {} @NgModule({ declarations: [TestCmp, TestDir], }) export class TestModule {} `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(1); expect(diags[0].code).toBe(ngErrorCode(ErrorCode.SCHEMA_INVALID_ELEMENT)); expect(ts.flattenDiagnosticMessageText(diags[0].messageText, '\n')) .toContain('not-a-cmp'); }); /** * The following set of tests verify that after Tsickle run we do not have cases * which trigger automatic semicolon insertion, which breaks the code. In order * to avoid the problem, we wrap all function expressions in certain fields * ("providers" and "viewProviders") in parentheses. More info on Tsickle * processing related to this case can be found here: * https://github.com/angular/tsickle/blob/d7974262571c8a17d684e5ba07680e1b1993afdd/src/jsdoc_transformer.ts#L1021 */ describe('wrap functions in certain fields in parentheses', () => { const providers = ` [{ provide: 'token-a', useFactory: (service: Service) => { return () => service.id; } }, { provide: 'token-b', useFactory: function(service: Service) { return function() { return service.id; } } }] `; const service = ` export class Service { id: string = 'service-id'; } `; const verifyOutput = (jsContents: string) => { // verify that there is no pattern that triggers automatic semicolon // insertion by checking that there are no return statements not wrapped in // parentheses expect(trim(jsContents)).not.toContain(trim(` return /** * @return {?} */ `)); expect(trim(jsContents)).toContain(trim(` [{ provide: 'token-a', useFactory: (function (service) { return (/** * @return {?} */ function () { return service.id; }); }) }, { provide: 'token-b', useFactory: (function (service) { return (/** * @return {?} */ function () { return service.id; }); }) }] `)); }; it('should wrap functions in "providers" list in NgModule', () => { env.tsconfig({ 'annotateForClosureCompiler': true, }); env.write('service.ts', service); env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {Service} from './service'; @NgModule({ providers: ${providers} }) export class SomeModule {} `); env.driveMain(); verifyOutput(env.getContents('test.js')); }); it('should wrap functions in "providers" list in Component', () => { env.tsconfig({ 'annotateForClosureCompiler': true, }); env.write('service.ts', service); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; import {Service} from './service'; @Component({ template: '...', providers: ${providers} }) export class SomeComponent {} `); env.driveMain(); verifyOutput(env.getContents('test.js')); }); it('should wrap functions in "viewProviders" list in Component', () => { env.tsconfig({ 'annotateForClosureCompiler': true, }); env.write('service.ts', service); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; import {Service} from './service'; @Component({ template: '...', viewProviders: ${providers} }) export class SomeComponent {} `); env.driveMain(); verifyOutput(env.getContents('test.js')); }); it('should wrap functions in "providers" list in Directive', () => { env.tsconfig({ 'annotateForClosureCompiler': true, }); env.write('service.ts', service); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Directive} from '@angular/core'; import {Service} from './service'; @Directive({ providers: ${providers} }) export class SomeDirective {} `); env.driveMain(); verifyOutput(env.getContents('test.js')); }); }); }); } it('should recognize aliased decorators', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import { Component as AngularComponent, Directive as AngularDirective, Pipe as AngularPipe, Injectable as AngularInjectable, NgModule as AngularNgModule, Input as AngularInput, Output as AngularOutput } from '@angular/core'; @AngularDirective() export class TestBase { @AngularInput() input: any; @AngularOutput() output: any; } @AngularComponent({ selector: 'test-component', template: '...' }) export class TestComponent { @AngularInput() input: any; @AngularOutput() output: any; } @AngularDirective({ selector: 'test-directive' }) export class TestDirective {} @AngularPipe({ name: 'test-pipe' }) export class TestPipe {} @AngularInjectable({}) export class TestInjectable {} @AngularNgModule({ declarations: [ TestComponent, TestDirective, TestPipe ], exports: [ TestComponent, TestDirective, TestPipe ] }) class MyModule {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('TestBase.ɵdir = i0.ɵɵdefineDirective'); expect(jsContents).toContain('TestComponent.ɵcmp = i0.ɵɵdefineComponent'); expect(jsContents).toContain('TestDirective.ɵdir = i0.ɵɵdefineDirective'); expect(jsContents).toContain('TestPipe.ɵpipe = i0.ɵɵdefinePipe'); expect(jsContents).toContain('TestInjectable.ɵprov = i0.ɵɵdefineInjectable'); expect(jsContents).toContain('MyModule.ɵmod = i0.ɵɵdefineNgModule'); expect(jsContents).toContain('MyModule.ɵinj = i0.ɵɵdefineInjector'); expect(jsContents).toContain('inputs: { input: "input" }'); expect(jsContents).toContain('outputs: { output: "output" }'); }); it('should pick a Pipe defined in `declarations` over imported Pipes', () => { env.tsconfig({}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, Pipe, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; // ModuleA classes @Pipe({name: 'number'}) class PipeA {} @NgModule({ declarations: [PipeA], exports: [PipeA] }) class ModuleA {} // ModuleB classes @Pipe({name: 'number'}) class PipeB {} @Component({ selector: 'app', template: '{{ count | number }}' }) export class App { count = 0; } @NgModule({ imports: [ModuleA], declarations: [PipeB, App], }) class ModuleB {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = trim(env.getContents('test.js')); expect(jsContents).toContain('pipes: [PipeB]'); }); it('should respect imported module order when selecting Pipe (last imported Pipe is used)', () => { env.tsconfig({}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, Pipe, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; // ModuleA classes @Pipe({name: 'number'}) class PipeA {} @NgModule({ declarations: [PipeA], exports: [PipeA] }) class ModuleA {} // ModuleB classes @Pipe({name: 'number'}) class PipeB {} @NgModule({ declarations: [PipeB], exports: [PipeB] }) class ModuleB {} // ModuleC classes @Component({ selector: 'app', template: '{{ count | number }}' }) export class App { count = 0; } @NgModule({ imports: [ModuleA, ModuleB], declarations: [App], }) class ModuleC {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = trim(env.getContents('test.js')); expect(jsContents).toContain('pipes: [PipeB]'); }); it('should add Directives and Components from `declarations` at the end of the list', () => { env.tsconfig({}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, Directive, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; // ModuleA classes @Directive({selector: '[dir]'}) class DirectiveA {} @Component({ selector: 'comp', template: '...' }) class ComponentA {} @NgModule({ declarations: [DirectiveA, ComponentA], exports: [DirectiveA, ComponentA] }) class ModuleA {} // ModuleB classes @Directive({selector: '[dir]'}) class DirectiveB {} @Component({ selector: 'comp', template: '...', }) export class ComponentB {} @Component({ selector: 'app', template: \`
\`, }) export class App {} @NgModule({ imports: [ModuleA], declarations: [DirectiveB, ComponentB, App], }) class ModuleB {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = trim(env.getContents('test.js')); expect(jsContents).toContain('directives: [DirectiveA, DirectiveB, ComponentA, ComponentB]'); }); it('should respect imported module order while processing Directives and Components', () => { env.tsconfig({}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, Directive, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; // ModuleA classes @Directive({selector: '[dir]'}) class DirectiveA {} @Component({ selector: 'comp', template: '...' }) class ComponentA {} @NgModule({ declarations: [DirectiveA, ComponentA], exports: [DirectiveA, ComponentA] }) class ModuleA {} // ModuleB classes @Directive({selector: '[dir]'}) class DirectiveB {} @Component({ selector: 'comp', template: '...' }) class ComponentB {} @NgModule({ declarations: [DirectiveB, ComponentB], exports: [DirectiveB, ComponentB] }) class ModuleB {} // ModuleC classes @Component({ selector: 'app', template: \`
\`, }) export class App {} @NgModule({ imports: [ModuleA, ModuleB], declarations: [App], }) class ModuleC {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = trim(env.getContents('test.js')); expect(jsContents).toContain('directives: [DirectiveA, DirectiveB, ComponentA, ComponentB]'); }); it('should compile Components with a templateUrl in a different rootDir', () => { env.tsconfig({}, ['./extraRootDir']); env.write('extraRootDir/test.html', '

Hello World

'); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', templateUrl: 'test.html', }) export class TestCmp {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('Hello World'); }); it('should compile Components with an absolute templateUrl in a different rootDir', () => { env.tsconfig({}, ['./extraRootDir']); env.write('extraRootDir/test.html', '

Hello World

'); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', templateUrl: '/test.html', }) export class TestCmp {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('Hello World'); }); it('should compile components with styleUrls', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', styleUrls: ['./dir/style.css'], template: '', }) export class TestCmp {} `); env.write('dir/style.css', ':host { background-color: blue; }'); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('background-color: blue'); }); it('should compile components with styleUrls with fallback to .css extension', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', styleUrls: ['./dir/style.scss'], template: '', }) export class TestCmp {} `); env.write('dir/style.css', ':host { background-color: blue; }'); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('background-color: blue'); }); it('should include generic type in directive definition', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Directive, Input, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @Directive() export class TestBase { @Input() input: any; } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents) .toContain('i0.ɵɵdefineDirective({ type: TestBase, inputs: { input: "input" } });'); const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts'); expect(dtsContents) .toContain( `static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta;`); }); describe('undecorated classes using Angular features', () => { it('should error if @Input has been discovered', () => assertErrorUndecoratedClassWithField('Input')); it('should error if @Output has been discovered', () => assertErrorUndecoratedClassWithField('Output')); it('should error if @ViewChild has been discovered', () => assertErrorUndecoratedClassWithField('ViewChild')); it('should error if @ViewChildren has been discovered', () => assertErrorUndecoratedClassWithField('ViewChildren')); it('should error if @ContentChild has been discovered', () => assertErrorUndecoratedClassWithField('ContentChildren')); it('should error if @HostBinding has been discovered', () => assertErrorUndecoratedClassWithField('HostBinding')); it('should error if @HostListener has been discovered', () => assertErrorUndecoratedClassWithField('HostListener')); it(`should error if ngOnChanges lifecycle hook has been discovered`, () => assertErrorUndecoratedClassWithLifecycleHook('ngOnChanges')); it(`should error if ngOnInit lifecycle hook has been discovered`, () => assertErrorUndecoratedClassWithLifecycleHook('ngOnInit')); it(`should error if ngOnDestroy lifecycle hook has been discovered`, () => assertErrorUndecoratedClassWithLifecycleHook('ngOnDestroy')); it(`should error if ngDoCheck lifecycle hook has been discovered`, () => assertErrorUndecoratedClassWithLifecycleHook('ngDoCheck')); it(`should error if ngAfterViewInit lifecycle hook has been discovered`, () => assertErrorUndecoratedClassWithLifecycleHook('ngAfterViewInit')); it(`should error if ngAfterViewChecked lifecycle hook has been discovered`, () => assertErrorUndecoratedClassWithLifecycleHook('ngAfterViewChecked')); it(`should error if ngAfterContentInit lifecycle hook has been discovered`, () => assertErrorUndecoratedClassWithLifecycleHook('ngAfterContentInit')); it(`should error if ngAfterContentChecked lifecycle hook has been discovered`, () => assertErrorUndecoratedClassWithLifecycleHook('ngAfterContentChecked')); function assertErrorUndecoratedClassWithField(fieldDecoratorName: string) { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, ${fieldDecoratorName}, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; export class SomeBaseClass { @${fieldDecoratorName}() someMember: any; } `); const errors = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(errors.length).toBe(1); expect(trim(errors[0].messageText as string)) .toContain( 'Class is using Angular features but is not decorated. Please add an explicit ' + 'Angular decorator.'); } function assertErrorUndecoratedClassWithLifecycleHook(lifecycleName: string) { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; export class SomeBaseClass { ${lifecycleName}() { // empty } } `); const errors = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(errors.length).toBe(1); expect(trim(errors[0].messageText as string)) .toContain( 'Class is using Angular features but is not decorated. Please add an explicit ' + 'Angular decorator.'); } }); it('should compile NgModules without errors', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', template: 'this is a test', }) export class TestCmp {} @NgModule({ declarations: [TestCmp], bootstrap: [TestCmp], }) export class TestModule {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents) .toContain('i0.ɵɵdefineNgModule({ type: TestModule, bootstrap: [TestCmp] });'); expect(jsContents) .toContain( 'function () { (typeof ngJitMode === "undefined" || ngJitMode) && i0.ɵɵsetNgModuleScope(TestModule, { declarations: [TestCmp] }); })();'); expect(jsContents) .toContain( 'i0.ɵɵdefineInjector({ factory: ' + 'function TestModule_Factory(t) { return new (t || TestModule)(); } });'); const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts'); expect(dtsContents) .toContain( 'static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDefWithMeta'); expect(dtsContents) .toContain( 'static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta'); expect(dtsContents).not.toContain('__decorate'); }); it('should not emit a ɵɵsetNgModuleScope call when no scope metadata is present', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @NgModule({}) export class TestModule {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('i0.ɵɵdefineNgModule({ type: TestModule });'); expect(jsContents).not.toContain('ɵɵsetNgModuleScope(TestModule,'); }); it('should emit the id when the module\'s id is a string', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @NgModule({id: 'test'}) export class TestModule {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain(`i0.ɵɵdefineNgModule({ type: TestModule, id: 'test' })`); }); it('should emit the id when the module\'s id is defined as `module.id`', () => { env.write('index.d.ts', ` declare const module = {id: string}; `); env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @NgModule({id: module.id}) export class TestModule {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('i0.ɵɵdefineNgModule({ type: TestModule, id: module.id })'); }); it('should filter out directives and pipes from module exports in the injector def', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {RouterComp, RouterModule} from '@angular/router'; import {Dir, OtherDir, MyPipe, Comp} from './decls'; @NgModule({ declarations: [OtherDir], exports: [OtherDir], }) export class OtherModule {} const EXPORTS = [Dir, MyPipe, Comp, OtherModule, OtherDir, RouterModule, RouterComp]; @NgModule({ declarations: [Dir, MyPipe, Comp], imports: [OtherModule, RouterModule.forRoot()], exports: [EXPORTS], }) export class TestModule {} `); env.write(`decls.ts`, ` import {Component, Directive, Pipe} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({selector: '[dir]'}) export class Dir {} @Directive({selector: '[other]'}) export class OtherDir {} @Pipe({name:'pipe'}) export class MyPipe {} @Component({selector: 'test', template: ''}) export class Comp {} `); env.write('node_modules/@angular/router/index.d.ts', ` import {ɵɵComponentDefWithMeta, ModuleWithProviders, ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta} from '@angular/core'; export declare class RouterComp { static ɵcmp: ɵɵComponentDefWithMeta } declare class RouterModule { static forRoot(): ModuleWithProviders; static ɵmod: ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta; } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents) .toContain( 'i0.ɵɵdefineInjector({ factory: function TestModule_Factory(t) ' + '{ return new (t || TestModule)(); }, imports: [[OtherModule, RouterModule.forRoot()],' + ' OtherModule, RouterModule] });'); }); it('should compile NgModules with services without errors', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; export class Token {} @NgModule({}) export class OtherModule {} @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', template: 'this is a test', }) export class TestCmp {} @NgModule({ declarations: [TestCmp], providers: [{provide: Token, useValue: 'test'}], imports: [OtherModule], }) export class TestModule {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('i0.ɵɵdefineNgModule({ type: TestModule });'); expect(jsContents) .toContain( `TestModule.ɵinj = i0.ɵɵdefineInjector({ factory: ` + `function TestModule_Factory(t) { return new (t || TestModule)(); }, providers: [{ provide: ` + `Token, useValue: 'test' }], imports: [[OtherModule]] });`); const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts'); expect(dtsContents) .toContain( 'static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta'); expect(dtsContents).toContain('static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDef'); }); it('should compile NgModules with factory providers without errors', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; export class Token {} @NgModule({}) export class OtherModule {} @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', template: 'this is a test', }) export class TestCmp {} @NgModule({ declarations: [TestCmp], providers: [{provide: Token, useFactory: () => new Token()}], imports: [OtherModule], }) export class TestModule {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('i0.ɵɵdefineNgModule({ type: TestModule });'); expect(jsContents) .toContain( `TestModule.ɵinj = i0.ɵɵdefineInjector({ factory: ` + `function TestModule_Factory(t) { return new (t || TestModule)(); }, providers: [{ provide: ` + `Token, useFactory: function () { return new Token(); } }], imports: [[OtherModule]] });`); const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts'); expect(dtsContents) .toContain( 'static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta'); expect(dtsContents).toContain('static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDef'); }); it('should compile NgModules with factory providers and deps without errors', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; export class Dep {} export class Token { constructor(dep: Dep) {} } @NgModule({}) export class OtherModule {} @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', template: 'this is a test', }) export class TestCmp {} @NgModule({ declarations: [TestCmp], providers: [{provide: Token, useFactory: (dep: Dep) => new Token(dep), deps: [Dep]}], imports: [OtherModule], }) export class TestModule {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('i0.ɵɵdefineNgModule({ type: TestModule });'); expect(jsContents) .toContain( `TestModule.ɵinj = i0.ɵɵdefineInjector({ factory: ` + `function TestModule_Factory(t) { return new (t || TestModule)(); }, providers: [{ provide: ` + `Token, useFactory: function (dep) { return new Token(dep); }, deps: [Dep] }], imports: [[OtherModule]] });`); const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts'); expect(dtsContents) .toContain( 'static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta'); expect(dtsContents).toContain('static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDef'); }); it('should compile NgModules with references to local components', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {Foo} from './foo'; @NgModule({ declarations: [Foo], }) export class FooModule {} `); env.write('foo.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({selector: 'foo', template: ''}) export class Foo {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts'); expect(jsContents).toContain('import { Foo } from \'./foo\';'); expect(jsContents).not.toMatch(/as i[0-9] from ".\/foo"/); expect(dtsContents).toContain('as i1 from "./foo";'); }); it('should compile NgModules with references to absolute components', () => { env.write('tsconfig.json', JSON.stringify({ extends: './tsconfig-base.json', compilerOptions: { baseUrl: '.', paths: { '*': ['*', 'shared/*'], }, }, })); env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {Foo} from 'foo'; @NgModule({ declarations: [Foo], }) export class FooModule {} `); env.write('shared/foo/index.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'foo', template: '', }) export class Foo { } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts'); expect(jsContents).toContain('import { Foo } from \'foo\';'); expect(jsContents).not.toMatch(/as i[0-9] from "foo"/); expect(dtsContents).toContain('as i1 from "foo";'); }); it('should compile NgModules with references to forward declared bootstrap components', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, forwardRef, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @NgModule({ bootstrap: [forwardRef(() => Foo)], }) export class FooModule {} @Component({selector: 'foo', template: 'foo'}) export class Foo {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('bootstrap: function () { return [Foo]; }'); }); it('should compile NgModules with references to forward declared directives', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Directive, forwardRef, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @NgModule({ declarations: [forwardRef(() => Foo)], }) export class FooModule {} @Directive({selector: 'foo'}) export class Foo {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('declarations: function () { return [Foo]; }'); }); it('should compile NgModules with references to forward declared imports', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {forwardRef, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @NgModule({ imports: [forwardRef(() => BarModule)], }) export class FooModule {} @NgModule({}) export class BarModule {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('imports: function () { return [BarModule]; }'); }); it('should compile NgModules with references to forward declared exports', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {forwardRef, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @NgModule({ exports: [forwardRef(() => BarModule)], }) export class FooModule {} @NgModule({}) export class BarModule {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('exports: function () { return [BarModule]; }'); }); it('should compile Pipes without errors', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Pipe} from '@angular/core'; @Pipe({ name: 'test-pipe', pure: false, }) export class TestPipe {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts'); expect(jsContents) .toContain( 'TestPipe.