Learning Angular
A suggested path through the documentation for Angular newcomers.
1. [Setup](guide/setup "Setup locally withe Quickstart seed") for local Angular development, if you haven't already done so.
1. Take the [*Tour of Heroes* tutorial](tutorial "Tour of Heroes").
The *Tour of Heroes* takes you step-by-step from [setup](guide/setup)
to a full-featured example that demonstrates the essential characteristics of a professional application:
a sensible project structure, data binding, master/detail, services, dependency injection, navigation, and remote data access.
1. {@a architecture}Read the [Architecture](guide/architecture) overview for the big picture.
1. [The Root Module](guide/appmodule) introduces the `NgModule` class that tells Angular how to compile and run your application.
1. [Displaying Data](guide/displaying-data) shows how data binding puts component property values on screen.
1. [User Input](guide/user-input) explains how to respond to user-initiated DOM events.
1. [Forms](guide/forms) covers data entry and validation within the UI.
1. [Dependency Injection](guide/dependency-injection) is the way to build large, maintainable applications
from small, single-purpose parts.
1. [Template Syntax](guide/template-syntax) is a comprehensive study of Angular template HTML.
After reading the above sections, feel free to skip around among the other pages on this site.