@title 英雄编辑器 @intro 构建一个简单的英雄编辑器 @description ## Setup to develop locally ## 为本地开发搭建环境 Follow the [setup](guide/setup) instructions for creating a new project named angular-tour-of-heroes. 根据[开发环境](guide/setup)中的说明创建一个名为的新项目 The file structure should look like this: 该项目的文件结构应该是这样的:
node_modules ...
When you're done with this page, the app should look like this . 在我们完成本章时,得到的应用和这个一样。 {@a keep-transpiling} ## Keep the app transpiling and running ## 保持应用不断转译和运行 Enter the following command in the terminal window: 在命令行窗口中输入以下命令: npm start This command runs the TypeScript compiler in "watch mode", recompiling automatically when the code changes. The command simultaneously launches the app in a browser and refreshes the browser when the code changes. 这个命令会在“监听”模式下运行TypeScript编译器,当代码变化时,它会自动重新编译。 同时,该命令还会在浏览器中启动该应用,并且当代码变化时刷新浏览器。 You can keep building the Tour of Heroes without pausing to recompile or refresh the browser. 在后续构建《英雄指南》过程中,应用能持续运行,而不用中断服务来编译或刷新浏览器。 ## Show the hero ## 显示此英雄 Add two properties to the `AppComponent`: a `title` property for the app name and a `hero` property for a hero named "Windstorm." 往`AppComponent`中添加两个属性:`title`属性用来表示应用的名字,而`hero`属性用来表示名叫“Windstorm”的英雄。 Now update the template in the `@Component` decorator with data bindings to these new properties. 下面,更新`@Component`装饰器中指定的模板,为这些新属性建立数据绑定。 The browser refreshes and displays the title and hero name. 保存后,浏览器应自动刷新,显示标题和英雄。 The double curly braces are Angular's *interpolation binding* syntax. These interpolation bindings present the component's `title` and `hero` property values, as strings, inside the HTML header tags. 这里的双大括号是Angular中的*插值表达式绑定*语法。它们表示组件的`title`和`hero`属性的值会作为字符串插入到HTML标签中间。
Read more about interpolation in the [Displaying Data](guide/displaying-data) page. 要了解插值表达式的更多知识,见[显示数据](guide/displaying-data)。
### Hero object ### Hero 对象 The hero needs more properties. Convert the `hero` from a literal string to a class. 显然,英雄还需要更多属性。 让我们把`hero`从一个字符串字面量换成一个类。 Create a `Hero` class with `id` and `name` properties. Add these properties near the top of the `app.component.ts` file, just below the import statement. 创建一个`Hero`类,它具有`id`和`name`属性。 现在,把下列代码放在`app.component.ts`的顶部,仅次于 import 语句。 In the `AppComponent` class, refactor the component's `hero` property to be of type `Hero`, then initialize it with an `id` of `1` and the name `Windstorm`. 现在,有了一个`Hero`类,我们把组件`hero`属性的类型换成`Hero`。 然后以`1`为 id、以 “Windstorm” 为名字,初始化它。 Because you changed the hero from a string to an object, update the binding in the template to refer to the hero's `name` property. 我们把`hero`从一个字符串换成了对象,所以也得更新模板中的绑定表达式,来引用`hero`的`name`属性。 The browser refreshes and continues to display the hero's name. 浏览器自动刷新,并继续显示这位英雄的名字。 ### Adding HTML with multi-line template strings ### 使用多行模板字符串添加更多 HTML To show all of the hero's properties, add a `
` for the hero's `id` property and another `
` for the hero's `name`. To keep the template readable, place each `
` on its own line. 要显示英雄的所有属性,还要为英雄的`id`属性添加一个`
`。 为了保持模板的可读性,把每个`
`单独放一行。 The backticks around the component template let you put the `

`, `

`, and `
` elements on their own lines, thanks to the template literals feature in ES2015 and TypeScript. For more information, see Template literals. 反引号包裹的组件模板能让你把`