ɵpipe = i0.ɵɵdefinePipe({ name: "test-pipe", type: TestPipe, pure: false })'); expect(jsContents) .toContain( 'TestPipe.ɵfac = function TestPipe_Factory(t) { return new (t || TestPipe)(); }'); expect(dtsContents).toContain('static ɵpipe: i0.ɵɵPipeDefWithMeta;'); expect(dtsContents).toContain('static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDef;'); }); it('should compile pure Pipes without errors', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Pipe} from '@angular/core'; @Pipe({ name: 'test-pipe', }) export class TestPipe {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts'); expect(jsContents) .toContain( 'TestPipe.ɵpipe = i0.ɵɵdefinePipe({ name: "test-pipe", type: TestPipe, pure: true })'); expect(jsContents) .toContain( 'TestPipe.ɵfac = function TestPipe_Factory(t) { return new (t || TestPipe)(); }'); expect(dtsContents).toContain('static ɵpipe: i0.ɵɵPipeDefWithMeta;'); expect(dtsContents).toContain('static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDef;'); }); it('should compile Pipes with dependencies', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Pipe} from '@angular/core'; export class Dep {} @Pipe({ name: 'test-pipe', pure: false, }) export class TestPipe { constructor(dep: Dep) {} } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('return new (t || TestPipe)(i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(Dep));'); }); it('should compile Pipes with generic types', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Pipe} from '@angular/core'; @Pipe({ name: 'test-pipe', }) export class TestPipe {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('TestPipe.ɵpipe ='); const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts'); expect(dtsContents) .toContain('static ɵpipe: i0.ɵɵPipeDefWithMeta, "test-pipe">;'); expect(dtsContents).toContain('static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDef, never>;'); }); it('should include @Pipes in @NgModule scopes', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, NgModule, Pipe} from '@angular/core'; @Pipe({name: 'test'}) export class TestPipe {} @Component({selector: 'test-cmp', template: '{{value | test}}'}) export class TestCmp { value = ''; } @NgModule({declarations: [TestPipe, TestCmp]}) export class TestModule {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('pipes: [TestPipe]'); const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts'); expect(dtsContents) .toContain( 'i0.ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta'); }); describe('empty and missing selectors', () => { it('should use default selector for Components when no selector present', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ template: '...', }) export class TestCmp {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('selectors: [["ng-component"]]'); }); it('should use default selector for Components with empty string selector', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: '', template: '...', }) export class TestCmp {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('selectors: [["ng-component"]]'); }); it('should allow directives with no selector that are not in NgModules', () => { env.write('main.ts', ` import {Directive} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({}) export class BaseDir {} @Directive({}) export abstract class AbstractBaseDir {} @Directive() export abstract class EmptyDir {} @Directive({ inputs: ['a', 'b'] }) export class TestDirWithInputs {} `); const errors = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(errors.length).toBe(0); }); it('should be able to use abstract directive in other compilation units', () => { env.write('tsconfig.json', JSON.stringify({ extends: './tsconfig-base.json', angularCompilerOptions: {enableIvy: true}, compilerOptions: {rootDir: '.', outDir: '../node_modules/lib1_built'}, })); env.write('index.ts', ` import {Directive} from '@angular/core'; @Directive() export class BaseClass {} `); expect(env.driveDiagnostics().length).toBe(0); env.tsconfig(); env.write('index.ts', ` import {NgModule, Directive} from '@angular/core'; import {BaseClass} from 'lib1_built'; @Directive({selector: 'my-dir'}) export class MyDirective extends BaseClass {} @NgModule({declarations: [MyDirective]}) export class AppModule {} `); expect(env.driveDiagnostics().length).toBe(0); }); it('should not allow directives with no selector that are in NgModules', () => { env.write('main.ts', ` import {Directive, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({}) export class BaseDir {} @NgModule({ declarations: [BaseDir], }) export class MyModule {} `); const errors = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(trim(errors[0].messageText as string)) .toContain('Directive BaseDir has no selector, please add it!'); }); it('should throw if Directive selector is an empty string', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Directive} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({ selector: '' }) export class TestDir {} `); const errors = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(trim(errors[0].messageText as string)) .toContain('Directive TestDir has no selector, please add it!'); }); }); describe('error handling', () => { function verifyThrownError(errorCode: ErrorCode, errorMessage: string) { const errors = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(errors.length).toBe(1); const {code, messageText} = errors[0]; expect(code).toBe(ngErrorCode(errorCode)); const text = ts.flattenDiagnosticMessageText(messageText, '\n'); expect(trim(text)).toContain(errorMessage); } it('should throw if invalid arguments are provided in @NgModule', () => { env.tsconfig({}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @NgModule('invalidNgModuleArgumentType') export class MyModule {} `); verifyThrownError( ErrorCode.DECORATOR_ARG_NOT_LITERAL, '@NgModule argument must be an object literal'); }); it('should throw if multiple query decorators are used on the same field', () => { env.tsconfig({}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, ContentChild} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', template: '...' }) export class TestCmp { @ContentChild('bar', {static: true}) @ContentChild('foo') foo: any; } `); verifyThrownError( ErrorCode.DECORATOR_COLLISION, 'Cannot have multiple query decorators on the same class member'); }); ['ViewChild', 'ViewChildren', 'ContentChild', 'ContentChildren'].forEach(decorator => { it(`should throw if @Input and @${decorator} decorators are applied to the same property`, () => { env.tsconfig({}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, ${decorator}, Input} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', template: '' }) export class TestCmp { @Input() @${decorator}('foo') foo: any; } `); verifyThrownError( ErrorCode.DECORATOR_COLLISION, 'Cannot combine @Input decorators with query decorators'); }); it(`should throw if invalid options are provided in ${decorator}`, () => { env.tsconfig({}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, ${decorator}, Input} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', template: '...' }) export class TestCmp { @${decorator}('foo', 'invalidOptionsArgumentType') foo: any; } `); verifyThrownError( ErrorCode.DECORATOR_ARG_NOT_LITERAL, `@${decorator} options must be an object literal`); }); it(`should throw if @${decorator} is used on non property-type member`, () => { env.tsconfig({}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, ${decorator}} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', template: '...' }) export class TestCmp { @${decorator}('foo') private someFn() {} } `); verifyThrownError( ErrorCode.DECORATOR_UNEXPECTED, 'Query decorator must go on a property-type member'); }); it(`should throw error if @${decorator} has too many arguments`, () => { env.tsconfig({}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, ${decorator}} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', template: '...' }) export class TestCmp { @${decorator}('foo', {}, 'invalid-extra-arg') foo: any; } `); verifyThrownError( ErrorCode.DECORATOR_ARITY_WRONG, `@${decorator} has too many arguments`); }); it(`should throw error if @${decorator} predicate argument has wrong type`, () => { env.tsconfig({}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, ${decorator}} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', template: '...' }) export class TestCmp { @${decorator}({'invalid-predicate-type': true}) foo: any; } `); verifyThrownError( ErrorCode.VALUE_HAS_WRONG_TYPE, `@${decorator} predicate cannot be interpreted`); }); it(`should throw error if one of @${decorator}'s predicate has wrong type`, () => { env.tsconfig({}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, ${decorator}} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', template: '...' }) export class TestCmp { @${decorator}(['predicate-a', {'invalid-predicate-type': true}]) foo: any; } `); verifyThrownError( ErrorCode.VALUE_HAS_WRONG_TYPE, `Failed to resolve @${decorator} predicate at position 1 to a string`); }); }); ['inputs', 'outputs'].forEach(field => { it(`should throw error if @Directive.${field} has wrong type`, () => { env.tsconfig({}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Directive} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({ selector: 'test-dir', ${field}: 'invalid-field-type', }) export class TestDir {} `); verifyThrownError( ErrorCode.VALUE_HAS_WRONG_TYPE, `Failed to resolve @Directive.${field} to a string array`); }); }); ['ContentChild', 'ContentChildren'].forEach(decorator => { it(`should throw if \`descendants\` field of @${ decorator}'s options argument has wrong type`, () => { env.tsconfig({}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, ContentChild} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', template: '...' }) export class TestCmp { @ContentChild('foo', {descendants: 'invalid'}) foo: any; } `); verifyThrownError( ErrorCode.VALUE_HAS_WRONG_TYPE, '@ContentChild options.descendants must be a boolean'); }); }); ['Input', 'Output'].forEach(decorator => { it(`should throw error if @${decorator} decorator argument has unsupported type`, () => { env.tsconfig({}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, ${decorator}} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', template: '...' }) export class TestCmp { @${decorator}(['invalid-arg-type']) foo: any; } `); verifyThrownError( ErrorCode.VALUE_HAS_WRONG_TYPE, `@${decorator} decorator argument must resolve to a string`); }); it(`should throw error if @${decorator} decorator has too many arguments`, () => { env.tsconfig({}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, ${decorator}} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', template: '...' }) export class TestCmp { @${decorator}('name', 'invalid-extra-arg') foo: any; } `); verifyThrownError( ErrorCode.DECORATOR_ARITY_WRONG, `@${decorator} can have at most one argument, got 2 argument(s)`); }); }); it('should throw error if @HostBinding decorator argument has unsupported type', () => { env.tsconfig({}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, HostBinding} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', template: '...' }) export class TestCmp { @HostBinding(['invalid-arg-type']) foo: any; } `); verifyThrownError( ErrorCode.VALUE_HAS_WRONG_TYPE, `@HostBinding's argument must be a string`); }); it('should throw error if @HostBinding decorator has too many arguments', () => { env.tsconfig({}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, HostBinding} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', template: '...' }) export class TestCmp { @HostBinding('name', 'invalid-extra-arg') foo: any; } `); verifyThrownError( ErrorCode.DECORATOR_ARITY_WRONG, '@HostBinding can have at most one argument'); }); it('should throw error if @Directive.host field has wrong type', () => { env.tsconfig({}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Directive} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({ selector: 'test-dir', host: 'invalid-host-type' }) export class TestDir {} `); verifyThrownError( ErrorCode.VALUE_HAS_WRONG_TYPE, 'Decorator host metadata must be an object'); }); it('should throw error if @Directive.host field is an object with values that have wrong types', () => { env.tsconfig({}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Directive} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({ selector: 'test-dir', host: {'key': ['invalid-host-value']} }) export class TestDir {} `); verifyThrownError( ErrorCode.VALUE_HAS_WRONG_TYPE, 'Decorator host metadata must be a string -> string object, but found unparseable value'); }); it('should throw error if @Directive.queries field has wrong type', () => { env.tsconfig({}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Directive} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({ selector: 'test-dir', queries: 'invalid-queries-type' }) export class TestDir {} `); verifyThrownError( ErrorCode.VALUE_HAS_WRONG_TYPE, 'Decorator queries metadata must be an object'); }); it('should throw error if @Directive.queries object has incorrect values', () => { env.tsconfig({}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Directive} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({ selector: 'test-dir', queries: { myViewQuery: 'invalid-query-type' } }) export class TestDir {} `); verifyThrownError( ErrorCode.VALUE_HAS_WRONG_TYPE, 'Decorator query metadata must be an instance of a query type'); }); it('should throw error if @Directive.queries object has incorrect values (refs to other decorators)', () => { env.tsconfig({}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Directive, Input} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({ selector: 'test-dir', queries: { myViewQuery: new Input() } }) export class TestDir {} `); verifyThrownError( ErrorCode.VALUE_HAS_WRONG_TYPE, 'Decorator query metadata must be an instance of a query type'); }); it('should throw error if @Injectable has incorrect argument', () => { env.tsconfig({}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Injectable} from '@angular/core'; @Injectable('invalid') export class TestProvider {} `); verifyThrownError( ErrorCode.DECORATOR_ARG_NOT_LITERAL, '@Injectable argument must be an object literal'); }); }); describe('multiple decorators on classes', () => { it('should compile @Injectable on Components, Directives, Pipes, and Modules', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, Directive, Injectable, NgModule, Pipe} from '@angular/core'; @Component({selector: 'test', template: 'test'}) @Injectable() export class TestCmp {} @Directive({selector: 'test'}) @Injectable() export class TestDir {} @Pipe({name: 'test'}) @Injectable() export class TestPipe {} @NgModule({declarations: [TestCmp, TestDir, TestPipe]}) @Injectable() export class TestNgModule {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts'); // Validate that each class has the primary definition. expect(jsContents).toContain('TestCmp.ɵcmp ='); expect(jsContents).toContain('TestDir.ɵdir ='); expect(jsContents).toContain('TestPipe.ɵpipe ='); expect(jsContents).toContain('TestNgModule.ɵmod ='); // Validate that each class also has an injectable definition. expect(jsContents).toContain('TestCmp.ɵprov ='); expect(jsContents).toContain('TestDir.ɵprov ='); expect(jsContents).toContain('TestPipe.ɵprov ='); expect(jsContents).toContain('TestNgModule.ɵprov ='); // Validate that each class's .d.ts declaration has the primary definition. expect(dtsContents).toContain('ComponentDefWithMeta { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, Directive} from '@angular/core'; @Component({selector: 'test', template: 'test'}) @Directive({selector: 'test'}) class ShouldNotCompile {} `); const errors = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(errors.length).toBe(1); expect(errors[0].messageText).toContain('Two incompatible decorators on class'); }); it('should leave decorators present on jit: true directives', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Directive, Inject} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({ selector: 'test', jit: true, }) export class Test { constructor(@Inject('foo') foo: string) {} } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('Directive({'); expect(jsContents).toContain('__param(0, Inject'); }); }); describe('compiling invalid @Injectables', () => { describe('with strictInjectionParameters = true', () => { it('should give a compile-time error if an invalid @Injectable is used with no arguments', () => { env.tsconfig({strictInjectionParameters: true}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Injectable} from '@angular/core'; @Injectable() export class Test { constructor(private notInjectable: string) {} } `); const errors = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(errors.length).toBe(1); expect(ts.flattenDiagnosticMessageText(errors[0].messageText, '\n')) .toBe( `No suitable injection token for parameter 'notInjectable' of class 'Test'.\n` + ` Consider using the @Inject decorator to specify an injection token.`); expect(errors[0].relatedInformation!.length).toBe(1); expect(errors[0].relatedInformation![0].messageText) .toBe('This type is not supported as injection token.'); }); it('should give a compile-time error if an invalid @Injectable is used with an argument', () => { env.tsconfig({strictInjectionParameters: true}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Injectable} from '@angular/core'; @Injectable({providedIn: 'root'}) export class Test { constructor(private notInjectable: string) {} } `); const errors = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(errors.length).toBe(1); expect(ts.flattenDiagnosticMessageText(errors[0].messageText, '\n')) .toBe( `No suitable injection token for parameter 'notInjectable' of class 'Test'.\n` + ` Consider using the @Inject decorator to specify an injection token.`); expect(errors[0].relatedInformation!.length).toBe(1); expect(errors[0].relatedInformation![0].messageText) .toBe('This type is not supported as injection token.'); }); it('should report an error when using a type-only import as injection token', () => { env.tsconfig({strictInjectionParameters: true}); env.write(`types.ts`, ` export class TypeOnly {} `); env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Injectable} from '@angular/core'; import type {TypeOnly} from './types'; @Injectable() export class MyService { constructor(param: TypeOnly) {} } `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(1); expect(ts.flattenDiagnosticMessageText(diags[0].messageText, '\n')) .toBe( `No suitable injection token for parameter 'param' of class 'MyService'.\n` + ` Consider changing the type-only import to a regular import, ` + `or use the @Inject decorator to specify an injection token.`); expect(diags[0].relatedInformation!.length).toBe(2); expect(diags[0].relatedInformation![0].messageText) .toBe( 'This type is imported using a type-only import, ' + 'which prevents it from being usable as an injection token.'); expect(diags[0].relatedInformation![1].messageText) .toBe('The type-only import occurs here.'); }); it('should report an error when using a primitive type as injection token', () => { env.tsconfig({strictInjectionParameters: true}); env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Injectable} from '@angular/core'; @Injectable() export class MyService { constructor(param: string) {} } `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(1); expect(ts.flattenDiagnosticMessageText(diags[0].messageText, '\n')) .toBe( `No suitable injection token for parameter 'param' of class 'MyService'.\n` + ` Consider using the @Inject decorator to specify an injection token.`); expect(diags[0].relatedInformation!.length).toBe(1); expect(diags[0].relatedInformation![0].messageText) .toBe('This type is not supported as injection token.'); }); it('should report an error when using a union type as injection token', () => { env.tsconfig({strictInjectionParameters: true}); env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Injectable} from '@angular/core'; export class ClassA {} export class ClassB {} @Injectable() export class MyService { constructor(param: ClassA|ClassB) {} } `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(1); expect(ts.flattenDiagnosticMessageText(diags[0].messageText, '\n')) .toBe( `No suitable injection token for parameter 'param' of class 'MyService'.\n` + ` Consider using the @Inject decorator to specify an injection token.`); expect(diags[0].relatedInformation!.length).toBe(1); expect(diags[0].relatedInformation![0].messageText) .toBe('This type is not supported as injection token.'); }); it('should report an error when using an interface as injection token', () => { env.tsconfig({strictInjectionParameters: true}); env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Injectable} from '@angular/core'; export interface Interface {} @Injectable() export class MyService { constructor(param: Interface) {} } `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(1); expect(ts.flattenDiagnosticMessageText(diags[0].messageText, '\n')) .toBe( `No suitable injection token for parameter 'param' of class 'MyService'.\n` + ` Consider using the @Inject decorator to specify an injection token.`); expect(diags[0].relatedInformation!.length).toBe(2); expect(diags[0].relatedInformation![0].messageText) .toBe('This type does not have a value, so it cannot be used as injection token.'); expect(diags[0].relatedInformation![1].messageText).toBe('The type is declared here.'); }); it('should report an error when using a missing type as injection token', () => { // This test replicates the situation where a symbol does not have any // declarations at all, e.g. because it's imported from a missing module. This // would result in a semantic TypeScript diagnostic which we ignore in this // test to verify that ngtsc's analysis is able to operate in this situation. env.tsconfig({strictInjectionParameters: true}); env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Injectable} from '@angular/core'; // @ts-expect-error import {Interface} from 'missing'; @Injectable() export class MyService { constructor(param: Interface) {} } `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(1); expect(ts.flattenDiagnosticMessageText(diags[0].messageText, '\n')) .toBe( `No suitable injection token for parameter 'param' of ` + `class 'MyService'.\n` + ` Consider using the @Inject decorator to specify an injection token.