const testPackage = require('../../helpers/test-package'); const processorFactory = require('./updateGlobalApiPath'); const Dgeni = require('dgeni'); describe('updateGlobalApiPath processor', () => { it('should be available on the injector', () => { const dgeni = new Dgeni([testPackage('angular-api-package')]); const injector = dgeni.configureInjector(); const processor = injector.get('updateGlobalApiPathProcessor'); expect(processor.$process).toBeDefined(); }); it('should run before the correct processor', () => { const processor = processorFactory(); expect(processor.$runBefore).toEqual(['processNgModuleDocs']); }); it('should run after the correct processor', () => { const processor = processorFactory(); expect(processor.$runAfter).toEqual(['computePathsProcessor']); }); it('should update the paths of namespaced global APIs', () => { const processor = processorFactory(); const docs = [{ docType: 'function', moduleDoc: { moduleFolder: 'folder' }, name: 'ng.withNamespace', globalNamespace: 'ng', unprefixedName: 'withNamespace', global: true }]; processor.$process(docs); expect(docs[0].path).toBe('folder/ngWithNamespace'); expect(docs[0].outputPath).toBe('folder/ngWithNamespace.json'); }); });