:markdown # Angular 2 Glossary #sg-tables.showcase.shadow-1 header.showcase-header p. The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug. - Mark Twain :markdown Angular 2 has a vocabulary of its own. Most Angular 2 terms are everyday English words with a specific meaning within the Angular system. We have gathered here the most prominent terms and a few less familiar ones that have unusual or unexpected definitions. .l-main-section :markdown ## Annotation .l-sub-section :markdown In practice a synonym for [Decoration](#decoration). :markdown ## Attribute Directive .l-sub-section :markdown A category of [Directive](#directive) that can listen to and modify the behavior of other HTML elements, attributes, properties, and components. They are usually represented as HTML attributes, hence the name. The `ng-class` directive for adding and removing CSS class names is a good example of an Attribute Directive. .l-main-section :markdown ## Binding .l-sub-section :markdown Almost always refers to [Data Binding](#data-binding) and the act of binding an HTML object property to a data object property. May refer to a [Dependency Injection](#dependency-injection) binding between a "token" or "key" and a dependency [provider](#provider). This more rare usage should be clear in context. :markdown ## Bootstrap .l-sub-section :markdown We launch an Angular application by "bootstrapping" it with the `bootstrap` method. The `bootstrap` method identifies the application's' top level "root" [Component](#component) and optionally registers service [providers](#provider) with the [dependency injection system](#dependency-injection). .l-main-section :markdown ## Component .l-sub-section :markdown An Angular class responsible for exposing data to a [View](#view) and handling most of the view’s display and user-interaction logic. The Component is one of the most important building blocks in the Angular system. It is, in fact, an Angular [Directive](directive) with a companion [Template](#template). The developer applies the `@Component` [decorator](decorator) to the component class, thereby attaching to the class the essential component metadata that Angular needs to create a component instance and render it with its template as a view. Those familiar with "MVC" and "MVVM" patterns will recognize the Component in the role of "Controller" or "View Model". .l-main-section :markdown ## Data Binding .l-sub-section :markdown Applications display data values to a user and respond to user actions (clicks, touches, keystrokes). We could push application data values into HTML, attach event listeners, pull changed values from the screen, and update application data values ... all by hand. Or we could declare the relationship between an HTML widget and an application data source ... and let a data binding framework handle the details. Data Binding is that second approach. Angular has a rich data binding framework with a variety of data binding operations and supporting declaration syntax. The many forms of binding include: * [Interpolation](./template-syntax.html#interpolation) * [Property Binding](./template-syntax.html#property-binding) * [Event Binding](./template-syntax.html#event-binding) * [Attribute Binding](./template-syntax.html#aattribute-binding) * [Class Binding](./template-syntax.html#class-binding) * [Style Binding](./template-syntax.html#style-binding) * [Two-way data binding with ng-model](./template-syntax.html#ng-model) Learn more about data binding in the [Template Syntax](./template-syntax.html#data-binding) chapter. :markdown ## Decoration .l-sub-section :markdown A feature of TypeScript and ES2015. A Decoration is a function that adds Angular metadata to a class, constructor parameter, or a property. We apply a decoration by positioning it immediately above or to the left of the thing it decorates as seen here. ``` @Component({...}) export class AppComponent { constructor(@Inject('SpecialFoo') public foo:Foo) {} @Input() name:string; } ``` The scope of a decoration is limited to the language feature that it decorates. None of the decorations shown here will "leak" to other classes appearing below it in the file. :markdown ## Dependency Injection .l-sub-section :markdown Dependency Injection is both a design pattern and a mechanism for creating and delivering parts of an application to other parts of an application that request them. Angular developers prefer to build applications by defining many simple parts that each do one thing well and then wire them together at runtime. These parts often rely on one another. An Angular [Component](#component) part might rely on a service part to get data or perform a calculation. When a part "A" relies on another part "B", we say that "A" depends on "B" and that "B" is a dependency of "A". We developers have a choice. We can teach "A" to find or create "B" all by itself. Or we can ask a "Dependency Injection System"" to find or create "B" and deliver it to part "A" when "A" needs it. These choices and their relative merits are the subject of much discussion under the rubric. "Dependency Injection". We can read about that in many