`); expect(diags[0].relatedInformation!.length).toBe(1); expect(diags[0].relatedInformation![0].messageText) .toBe('This type does not have a value, so it cannot be used as injection token.'); }); it('should report an error when no type is present', () => { env.tsconfig({strictInjectionParameters: true, noImplicitAny: false}); env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Injectable} from '@angular/core'; @Injectable() export class MyService { constructor(param) {} } `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(1); expect(ts.flattenDiagnosticMessageText(diags[0].messageText, '\n')) .toBe( `No suitable injection token for parameter 'param' of class 'MyService'.\n` + ` Consider adding a type to the parameter or ` + `use the @Inject decorator to specify an injection token.`); expect(diags[0].relatedInformation).toBeUndefined(); }); it('should not give a compile-time error if an invalid @Injectable is used with useValue', () => { env.tsconfig({strictInjectionParameters: true}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Injectable} from '@angular/core'; @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root', useValue: '42', }) export class Test { constructor(private notInjectable: string) {} } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents) .toMatch(/function Test_Factory\(t\) { i0\.ɵɵinvalidFactory\(\)/ms); }); it('should not give a compile-time error if an invalid @Injectable is used with useFactory', () => { env.tsconfig({strictInjectionParameters: true}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Injectable} from '@angular/core'; @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root', useFactory: () => '42', }) export class Test { constructor(private notInjectable: string) {} } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents) .toMatch(/function Test_Factory\(t\) { i0\.ɵɵinvalidFactory\(\)/ms); }); it('should not give a compile-time error if an invalid @Injectable is used with useExisting', () => { env.tsconfig({strictInjectionParameters: true}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Injectable} from '@angular/core'; export class MyService {} @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root', useExisting: MyService, }) export class Test { constructor(private notInjectable: string) {} } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents) .toMatch(/function Test_Factory\(t\) { i0\.ɵɵinvalidFactory\(\)/ms); }); it('should not give a compile-time error if an invalid @Injectable is used with useClass', () => { env.tsconfig({strictInjectionParameters: true}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Injectable} from '@angular/core'; export class MyService {} @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root', useClass: MyService, }) export class Test { constructor(private notInjectable: string) {} } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents) .toMatch(/function Test_Factory\(t\) { i0\.ɵɵinvalidFactory\(\)/ms); }); }); describe('with strictInjectionParameters = false', () => { it('should compile an @Injectable on a class with a non-injectable constructor', () => { env.tsconfig({strictInjectionParameters: false}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Injectable} from '@angular/core'; @Injectable() export class Test { constructor(private notInjectable: string) {} } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents) .toContain('Test.ɵfac = function Test_Factory(t) { i0.ɵɵinvalidFactory()'); }); it('should compile an @Injectable provided in the root on a class with a non-injectable constructor', () => { env.tsconfig({strictInjectionParameters: false}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Injectable} from '@angular/core'; @Injectable({providedIn: 'root'}) export class Test { constructor(private notInjectable: string) {} } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents) .toContain('Test.ɵfac = function Test_Factory(t) { i0.ɵɵinvalidFactory()'); }); }); }); describe('compiling invalid @Directives', () => { describe('directives with a selector', () => { it('should give a compile-time error if an invalid constructor is used', () => { env.tsconfig({strictInjectionParameters: true}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Directive} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({selector: 'app-test'}) export class Test { constructor(private notInjectable: string) {} } `); const errors = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(errors.length).toBe(1); expect(ts.flattenDiagnosticMessageText(errors[0].messageText, '\n')) .toContain('No suitable injection token for parameter'); }); }); describe('abstract directives', () => { it('should generate a factory function that throws', () => { env.tsconfig({strictInjectionParameters: false}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Directive} from '@angular/core'; @Directive() export class Test { constructor(private notInjectable: string) {} } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents) .toContain('Test.ɵfac = function Test_Factory(t) { i0.ɵɵinvalidFactory()'); }); }); it('should generate a factory function that throws, even under strictInjectionParameters', () => { env.tsconfig({strictInjectionParameters: true}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Directive} from '@angular/core'; @Directive() export class Test { constructor(private notInjectable: string) {} } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents) .toContain('Test.ɵfac = function Test_Factory(t) { i0.ɵɵinvalidFactory()'); }); }); describe('templateUrl and styleUrls processing', () => { const testsForResource = (resource: string) => [ // [component location, resource location, resource reference] // component and resource are in the same folder [`a/app.ts`, `a/${resource}`, `./${resource}`], // [`a/app.ts`, `a/${resource}`, resource], // [`a/app.ts`, `a/${resource}`, `/a/${resource}`], // resource is one level up [`a/app.ts`, resource, `../${resource}`], // [`a/app.ts`, resource, `/${resource}`], // component and resource are in different folders [`a/app.ts`, `b/${resource}`, `../b/${resource}`], // [`a/app.ts`, `b/${resource}`, `/b/${resource}`], // resource is in subfolder of component directory [`a/app.ts`, `a/b/c/${resource}`, `./b/c/${resource}`], // [`a/app.ts`, `a/b/c/${resource}`, `b/c/${resource}`], // [`a/app.ts`, `a/b/c/${resource}`, `/a/b/c/${resource}`], ]; testsForResource('style.css').forEach((test) => { const [compLoc, styleLoc, styleRef] = test; it(`should handle ${styleRef}`, () => { env.write(styleLoc, ':host { background-color: blue; }'); env.write(compLoc, ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', styleUrls: ['${styleRef}'], template: '...', }) export class TestCmp {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents(compLoc.replace('.ts', '.js')); expect(jsContents).toContain('background-color: blue'); }); }); testsForResource('template.html').forEach((test) => { const [compLoc, templateLoc, templateRef] = test; it(`should handle ${templateRef}`, () => { env.write(templateLoc, 'Template Content'); env.write(compLoc, ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', templateUrl: '${templateRef}' }) export class TestCmp {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents(compLoc.replace('.ts', '.js')); expect(jsContents).toContain('Template Content'); }); }); }); describe('former View Engine AST transform bugs', () => { it('should compile array literals behind conditionals', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test', template: '{{value ? "yes" : [no]}}', }) class TestCmp { value = true; no = 'no'; } `); env.driveMain(); expect(env.getContents('test.js')).toContain('i0.ɵɵpureFunction1'); }); it('should compile array literals inside function arguments', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test', template: '{{fn([test])}}', }) class TestCmp { fn(arg: any): string { return 'test'; } test = 'test'; } `); env.driveMain(); expect(env.getContents('test.js')).toContain('i0.ɵɵpureFunction1'); }); }); describe('unwrapping ModuleWithProviders functions', () => { it('should use a local ModuleWithProviders-annotated return type if a function is not statically analyzable', () => { env.write(`module.ts`, ` import {NgModule, ModuleWithProviders} from '@angular/core'; export function notStaticallyAnalyzable(): ModuleWithProviders { console.log('this interferes with static analysis'); return { ngModule: SomeModule, providers: [], }; } @NgModule() export class SomeModule {} `); env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {notStaticallyAnalyzable} from './module'; @NgModule({ imports: [notStaticallyAnalyzable()] }) export class TestModule {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('imports: [notStaticallyAnalyzable()]'); const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts'); expect(dtsContents).toContain(`import * as i1 from "./module";`); expect(dtsContents) .toContain( 'i0.ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta'); }); it('should extract the generic type and include it in the module\'s declaration', () => { env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {RouterModule} from 'router'; @NgModule({imports: [RouterModule.forRoot()]}) export class TestModule {} `); env.write('node_modules/router/index.d.ts', ` import {ModuleWithProviders, ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta} from '@angular/core'; declare class RouterModule { static forRoot(): ModuleWithProviders; static ɵmod: ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta; } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('imports: [[RouterModule.forRoot()]]'); const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts'); expect(dtsContents).toContain(`import * as i1 from "router";`); expect(dtsContents) .toContain( 'i0.ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta'); }); it('should throw if ModuleWithProviders is missing its generic type argument', () => { env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {RouterModule} from 'router'; @NgModule({imports: [RouterModule.forRoot()]}) export class TestModule {} `); env.write('node_modules/router/index.d.ts', ` import {ModuleWithProviders, ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta} from '@angular/core'; declare class RouterModule { static forRoot(): ModuleWithProviders; static ɵmod: ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta; } `); const errors = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(trim(errors[0].messageText as string)) .toContain( `RouterModule.forRoot returns a ModuleWithProviders type without a generic type argument. ` + `Please add a generic type argument to the ModuleWithProviders type. If this ` + `occurrence is in library code you don't control, please contact the library authors.`); }); it('should extract the generic type if it is provided as qualified type name', () => { env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {RouterModule} from 'router'; @NgModule({imports: [RouterModule.forRoot()]}) export class TestModule {} `); env.write('node_modules/router/index.d.ts', ` import {ModuleWithProviders} from '@angular/core'; import * as internal from './internal'; export {InternalRouterModule} from './internal'; declare export class RouterModule { static forRoot(): ModuleWithProviders; } `); env.write('node_modules/router/internal.d.ts', ` import {ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta} from '@angular/core'; export declare class InternalRouterModule { static ɵmod: ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta; } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('imports: [[RouterModule.forRoot()]]'); const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts'); expect(dtsContents).toContain(`import * as i1 from "router";`); expect(dtsContents) .toContain( 'i0.ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta'); }); it('should extract the generic type if it is provided as qualified type name from another package', () => { env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {RouterModule} from 'router'; @NgModule({imports: [RouterModule.forRoot()]}) export class TestModule {}`); env.write('node_modules/router/index.d.ts', ` import {ModuleWithProviders} from '@angular/core'; import * as router2 from 'router2'; declare export class RouterModule { static forRoot(): ModuleWithProviders; }`); env.write('node_modules/router2/index.d.ts', ` import {ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta} from '@angular/core'; export declare class Router2Module { static ɵmod: ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta; }`); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('imports: [[RouterModule.forRoot()]]'); const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts'); expect(dtsContents).toContain(`import * as i1 from "router2";`); expect(dtsContents) .toContain( 'i0.ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta'); }); it('should not reference a constant with a ModuleWithProviders value in module def imports', () => { env.write('dep.d.ts', ` import {ModuleWithProviders, ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta as ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta} from '@angular/core'; export declare class DepModule { static forRoot(arg1: any, arg2: any): ModuleWithProviders; static ɵmod: ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta; } `); env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule, ModuleWithProviders} from '@angular/core'; import {DepModule} from './dep'; @NgModule({}) export class Base {} const mwp = DepModule.forRoot(1,2); @NgModule({ imports: [mwp], }) export class Module {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('imports: [i1.DepModule]'); }); }); it('should unwrap a ModuleWithProviders-like function if a matching literal type is provided for it', () => { env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {RouterModule} from 'router'; @NgModule({imports: [RouterModule.forRoot()]}) export class TestModule {} `); env.write('node_modules/router/index.d.ts', ` import {ModuleWithProviders, ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta} from '@angular/core'; export interface MyType extends ModuleWithProviders {} declare class RouterModule { static forRoot(): (MyType)&{ngModule:RouterModule}; static ɵmod: ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta; } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('imports: [[RouterModule.forRoot()]]'); const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts'); expect(dtsContents).toContain(`import * as i1 from "router";`); expect(dtsContents) .toContain( 'i0.ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta'); }); it('should unwrap a namespace imported ModuleWithProviders function if a generic type is provided for it', () => { env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {RouterModule} from 'router'; @NgModule({imports: [RouterModule.forRoot()]}) export class TestModule {} `); env.write('node_modules/router/index.d.ts', ` import * as core from '@angular/core'; import {RouterModule} from 'router'; declare class RouterModule { static forRoot(): core.ModuleWithProviders; static ɵmod: ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta; } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('imports: [[RouterModule.forRoot()]]'); const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts'); expect(dtsContents).toContain(`import * as i1 from "router";`); expect(dtsContents) .toContain( 'i0.ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta'); }); it('should inject special types according to the metadata', () => { env.write(`test.ts`, ` import { Attribute, ChangeDetectorRef, Component, ElementRef, Injector, Renderer2, TemplateRef, ViewContainerRef, } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test', template: 'Test', }) class FooCmp { constructor( @Attribute("test") attr: string, cdr: ChangeDetectorRef, er: ElementRef, i: Injector, r2: Renderer2, tr: TemplateRef, vcr: ViewContainerRef, ) {} } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents) .toContain( `FooCmp.ɵfac = function FooCmp_Factory(t) { return new (t || FooCmp)(i0.ɵɵinjectAttribute("test"), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i0.ChangeDetectorRef), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i0.ElementRef), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i0.Injector), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i0.Renderer2), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i0.TemplateRef), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i0.ViewContainerRef)); }`); }); it('should include constructor dependency metadata for directives/components/pipes', () => { env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Attribute, Component, Directive, Pipe, Self, SkipSelf, Host, Optional} from '@angular/core'; export class MyService {} export function dynamic() {}; @Directive() export class WithDecorators { constructor( @Self() withSelf: MyService, @SkipSelf() withSkipSelf: MyService, @Host() withHost: MyService, @Optional() withOptional: MyService, @Attribute("attr") withAttribute: string, @Attribute(dynamic()) withAttributeDynamic: string, @Optional() @SkipSelf() @Host() withMany: MyService, noDecorators: MyService) {} } @Directive() export class NoCtor {} @Directive() export class EmptyCtor { constructor() {} } @Directive() export class WithoutDecorators { constructor(noDecorators: MyService) {} } @Component({ template: 'test' }) export class MyCmp { constructor(@Host() withHost: MyService) {} } @Pipe({ name: 'test' }) export class MyPipe { constructor(@Host() withHost: MyService) {} } `); env.driveMain(); const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts'); expect(dtsContents) .toContain( 'static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDef'); expect(dtsContents).toContain(`static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDef`); expect(dtsContents).toContain(`static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDef`); expect(dtsContents).toContain(`static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDef`); expect(dtsContents).toContain(`static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDef`); expect(dtsContents).toContain(`static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDef`); }); it('should include constructor dependency metadata for @Injectable', () => { env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Injectable, Self, Host} from '@angular/core'; export class MyService {} @Injectable() export class Inj { constructor(@Self() service: MyService) {} } @Injectable({ useExisting: MyService }) export class InjUseExisting { constructor(@Self() service: MyService) {} } @Injectable({ useClass: MyService }) export class InjUseClass { constructor(@Self() service: MyService) {} } @Injectable({ useClass: MyService, deps: [[new Host(), MyService]] }) export class InjUseClassWithDeps { constructor(@Self() service: MyService) {} } @Injectable({ useFactory: () => new Injectable(new MyService()) }) export class InjUseFactory { constructor(@Self() service: MyService) {} } @Injectable({ useFactory: (service: MyService) => new Injectable(service), deps: [[new Host(), MyService]] }) export class InjUseFactoryWithDeps { constructor(@Self() service: MyService) {} } @Injectable({ useValue: new Injectable(new MyService()) }) export class InjUseValue { constructor(@Self() service: MyService) {} } `); env.driveMain(); const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts'); expect(dtsContents).toContain(`static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDef`); expect(dtsContents) .toContain(`static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDef`); expect(dtsContents).toContain(`static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDef`); expect(dtsContents) .toContain(`static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDef`); expect(dtsContents) .toContain(`static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDef`); expect(dtsContents) .toContain(`static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDef`); expect(dtsContents).toContain(`static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDef`); }); it('should include ng-content selectors in the metadata', () => { env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test', template: ' ', }) export class TestCmp { } `); env.driveMain(); const dtsContents = env.getContents('test.d.ts'); expect(dtsContents) .toContain( 'static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDefWithMeta'); }); it('should generate queries for components', () => { env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Component, ContentChild, ContentChildren, TemplateRef, ViewChild} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test', template: '
', queries: { 'mview': new ViewChild('test1'), 'mcontent': new ContentChild('test2'), } }) class FooCmp { @ContentChild('bar', {read: TemplateRef}) child: any; @ContentChildren(TemplateRef) children: any; get aview(): any { return null; } @ViewChild('accessor') set aview(value: any) {} } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toMatch(varRegExp('bar')); expect(jsContents).toMatch(varRegExp('test1')); expect(jsContents).toMatch(varRegExp('test2')); expect(jsContents).toMatch(varRegExp('accessor')); // match `i0.ɵɵcontentQuery(dirIndex, _c1, 1, TemplateRef)` expect(jsContents).toMatch(contentQueryRegExp('\\w+', 1, 'TemplateRef')); // match `i0.ɵɵviewQuery(_c2, 1, null)` expect(jsContents).toMatch(viewQueryRegExp('\\w+', 1)); }); it('should generate queries for directives', () => { env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Directive, ContentChild, ContentChildren, TemplateRef, ViewChild} from '@angular/core'; import * as core from '@angular/core'; @Directive({ selector: '[test]', queries: { 'mview': new ViewChild('test1'), 'mcontent': new core.ContentChild('test2'), } }) class FooCmp { @ContentChild('bar', {read: TemplateRef}) child: any; @ContentChildren(TemplateRef) children: any; get aview(): any { return null; } @ViewChild('accessor') set aview(value: any) {} } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toMatch(varRegExp('bar')); expect(jsContents).toMatch(varRegExp('test1')); expect(jsContents).toMatch(varRegExp('test2')); expect(jsContents).toMatch(varRegExp('accessor')); // match `i0.ɵɵcontentQuery(dirIndex, _c1, 1, TemplateRef)` expect(jsContents).toMatch(contentQueryRegExp('\\w+', 1, 'TemplateRef')); // match `i0.ɵɵviewQuery(_c2, 1)` // Note that while ViewQuery doesn't necessarily make sense on a directive, // because it doesn't have a view, we still need to handle it because a component // could extend the directive. expect(jsContents).toMatch(viewQueryRegExp('\\w+', 1)); }); it('should handle queries that use forwardRef', () => { env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Component, ContentChild, TemplateRef, ViewContainerRef, forwardRef} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test', template: '
