import { AsyncTestCompleter, describe, proxy, it, iit, ddescribe, expect, inject, beforeEach, beforeEachBindings, SpyObject } from 'angular2/test_lib'; import {IMPLEMENTS} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang'; import {Promise, PromiseWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/async'; import {ListWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection'; import {Router, RootRouter} from 'angular2/src/router/router'; import {Pipeline} from 'angular2/src/router/pipeline'; import {RouterOutlet} from 'angular2/src/router/router_outlet'; import {SpyLocation} from 'angular2/src/mock/location_mock'; import {Location} from 'angular2/src/router/location'; import {RouteRegistry} from 'angular2/src/router/route_registry'; import {RouteConfig, Route} from 'angular2/src/router/route_config_decorator'; import {DirectiveResolver} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/directive_resolver'; import {bind} from 'angular2/di'; export function main() { describe('Router', () => { var router, location; beforeEachBindings(() => [ Pipeline, RouteRegistry, DirectiveResolver, bind(Location).toClass(SpyLocation), bind(Router) .toFactory((registry, pipeline, location) => { return new RootRouter(registry, pipeline, location, AppCmp); }, [RouteRegistry, Pipeline, Location]) ]); beforeEach(inject([Router, Location], (rtr, loc) => { router = rtr; location = loc; })); it('should navigate based on the initial URL state', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { var outlet = makeDummyOutlet(); router.config([new Route({path: '/', component: DummyComponent})]) .then((_) => router.registerOutlet(outlet)) .then((_) => { expect(outlet.spy('commit')).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(location.urlChanges).toEqual([]); async.done(); }); })); it('should activate viewports and update URL on navigate', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { var outlet = makeDummyOutlet(); router.registerOutlet(outlet) .then((_) => router.config([new Route({path: '/a', component: DummyComponent})])) .then((_) => router.navigate('/a')) .then((_) => { expect(outlet.spy('commit')).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(location.urlChanges).toEqual(['/a']); async.done(); }); })); it('should not push a history change on when navigate is called with skipUrlChange', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { var outlet = makeDummyOutlet(); router.registerOutlet(outlet) .then((_) => router.config([new Route({path: '/b', component: DummyComponent})])) .then((_) => router.navigate('/b', true)) .then((_) => { expect(outlet.spy('commit')).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(location.urlChanges).toEqual([]); async.done(); }); })); it('should navigate after being configured', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { var outlet = makeDummyOutlet(); router.registerOutlet(outlet) .then((_) => router.navigate('/a')) .then((_) => { expect(outlet.spy('commit')).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); return router.config([new Route({path: '/a', component: DummyComponent})]); }) .then((_) => { expect(outlet.spy('commit')).toHaveBeenCalled(); async.done(); }); })); it('should throw when linkParams does not start with a "/" or "./"', () => { expect(() => router.generate(['firstCmp', 'secondCmp'])) .toThrowError( `Link "${ListWrapper.toJSON(['firstCmp', 'secondCmp'])}" must start with "/", "./", or "../"`); }); it('should throw when linkParams does not include a route name', () => { expect(() => router.generate(['./'])) .toThrowError(`Link "${ListWrapper.toJSON(['./'])}" must include a route name.`); expect(() => router.generate(['/'])) .toThrowError(`Link "${ListWrapper.toJSON(['/'])}" must include a route name.`); }); it('should generate URLs from the root component when the path starts with /', () => { router.config([new Route({path: '/first/...', component: DummyParentComp, as: 'firstCmp'})]); expect(router.generate(['/firstCmp', 'secondCmp'])).toEqual('/first/second'); expect(router.generate(['/firstCmp', 'secondCmp'])).toEqual('/first/second'); expect(router.generate(['/firstCmp/secondCmp'])).toEqual('/first/second'); }); describe('querstring params', () => { it('should only apply querystring params if the given URL is on the root router and is terminal', () => { router.config([ new Route({path: '/hi/how/are/you', component: DummyComponent, as: 'greeting-url'}) ]); var path = router.generate(['/greeting-url', {'name': 'brad'}]); expect(path).toEqual('/hi/how/are/you?name=brad'); }); it('should use parameters that are not apart of the route definition as querystring params', () => { router.config( [new Route({path: '/one/two/:three', component: DummyComponent, as: 'number-url'})]); var path = router.generate(['/number-url', {'three': 'three', 'four': 'four'}]); expect(path).toEqual('/one/two/three?four=four'); }); }); describe('matrix params', () => { it('should apply inline matrix params for each router path within the generated URL', () => { router.config( [new Route({path: '/first/...', component: DummyParentComp, as: 'firstCmp'})]); var path = router.generate(['/firstCmp', {'key': 'value'}, 'secondCmp', {'project': 'angular'}]); expect(path).toEqual('/first;key=value/second;project=angular'); }); it('should apply inline matrix params for each router path within the generated URL and also include named params', () => { router.config([ new Route({path: '/first/:token/...', component: DummyParentComp, as: 'firstCmp'}) ]); var path = router.generate(['/firstCmp', {'token': 'min'}, 'secondCmp', {'author': 'max'}]); expect(path).toEqual('/first/min/second;author=max'); }); }); }); } @proxy @IMPLEMENTS(RouterOutlet) class DummyOutlet extends SpyObject { noSuchMethod(m) { return super.noSuchMethod(m) } } class DummyComponent {} @RouteConfig([new Route({path: '/second', component: DummyComponent, as: 'secondCmp'})]) class DummyParentComp { } function makeDummyOutlet() { var ref = new DummyOutlet(); ref.spy('canActivate').andCallFake((_) => PromiseWrapper.resolve(true)); ref.spy('canReuse').andCallFake((_) => PromiseWrapper.resolve(false)); ref.spy('canDeactivate').andCallFake((_) => PromiseWrapper.resolve(true)); ref.spy('commit').andCallFake((_) => PromiseWrapper.resolve(true)); return ref; } class AppCmp {}