places including [on the web here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dependency_injection) Angular strongly favors the Dependency Injection approach and relies on its own sophisticated [Dependency Injection System](./dependency-injection.html) system to assemble and run applications by "injecting" application parts where and when needed. These parts (often called "dependencies") are created by [providers](#provider) that we register with an [injector](#injector) at the appropriate time. Quite often the best time to register a provider is when we [bootstrap](#bootstrap) the application but there are other opportunities to register as well. Learn more by reading the [Dependency Injection System](./dependency-injection.html) chapter. :markdown ## Directive .l-sub-section :markdown An Angular class responsible for creating, re-shaping, and interacting with HTML elements in the browser DOM. Directives are Angular's most fundamental feature. A Directive is almost always associated with an HTML element or attribute. We often refer to such an element or attribute as the directive itself. When Angular finds a directive in an HTML template, it creates the matching directive class instance and gives that instance control over that portion of the browser DOM. Developers can invent custom HTML markup (e.g., ``) to associate with their custom directives. They add this custom markup to HTML templates as if they were writing native HTML. In this way, directives become extensions of HTML itself. Directives fall into one of three categories: 1. [Components](#component) that combine application logic with an HTML template to render application [views]. Components are usually represented as HTML elements. They are the building blocks of an Angular application and the developer can expect to write a lot of them. 1. [Attribute Directives](attribute-directive) that can listen to and modify the behavior of other HTML elements, attributes, properties, and components. They are usually represented as HTML attributes, hence the name. 1. [Structural Directives](#structural-directive), a directive responsible for shaping or re-shaping HTML layout, typically by adding, removing, or manipulating elements and their children. .l-main-section :markdown ## ECMAScript .l-sub-section :markdown The [official JavaScript language specification](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECMAScript). The lastest released version of JavaScript is [ECMAScript 2015](http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/) (AKA "ES2015" or "ES6") and many Angular 2 developers will write their applications either in this version of the language or a dialect that strives to be compatible with it such as [TypeScript](#typesScript). Most modern browsers today only support the prior "ECMAScript 5" (AKA ES5) standard. Applications written in ES2015 or one of its dialects must be "[transpiled](transpile)" to ES5 JavaScript. Angular 2 developers may choose to write in ES5 directly. :markdown ## ECMAScript 2015 .l-sub-section :markdown The lastest released version of JavaScript, [ECMAScript 2015](http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/) (AKA "ES2015" or "ES6") :markdown ## ES2015 .l-sub-section :markdown Short hand for "[ECMAScript 2015](#ecmascript=2015)". :markdown ## ES6 .l-sub-section :markdown Short hand for "[ECMAScript 2015](#ecmascript=2015)". :markdown ## ES5 .l-sub-section :markdown Short hand for "ECMAScript 5", the version of JavaScript run by most modern browsers. See [ECMAScript](#ecmascript). .l-main-section :markdown ## Injector .l-sub-section :markdown An object in the Angular [dependency injection system](#dependency-injection) that can find a named "dependency" in its cache or create such a thing with a registered [provider](#provider). :markdown ## Input .l-sub-section :markdown A directive property that can be the ***target*** of a [Property Binding](./template-syntax.html#property-binding). Data values flow *into* this property from the data source identified in the template expression to the right of the equal sign. See the [Template Syntax](./template-syntax.html#inputs-outputs) chapter. :markdown ## Interpolation .l-sub-section :markdown A form of [data binding](#data-binding) in which a [template expression](#template-expression) between double-curly braces renders as text. That text may be concatenated with neighboring text before it is assigned to an element property or displayed between element tags as in this example. code-example(language="html" escape="html"). :markdown Learn more about interpolation in the [Template Syntax](./template-syntax.html#interpolation) chapter. .l-main-section :markdown ## Output .l-sub-section :markdown A directive property that can be the ***target*** of an [Event Binding](./template-syntax.html#property-binding). Events stream *out* of this property to the receiver identified in the template expression to the right of the equal sign. See the [Template Syntax](./template-syntax.html#inputs-outputs) chapter. .l-main-section :markdown ## Pipe .l-sub-section :markdown An Angular pipe is a function that transforms