', }) class FooCmp { @ContentChild(forwardRef(() => TemplateRef)) child: any; @ContentChild(forwardRef(function() { return ViewContainerRef; })) child2: any; @ContentChild((forwardRef((function() { return 'parens'; }) as any))) childInParens: any; } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); // match `i0.ɵɵcontentQuery(dirIndex, TemplateRef, 1, null)` expect(jsContents).toMatch(contentQueryRegExp('TemplateRef', 1)); // match `i0.ɵɵcontentQuery(dirIndex, ViewContainerRef, 1, null)` expect(jsContents).toMatch(contentQueryRegExp('ViewContainerRef', 1)); // match `i0.ɵɵcontentQuery(dirIndex, _c0, 1, null)` expect(jsContents).toContain('_c0 = ["parens"];'); expect(jsContents).toMatch(contentQueryRegExp('_c0', 1)); }); it('should handle queries that use an InjectionToken', () => { env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Component, ContentChild, InjectionToken, ViewChild} from '@angular/core'; const TOKEN = new InjectionToken('token'); @Component({ selector: 'test', template: '
', }) class FooCmp { @ViewChild(TOKEN) viewChild: any; @ContentChild(TOKEN) contentChild: any; } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); // match `i0.ɵɵviewQuery(TOKEN, 1, null)` expect(jsContents).toMatch(viewQueryRegExp('TOKEN', 1)); // match `i0.ɵɵcontentQuery(dirIndex, TOKEN, 1, null)` expect(jsContents).toMatch(contentQueryRegExp('TOKEN', 1)); }); it('should compile expressions that write keys', () => { env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Component, ContentChild, TemplateRef, ViewContainerRef, forwardRef} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test', template: '
', }) class TestCmp { test: any; key: string; } `); env.driveMain(); expect(env.getContents('test.js')).toContain('test[key] = $event'); }); it('should generate host listeners for components', () => { env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Component, HostListener} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test', template: 'Test' }) class FooCmp { @HostListener('click') onClick(event: any): void {} @HostListener('document:click', ['$event.target']) onDocumentClick(eventTarget: HTMLElement): void {} @HostListener('window:scroll') onWindowScroll(event: any): void {} } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); const hostBindingsFn = ` hostBindings: function FooCmp_HostBindings(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { i0.ɵɵlistener("click", function FooCmp_click_HostBindingHandler() { return ctx.onClick(); })("click", function FooCmp_click_HostBindingHandler($event) { return ctx.onDocumentClick($event.target); }, false, i0.ɵɵresolveDocument)("scroll", function FooCmp_scroll_HostBindingHandler() { return ctx.onWindowScroll(); }, false, i0.ɵɵresolveWindow); } } `; expect(trim(jsContents)).toContain(trim(hostBindingsFn)); }); it('should throw in case unknown global target is provided', () => { env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Component, HostListener} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test', template: 'Test' }) class FooCmp { @HostListener('UnknownTarget:click') onClick(event: any): void {} } `); const errors = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(trim(errors[0].messageText as string)) .toContain( `Unexpected global target 'UnknownTarget' defined for 'click' event. Supported list of global targets: window,document,body.`); }); it('should provide error location for invalid host properties', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test', template: '...', host: { '(click)': 'act() | pipe', } }) class FooCmp {} `); const errors = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(getDiagnosticSourceCode(errors[0])).toBe(`{ '(click)': 'act() | pipe', }`); expect(errors[0].messageText).toContain('/test.ts@7:17'); }); it('should throw in case pipes are used in host listeners', () => { env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test', template: '...', host: { '(click)': 'doSmth() | myPipe' } }) class FooCmp {} `); const errors = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(trim(errors[0].messageText as string)) .toContain('Cannot have a pipe in an action expression'); }); it('should throw in case pipes are used in host bindings (defined as `value | pipe`)', () => { env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test', template: '...', host: { '[id]': 'id | myPipe' } }) class FooCmp {} `); const errors = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(trim(errors[0].messageText as string)) .toContain('Host binding expression cannot contain pipes'); }); it('should generate host bindings for directives', () => { env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Component, HostBinding, HostListener, TemplateRef} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test', template: 'Test', host: { '[attr.hello]': 'foo', '(click)': 'onClick($event)', '(body:click)': 'onBodyClick($event)', '[prop]': 'bar', }, }) class FooCmp { onClick(event: any): void {} @HostBinding('class.someclass') get someClass(): boolean { return false; } @HostListener('change', ['arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3']) onChange(event: any, arg: any): void {} } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); const hostBindingsFn = ` hostVars: 4, hostBindings: function FooCmp_HostBindings(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { i0.ɵɵlistener("click", function FooCmp_click_HostBindingHandler($event) { return ctx.onClick($event); })("click", function FooCmp_click_HostBindingHandler($event) { return ctx.onBodyClick($event); }, false, i0.ɵɵresolveBody)("change", function FooCmp_change_HostBindingHandler() { return ctx.onChange(ctx.arg1, ctx.arg2, ctx.arg3); }); } if (rf & 2) { i0.ɵɵhostProperty("prop", ctx.bar); i0.ɵɵattribute("hello", ctx.foo); i0.ɵɵclassProp("someclass", ctx.someClass); } } `; expect(trim(jsContents)).toContain(trim(hostBindingsFn)); }); it('should accept dynamic host attribute bindings', () => { env.write('other.d.ts', ` export declare const foo: any; `); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; import {foo} from './other'; const test = foo.bar(); @Component({ selector: 'test', template: '', host: { 'test': test, }, }) export class TestCmp {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('hostAttrs: ["test", test]'); }); it('should accept enum values as host bindings', () => { env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Component, HostBinding, HostListener, TemplateRef} from '@angular/core'; enum HostBindings { Hello = 'foo' } @Component({ selector: 'test', template: 'Test', host: { '[attr.hello]': HostBindings.Hello, }, }) class FooCmp { foo = 'test'; } `); env.driveMain(); expect(env.getContents('test.js')).toContain('i0.ɵɵattribute("hello", ctx.foo)'); }); it('should generate host listeners for directives within hostBindings section', () => { env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Directive, HostListener} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({ selector: '[test]', }) class Dir { @HostListener('change', ['$event', 'arg']) onChange(event: any, arg: any): void {} } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); const hostBindingsFn = ` hostBindings: function Dir_HostBindings(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { i0.ɵɵlistener("change", function Dir_change_HostBindingHandler($event) { return ctx.onChange($event, ctx.arg); }); } } `; expect(trim(jsContents)).toContain(trim(hostBindingsFn)); }); it('should use proper default value for preserveWhitespaces config param', () => { env.tsconfig(); // default is `false` env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test', preserveWhitespaces: false, template: \`
Template with whitespaces
\` }) class FooCmp {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('text(1, " Template with whitespaces ");'); }); it('should take preserveWhitespaces config option into account', () => { env.tsconfig({preserveWhitespaces: true}); env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test', template: \`
Template with whitespaces
\` }) class FooCmp {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents) .toContain('text(2, "\\n Template with whitespaces\\n ");'); }); it('@Component\'s preserveWhitespaces should override the one defined in config', () => { env.tsconfig({preserveWhitespaces: true}); env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test', preserveWhitespaces: false, template: \`
Template with whitespaces
\` }) class FooCmp {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('text(1, " Template with whitespaces ");'); }); it('should use proper default value for i18nUseExternalIds config param', () => { env.tsconfig(); // default is `true` env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test', template: '
Some text
' }) class FooCmp {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('MSG_EXTERNAL_8321000940098097247$$TEST_TS_1'); }); it('should take i18nUseExternalIds config option into account', () => { env.tsconfig({i18nUseExternalIds: false}); env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test', template: '
Some text
' }) class FooCmp {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).not.toContain('MSG_EXTERNAL_'); }); it('should render legacy ids when `enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat` is not false', () => { env.tsconfig({}); env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test', template: '
Some text
' }) class FooCmp {}`); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents) .toContain( '":\\u241F5dbba0a3da8dff890e20cf76eb075d58900fbcd3\\u241F8321000940098097247:Some text"'); }); it('should render custom id and legacy ids if `enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat` is not false', () => { env.tsconfig({i18nFormatIn: 'xlf'}); env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test', template: '
Some text
' }) class FooCmp {}`); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents) .toContain( ':@@custom\\u241F5dbba0a3da8dff890e20cf76eb075d58900fbcd3\\u241F8321000940098097247:Some text'); }); it('should not render legacy ids when `enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat` is set to false', () => { env.tsconfig({enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat: false, i18nInFormat: 'xmb'}); env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test', template: '
Some text
' }) class FooCmp {}`); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); // Note that the colon would only be there if there is an id attached to the // string. expect(jsContents).not.toContain(':Some text'); }); it('should also render legacy ids for ICUs when normal messages are using legacy ids', () => { env.tsconfig({i18nInFormat: 'xliff'}); env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test', template: '
Some text {age, plural, 10 {ten} other {other}}
' }) class FooCmp { age = 1; }`); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents) .toContain( ':\\u241F720ba589d043a0497ac721ff972f41db0c919efb\\u241F3221232817843005870:{VAR_PLURAL, plural, 10 {ten} other {other}}'); expect(jsContents) .toContain( ':@@custom\\u241Fdcb6170595f5d548a3d00937e87d11858f51ad04\\u241F7419139165339437596:Some text'); }); it('@Component\'s `interpolation` should override default interpolation config', () => { env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'cmp-with-custom-interpolation-a', template: \`
\`, interpolation: ['{%', '%}'] }) class ComponentWithCustomInterpolationA { text = 'Custom Interpolation A'; } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('ɵɵtextInterpolate(ctx.text)'); }); it('should handle `encapsulation` field', () => { env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Component, ViewEncapsulation} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'comp-a', template: '...', encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None }) class CompA {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('encapsulation: 2'); }); it('should throw if `encapsulation` contains invalid value', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'comp-a', template: '...', encapsulation: 'invalid-value' }) class CompA {} `); const errors = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(errors.length).toBe(1); const messageText = ts.flattenDiagnosticMessageText(errors[0].messageText, '\n'); expect(messageText) .toContain('encapsulation must be a member of ViewEncapsulation enum from @angular/core'); expect(messageText).toContain('Value is of type \'string\'.'); }); it('should handle `changeDetection` field', () => { env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Component, ChangeDetectionStrategy} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'comp-a', template: '...', changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush }) class CompA {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('changeDetection: 0'); }); it('should throw if `changeDetection` contains invalid value', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'comp-a', template: '...', changeDetection: 'invalid-value' }) class CompA {} `); const errors = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(errors.length).toBe(1); const messageText = ts.flattenDiagnosticMessageText(errors[0].messageText, '\n'); expect(messageText) .toContain( 'changeDetection must be a member of ChangeDetectionStrategy enum from @angular/core'); expect(messageText).toContain('Value is of type \'string\'.'); }); it('should ignore empty bindings', () => { env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test', template: '
' }) class FooCmp {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).not.toContain('i0.ɵɵproperty'); }); it('should correctly recognize local symbols', () => { env.write('module.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {Dir, Comp} from './test'; @NgModule({ declarations: [Dir, Comp], exports: [Dir, Comp], }) class Module {} `); env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Component, Directive} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({ selector: '[dir]', }) export class Dir {} @Component({ selector: 'test', template: '
', }) export class Comp {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).not.toMatch(/import \* as i[0-9] from ['"].\/test['"]/); }); it('should generate exportAs declarations', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, Directive} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({ selector: '[test]', exportAs: 'foo', }) class Dir {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain(`exportAs: ["foo"]`); }); it('should generate multiple exportAs declarations', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, Directive} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({ selector: '[test]', exportAs: 'foo, bar', }) class Dir {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain(`exportAs: ["foo", "bar"]`); }); it('should generate correct factory stubs for a test module', () => { env.tsconfig({'generateNgFactoryShims': true}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Injectable, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @Injectable() export class NotAModule {} @NgModule({}) export class TestModule {} `); env.write('empty.ts', ` import {Injectable} from '@angular/core'; @Injectable() export class NotAModule {} `); env.driveMain(); const factoryContents = env.getContents('test.ngfactory.js'); expect(factoryContents).toContain(`import * as i0 from '@angular/core';`); expect(factoryContents).toContain(`import { NotAModule, TestModule } from './test';`); expect(factoryContents) .toContain( 'export var TestModuleNgFactory = i0.\u0275noSideEffects(function () { ' + 'return new i0.\u0275NgModuleFactory(TestModule); });'); expect(factoryContents).not.toContain(`NotAModuleNgFactory`); expect(factoryContents).not.toContain('\u0275NonEmptyModule'); const emptyFactory = env.getContents('empty.ngfactory.js'); expect(emptyFactory).toContain(`import * as i0 from '@angular/core';`); expect(emptyFactory).toContain(`export var \u0275NonEmptyModule = true;`); }); describe('ngfactory shims', () => { beforeEach(() => { env.tsconfig({'generateNgFactoryShims': true}); }); it('should not be generated for .js files', () => { // This test verifies that the compiler does not attempt to generate shim files // for non-TS input files (in this case, other.js). env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', template: 'This is a template', }) export class TestCmp {} @NgModule({ declarations: [TestCmp], exports: [TestCmp], }) export class TestModule {} `); env.write('other.js', ` export class TestJs {} `); expect(env.driveDiagnostics()).toEqual([]); env.assertExists('test.ngfactory.js'); env.assertDoesNotExist('other.ngfactory.js'); }); it('should be able to depend on an existing factory shim', () => { // This test verifies that ngfactory files from the compilations of dependencies // are available to import in a fresh compilation. It is derived from a bug // observed in g3 where the shim system accidentally caused TypeScript to think // that *.ngfactory.ts files always exist. env.write('other.ngfactory.d.ts', ` export class OtherNgFactory {} `); env.write('test.ts', ` import {OtherNgFactory} from './other.ngfactory'; class DoSomethingWith extends OtherNgFactory {} `); expect(env.driveDiagnostics()).toEqual([]); }); it('should generate factory shims for files not listed in root files', () => { // This test verifies that shims are generated for all files in the user's // program, even if only a subset of those files are listed in the tsconfig as // root files. env.tsconfig({'generateNgFactoryShims': true}, /* extraRootDirs */ undefined, [ absoluteFrom('/test.ts'), ]); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; import {OtherCmp} from './other'; @Component({ selector: 'test', template: '...', }) export class TestCmp { constructor(other: OtherCmp) {} } `); env.write('other.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'other', template: '...', }) export class OtherCmp {} `); env.driveMain(); expect(env.getContents('other.ngfactory.js')).toContain('OtherCmp'); }); it('should generate correct type annotation for NgModuleFactory calls in ngfactories', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test', template: '...', }) export class TestCmp {} `); env.driveMain(); const ngfactoryContents = env.getContents('test.ngfactory.d.ts'); expect(ngfactoryContents).toContain(`i0.ɵNgModuleFactory`); }); it('should be able to compile an app using the factory shim', () => { env.tsconfig({'allowEmptyCodegenFiles': true}); env.write('test.ts', ` export {MyModuleNgFactory} from './my-module.ngfactory'; `); env.write('my-module.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @NgModule({}) export class MyModule {} `); env.driveMain(); }); it('should generate correct imports in factory stubs when compiling @angular/core', () => { env.tsconfig({'allowEmptyCodegenFiles': true}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @NgModule({}) export class TestModule {} `); // Trick the compiler into thinking it's compiling @angular/core. env.write('r3_symbols.ts', 'export const ITS_JUST_ANGULAR = true;'); env.driveMain(); const factoryContents = env.getContents('test.ngfactory.js'); expect(factoryContents) .toBe( 'import * as i0 from "./r3_symbols";\n' + 'import { TestModule } from \'./test\';\n' + 'export var TestModuleNgFactory = i0.\u0275noSideEffects(function () {' + ' return new i0.NgModuleFactory(TestModule); });\n'); }); it('should generate side effectful NgModuleFactory constructor when lazy loaded', () => { env.tsconfig({'allowEmptyCodegenFiles': true}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @NgModule({ id: 'test', // ID to use for lazy loading. }) export class TestModule {} `); env.driveMain(); // Should **not** contain noSideEffects(), because the module is lazy loaded. const factoryContents = env.getContents('test.ngfactory.js'); expect(factoryContents) .toContain('export var TestModuleNgFactory = new i0.ɵNgModuleFactory(TestModule);'); }); describe('file-level comments', () => { it('should copy a top-level comment into a factory stub', () => { env.tsconfig({'allowEmptyCodegenFiles': true}); env.write('test.ts', `/** I am a top-level comment. */ import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @NgModule({}) export class TestModule {} `); env.driveMain(); const factoryContents = env.getContents('test.ngfactory.js'); expect(factoryContents).toContain(`/** I am a top-level comment. */\n`); }); it('should not copy a non-file level comment into a factory stub', () => { env.tsconfig({'allowEmptyCodegenFiles': true}); env.write('test.ts', `/** I am a top-level comment, but not for the file. */ export const TEST = true; `); env.driveMain(); const factoryContents = env.getContents('test.ngfactory.js'); expect(factoryContents).not.toContain('top-level comment'); }); it('should not copy a file level comment with an @license into a factory stub', () => { env.tsconfig({'allowEmptyCodegenFiles': true}); env.write('test.ts', `/** @license I am a top-level comment, but have a license. */ export const TEST = true; `); env.driveMain(); const factoryContents = env.getContents('test.ngfactory.js'); expect(factoryContents).not.toContain('top-level comment'); }); }); }); describe('ngsummary shim generation', () => { beforeEach(() => { env.tsconfig({'generateNgSummaryShims': true}); }); it('should generate a summary stub for decorated classes in the input file only', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Injectable, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; export class NotAModule {} @NgModule({}) export class TestModule {} `); env.driveMain(); const summaryContents = env.getContents('test.ngsummary.js'); expect(summaryContents).toEqual(`export var TestModuleNgSummary = null;\n`); }); it('should generate a summary stub for classes exported via exports', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Injectable, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @NgModule({}) class NotDirectlyExported {} export {NotDirectlyExported}; `); env.driveMain(); const summaryContents = env.getContents('test.ngsummary.js'); expect(summaryContents).toEqual(`export var NotDirectlyExportedNgSummary = null;\n`); }); it('it should generate empty export when there are no other summary symbols, to ensure the output is a valid ES module', () => { env.write('empty.ts', ` export class NotAModule {} `); env.driveMain(); const emptySummary = env.getContents('empty.ngsummary.js'); // The empty export ensures this js file is still an ES module. expect(emptySummary).toEqual(`export var \u0275empty = null;\n`); }); }); it('should compile a banana-in-a-box inside of a template', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ template: '
