#!/usr/bin/env node /** * Usage: * node scripts/test-preview <pr-number> <pr-last-sha> <min-pwa-score> * * Checks whether a PR will (eventually) have a (public) preview, waits for the preview to be * available, and runs PWA tests against the preview. * * For PRs that are expected to have a preview, this script will fail if the preview is still not * available after a pre-defined waiting period or if the PWA tests fail. */ // Imports const {spawn} = require('child_process'); const {get: httpsGet} = require('https'); const {relative} = require('path'); // Input const [prNumber, prLastSha, minPwaScore] = validateArgs(process.argv.slice(2)); // Variables const aioBuildsDomain = 'ngbuilds.io'; const previewCheckInterval = 30000; const previewCheckAttempts = 10; const shortSha = prLastSha && prLastSha.slice(0, 7); const previewabilityCheckUrl = `https://${aioBuildsDomain}/can-have-public-preview/${prNumber}`; const previewUrl = `https://pr${prNumber}-${shortSha}.${aioBuildsDomain}/`; // Check whether the PR can have a (public) preview. get(previewabilityCheckUrl). then(response => JSON.parse(response)). then(({canHavePublicPreview, reason}) => { // Nothing to do, if this PR can have no (public) preview. if (canHavePublicPreview === false) { reportNoPreview(reason); return; } // There should be a preview. Wait for it to be available. return poll(previewCheckInterval, previewCheckAttempts, () => get(previewUrl)). // The preview is still not available after the specified waiting period. catch(() => { const totalSecs = Math.round((previewCheckInterval * previewCheckAttempts) / 1000); throw new Error(`Preview still not available after ${totalSecs}s.`); }). // The preview is now available. Run the tests. then(() => yarnRun('smoke-tests', previewUrl)). then(() => yarnRun('test-pwa-score', previewUrl, minPwaScore)); }). catch(onError); // Helpers function get(url) { console.log(`GET ${url}`); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const onResponse = res => { const statusCode = res.statusCode || -1; const isSuccess = (200 <= statusCode) && (statusCode < 400); let responseText = ''; res. on('error', reject). on('data', d => responseText += d). on('end', () => isSuccess ? resolve(responseText) : reject(`Request to '${url}' failed (status: ${statusCode}): ${responseText}`)); }; httpsGet(url, onResponse). on('error', reject); }); } function onError(err) { console.error(err); process.exit(1); } function poll(interval, attempts, checkCondition) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!attempts) return reject(); checkCondition(). then(() => resolve()). catch(() => wait(interval). then(() => poll(interval, attempts - 1, checkCondition)). then(resolve, reject)); }); } function reportNoPreview(reason) { console.log(`No (public) preview available. (Reason: ${reason})`); } function validateArgs(args) { if (args.length !== 3) { const relativeScriptPath = relative('.', __filename.replace(/\.js$/, '')); const usageCmd = `node ${relativeScriptPath} <pr-number> <pr-last-sha> <min-pwa-score>`; return onError( `Invalid number of arguments (expected 3, found ${args.length}).\n` + `Usage: ${usageCmd}`); } return args; } function wait(delay) { console.log(`Waiting ${delay}ms...`); return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, delay)); } function yarnRun(script, ...args) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const spawnOptions = {cwd: __dirname, stdio: 'inherit'}; spawn('yarn', [script, ...args], spawnOptions). on('error', reject). on('exit', code => (code === 0 ? resolve : reject)()); }); }