input values to output values for display in a [view](#view). We use the `@Pipe` [decorator](decorator) to associate the pipe function with a name. We then can use that name in our HTML to declaratively transform values on screen. Here's an example that uses the built-in `currency` pipe to display a numeric value in the local currency. code-example(language="html" escape="html"). {{product.price | currency}} :markdown Learn more in the chapter on [pipes](./pipes.html) . :markdown ## Provider .l-sub-section :markdown Angular relies on [dependency injection](#dependency-injection) to create and deliver pieces of functionality to the application parts that need them. Those pieces are often called "dependencies". Angular can't find or create these dependencies by itself. Something has to "provide" them. That something is called a "Provider". A provider can be almost anything that can produce the dependency although it is most often a class that we register with the [dependency injector](injector). We typically register our application providers when we [bootstrap](#bootstrap) the application but there are other opportunities to do that as well. See the [Dependency Injection[(./dependency-injection.html)] chapter for details. .l-main-section :markdown ## Router .l-sub-section :markdown Most applications consist of many screens or [views](#view). The user navigates among them by clicking links and buttons and taking other similar actions that cause the application to replace one view with another. The [Angular router](./router.html) is a richly featured mechanism for configuring and managing the entire navigation process including the creation and destruction of views. .l-main-section :markdown ## Structural Directive .l-sub-section :markdown A category of [Directive](#directive) that can shape or re-shape HTML layout, typically by adding, removing, or manipulating elements and their children. The `ng-if` "conditional element" directive and the `ng-for` "repeater" directive are good examples in this category. .l-main-section :markdown ## Template .l-sub-section :markdown A template is a chunk of HTML that Angular uses to render a [view](#view) with the support and continuing guidance of an Angular [Directive](#directive), most notably a [Component](#component). We write templates in a special [Template Syntax](./template-syntax.html). :markdown ## Template Expresion .l-sub-section :markdown An expression in a JavaScript-like syntax that Angular evaluates within a [data binding](#data-binding). Learn how to write template expressions in the [Template Syntax](./template-syntax.html#template-expressions) chapter. :markdown ## Transpile .l-sub-section :markdown The process of transforming code written in one form of JavaScript (e.g., TypeScript) into another form of JavaScript (e.g., [ES5](#es5)). :markdown ## TypeScript .l-sub-section :markdown A version of JavaScript that supports most [ECMAScript 2015](#ecmascript=2015) language features and many features that may arrive in future versions of JavaScript such as [Decorations](#decoration). TypeScript is also noteable for its optional typing system which gives us compile-time type-checking and strong tooling support (e.g. "intellisense", code completion, refactoring, and intelligent search). Many code editors and IDEs support TypeScript either natively or with plugins. TypeScript is the preferred language for Angular 2 development although we are welcome to write in other JavaScript dialects such as [ES5](#es5). Angular 2 itself is written in TypeScript. Learn more about TypeScript on its [website](http://www.typescriptlang.org/). .l-main-section :markdown ## View .l-sub-section :markdown A view is a portion of the screen that displays information and responds to user actions such as clicks, mouse moves, and keystrokes. Angular renders a view under the control of one or more [Directives](#directive), especially [Component](#component) directives and their companion [Templates](#template). The Component plays such a prominent role that we often find it convenient to refer to a component as a view. Views often contain other views and any view might be loaded and unloaded dynamically as the user navigates through the application, typically under the control of a [router](#rounter). .l-main-section :markdown ## Zone .l-sub-section :markdown Zones are a mechanism for encapsulating and intercepting a JavaScript application's asynchronous activity. The browser DOM and JavaScript have a limited number of asynchronous activities, activities such as DOM events (e.g., clicks), [promises](#promise), and [XHR](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest) calls to remote servers. Zones intercept all of these activities and give a "zone client" the opportunity to take action before and after the asynch activity completes. Angular runs our application in a zone where it can respond to asynchronous events by checking for data changes and updating the information it displays via [data binding(#data-binding). Learn more about zones in this [Brian Ford video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IqtmUscE_U).