', selector: 'test' }) class TestCmp {} `); env.driveMain(); }); it('generates inherited factory definitions', () => { env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Injectable} from '@angular/core'; class Dep {} @Injectable() class Base { constructor(dep: Dep) {} } @Injectable() class Child extends Base {} @Injectable() class GrandChild extends Child { constructor() { super(null!); } } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents) .toContain('function Base_Factory(t) { return new (t || Base)(i0.ɵɵinject(Dep)); }'); expect(jsContents) .toContain('var \u0275Child_BaseFactory = /*@__PURE__*/ i0.ɵɵgetInheritedFactory(Child)'); expect(jsContents) .toContain('function Child_Factory(t) { return \u0275Child_BaseFactory(t || Child); }'); expect(jsContents) .toContain('function GrandChild_Factory(t) { return new (t || GrandChild)(); }'); }); it('generates base factories for directives', () => { env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Directive} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({ selector: '[base]', }) class Base {} @Directive({ selector: '[test]', }) class Dir extends Base { } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents) .toContain('var \u0275Dir_BaseFactory = /*@__PURE__*/ i0.ɵɵgetInheritedFactory(Dir)'); }); it('should wrap "directives" in component metadata in a closure when forward references are present', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'cmp-a', template: '', }) class CmpA {} @Component({ selector: 'cmp-b', template: 'This is B', }) class CmpB {} @NgModule({ declarations: [CmpA, CmpB], }) class Module {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('directives: function () { return [CmpB]; }'); }); it('should wrap setClassMetadata in an iife with ngDevMode guard', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Injectable} from '@angular/core'; @Injectable({providedIn: 'root'}) export class Service {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js').replace(/\s+/g, ' '); expect(jsContents) .toContain( `(function () { (typeof ngDevMode === "undefined" || ngDevMode) && ` + `i0.ɵsetClassMetadata(Service, [{ type: Injectable, args: [{ providedIn: 'root' }] }], null, null); })();`); }); it('should not include `schemas` in component and module defs', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, NgModule, NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'comp', template: '', schemas: [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA], }) class MyComp {} @NgModule({ declarations: [MyComp], schemas: [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA], }) class MyModule {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = trim(env.getContents('test.js')); expect(jsContents).toContain(trim(` MyComp.ɵcmp = i0.ɵɵdefineComponent({ type: MyComp, selectors: [["comp"]], decls: 1, vars: 0, template: function MyComp_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) { i0.ɵɵelement(0, "custom-el"); } }, encapsulation: 2 }); `)); expect(jsContents) .toContain(trim('MyModule.ɵmod = i0.ɵɵdefineNgModule({ type: MyModule });')); }); it('should emit setClassMetadata calls for all types', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, Directive, Injectable, NgModule, Pipe} from '@angular/core'; @Component({selector: 'cmp', template: 'I am a component!'}) class TestComponent {} @Directive({selector: 'dir'}) class TestDirective {} @Injectable() class TestInjectable {} @NgModule({declarations: [TestComponent, TestDirective]}) class TestNgModule {} @Pipe({name: 'pipe'}) class TestPipe {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('\u0275setClassMetadata(TestComponent, '); expect(jsContents).toContain('\u0275setClassMetadata(TestDirective, '); expect(jsContents).toContain('\u0275setClassMetadata(TestInjectable, '); expect(jsContents).toContain('\u0275setClassMetadata(TestNgModule, '); expect(jsContents).toContain('\u0275setClassMetadata(TestPipe, '); }); it('should use imported types in setClassMetadata if they can be represented as values', () => { env.write(`types.ts`, ` export class MyTypeA {} export class MyTypeB {} `); env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Component, Inject, Injectable} from '@angular/core'; import {MyTypeA, MyTypeB} from './types'; @Injectable({providedIn: 'root'}) export class SomeService { constructor(arg: MyTypeA) {} } @Component({ selector: 'some-comp', template: '...', }) export class SomeComp { constructor(@Inject('arg-token') arg: MyTypeB) {} } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = trim(env.getContents('test.js')); expect(jsContents).toContain(`import * as i1 from "./types";`); expect(jsContents).toMatch(setClassMetadataRegExp('type: i1\\.MyTypeA')); expect(jsContents).toMatch(setClassMetadataRegExp('type: i1\\.MyTypeB')); }); it('should use imported types in setClassMetadata if they can be represented as values and imported as `* as foo`', () => { env.write(`types.ts`, ` export class MyTypeA {} export class MyTypeB {} `); env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Component, Inject, Injectable} from '@angular/core'; import * as types from './types'; @Injectable({providedIn: 'root'}) export class SomeService { constructor(arg: types.MyTypeA) {} } @Component({ selector: 'some-comp', template: '...', }) export class SomeComp { constructor(@Inject('arg-token') arg: types.MyTypeB) {} } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = trim(env.getContents('test.js')); expect(jsContents).toContain(`import * as i1 from "./types";`); expect(jsContents).toMatch(setClassMetadataRegExp('type: i1.MyTypeA')); expect(jsContents).toMatch(setClassMetadataRegExp('type: i1.MyTypeB')); }); it('should use default-imported types if they can be represented as values', () => { env.write(`types.ts`, ` export default class Default {} export class Other {} `); env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; import {Other} from './types'; import Default from './types'; @Component({selector: 'test', template: 'test'}) export class SomeCmp { constructor(arg: Default, other: Other) {} } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = trim(env.getContents('test.js')); expect(jsContents).toContain(`import Default from './types';`); expect(jsContents).toContain(`import * as i1 from "./types";`); expect(jsContents).toContain('i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(Default)'); expect(jsContents).toContain('i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i1.Other)'); expect(jsContents).toMatch(setClassMetadataRegExp('type: Default')); expect(jsContents).toMatch(setClassMetadataRegExp('type: i1.Other')); }); it('should not throw when using an SVG-specific `title` tag', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ template: \` I'm a title tag \`, }) export class SvgCmp {} @NgModule({ declarations: [SvgCmp], }) export class SvgModule {} `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(0); }); describe('namespace support', () => { it('should generate correct imports for type references to namespaced symbols using a namespace import', () => { env.write(`/node_modules/ns/index.d.ts`, ` export declare class Zero {} export declare namespace one { export declare class One {} } export declare namespace one.two { export declare class Two {} } `); env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Inject, Injectable, InjectionToken} from '@angular/core'; import * as ns from 'ns'; @Injectable() export class MyService { constructor( zero: ns.Zero, one: ns.one.One, two: ns.one.two.Two, ) {} } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = trim(env.getContents('test.js')); expect(jsContents).toContain(`import * as i1 from "ns";`); expect(jsContents).toContain('i0.ɵɵinject(i1.Zero)'); expect(jsContents).toContain('i0.ɵɵinject(i1.one.One)'); expect(jsContents).toContain('i0.ɵɵinject(i1.one.two.Two)'); expect(jsContents).toMatch(setClassMetadataRegExp('type: i1.Zero')); expect(jsContents).toMatch(setClassMetadataRegExp('type: i1.one.One')); expect(jsContents).toMatch(setClassMetadataRegExp('type: i1.one.two.Two')); }); it('should generate correct imports for type references to namespaced symbols using named imports', () => { env.write(`/node_modules/ns/index.d.ts`, ` export namespace ns { export declare class Zero {} export declare namespace one { export declare class One {} } export declare namespace one.two { export declare class Two {} } } `); env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Inject, Injectable, InjectionToken} from '@angular/core'; import {ns} from 'ns'; import {ns as alias} from 'ns'; @Injectable() export class MyService { constructor( zero: ns.Zero, one: ns.one.One, two: ns.one.two.Two, aliasedZero: alias.Zero, aliasedOne: alias.one.One, aliasedTwo: alias.one.two.Two, ) {} } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = trim(env.getContents('test.js')); expect(jsContents).toContain(`import * as i1 from "ns";`); expect(jsContents) .toContain( 'i0.ɵɵinject(i1.ns.Zero), ' + 'i0.ɵɵinject(i1.ns.one.One), ' + 'i0.ɵɵinject(i1.ns.one.two.Two), ' + 'i0.ɵɵinject(i1.ns.Zero), ' + 'i0.ɵɵinject(i1.ns.one.One), ' + 'i0.ɵɵinject(i1.ns.one.two.Two)'); expect(jsContents).toMatch(setClassMetadataRegExp('type: i1.ns.Zero')); expect(jsContents).toMatch(setClassMetadataRegExp('type: i1.ns.one.One')); expect(jsContents).toMatch(setClassMetadataRegExp('type: i1.ns.one.two.Two')); }); it('should not error for a namespace import as parameter type when @Inject is used', () => { env.tsconfig({'strictInjectionParameters': true}); env.write(`/node_modules/foo/index.d.ts`, ` export = Foo; declare class Foo {} declare namespace Foo {} `); env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Inject, Injectable, InjectionToken} from '@angular/core'; import * as Foo from 'foo'; export const TOKEN = new InjectionToken('Foo'); @Injectable() export class MyService { constructor(@Inject(TOKEN) foo: Foo) {} } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = trim(env.getContents('test.js')); expect(jsContents).toContain('i0.ɵɵinject(TOKEN)'); expect(jsContents).toMatch(setClassMetadataRegExp('type: undefined')); }); it('should error for a namespace import as parameter type used for DI', () => { env.tsconfig({'strictInjectionParameters': true}); env.write(`/node_modules/foo/index.d.ts`, ` export = Foo; declare class Foo {} declare namespace Foo {} `); env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Injectable} from '@angular/core'; import * as Foo from 'foo'; @Injectable() export class MyService { constructor(foo: Foo) {} } `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(1); expect(ts.flattenDiagnosticMessageText(diags[0].messageText, '\n')) .toBe( `No suitable injection token for parameter 'foo' of class 'MyService'.\n` + ` Consider using the @Inject decorator to specify an injection token.`); expect(diags[0].relatedInformation!.length).toBe(2); expect(diags[0].relatedInformation![0].messageText) .toBe( 'This type corresponds with a namespace, which cannot be used as injection token.'); expect(diags[0].relatedInformation![1].messageText) .toBe('The namespace import occurs here.'); }); }); it('should use `undefined` in setClassMetadata if types can\'t be represented as values', () => { env.write(`types.ts`, ` export type MyType = Map; `); env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Component, Inject, Injectable} from '@angular/core'; import {MyType} from './types'; @Component({ selector: 'some-comp', template: '...', }) export class SomeComp { constructor(@Inject('arg-token') arg: MyType) {} } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = trim(env.getContents('test.js')); expect(jsContents).not.toContain(`import { MyType } from './types';`); // Note: `type: undefined` below, since MyType can't be represented as a value expect(jsContents).toMatch(setClassMetadataRegExp('type: undefined')); }); it('should use `undefined` in setClassMetadata for const enums', () => { env.write(`keycodes.ts`, ` export const enum KeyCodes {A, B}; `); env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Component, Inject} from '@angular/core'; import {KeyCodes} from './keycodes'; @Component({ selector: 'some-comp', template: '...', }) export class SomeComp { constructor(@Inject('arg-token') arg: KeyCodes) {} } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = trim(env.getContents('test.js')); expect(jsContents).not.toContain(`import { KeyCodes } from './keycodes';`); // Note: `type: undefined` below, since KeyCodes can't be represented as a value expect(jsContents).toMatch(setClassMetadataRegExp('type: undefined')); }); it('should preserve the types of non-const enums in setClassMetadata', () => { env.write(`keycodes.ts`, ` export enum KeyCodes {A, B}; `); env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Component, Inject} from '@angular/core'; import {KeyCodes} from './keycodes'; @Component({ selector: 'some-comp', template: '...', }) export class SomeComp { constructor(@Inject('arg-token') arg: KeyCodes) {} } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = trim(env.getContents('test.js')); expect(jsContents).toContain(`import { KeyCodes } from './keycodes';`); expect(jsContents).toMatch(setClassMetadataRegExp('type: i1.KeyCodes')); }); it('should use `undefined` in setClassMetadata if types originate from type-only imports', () => { env.write(`types.ts`, ` export default class {} export class TypeOnly {} `); env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Component, Inject, Injectable} from '@angular/core'; import type DefaultImport from './types'; import type {TypeOnly} from './types'; import type * as types from './types'; @Component({ selector: 'some-comp', template: '...', }) export class SomeComp { constructor( @Inject('token') namedImport: TypeOnly, @Inject('token') defaultImport: DefaultImport, @Inject('token') namespacedImport: types.TypeOnly, ) {} } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = trim(env.getContents('test.js')); // Module specifier for type-only import should not be emitted expect(jsContents).not.toContain('./types'); // Default type-only import should not be emitted expect(jsContents).not.toContain('DefaultImport'); // Named type-only import should not be emitted expect(jsContents).not.toContain('TypeOnly'); // The parameter type in class metadata should be undefined expect(jsContents).toMatch(setClassMetadataRegExp('type: undefined')); }); it('should not throw in case whitespaces and HTML comments are present inside ', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'cmp-a', template: \` \`, }) class CmpA {} `); const errors = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(errors.length).toBe(0); }); it('should compile a template using multiple directives with the same selector', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, Directive, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({selector: '[test]'}) class DirA {} @Directive({selector: '[test]'}) class DirB {} @Component({ template: '
', }) class Cmp {} @NgModule({ declarations: [Cmp, DirA, DirB], }) class Module {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toMatch(/directives: \[DirA,\s+DirB\]/); }); describe('cycle detection', () => { it('should detect a simple cycle and use remote component scoping', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {NormalComponent} from './cyclic'; @Component({ selector: 'cyclic-component', template: 'Importing this causes a cycle', }) export class CyclicComponent {} @NgModule({ declarations: [NormalComponent, CyclicComponent], }) export class Module {} `); env.write('cyclic.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'normal-component', template: '', }) export class NormalComponent {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents) .toMatch( /i\d\.ɵɵsetComponentScope\(NormalComponent,\s+\[CyclicComponent\],\s+\[\]\)/); expect(jsContents).not.toContain('/*__PURE__*/ i0.ɵɵsetComponentScope'); }); it('should detect a cycle added entirely during compilation', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {ACmp} from './a'; import {BCmp} from './b'; @NgModule({declarations: [ACmp, BCmp]}) export class Module {} `); env.write('a.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'a-cmp', template: '', }) export class ACmp {} `); env.write('b.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'b-cmp', template: '', }) export class BCmp {} `); env.driveMain(); const aJsContents = env.getContents('a.js'); const bJsContents = env.getContents('b.js'); expect(aJsContents).toMatch(/import \* as i\d? from ".\/b"/); expect(bJsContents).not.toMatch(/import \* as i\d? from ".\/a"/); }); it('should not detect a potential cycle if it doesn\'t actually happen', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {ACmp} from './a'; import {BCmp} from './b'; @NgModule({declarations: [ACmp, BCmp]}) export class Module {} `); env.write('a.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'a-cmp', template: '', }) export class ACmp {} `); env.write('b.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'b-cmp', template: 'does not use a-cmp', }) export class BCmp {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).not.toContain('setComponentScope'); }); it('should only pass components actually used to setComponentScope', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {NormalComponent} from './cyclic'; import {OtherComponent} from './other'; @Component({ selector: 'cyclic-component', template: 'Importing this causes a cycle', }) export class CyclicComponent {} @NgModule({ declarations: [NormalComponent, CyclicComponent, OtherComponent], }) export class Module {} `); env.write('cyclic.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'normal-component', template: '', }) export class NormalComponent {} `); env.write('other.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'other-component', template: 'An unused other component', }) export class OtherComponent {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).not.toMatch(/i\d\.ɵɵsetComponentScope\([^)]*OtherComponent[^)]*\)/); }); }); describe('local refs', () => { it('should not generate an error when a local ref is unresolved (outside of template type-checking)', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ template: '
', }) export class TestCmp {} `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(1); expect(diags[0].messageText) .toEqual(`No directive found with exportAs 'unknownTarget'.`); }); }); describe('multiple local refs', () => { const getComponentScript = (template: string): string => ` import {Component, Directive, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @Component({selector: 'my-cmp', template: \`${template}\`}) class Cmp {} @NgModule({declarations: [Cmp]}) class Module {} `; const cases = [ `
`, `
`, `
`, `
`, `
` ]; cases.forEach(template => { it('should not throw', () => { env.write('test.ts', getComponentScript(template)); const errors = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(errors.length).toBe(0); }); }); }); it('should wrap "inputs" and "outputs" keys if they contain unsafe characters', () => { env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Directive, Input} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({ selector: '[somedir]', inputs: ['track-type', 'track-name', 'inputTrackName', 'src.xl'], outputs: ['output-track-type', 'output-track-name', 'outputTrackName', 'output.event'] }) export class SomeDir { @Input('track-type') trackType: string; @Input('track-name') trackName: string; } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); const inputsAndOutputs = ` inputs: { "track-type": "track-type", "track-name": "track-name", inputTrackName: "inputTrackName", "src.xl": "src.xl", trackType: ["track-type", "trackType"], trackName: ["track-name", "trackName"] }, outputs: { "output-track-type": "output-track-type", "output-track-name": "output-track-name", outputTrackName: "outputTrackName", "output.event": "output.event" } `; expect(trim(jsContents)).toContain(trim(inputsAndOutputs)); }); it('should compile programs with typeRoots', () => { // Write out a custom tsconfig.json that includes 'typeRoots' and 'files'. 'files' // is necessary because otherwise TS picks up the testTypeRoot/test/index.d.ts // file into the program automatically. Shims are also turned on because the shim // ts.CompilerHost wrapper can break typeRoot functionality (which this test is // meant to detect). env.write('tsconfig.json', `{ "extends": "./tsconfig-base.json", "angularCompilerOptions": { "generateNgFactoryShims": true, "generateNgSummaryShims": true, }, "compilerOptions": { "typeRoots": ["./testTypeRoot"], }, "files": ["./test.ts"] }`); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Test} from 'ambient'; console.log(Test); `); env.write('testTypeRoot/.exists', ''); env.write('testTypeRoot/test/index.d.ts', ` declare module 'ambient' { export const Test = 'This is a test'; } `); env.driveMain(); // Success is enough to indicate that this passes. }); describe('NgModule invalid import/export errors', () => { function verifyThrownError(errorCode: ErrorCode, errorMessage: string) { const errors = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(errors.length).toBe(1); const {code, messageText} = errors[0]; expect(code).toBe(ngErrorCode(errorCode)); expect(trim(messageText as string)).toContain(errorMessage); } it('should provide a hint when importing an invalid NgModule from node_modules', () => { env.write('node_modules/external/index.d.ts', ` export declare class NotAModule {} `); env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {NotAModule} from 'external'; @NgModule({ imports: [NotAModule], }) export class Module {} `); verifyThrownError( ErrorCode.NGMODULE_INVALID_IMPORT, 'This likely means that the library (external) which declares NotAModule has not ' + 'been processed correctly by ngcc, or is not compatible with Angular Ivy.'); }); it('should provide a hint when importing an invalid NgModule from a local library', () => { env.write('libs/external/index.d.ts', ` export declare class NotAModule {} `); env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {NotAModule} from './libs/external'; @NgModule({ imports: [NotAModule], }) export class Module {} `); verifyThrownError( ErrorCode.NGMODULE_INVALID_IMPORT, 'This likely means that the dependency which declares NotAModule has not ' + 'been processed correctly by ngcc.'); }); it('should provide a hint when importing an invalid NgModule in the current program', () => { env.write('invalid.ts', ` export class NotAModule {} `); env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {NotAModule} from './invalid'; @NgModule({ imports: [NotAModule], }) export class Module {} `); verifyThrownError( ErrorCode.NGMODULE_INVALID_IMPORT, 'Is it missing an @NgModule annotation?'); }); }); describe('when processing external directives', () => { it('should not emit multiple references to the same directive', () => { env.write('node_modules/external/index.d.ts', ` import {ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta, ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta} from '@angular/core'; export declare class ExternalDir { static ɵdir: ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta; } export declare class ExternalModule { static ɵmod: ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta; } `); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, Directive, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {ExternalModule} from 'external'; @Component({ template: '
