@name Pipe Not Found @category runtime @videoUrl https://www.youtube.com/embed/maI2u6Sxk9M @shortDescription Pipe not found! @description Angular can't find a pipe with this name. The pipe referenced in the template has not been named or declared properly. A [pipe](guide/pipes) must be either declared or imported in the `NgModule` where it is used, and the name used in a template must match the name defined in the pipe decorator. @debugging Use the pipe name to trace the templates or modules where this pipe is declared and used. To resolve this error, ensure that: - A local custom pipe is uniquely named in the pipe's decorator, and declared in the `NgModule`, or - A pipe from another `NgModule` is added to the imports of the `NgModule` where it is used. If you recently added an import or declaration, you may need to restart your server to see these changes.