`元素各自放在一行上。 感谢ES2015和TypeScript的*模板字面量*特性。要了解更多,请参见模板字面量(Template literals) 页。 ## Edit the hero name ## 编辑英雄名字 Users should be able to edit the hero name in an `` textbox. The textbox should both _display_ the hero's `name` property and _update_ that property as the user types. 用户应该能在一个``输入框中编辑英雄的名字。 当用户输入时,这个输入框应该能同时*显示*和*修改*英雄的`name`属性。 You need a two-way binding between the `` form element and the `hero.name` property. 也就是说,我们要在表单元素``和组件的`hero.name`属性之间建立双向绑定。 ### Two-way binding ### 双向绑定 Refactor the hero name in the template so it looks like this: 把模板中的英雄名字重构成这样: `[(ngModel)]` is the Angular syntax to bind the `hero.name` property to the textbox. Data flows _in both directions:_ from the property to the textbox, and from the textbox back to the property. `[(ngModel)]`是一个Angular语法,用与把`hero.name`绑定到输入框中。 它的数据流是*双向的*:从属性到输入框,并且从输入框回到属性。 Unfortunately, immediately after this change, the application breaks. If you looked in the browser console, you'd see Angular complaining that "`ngModel` ... isn't a known property of `input`." 不幸的是,做了这项改动之后,我们的程序崩溃了。 打开浏览器的控制台,我们会看到Angular抱怨说:“`ngModel` ... isn't a known property of `input`.”(`ngModel`不是`input`元素的已知属性) Although `NgModel` is a valid Angular directive, it isn't available by default. It belongs to the optional `FormsModule`. You must opt-in to using that module. 虽然`NgModel`是一个有效的Angular指令,但它默认情况下却是不可用的。 它属于一个可选模块`FormsModule`。 我们必须选择使用那个模块。 ### Import the _FormsModule_ ### 导入 _FormsModule_ Open the `app.module.ts` file and import the `FormsModule` symbol from the `@angular/forms` library. Then add the `FormsModule` to the `@NgModule` metadata's `imports` array, which contains the list of external modules that the app uses. 打开`app.module.ts`文件,并且从`@angular/forms`库中导入符号`FormsModule`。 然后把`FormsModule`添加到`@NgModule`元数据的`imports`数组中,它是当前应用正在使用的外部模块列表。 The updated `AppModule` looks like this: 修改后的`AppModule`是这样的:
Read more about `FormsModule` and `ngModel` in the [Two-way data binding with ngModel](guide/forms#ngModel) section of the [Forms](guide/forms) guide and the [Two-way binding with NgModel](guide/template-syntax#ngModel) section of the [Template Syntax](guide/template-syntax) guide. 要学习关于`FormsModule`和`ngModel`的更多知识,参见[表单](guide/forms#ngModel)和 [模板语法](guide/template-syntax#ngModel)。
When the browser refreshes, the app should work again. You can edit the hero's name and see the changes reflected immediately in the `

` above the textbox. 浏览器刷新。又见到我们的英雄了。我们可以编辑英雄的名字,也能看到这个改动立刻体现在`

`中。 ## The road you've travelled ## 我们已经走过的路 Take stock of what you've built. 我们来盘点一下已经构建完成的部分。 * The Tour of Heroes app uses the double curly braces of interpolation (a type of one-way data binding) to display the app title and properties of a `Hero` object. 我们的《英雄指南》使用双大括号插值表达式(单向数据绑定的一种形式)来显示应用的标题和`Hero`对象的属性。 * You wrote a multi-line template using ES2015's template literals to make the template readable. 我们使用 ES2015 的模板字符串写了一个多行模板,使我们的模板更具可读性。 * You added a two-way data binding to the `` element using the built-in `ngModel` directive. This binding both displays the hero's name and allows users to change it. 为了同时显示和修改英雄的名字,我们还使用了内置的`ngModel`指令,往``元素上添加了双向数据绑定。 * The `ngModel` directive propagates changes to every other binding of the `hero.name`. `ngModel`指令将这些修改传播到每一个对`hero.name`的其它绑定。 Your app should look like this . 运行这部分的。 Here's the complete `app.component.ts` as it stands now: 完整的`app.component.ts`是这样的: ## The road ahead ## 前方的路 In the [next tutorial page](tutorial/toh-pt2), you'll build on the Tour of Heroes app to display a list of heroes. You'll also allow the user to select heroes and display their details. You'll learn more about how to retrieve lists and bind them to the template. 在[教程的下一章](tutorial/toh-pt2),我们将在这个《英雄指南》中显示一个英雄列表。 我们将允许允许用户选择一个英雄,并且显示它/她的详情。 我们还将学会如何获取列表以及将它们绑定到模板中。