', }) class Cmp {} @NgModule({ declarations: [Cmp], // Multiple imports of the same module used to result in duplicate directive references // in the output. imports: [ExternalModule, ExternalModule], }) class Module {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toMatch(/directives: \[i1\.ExternalDir\]/); }); it('should import directives by their external name', () => { env.write('node_modules/external/index.d.ts', ` import {ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta, ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta} from '@angular/core'; import {InternalDir} from './internal'; export {InternalDir as ExternalDir} from './internal'; export declare class ExternalModule { static ɵmod: ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta; } `); env.write('node_modules/external/internal.d.ts', ` export declare class InternalDir { static ɵdir: ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta; } `); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, Directive, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {ExternalModule} from 'external'; @Component({ template: '
', }) class Cmp {} @NgModule({ declarations: [Cmp], imports: [ExternalModule], }) class Module {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toMatch(/directives: \[i1\.ExternalDir\]/); }); }); // Run checks that are present in preanalysis phase in both sync and async mode, to // make sure the error messages are consistently thrown from `analyzeSync` and // `analyzeAsync` functions. ['sync', 'async'].forEach(mode => { describe(`preanalysis phase checks [${mode}]`, () => { let driveDiagnostics: () => Promise>; beforeEach(() => { if (mode === 'async') { env.enablePreloading(); driveDiagnostics = () => env.driveDiagnosticsAsync(); } else { driveDiagnostics = () => Promise.resolve(env.driveDiagnostics()); } }); it('should throw if @Component is missing a template', async () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test', }) export class TestCmp {} `); const diags = await driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags[0].messageText).toBe('component is missing a template'); expect(diags[0].file!.fileName).toBe(absoluteFrom('/test.ts')); }); it('should throw if `styleUrls` is defined incorrectly in @Component', async () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test', template: '...', styleUrls: '...' }) export class TestCmp {} `); const diags = await driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(1); const messageText = ts.flattenDiagnosticMessageText(diags[0].messageText, '\n'); expect(messageText).toContain('styleUrls must be an array of strings'); expect(messageText).toContain('Value is of type \'string\'.'); expect(diags[0].file!.fileName).toBe(absoluteFrom('/test.ts')); }); }); }); describe('flat module indices', () => { it('should generate a basic flat module index', () => { env.tsconfig({ 'flatModuleOutFile': 'flat.js', }); env.write('test.ts', 'export const TEST = "this is a test";'); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('flat.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('export * from \'./test\';'); }); it('should determine the flat module entry-point within multiple root files', () => { env.tsconfig({ 'flatModuleOutFile': 'flat.js', }); env.write('ignored.ts', 'export const TEST = "this is ignored";'); env.write('index.ts', 'export const ENTRY = "this is the entry";'); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('flat.js'); expect(jsContents) .toContain( 'export * from \'./index\';', 'Should detect the "index.ts" file as flat module entry-point.'); }); it('should generate a flat module with an id', () => { env.tsconfig({ 'flatModuleOutFile': 'flat.js', 'flatModuleId': '@mymodule', }); env.write('test.ts', 'export const TEST = "this is a test";'); env.driveMain(); const dtsContents = env.getContents('flat.d.ts'); expect(dtsContents).toContain('/// '); }); it('should generate a proper flat module index file when nested', () => { env.tsconfig({ 'flatModuleOutFile': './public-api/index.js', }); env.write('test.ts', `export const SOME_EXPORT = 'some-export'`); env.driveMain(); expect(env.getContents('./public-api/index.js')).toContain(`export * from '../test';`); }); it('should not throw if "flatModuleOutFile" is set to null', () => { env.tsconfig({ 'flatModuleOutFile': null, }); env.write('test.ts', `export const SOME_EXPORT = 'some-export'`); // The "driveMain" method automatically ensures that there is no // exception and that the build succeeded. env.driveMain(); }); it('should not throw or produce flat module index if "flatModuleOutFile" is set to ' + 'empty string', () => { env.tsconfig({ 'flatModuleOutFile': '', }); env.write('test.ts', `export const SOME_EXPORT = 'some-export'`); // The "driveMain" method automatically ensures that there is no // exception and that the build succeeded. env.driveMain(); // Previously ngtsc incorrectly tried generating a flat module index // file if the "flatModuleOutFile" was set to an empty string. ngtsc // just wrote the bundle file with an empty filename (just extension). env.assertDoesNotExist('.js'); env.assertDoesNotExist('.d.ts'); }); it('should report an error when a flat module index is requested but no entrypoint can be determined', () => { env.tsconfig({'flatModuleOutFile': 'flat.js'}); env.write('test.ts', 'export class Foo {}'); env.write('test2.ts', 'export class Bar {}'); const errors = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(errors.length).toBe(1); expect(errors[0].messageText) .toBe( 'Angular compiler option "flatModuleOutFile" requires one and only one .ts file in the "files" field.'); }); it('should report an error when a visible directive is not exported', () => { env.tsconfig({'flatModuleOutFile': 'flat.js'}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Directive, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; // The directive is not exported. @Directive({selector: 'test'}) class Dir {} // The module is, which makes the directive visible. @NgModule({declarations: [Dir], exports: [Dir]}) export class Module {} `); const errors = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(errors.length).toBe(1); expect(errors[0].messageText) .toBe( 'Unsupported private class Dir. This class is visible ' + 'to consumers via Module -> Dir, but is not exported from the top-level library ' + 'entrypoint.'); // Verify that the error is for the correct class. const error = errors[0] as ts.Diagnostic; const id = expectTokenAtPosition(error.file!, error.start!, ts.isIdentifier); expect(id.text).toBe('Dir'); expect(ts.isClassDeclaration(id.parent)).toBe(true); }); it('should report an error when a deeply visible directive is not exported', () => { env.tsconfig({'flatModuleOutFile': 'flat.js'}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Directive, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; // The directive is not exported. @Directive({selector: 'test'}) class Dir {} // Neither is the module which declares it - meaning the directive is not visible here. @NgModule({declarations: [Dir], exports: [Dir]}) class DirModule {} // The module is, which makes the directive visible. @NgModule({exports: [DirModule]}) export class Module {} `); const errors = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(errors.length).toBe(2); expect(errors[0].messageText) .toBe( 'Unsupported private class DirModule. This class is ' + 'visible to consumers via Module -> DirModule, but is not exported from the top-level ' + 'library entrypoint.'); expect(errors[1].messageText) .toBe( 'Unsupported private class Dir. This class is visible ' + 'to consumers via Module -> DirModule -> Dir, but is not exported from the top-level ' + 'library entrypoint.'); }); it('should report an error when a deeply visible module is not exported', () => { env.tsconfig({'flatModuleOutFile': 'flat.js'}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Directive, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; // The directive is exported. @Directive({selector: 'test'}) export class Dir {} // The module which declares it is not. @NgModule({declarations: [Dir], exports: [Dir]}) class DirModule {} // The module is, which makes the module and directive visible. @NgModule({exports: [DirModule]}) export class Module {} `); const errors = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(errors.length).toBe(1); expect(errors[0].messageText) .toBe( 'Unsupported private class DirModule. This class is ' + 'visible to consumers via Module -> DirModule, but is not exported from the top-level ' + 'library entrypoint.'); }); it('should not report an error when a non-exported module is imported by a visible one', () => { env.tsconfig({'flatModuleOutFile': 'flat.js'}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Directive, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; // The directive is not exported. @Directive({selector: 'test'}) class Dir {} // Neither is the module which declares it. @NgModule({declarations: [Dir], exports: [Dir]}) class DirModule {} // This module is, but it doesn't re-export the module, so it doesn't make the module and // directive visible. @NgModule({imports: [DirModule]}) export class Module {} `); const errors = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(errors.length).toBe(0); }); it('should not report an error when re-exporting an external symbol', () => { env.tsconfig({'flatModuleOutFile': 'flat.js'}); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Directive, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {ExternalModule} from 'external'; // This module makes ExternalModule and ExternalDir visible. @NgModule({exports: [ExternalModule]}) export class Module {} `); env.write('node_modules/external/index.d.ts', ` import {ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta, ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta} from '@angular/core'; export declare class ExternalDir { static ɵdir: ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta; } export declare class ExternalModule { static ɵmod: ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta; } `); const errors = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(errors.length).toBe(0); }); }); describe('aliasing re-exports', () => { beforeEach(() => { env.tsconfig({ 'generateDeepReexports': true, }); }); it('should re-export a directive from a different file under a private symbol name', () => { env.write('dir.ts', ` import {Directive} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({ selector: 'dir', }) export class Dir {} `); env.write('module.ts', ` import {Directive, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {Dir} from './dir'; @Directive({selector: '[inline]'}) export class InlineDir {} @NgModule({ declarations: [Dir, InlineDir], exports: [Dir, InlineDir], }) export class Module {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('module.js'); const dtsContents = env.getContents('module.d.ts'); expect(jsContents).toContain('export { Dir as ɵngExportɵModuleɵDir } from "./dir";'); expect(jsContents).not.toContain('ɵngExportɵModuleɵInlineDir'); expect(dtsContents).toContain('export { Dir as ɵngExportɵModuleɵDir } from "./dir";'); expect(dtsContents).not.toContain('ɵngExportɵModuleɵInlineDir'); }); it('should re-export a directive from an exported NgModule under a private symbol name', () => { env.write('dir.ts', ` import {Directive, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({ selector: 'dir', }) export class Dir {} @NgModule({ declarations: [Dir], exports: [Dir], }) export class DirModule {} `); env.write('module.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {DirModule} from './dir'; @NgModule({ exports: [DirModule], }) export class Module {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('module.js'); const dtsContents = env.getContents('module.d.ts'); expect(jsContents).toContain('export { Dir as ɵngExportɵModuleɵDir } from "./dir";'); expect(dtsContents).toContain('export { Dir as ɵngExportɵModuleɵDir } from "./dir";'); }); it('should not re-export a directive that\'s not exported from the NgModule', () => { env.write('dir.ts', ` import {Directive} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({ selector: 'dir', }) export class Dir {} `); env.write('module.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {Dir} from './dir'; @NgModule({ declarations: [Dir], exports: [], }) export class Module {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('module.js'); const dtsContents = env.getContents('module.d.ts'); expect(jsContents).not.toContain('ɵngExportɵModuleɵDir'); expect(dtsContents).not.toContain('ɵngExportɵModuleɵDir'); }); it('should not re-export a directive that\'s already exported', () => { env.write('dir.ts', ` import {Directive} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({ selector: 'dir', }) export class Dir {} `); env.write('module.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {Dir} from './dir'; @NgModule({ declarations: [Dir], exports: [Dir], }) export class Module {} export {Dir}; `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('module.js'); const dtsContents = env.getContents('module.d.ts'); expect(jsContents).not.toContain('ɵngExportɵModuleɵDir'); expect(dtsContents).not.toContain('ɵngExportɵModuleɵDir'); }); it('should not re-export a directive from an exported, external NgModule', () => { env.write(`node_modules/external/index.d.ts`, ` import {ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta, ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta} from '@angular/core'; export declare class ExternalDir { static ɵdir: ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta; } export declare class ExternalModule { static ɵmod: ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta; } `); env.write('module.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {ExternalModule} from 'external'; @NgModule({ exports: [ExternalModule], }) export class Module {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('module.js'); expect(jsContents).not.toContain('ɵngExportɵExternalModuleɵExternalDir'); }); it('should error when two directives with the same declared name are exported from the same NgModule', () => { env.write('dir.ts', ` import {Directive} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({ selector: 'dir', }) export class Dir {} `); env.write('dir2.ts', ` import {Directive} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({ selector: 'dir', }) export class Dir {} `); env.write('module.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {Dir} from './dir'; import {Dir as Dir2} from './dir2'; @NgModule({ declarations: [Dir, Dir2], exports: [Dir, Dir2], }) export class Module {} `); const diag = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diag.length).toBe(1); expect(diag[0]!.code).toEqual(ngErrorCode(ErrorCode.NGMODULE_REEXPORT_NAME_COLLISION)); }); it('should not error when two directives with the same declared name are exported from the same NgModule, but one is exported from the file directly', () => { env.write('dir.ts', ` import {Directive} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({ selector: 'dir', }) export class Dir {} `); env.write('dir2.ts', ` import {Directive} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({ selector: 'dir', }) export class Dir {} `); env.write('module.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {Dir} from './dir'; import {Dir as Dir2} from './dir2'; @NgModule({ declarations: [Dir, Dir2], exports: [Dir, Dir2], }) export class Module {} export {Dir} from './dir2'; `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('module.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('export { Dir as ɵngExportɵModuleɵDir } from "./dir";'); }); it('should choose a re-exported symbol if one is present', () => { env.write(`node_modules/external/dir.d.ts`, ` import {ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta} from '@angular/core'; export declare class ExternalDir { static ɵdir: ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta; } `); env.write('node_modules/external/module.d.ts', ` import {ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta} from '@angular/core'; import {ExternalDir} from './dir'; export declare class ExternalModule { static ɵmod: ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta; } export {ExternalDir as ɵngExportɵExternalModuleɵExternalDir}; `); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, Directive, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {ExternalModule} from 'external/module'; @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', template: '
', }) class Cmp {} @NgModule({ declarations: [Cmp], imports: [ExternalModule], }) class Module {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('import * as i1 from "external/module";'); expect(jsContents).toContain('directives: [i1.ɵngExportɵExternalModuleɵExternalDir]'); }); it('should not generate re-exports when disabled', () => { // Return to the default configuration, which has re-exports disabled. env.tsconfig(); env.write('dir.ts', ` import {Directive} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({ selector: 'dir', }) export class Dir {} `); env.write('module.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {Dir} from './dir'; @NgModule({ declarations: [Dir], exports: [Dir], }) export class Module {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('module.js'); const dtsContents = env.getContents('module.d.ts'); expect(jsContents).not.toContain('ɵngExportɵModuleɵDir'); expect(dtsContents).not.toContain('ɵngExportɵModuleɵDir'); }); }); it('should execute custom transformers', () => { let beforeCount = 0; let afterCount = 0; env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @NgModule({}) class Module {} `); env.driveMain({ beforeTs: [() => (sourceFile: ts.SourceFile) => { beforeCount++; return sourceFile; }], afterTs: [() => (sourceFile: ts.SourceFile) => { afterCount++; return sourceFile; }], }); expect(beforeCount).toBe(1); expect(afterCount).toBe(1); }); // These tests trigger the Tsickle compiler which asserts that the file-paths // are valid for the real OS. When on non-Windows systems it doesn't like paths // that start with `C:`. if (os !== 'Windows' || platform() === 'win32') { describe('@fileoverview Closure annotations', () => { it('should be produced if not present in source file', () => { env.tsconfig({ 'annotateForClosureCompiler': true, }); env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ template: '
', }) export class SomeComp {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); const fileoverview = ` /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * Generated from: test.ts * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ `; expect(trim(jsContents).startsWith(trim(fileoverview))).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should be produced for empty source files', () => { env.tsconfig({ 'annotateForClosureCompiler': true, }); env.write(`test.ts`, ``); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); const fileoverview = ` /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * Generated from: test.ts * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ `; expect(trim(jsContents).startsWith(trim(fileoverview))).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should be produced for generated factory files', () => { env.tsconfig({ 'annotateForClosureCompiler': true, 'generateNgFactoryShims': true, }); env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ template: '
', }) export class SomeComp {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.ngfactory.js'); const fileoverview = ` /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * Generated from: test.ngfactory.ts * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ `; expect(trim(jsContents).startsWith(trim(fileoverview))).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should always be at the very beginning of a script (if placed above imports)', () => { env.tsconfig({ 'annotateForClosureCompiler': true, }); env.write(`test.ts`, ` /** * @fileoverview Some Comp overview * @modName {some_comp} */ import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ template: '
', }) export class SomeComp {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); const fileoverview = ` /** * * @fileoverview Some Comp overview * Generated from: test.ts * @modName {some_comp} * * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ `; expect(trim(jsContents).startsWith(trim(fileoverview))).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should always be at the very beginning of a script (if placed above non-imports)', () => { env.tsconfig({ 'annotateForClosureCompiler': true, }); env.write(`test.ts`, ` /** * @fileoverview Some Comp overview * @modName {some_comp} */ const testConst = 'testConstValue'; const testFn = function() { return true; } `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); const fileoverview = ` /** * * @fileoverview Some Comp overview * Generated from: test.ts * @modName {some_comp} * * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ `; expect(trim(jsContents).startsWith(trim(fileoverview))).toBeTruthy(); }); }); } describe('sanitization', () => { it('should generate sanitizers for unsafe attributes in hostBindings fn in Directives', () => { env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Component, Directive, HostBinding, NgModule, Input} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({ selector: '[unsafeAttrs]' }) class UnsafeAttrsDirective { @HostBinding('attr.href') attrHref: string; @HostBinding('attr.src') attrSrc: string; @HostBinding('attr.action') attrAction: string; @HostBinding('attr.profile') attrProfile: string; @HostBinding('attr.innerHTML') attrInnerHTML: string; @HostBinding('attr.title') attrSafeTitle: string; @Input() unsafeAttrs: any; } @Component({ selector: 'foo', template: 'Link Title' }) class FooCmp { ctxProp = ''; } @NgModule({declarations: [FooCmp, UnsafeAttrsDirective]}) export class Module {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); const hostBindingsFn = ` hostVars: 6, hostBindings: function UnsafeAttrsDirective_HostBindings(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 2) { i0.ɵɵattribute("href", ctx.attrHref, i0.ɵɵsanitizeUrlOrResourceUrl)("src", ctx.attrSrc, i0.ɵɵsanitizeUrlOrResourceUrl)("action", ctx.attrAction, i0.ɵɵsanitizeUrl)("profile", ctx.attrProfile, i0.ɵɵsanitizeResourceUrl)("innerHTML", ctx.attrInnerHTML, i0.ɵɵsanitizeHtml)("title", ctx.attrSafeTitle); } } `; expect(trim(jsContents)).toContain(trim(hostBindingsFn)); }); it('should generate sanitizers for unsafe properties in hostBindings fn in Directives', () => { env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Component, Directive, HostBinding, Input, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({ selector: '[unsafeProps]' }) class UnsafePropsDirective { @HostBinding('href') propHref: string; @HostBinding('src') propSrc: string; @HostBinding('action') propAction: string; @HostBinding('profile') propProfile: string; @HostBinding('innerHTML') propInnerHTML: string; @HostBinding('title') propSafeTitle: string; @Input() unsafeProps: any; } @Component({ selector: 'foo', template: 'Link Title' }) class FooCmp { ctxProp = ''; } @NgModule({declarations: [FooCmp, UnsafePropsDirective]}) class MyModule {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); const hostBindingsFn = ` hostVars: 6, hostBindings: function UnsafePropsDirective_HostBindings(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 2) { i0.ɵɵhostProperty("href", ctx.propHref, i0.ɵɵsanitizeUrlOrResourceUrl)("src", ctx.propSrc, i0.ɵɵsanitizeUrlOrResourceUrl)("action", ctx.propAction, i0.ɵɵsanitizeUrl)("profile", ctx.propProfile, i0.ɵɵsanitizeResourceUrl)("innerHTML", ctx.propInnerHTML, i0.ɵɵsanitizeHtml)("title", ctx.propSafeTitle); } } `; expect(trim(jsContents)).toContain(trim(hostBindingsFn)); }); it('should not generate sanitizers for URL properties in hostBindings fn in Component', () => { env.write(`test.ts`, ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'foo', template: 'Link Title', host: { '[src]': 'srcProp', '[href]': 'hrefProp', '[title]': 'titleProp', '[attr.src]': 'srcAttr', '[attr.href]': 'hrefAttr', '[attr.title]': 'titleAttr', } }) class FooCmp {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); const hostBindingsFn = ` hostVars: 6, hostBindings: function FooCmp_HostBindings(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 2) { i0.ɵɵhostProperty("src", ctx.srcProp)("href", ctx.hrefProp)("title", ctx.titleProp); i0.ɵɵattribute("src", ctx.srcAttr)("href", ctx.hrefAttr)("title", ctx.titleAttr); } } `; expect(trim(jsContents)).toContain(trim(hostBindingsFn)); }); }); describe('listLazyRoutes()', () => { // clang-format off const lazyRouteMatching = ( route: string, fromModulePath: RegExp, fromModuleName: string, toModulePath: RegExp, toModuleName: string) => { return { route, module: jasmine.objectContaining({ name: fromModuleName, filePath: jasmine.stringMatching(fromModulePath), }), referencedModule: jasmine.objectContaining({ name: toModuleName, filePath: jasmine.stringMatching(toModulePath), }), } as unknown as LazyRoute; }; // clang-format on beforeEach(() => { env.write('node_modules/@angular/router/index.d.ts', ` import {ModuleWithProviders, ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta as ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta} from '@angular/core'; export declare var ROUTES; export declare class RouterModule { static forRoot(arg1: any, arg2: any): ModuleWithProviders; static forChild(arg1: any): ModuleWithProviders; static ɵmod: ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta; } `); }); describe('when called without arguments', () => { it('should list all routes', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router'; @NgModule({ imports: [ RouterModule.forRoot([ {path: '1', loadChildren: './lazy/lazy-1#Lazy1Module'}, {path: '2', loadChildren: './lazy/lazy-2#Lazy2Module'}, ]), ], }) export class TestModule {} `); env.write('lazy/lazy-1.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @NgModule({}) export class Lazy1Module {} `); env.write('lazy/lazy-2.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router'; @NgModule({ imports: [ RouterModule.forChild([ {path: '3', loadChildren: './lazy-3#Lazy3Module'}, ]), ], }) export class Lazy2Module {} `); env.write('lazy/lazy-3.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @NgModule({}) export class Lazy3Module {} `); const routes = env.driveRoutes(); expect(routes).toEqual([ lazyRouteMatching( './lazy-3#Lazy3Module', /\/lazy\/lazy-2\.ts$/, 'Lazy2Module', /\/lazy\/lazy-3\.ts$/, 'Lazy3Module'), lazyRouteMatching( './lazy/lazy-1#Lazy1Module', /\/test\.ts$/, 'TestModule', /\/lazy\/lazy-1\.ts$/, 'Lazy1Module'), lazyRouteMatching( './lazy/lazy-2#Lazy2Module', /\/test\.ts$/, 'TestModule', /\/lazy\/lazy-2\.ts$/, 'Lazy2Module'), ]); }); it('should detect lazy routes in simple children routes', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router'; @Component({ selector: 'foo', template: '
' }) class FooCmp {} @NgModule({ imports: [ RouterModule.forRoot([ {path: '', children: [ {path: 'foo', component: FooCmp}, {path: 'lazy', loadChildren: './lazy#LazyModule'} ]}, ]), ], }) export class TestModule {} `); env.write('lazy.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router'; @NgModule({}) export class LazyModule {} `); const routes = env.driveRoutes(); expect(routes).toEqual([ lazyRouteMatching( './lazy#LazyModule', /\/test\.ts$/, 'TestModule', /\/lazy\.ts$/, 'LazyModule'), ]); }); it('should detect lazy routes in all root directories', () => { env.tsconfig({}, ['./foo/other-root-dir', './bar/other-root-dir']); env.write('src/test.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router'; @NgModule({ imports: [ RouterModule.forRoot([ {path: '', loadChildren: './lazy-foo#LazyFooModule'}, ]), ], }) export class TestModule {} `); env.write('foo/other-root-dir/src/lazy-foo.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router'; @NgModule({ imports: [ RouterModule.forChild([ {path: '', loadChildren: './lazy-bar#LazyBarModule'}, ]), ], }) export class LazyFooModule {} `); env.write('bar/other-root-dir/src/lazy-bar.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router'; @NgModule({ imports: [ RouterModule.forChild([ {path: '', loadChildren: './lazier-bar#LazierBarModule'}, ]), ], }) export class LazyBarModule {} `); env.write('bar/other-root-dir/src/lazier-bar.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @NgModule({}) export class LazierBarModule {} `); const routes = env.driveRoutes(); expect(routes).toEqual([ lazyRouteMatching( './lazy-foo#LazyFooModule', /\/test\.ts$/, 'TestModule', /\/foo\/other-root-dir\/src\/lazy-foo\.ts$/, 'LazyFooModule'), lazyRouteMatching( './lazy-bar#LazyBarModule', /\/foo\/other-root-dir\/src\/lazy-foo\.ts$/, 'LazyFooModule', /\/bar\/other-root-dir\/src\/lazy-bar\.ts$/, 'LazyBarModule'), lazyRouteMatching( './lazier-bar#LazierBarModule', /\/bar\/other-root-dir\/src\/lazy-bar\.ts$/, 'LazyBarModule', /\/bar\/other-root-dir\/src\/lazier-bar\.ts$/, 'LazierBarModule'), ]); }); }); describe('when called with entry module', () => { it('should throw if the entry module hasn\'t been analyzed', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router'; @NgModule({ imports: [ RouterModule.forChild([ {path: '', loadChildren: './lazy#LazyModule'}, ]), ], }) export class TestModule {} `); const entryModule1 = absoluteFrom('/test#TestModule'); const entryModule2 = absoluteFrom('/not-test#TestModule'); const entryModule3 = absoluteFrom('/test#NotTestModule'); expect(() => env.driveRoutes(entryModule1)).not.toThrow(); expect(() => env.driveRoutes(entryModule2)) .toThrowError(`Failed to list lazy routes: Unknown module '${entryModule2}'.`); expect(() => env.driveRoutes(entryModule3)) .toThrowError(`Failed to list lazy routes: Unknown module '${entryModule3}'.`); }); it('should list all transitive lazy routes', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router'; import {Test1Module as Test1ModuleRenamed} from './test-1'; import {Test2Module} from './test-2'; @NgModule({ exports: [ Test1ModuleRenamed, ], imports: [ Test2Module, RouterModule.forRoot([ {path: '', loadChildren: './lazy/lazy#LazyModule'}, ]), ], }) export class TestModule {} `); env.write('test-1.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router'; @NgModule({ imports: [ RouterModule.forChild([ {path: 'one', loadChildren: './lazy-1/lazy-1#Lazy1Module'}, ]), ], }) export class Test1Module {} `); env.write('test-2.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router'; @NgModule({ exports: [ RouterModule.forChild([ {path: 'two', loadChildren: './lazy-2/lazy-2#Lazy2Module'}, ]), ], }) export class Test2Module {} `); env.write('lazy/lazy.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @NgModule({}) export class LazyModule {} `); env.write('lazy-1/lazy-1.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @NgModule({}) export class Lazy1Module {} `); env.write('lazy-2/lazy-2.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @NgModule({}) export class Lazy2Module {} `); const routes = env.driveRoutes(absoluteFrom('/test#TestModule')); expect(routes).toEqual([ lazyRouteMatching( './lazy/lazy#LazyModule', /\/test\.ts$/, 'TestModule', /\/lazy\/lazy\.ts$/, 'LazyModule'), lazyRouteMatching( './lazy-1/lazy-1#Lazy1Module', /\/test-1\.ts$/, 'Test1Module', /\/lazy-1\/lazy-1\.ts$/, 'Lazy1Module'), lazyRouteMatching( './lazy-2/lazy-2#Lazy2Module', /\/test-2\.ts$/, 'Test2Module', /\/lazy-2\/lazy-2\.ts$/, 'Lazy2Module'), ]); }); it('should ignore exports that do not refer to an `NgModule`', () => { env.write('test-1.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router'; import {Test2Component, Test2Module} from './test-2'; @NgModule({ exports: [ Test2Component, Test2Module, ], imports: [ Test2Module, RouterModule.forRoot([ {path: '', loadChildren: './lazy-1/lazy-1#Lazy1Module'}, ]), ], }) export class Test1Module {} `); env.write('test-2.ts', ` import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router'; @Component({ selector: 'test-2', template: '', }) export class Test2Component {} @NgModule({ declarations: [ Test2Component, ], exports: [ Test2Component, RouterModule.forChild([ {path: 'two', loadChildren: './lazy-2/lazy-2#Lazy2Module'}, ]), ], }) export class Test2Module {} `); env.write('lazy-1/lazy-1.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @NgModule({}) export class Lazy1Module {} `); env.write('lazy-2/lazy-2.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @NgModule({}) export class Lazy2Module {} `); const routes = env.driveRoutes(absoluteFrom('/test-1#Test1Module')); expect(routes).toEqual([ lazyRouteMatching( './lazy-1/lazy-1#Lazy1Module', /\/test-1\.ts$/, 'Test1Module', /\/lazy-1\/lazy-1\.ts$/, 'Lazy1Module'), lazyRouteMatching( './lazy-2/lazy-2#Lazy2Module', /\/test-2\.ts$/, 'Test2Module', /\/lazy-2\/lazy-2\.ts$/, 'Lazy2Module'), ]); }); it('should support `ModuleWithProviders`', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {ModuleWithProviders, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router'; @NgModule({ imports: [ RouterModule.forChild([ {path: '', loadChildren: './lazy-2/lazy-2#Lazy2Module'}, ]), ], }) export class TestRoutingModule { static forRoot(): ModuleWithProviders { return { ngModule: TestRoutingModule, providers: [], }; } } @NgModule({ imports: [ TestRoutingModule.forRoot(), RouterModule.forRoot([ {path: '', loadChildren: './lazy-1/lazy-1#Lazy1Module'}, ]), ], }) export class TestModule {} `); env.write('lazy-1/lazy-1.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @NgModule({}) export class Lazy1Module {} `); env.write('lazy-2/lazy-2.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @NgModule({}) export class Lazy2Module {} `); const routes = env.driveRoutes(absoluteFrom('/test#TestModule')); expect(routes).toEqual([ lazyRouteMatching( './lazy-1/lazy-1#Lazy1Module', /\/test\.ts$/, 'TestModule', /\/lazy-1\/lazy-1\.ts$/, 'Lazy1Module'), lazyRouteMatching( './lazy-2/lazy-2#Lazy2Module', /\/test\.ts$/, 'TestRoutingModule', /\/lazy-2\/lazy-2\.ts$/, 'Lazy2Module'), ]); }); it('should only process each module once', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router'; @NgModule({ imports: [ RouterModule.forChild([ {path: '', loadChildren: './lazy/lazy#LazyModule'}, ]), ], }) export class SharedModule {} @NgModule({ imports: [ SharedModule, RouterModule.forRoot([ {path: '', loadChildren: './lazy/lazy#LazyModule'}, ]), ], }) export class TestModule {} `); env.write('lazy/lazy.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router'; @NgModule({ imports: [ RouterModule.forChild([ {path: '', loadChildren: '../lazier/lazier#LazierModule'}, ]), ], }) export class LazyModule {} `); env.write('lazier/lazier.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @NgModule({}) export class LazierModule {} `); const routes = env.driveRoutes(absoluteFrom('/test#TestModule')); // `LazyModule` is referenced in both `SharedModule` and `TestModule`, // but it is only processed once (hence one `LazierModule` entry). expect(routes).toEqual([ lazyRouteMatching( './lazy/lazy#LazyModule', /\/test\.ts$/, 'TestModule', /\/lazy\/lazy\.ts$/, 'LazyModule'), lazyRouteMatching( './lazy/lazy#LazyModule', /\/test\.ts$/, 'SharedModule', /\/lazy\/lazy\.ts$/, 'LazyModule'), lazyRouteMatching( '../lazier/lazier#LazierModule', /\/lazy\/lazy\.ts$/, 'LazyModule', /\/lazier\/lazier\.ts$/, 'LazierModule'), ]); }); it('should detect lazy routes in all root directories', () => { env.tsconfig({}, ['./foo/other-root-dir', './bar/other-root-dir']); env.write('src/test.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router'; @NgModule({ imports: [ RouterModule.forRoot([ {path: '', loadChildren: './lazy-foo#LazyFooModule'}, ]), ], }) export class TestModule {} `); env.write('foo/other-root-dir/src/lazy-foo.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router'; @NgModule({ imports: [ RouterModule.forChild([ {path: '', loadChildren: './lazy-bar#LazyBarModule'}, ]), ], }) export class LazyFooModule {} `); env.write('bar/other-root-dir/src/lazy-bar.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router'; @NgModule({ imports: [ RouterModule.forChild([ {path: '', loadChildren: './lazier-bar#LazierBarModule'}, ]), ], }) export class LazyBarModule {} `); env.write('bar/other-root-dir/src/lazier-bar.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @NgModule({}) export class LazierBarModule {} `); const routes = env.driveRoutes(absoluteFrom('/src/test#TestModule')); expect(routes).toEqual([ lazyRouteMatching( './lazy-foo#LazyFooModule', /\/test\.ts$/, 'TestModule', /\/foo\/other-root-dir\/src\/lazy-foo\.ts$/, 'LazyFooModule'), lazyRouteMatching( './lazy-bar#LazyBarModule', /\/foo\/other-root-dir\/src\/lazy-foo\.ts$/, 'LazyFooModule', /\/bar\/other-root-dir\/src\/lazy-bar\.ts$/, 'LazyBarModule'), lazyRouteMatching( './lazier-bar#LazierBarModule', /\/bar\/other-root-dir\/src\/lazy-bar\.ts$/, 'LazyBarModule', /\/bar\/other-root-dir\/src\/lazier-bar\.ts$/, 'LazierBarModule'), ]); }); it('should ignore modules not (transitively) referenced by the entry module', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router'; @NgModule({ imports: [ RouterModule.forRoot([ {path: '', loadChildren: './lazy/lazy#Lazy1Module'}, ]), ], }) export class Test1Module {} @NgModule({ imports: [ RouterModule.forRoot([ {path: '', loadChildren: './lazy/lazy#Lazy2Module'}, ]), ], }) export class Test2Module {} `); env.write('lazy/lazy.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @NgModule({}) export class Lazy1Module {} @NgModule({}) export class Lazy2Module {} `); const routes = env.driveRoutes(absoluteFrom('/test#Test1Module')); expect(routes).toEqual([ lazyRouteMatching( './lazy/lazy#Lazy1Module', /\/test\.ts$/, 'Test1Module', /\/lazy\/lazy\.ts$/, 'Lazy1Module'), ]); }); it('should ignore routes to unknown modules', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router'; @NgModule({ imports: [ RouterModule.forRoot([ {path: '', loadChildren: './unknown/unknown#UnknownModule'}, {path: '', loadChildren: './lazy/lazy#LazyModule'}, ]), ], }) export class TestModule {} `); env.write('lazy/lazy.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @NgModule({}) export class LazyModule {} `); const routes = env.driveRoutes(absoluteFrom('/test#TestModule')); expect(routes).toEqual([ lazyRouteMatching( './lazy/lazy#LazyModule', /\/test\.ts$/, 'TestModule', /\/lazy\/lazy\.ts$/, 'LazyModule'), ]); }); }); }); describe('ivy switch mode', () => { it('should allow for symbols to be renamed when they use a SWITCH_IVY naming mechanism', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` export const FooCmp__POST_R3__ = 1; export const FooCmp__PRE_R3__ = 2; export const FooCmp = FooCmp__PRE_R3__;`); env.driveMain(); const source = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(source).toContain(`export var FooCmp = FooCmp__POST_R3__`); expect(source).not.toContain(`export var FooCmp = FooCmp__PRE_R3__`); }); it('should allow for SWITCH_IVY naming even even if it occurs outside of core', () => { const content = ` export const Foo__POST_R3__ = 1; export const Foo__PRE_R3__ = 2; export const Foo = Foo__PRE_R3__; `; env.write('test_outside_angular_core.ts', content); env.write( 'test_inside_angular_core.ts', content + '\nexport const ITS_JUST_ANGULAR = true;'); env.driveMain(); const sourceTestOutsideAngularCore = env.getContents('test_outside_angular_core.js'); const sourceTestInsideAngularCore = env.getContents('test_inside_angular_core.js'); expect(sourceTestInsideAngularCore).toContain(sourceTestOutsideAngularCore); }); }); describe('NgModule export aliasing', () => { it('should use an alias to import a directive from a deep dependency', () => { env.tsconfig({'_useHostForImportGeneration': true}); // 'alpha' declares the directive which will ultimately be imported. env.write('alpha.d.ts', ` import {ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta, ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta} from '@angular/core'; export declare class ExternalDir { static ɵdir: ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta; } export declare class AlphaModule { static ɵmod: ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta; } `); // 'beta' re-exports AlphaModule from alpha. env.write('beta.d.ts', ` import {ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta} from '@angular/core'; import {AlphaModule} from './alpha'; export declare class BetaModule { static ɵmod: ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta; } `); // The application imports BetaModule from beta, gaining visibility of // ExternalDir from alpha. env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {BetaModule} from './beta'; @Component({ selector: 'cmp', template: '
', }) export class Cmp {} @NgModule({ declarations: [Cmp], imports: [BetaModule], }) export class Module {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); // Expect that ExternalDir from alpha is imported via the re-export from beta. expect(jsContents).toContain('import * as i1 from "root/beta";'); expect(jsContents).toContain('directives: [i1.\u0275ng$root$alpha$$ExternalDir]'); }); it('should write alias ES2015 exports for NgModule exported directives', () => { env.tsconfig({'_useHostForImportGeneration': true}); env.write('external.d.ts', ` import {ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta, ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta} from '@angular/core'; import {LibModule} from './lib'; export declare class ExternalDir { static ɵdir: ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta; } export declare class ExternalModule { static ɵmod: ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta; } `); env.write('lib.d.ts', ` import {ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta, ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta} from '@angular/core'; export declare class LibDir { static ɵdir: ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta; } export declare class LibModule { static ɵmod: ɵɵNgModuleDefWithMeta; } `); env.write('foo.ts', ` import {Directive, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {ExternalModule} from './external'; @Directive({selector: '[foo]'}) export class FooDir {} @NgModule({ declarations: [FooDir], exports: [FooDir, ExternalModule] }) export class FooModule {} `); env.write('index.ts', ` import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {FooModule} from './foo'; @Component({ selector: 'index', template: '
', }) export class IndexCmp {} @NgModule({ declarations: [IndexCmp], exports: [FooModule], }) export class IndexModule {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('index.js'); expect(jsContents) .toContain('export { FooDir as \u0275ng$root$foo$$FooDir } from "root/foo";'); }); it('should escape unusual characters in aliased filenames', () => { env.tsconfig({'_useHostForImportGeneration': true}); env.write('other._$test.ts', ` import {Directive, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({selector: 'test'}) export class TestDir {} @NgModule({ declarations: [TestDir], exports: [TestDir], }) export class OtherModule {} `); env.write('index.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {OtherModule} from './other._$test'; @NgModule({ exports: [OtherModule], }) export class IndexModule {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('index.js'); expect(jsContents) .toContain( 'export { TestDir as \u0275ng$root$other___test$$TestDir } from "root/other._$test";'); }); }); describe('disableTypeScriptVersionCheck', () => { afterEach(() => restoreTypeScriptVersionForTesting()); it('produces an error when not supported and version check is enabled', () => { setTypeScriptVersionForTesting('3.4.0'); env.tsconfig({disableTypeScriptVersionCheck: false}); env.write('empty.ts', ''); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(1); expect(diags[0].messageText).toContain('but 3.4.0 was found instead'); }); it('does not produce an error when supported and version check is enabled', () => { env.tsconfig({disableTypeScriptVersionCheck: false}); env.write('empty.ts', ''); // The TypeScript version is not overwritten, so the version // that is actually used should be supported const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(0); }); it('does not produce an error when not supported but version check is disabled', () => { setTypeScriptVersionForTesting('3.4.0'); env.tsconfig({disableTypeScriptVersionCheck: true}); env.write('empty.ts', ''); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(0); }); it('produces an error when not supported using default configuration', () => { setTypeScriptVersionForTesting('3.4.0'); env.write('empty.ts', ''); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(1); expect(diags[0].messageText).toContain('but 3.4.0 was found instead'); }); }); describe('inherited directives', () => { beforeEach(() => { env.write('local.ts', ` import {Component, Directive, ElementRef} from '@angular/core'; export class BasePlain {} export class BasePlainWithBlankConstructor { constructor() {} } export class BasePlainWithConstructorParameters { constructor(elementRef: ElementRef) {} } @Component({ selector: 'base-cmp', template: 'BaseCmp', }) export class BaseCmp {} @Directive({ selector: '[base]', }) export class BaseDir {} `); env.write('lib.d.ts', ` import {ɵɵComponentDefWithMeta, ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta, ElementRef} from '@angular/core'; export declare class BasePlain {} export declare class BasePlainWithBlankConstructor { constructor() {} } export declare class BasePlainWithConstructorParameters { constructor(elementRef: ElementRef) {} } export declare class BaseCmp { static ɵcmp: ɵɵComponentDefWithMeta } export declare class BaseDir { static ɵdir: ɵɵDirectiveDefWithMeta; } `); }); it('should not error when inheriting a constructor from a decorated directive class', () => { env.tsconfig(); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Directive, Component} from '@angular/core'; import {BaseDir, BaseCmp} from './local'; @Directive({ selector: '[dir]', }) export class Dir extends BaseDir {} @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', template: 'TestCmp', }) export class Cmp extends BaseCmp {} `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(0); }); it('should not error when inheriting a constructor without parameters', () => { env.tsconfig(); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Directive, Component} from '@angular/core'; import {BasePlainWithBlankConstructor} from './local'; @Directive({ selector: '[dir]', }) export class Dir extends BasePlainWithBlankConstructor {} @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', template: 'TestCmp', }) export class Cmp extends BasePlainWithBlankConstructor {} `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(0); }); it('should not error when inheriting from a class without a constructor', () => { env.tsconfig(); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Directive, Component} from '@angular/core'; import {BasePlain} from './local'; @Directive({ selector: '[dir]', }) export class Dir extends BasePlain {} @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', template: 'TestCmp', }) export class Cmp extends BasePlain {} `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(0); }); it('should error when inheriting a constructor from an undecorated class', () => { env.tsconfig(); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Directive, Component} from '@angular/core'; import {BasePlainWithConstructorParameters} from './local'; @Directive({ selector: '[dir]', }) export class Dir extends BasePlainWithConstructorParameters {} @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', template: 'TestCmp', }) export class Cmp extends BasePlainWithConstructorParameters {} `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(2); expect(diags[0].messageText).toContain('Dir'); expect(diags[0].messageText).toContain('BasePlainWithConstructorParameters'); expect(diags[1].messageText).toContain('Cmp'); expect(diags[1].messageText).toContain('BasePlainWithConstructorParameters'); }); it('should error when inheriting a constructor from undecorated grand super class', () => { env.tsconfig(); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Directive, Component} from '@angular/core'; import {BasePlainWithConstructorParameters} from './local'; class Parent extends BasePlainWithConstructorParameters {} @Directive({ selector: '[dir]', }) export class Dir extends Parent {} @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', template: 'TestCmp', }) export class Cmp extends Parent {} `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(2); expect(diags[0].messageText).toContain('Dir'); expect(diags[0].messageText).toContain('BasePlainWithConstructorParameters'); expect(diags[1].messageText).toContain('Cmp'); expect(diags[1].messageText).toContain('BasePlainWithConstructorParameters'); }); it('should error when inheriting a constructor from undecorated grand grand super class', () => { env.tsconfig(); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Directive, Component} from '@angular/core'; import {BasePlainWithConstructorParameters} from './local'; class GrandParent extends BasePlainWithConstructorParameters {} class Parent extends GrandParent {} @Directive({ selector: '[dir]', }) export class Dir extends Parent {} @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', template: 'TestCmp', }) export class Cmp extends Parent {} `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(2); expect(diags[0].messageText).toContain('Dir'); expect(diags[0].messageText).toContain('BasePlainWithConstructorParameters'); expect(diags[1].messageText).toContain('Cmp'); expect(diags[1].messageText).toContain('BasePlainWithConstructorParameters'); }); it('should not error when inheriting a constructor from decorated directive or component classes in a .d.ts file', () => { env.tsconfig(); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component, Directive} from '@angular/core'; import {BaseDir, BaseCmp} from './lib'; @Directive({ selector: '[dir]', }) export class Dir extends BaseDir {} @Component({ selector: 'test-cmp', template: 'TestCmp', }) export class Cmp extends BaseCmp {} `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(0); }); it('should error when inheriting a constructor from an undecorated class in a .d.ts file', () => { env.tsconfig(); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Directive} from '@angular/core'; import {BasePlainWithConstructorParameters} from './lib'; @Directive({ selector: '[dir]', }) export class Dir extends BasePlainWithConstructorParameters {} `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(1); expect(diags[0].messageText).toContain('Dir'); expect(diags[0].messageText).toContain('Base'); }); }); describe('inline resources', () => { it('should process inline ', styles: ['h2 {width: 10px}'] }) export class TestCmp {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents) .toContain( 'styles: ["h2[_ngcontent-%COMP%] {width: 10px}", "h1[_ngcontent-%COMP%] {font-size: larger}"]'); }); it('should process inline tags', () => { env.write('style.css', `h1 {font-size: larger}`); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test', template: '', }) export class TestCmp {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).toContain('styles: ["h1[_ngcontent-%COMP%] {font-size: larger}"]'); }); it('should share same styles declared in different components in the same file', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'comp-a', template: 'Comp A', styles: [ 'span { font-size: larger; }', 'div { background: url(/some-very-very-long-path.png); }', 'img { background: url(/a/some-very-very-long-path.png); }' ] }) export class CompA {} @Component({ selector: 'comp-b', template: 'Comp B', styles: [ 'span { font-size: larger; }', 'div { background: url(/some-very-very-long-path.png); }', 'img { background: url(/b/some-very-very-long-path.png); }' ] }) export class CompB {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); // Verify that long styles present in both components are extracted to a // separate var. expect(jsContents) .toContain( '_c0 = "div[_ngcontent-%COMP%] { background: url(/some-very-very-long-path.png); }";'); expect(jsContents) .toContain( 'styles: [' + // This style is present in both components, but was not extracted into // a separate var since it doesn't reach length threshold (50 chars) in // `ConstantPool`. '"span[_ngcontent-%COMP%] { font-size: larger; }", ' + // Style that is present in both components, but reaches length // threshold - extracted to a separate var. '_c0, ' + // Style that is unique to this component, but that reaches length // threshold - remains a string in the `styles` array. '"img[_ngcontent-%COMP%] { background: url(/a/some-very-very-long-path.png); }"]'); expect(jsContents) .toContain( 'styles: [' + // This style is present in both components, but was not extracted into // a separate var since it doesn't reach length threshold (50 chars) in // `ConstantPool`. '"span[_ngcontent-%COMP%] { font-size: larger; }", ' + // Style that is present in both components, but reaches length // threshold - extracted to a separate var. '_c0, ' + // Style that is unique to this component, but that reaches length // threshold - remains a string in the `styles` array. '"img[_ngcontent-%COMP%] { background: url(/b/some-very-very-long-path.png); }"]'); }); it('large strings are wrapped in a function for Closure', () => { env.tsconfig({ annotateForClosureCompiler: true, }); env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'comp-a', template: 'Comp A', styles: [ 'div { background: url(/a.png); }', 'div { background: url(/some-very-very-long-path.png); }', ] }) export class CompA {} @Component({ selector: 'comp-b', template: 'Comp B', styles: [ 'div { background: url(/b.png); }', 'div { background: url(/some-very-very-long-path.png); }', ] }) export class CompB {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); // Verify that long strings are extracted to a separate var. This should be // wrapped in a function to trick Closure not to inline the contents for very // large strings. See: https://github.com/angular/angular/pull/38253. expect(jsContents) .toContain( '_c0 = function () {' + ' return "div[_ngcontent-%COMP%] {' + ' background: url(/some-very-very-long-path.png);' + ' }";' + ' };'); expect(jsContents) .toContain( 'styles: [' + // Check styles for component A. '"div[_ngcontent-%COMP%] { background: url(/a.png); }", ' + // Large string should be called from function definition. '_c0()]'); expect(jsContents) .toContain( 'styles: [' + // Check styles for component B. '"div[_ngcontent-%COMP%] { background: url(/b.png); }", ' + // Large string should be called from function definition. '_c0()]'); }); }); describe('non-exported classes', () => { beforeEach(() => env.tsconfig({compileNonExportedClasses: false})); it('should not emit directive definitions for non-exported classes if configured', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Directive} from '@angular/core'; @Directive({ selector: '[test]' }) class TestDirective {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).not.toContain('defineDirective('); expect(jsContents).toContain('Directive({'); }); it('should not emit component definitions for non-exported classes if configured', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test', template: 'hello' }) class TestComponent {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).not.toContain('defineComponent('); expect(jsContents).toContain('Component({'); }); it('should not emit module definitions for non-exported classes if configured', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @NgModule({ declarations: [] }) class TestModule {} `); env.driveMain(); const jsContents = env.getContents('test.js'); expect(jsContents).not.toContain('defineNgModule('); expect(jsContents).toContain('NgModule({'); }); }); describe('undecorated providers', () => { it('should error when an undecorated class, with a non-trivial constructor, is provided directly in a module', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule, NgZone} from '@angular/core'; class NotAService { constructor(ngZone: NgZone) {} } @NgModule({ providers: [NotAService] }) export class SomeModule {} `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(1); expect(diags[0].messageText).toContain('cannot be created via dependency injection'); }); it('should error when an undecorated class is provided via useClass', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule, Injectable, NgZone} from '@angular/core'; @Injectable({providedIn: 'root'}) class Service {} class NotAService { constructor(ngZone: NgZone) {} } @NgModule({ providers: [{provide: Service, useClass: NotAService}] }) export class SomeModule {} `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(1); expect(diags[0].messageText).toContain('cannot be created via dependency injection'); }); it('should not error when an undecorated class is provided via useClass with deps', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule, Injectable, NgZone} from '@angular/core'; @Injectable({providedIn: 'root'}) class Service {} class NotAService { constructor(ngZone: NgZone) {} } @NgModule({ providers: [{provide: Service, useClass: NotAService, deps: [NgZone]}] }) export class SomeModule {} `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(0); }); it('should error when an undecorated class is provided via an array', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule, Injectable, NgZone} from '@angular/core'; @Injectable({providedIn: 'root'}) class Service {} class NotAService { constructor(ngZone: NgZone) {} } @NgModule({ providers: [Service, [NotAService]] }) export class SomeModule {} `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(1); expect(diags[0].messageText).toContain('cannot be created via dependency injection'); }); it('should error when an undecorated class is provided to a directive', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule, Directive, NgZone} from '@angular/core'; class NotAService { constructor(ngZone: NgZone) {} } @Directive({ selector: '[some-dir]', providers: [NotAService] }) class SomeDirective {} @NgModule({ declarations: [SomeDirective] }) export class SomeModule {} `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(1); expect(diags[0].messageText).toContain('cannot be created via dependency injection'); }); it('should error when an undecorated class is provided to a component', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule, Component, NgZone} from '@angular/core'; class NotAService { constructor(ngZone: NgZone) {} } @Component({ selector: 'some-comp', template: '', providers: [NotAService] }) class SomeComponent {} @NgModule({ declarations: [SomeComponent] }) export class SomeModule {} `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(1); expect(diags[0].messageText).toContain('cannot be created via dependency injection'); }); it('should error when an undecorated class is provided to a component via viewProviders', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule, Component, NgZone} from '@angular/core'; class NotAService { constructor(ngZone: NgZone) {} } @Component({ selector: 'some-comp', template: '', viewProviders: [NotAService] }) class SomeComponent {} @NgModule({ declarations: [SomeComponent] }) export class SomeModule {} `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(1); expect(diags[0].messageText).toContain('cannot be created via dependency injection'); }); it('should not error when a class with a factory is provided', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule, Pipe} from '@angular/core'; @Pipe({ name: 'some-pipe' }) class SomePipe {} @NgModule({ declarations: [SomePipe], providers: [SomePipe] }) export class SomeModule {} `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(0); }); it('should not error when an NgModule is provided', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Injectable, NgModule} from '@angular/core'; @Injectable() export class Service {} @NgModule({ }) class SomeModule { constructor(dep: Service) {} } @NgModule({ providers: [SomeModule], }) export class Module {} `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(0); }); it('should not error when an undecorated class from a declaration file is provided', () => { env.write('node_modules/@angular/core/testing/index.d.ts', ` export declare class Testability { } `); env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule} from '@angular/core'; import {Testability} from '@angular/core/testing'; @NgModule({ providers: [Testability] }) export class SomeModule {} `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(0); }); it('should not error when an undecorated class without a constructor from a declaration file is provided via useClass', () => { env.write('node_modules/@angular/core/testing/index.d.ts', ` export declare class Testability { } `); env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule, Injectable} from '@angular/core'; import {Testability} from '@angular/core/testing'; @Injectable() class TestingService {} @NgModule({ providers: [{provide: TestingService, useClass: Testability}] }) export class SomeModule {} `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(0); }); it('should not error if the undecorated class does not have a constructor or the constructor is blank', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule, NgZone} from '@angular/core'; class NoConstructorService { } class BlankConstructorService { } @NgModule({ providers: [NoConstructorService, BlankConstructorService] }) export class SomeModule {} `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(0); }); // TODO(alxhub): this test never worked correctly, as it used to declare a constructor with a // body, which real declaration files don't have. Without the body, the ReflectionHost used to // not return any constructor data, preventing an error from showing. That bug was fixed, but // the error for declaration files is disabled until g3 can be updated. xit('should error when an undecorated class with a non-trivial constructor in a declaration file is provided via useClass', () => { env.write('node_modules/@angular/core/testing/index.d.ts', ` export declare class NgZone {} export declare class Testability { constructor(ngZone: NgZone); } `); env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule, Injectable} from '@angular/core'; import {Testability} from '@angular/core/testing'; @Injectable() class TestingService {} @NgModule({ providers: [{provide: TestingService, useClass: Testability}] }) export class SomeModule {} `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(1); expect(diags[0].messageText).toContain('cannot be created via dependency injection'); }); it('should not error when an class with a factory definition and a non-trivial constructor in a declaration file is provided via useClass', () => { env.write('node_modules/@angular/core/testing/index.d.ts', ` import * as i0 from '@angular/core'; export declare class NgZone {} export declare class Testability { static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDef; constructor(ngZone: NgZone); } `); env.write('test.ts', ` import {NgModule, Injectable} from '@angular/core'; import {Testability} from '@angular/core/testing'; @Injectable() class TestingService {} @NgModule({ providers: [{provide: TestingService, useClass: Testability}] }) export class SomeModule {} `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(0); }); describe('template parsing diagnostics', () => { // These tests validate that errors which occur during template parsing are // expressed as diagnostics instead of a compiler crash (which used to be the // case). They only assert that the error is produced with an accurate span - // the exact semantics of the errors are tested separately, via the parser // tests. it('should emit a diagnostic for a template parsing error', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ template: '
', selector: 'test-cmp', }) export class TestCmp {} `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(1); expect(getDiagnosticSourceCode(diags[0])).toBe(''); }); it('should emit a diagnostic for an expression parsing error', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ template: '', selector: 'test-cmp', }) export class TestCmp { x = null; y = null; } `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(1); expect(getDiagnosticSourceCode(diags[0])).toBe('x ? y'); }); it('should use a single character span for an unexpected EOF parsing error', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ template: ' {{x = 2}}\`, selector: 'test-cmp', }) export class TestCmp { x: number = 1; } `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toBe(2); expect(diags[0].messageText).toEqual(`Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.`); expect(diags[1].messageText) .toContain( 'Parser Error: Bindings cannot contain assignments at column 5 in [ {{x = 2}}]'); }); }); describe('i18n errors', () => { it('reports a diagnostics on nested i18n sections', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test-component', template: '
' }) class TestComponent {} `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toEqual(1); expect(diags[0].messageText) .toEqual( 'Cannot mark an element as translatable inside of a translatable section.' + ' Please remove the nested i18n marker.'); expect(diags[0].file?.fileName).toEqual(absoluteFrom('/test.ts')); expect(diags[0].file?.text.substr(diags[0].start!, diags[0].length)) .toEqual('
'); }); it('reports a diagnostic on nested i18n sections with tags in between', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test-component', template: '
' }) class TestComponent {} `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toEqual(1); expect(diags[0].messageText) .toEqual( 'Cannot mark an element as translatable inside of a translatable section.' + ' Please remove the nested i18n marker.'); expect(diags[0].file?.fileName).toEqual(absoluteFrom('/test.ts')); expect(diags[0].file?.text.substr(diags[0].start!, diags[0].length)) .toEqual('
'); }); it('reports a diagnostic on nested i18n sections represented with s', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test-component', template: '
' }) class TestComponent {} `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toEqual(1); expect(diags[0].messageText) .toEqual( 'Cannot mark an element as translatable inside of a translatable section.' + ' Please remove the nested i18n marker.'); expect(diags[0].file?.fileName).toEqual(absoluteFrom('/test.ts')); expect(diags[0].file?.text.substr(diags[0].start!, diags[0].length)) .toEqual('Content'); }); }); }); it('reports a COMPONENT_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND for a component with a templateUrl' + ' that points to a non-existent file', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test-component', templateUrl: './non-existent-file.html' }) class TestComponent {} `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toEqual(1); expect(diags[0].code).toEqual(ngErrorCode(ErrorCode.COMPONENT_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND)); expect(diags[0].messageText) .toEqual(`Could not find template file './non-existent-file.html'.`); }); it(`reports a COMPONENT_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND when style sheet link in a component's template` + ` does not exist`, () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test-component', templateUrl: './test.html' }) class TestComponent {} `); env.write('test.html', ` `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toEqual(1); expect(diags[0].code).toEqual(ngErrorCode(ErrorCode.COMPONENT_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND)); expect(diags[0].messageText) .toEqual( `Could not find stylesheet file './non-existent-file.css' linked from the template.`); }); it('reports a COMPONENT_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND for a component with a style url ' + 'defined in a spread that points to a non-existent file', () => { env.write('test.ts', ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test-component', template: '', styleUrls: [...['./non-existent-file.css']] }) class TestComponent {} `); const diags = env.driveDiagnostics(); expect(diags.length).toEqual(1); expect(diags[0].code).toEqual(ngErrorCode(ErrorCode.COMPONENT_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND)); expect(diags[0].messageText) .toEqual(`Could not find stylesheet file './non-existent-file.css'.`); }); }); function expectTokenAtPosition( sf: ts.SourceFile, pos: number, guard: (node: ts.Node) => node is T): T { // getTokenAtPosition is part of TypeScript's private API. const node = (ts as any).getTokenAtPosition(sf, pos) as ts.Node; expect(guard(node)).toBe(true); return node as T; } function normalize(input: string): string { return input.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim(); } });