/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {core as compilerCore, StaticReflector, StaticSymbol, StaticSymbolCache, StaticSymbolResolver, StaticSymbolResolverHost} from '@angular/compiler'; import {CollectorOptions, METADATA_VERSION} from '@angular/compiler-cli'; import {MockStaticSymbolResolverHost, MockSummaryResolver} from './static_symbol_resolver_spec'; describe('StaticReflector', () => { let noContext: StaticSymbol; let host: StaticSymbolResolverHost; let symbolResolver: StaticSymbolResolver; let reflector: StaticReflector; function init( testData: {[key: string]: any} = DEFAULT_TEST_DATA, decorators: {name: string, filePath: string, ctor: any}[] = [], errorRecorder?: (error: any, fileName?: string) => void, collectorOptions?: CollectorOptions) { const symbolCache = new StaticSymbolCache(); host = new MockStaticSymbolResolverHost(testData, collectorOptions); const summaryResolver = new MockSummaryResolver([]); spyOn(summaryResolver, 'isLibraryFile').and.returnValue(false); symbolResolver = new StaticSymbolResolver(host, symbolCache, summaryResolver, errorRecorder); reflector = new StaticReflector(summaryResolver, symbolResolver, decorators, [], errorRecorder); noContext = reflector.getStaticSymbol('', ''); } beforeEach(() => init()); function simplify(context: StaticSymbol, value: any) { return (reflector as any).simplify(context, value); } it('should get annotations for NgFor', () => { const NgFor = reflector.findDeclaration('@angular/common/src/directives/ng_for', 'NgFor'); const annotations = reflector.annotations(NgFor); expect(annotations.length).toEqual(1); const annotation = annotations[0]; expect(annotation.selector).toEqual('[ngFor][ngForOf]'); expect(annotation.inputs).toEqual(['ngForTrackBy', 'ngForOf', 'ngForTemplate']); }); it('should get constructor for NgFor', () => { const NgFor = reflector.findDeclaration('@angular/common/src/directives/ng_for', 'NgFor'); const ViewContainerRef = reflector.findDeclaration('@angular/core', 'ViewContainerRef'); const TemplateRef = reflector.findDeclaration('@angular/core', 'TemplateRef'); const IterableDiffers = reflector.findDeclaration('@angular/core', 'IterableDiffers'); const ChangeDetectorRef = reflector.findDeclaration('@angular/core', 'ChangeDetectorRef'); const parameters = reflector.parameters(NgFor); expect(parameters).toEqual([ [ViewContainerRef], [TemplateRef], [IterableDiffers], [ChangeDetectorRef] ]); }); it('should get annotations for HeroDetailComponent', () => { const HeroDetailComponent = reflector.findDeclaration('src/app/hero-detail.component', 'HeroDetailComponent'); const annotations = reflector.annotations(HeroDetailComponent); expect(annotations.length).toEqual(1); const annotation = annotations[0]; expect(annotation.selector).toEqual('my-hero-detail'); }); it('should get and empty annotation list for an unknown class', () => { const UnknownClass = reflector.findDeclaration('src/app/app.component', 'UnknownClass'); const annotations = reflector.annotations(UnknownClass); expect(annotations).toEqual([]); }); it('should get and empty annotation list for a symbol with null value', () => { init({ '/tmp/test.ts': ` export var x = null; ` }); const annotations = reflector.annotations(reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/test.ts', 'x')); expect(annotations).toEqual([]); }); it('should get propMetadata for HeroDetailComponent', () => { const HeroDetailComponent = reflector.findDeclaration('src/app/hero-detail.component', 'HeroDetailComponent'); const props = reflector.propMetadata(HeroDetailComponent); expect(props['hero']).toBeTruthy(); expect(props['onMouseOver']).toEqual([compilerCore.createHostListener( 'mouseover', ['$event'])]); }); it('should get an empty object from propMetadata for an unknown class', () => { const UnknownClass = reflector.findDeclaration('src/app/app.component', 'UnknownClass'); const properties = reflector.propMetadata(UnknownClass); expect(properties).toEqual({}); }); it('should get empty parameters list for an unknown class ', () => { const UnknownClass = reflector.findDeclaration('src/app/app.component', 'UnknownClass'); const parameters = reflector.parameters(UnknownClass); expect(parameters).toEqual([]); }); it('should provide context for errors reported by the collector', () => { const SomeClass = reflector.findDeclaration('src/error-reporting', 'SomeClass'); expect(() => reflector.annotations(SomeClass)) .toThrow(new Error(`Error during template compile of 'SomeClass' A reasonable error message in 'Link1' 'Link1' references 'Link2' 'Link2' references 'ErrorSym' 'ErrorSym' contains the error at /tmp/src/error-references.ts(13,34).`)); }); it('should simplify primitive into itself', () => { expect(simplify(noContext, 1)).toBe(1); expect(simplify(noContext, true)).toBe(true); expect(simplify(noContext, 'some value')).toBe('some value'); }); it('should simplify a static symbol into itself', () => { const staticSymbol = reflector.getStaticSymbol('', ''); expect(simplify(noContext, staticSymbol)).toBe(staticSymbol); }); it('should simplify an array into a copy of the array', () => { expect(simplify(noContext, [1, 2, 3])).toEqual([1, 2, 3]); }); it('should simplify an object to a copy of the object', () => { const expr = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}; expect(simplify(noContext, expr)).toEqual(expr); }); it('should simplify &&', () => { expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '&&', left: true, right: true}))) .toBe(true); expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '&&', left: true, right: false}))) .toBe(false); expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '&&', left: false, right: true}))) .toBe(false); expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '&&', left: false, right: false}))) .toBe(false); }); it('should simplify ||', () => { expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '||', left: true, right: true}))) .toBe(true); expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '||', left: true, right: false}))) .toBe(true); expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '||', left: false, right: true}))) .toBe(true); expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '||', left: false, right: false}))) .toBe(false); }); it('should simplify &', () => { expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '&', left: 0x22, right: 0x0F}))) .toBe(0x22 & 0x0F); expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '&', left: 0x22, right: 0xF0}))) .toBe(0x22 & 0xF0); }); it('should simplify |', () => { expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '|', left: 0x22, right: 0x0F}))) .toBe(0x22 | 0x0F); expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '|', left: 0x22, right: 0xF0}))) .toBe(0x22 | 0xF0); }); it('should simplify ^', () => { expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '|', left: 0x22, right: 0x0F}))) .toBe(0x22 | 0x0F); expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '|', left: 0x22, right: 0xF0}))) .toBe(0x22 | 0xF0); }); it('should simplify ==', () => { expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '==', left: 0x22, right: 0x22}))) .toBe(0x22 == 0x22); expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '==', left: 0x22, right: 0xF0}))) .toBe(0x22 as any == 0xF0); }); it('should simplify !=', () => { expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '!=', left: 0x22, right: 0x22}))) .toBe(0x22 != 0x22); expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '!=', left: 0x22, right: 0xF0}))) .toBe(0x22 as any != 0xF0); }); it('should simplify ===', () => { expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '===', left: 0x22, right: 0x22}))) .toBe(0x22 === 0x22); expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '===', left: 0x22, right: 0xF0}))) .toBe(0x22 as any === 0xF0); }); it('should simplify !==', () => { expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '!==', left: 0x22, right: 0x22}))) .toBe(0x22 !== 0x22); expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '!==', left: 0x22, right: 0xF0}))) .toBe(0x22 as any !== 0xF0); }); it('should simplify >', () => { expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '>', left: 1, right: 1}))) .toBe(1 > 1); expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '>', left: 1, right: 0}))) .toBe(1 > 0); expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '>', left: 0, right: 1}))) .toBe(0 > 1); }); it('should simplify >=', () => { expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '>=', left: 1, right: 1}))) .toBe(1 >= 1); expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '>=', left: 1, right: 0}))) .toBe(1 >= 0); expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '>=', left: 0, right: 1}))) .toBe(0 >= 1); }); it('should simplify <=', () => { expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '<=', left: 1, right: 1}))) .toBe(1 <= 1); expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '<=', left: 1, right: 0}))) .toBe(1 <= 0); expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '<=', left: 0, right: 1}))) .toBe(0 <= 1); }); it('should simplify <', () => { expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '<', left: 1, right: 1}))) .toBe(1 < 1); expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '<', left: 1, right: 0}))) .toBe(1 < 0); expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '<', left: 0, right: 1}))) .toBe(0 < 1); }); it('should simplify <<', () => { expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '<<', left: 0x55, right: 2}))) .toBe(0x55 << 2); }); it('should simplify >>', () => { expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '>>', left: 0x55, right: 2}))) .toBe(0x55 >> 2); }); it('should simplify +', () => { expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '+', left: 0x55, right: 2}))) .toBe(0x55 + 2); }); it('should simplify -', () => { expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '-', left: 0x55, right: 2}))) .toBe(0x55 - 2); }); it('should simplify *', () => { expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '*', left: 0x55, right: 2}))) .toBe(0x55 * 2); }); it('should simplify /', () => { expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '/', left: 0x55, right: 2}))) .toBe(0x55 / 2); }); it('should simplify %', () => { expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'binop', operator: '%', left: 0x55, right: 2}))) .toBe(0x55 % 2); }); it('should simplify prefix -', () => { expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'pre', operator: '-', operand: 2}))).toBe(-2); }); it('should simplify prefix ~', () => { expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'pre', operator: '~', operand: 2}))).toBe(~2); }); it('should simplify prefix !', () => { expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'pre', operator: '!', operand: true}))).toBe(!true); expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'pre', operator: '!', operand: false}))).toBe(!false); }); it('should simplify an array index', () => { expect(simplify(noContext, ({__symbolic: 'index', expression: [1, 2, 3], index: 2}))).toBe(3); }); it('should simplify an object index', () => { const expr = {__symbolic: 'select', expression: {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}, member: 'b'}; expect(simplify(noContext, expr)).toBe(2); }); it('should simplify a file reference', () => { expect(simplify( reflector.getStaticSymbol('/src/cases', ''), reflector.getStaticSymbol('/src/extern.d.ts', 's'))) .toEqual('s'); }); it('should simplify a non existing reference as a static symbol', () => { expect(simplify( reflector.getStaticSymbol('/src/cases', ''), reflector.getStaticSymbol('/src/extern.d.ts', 'nonExisting'))) .toEqual(reflector.getStaticSymbol('/src/extern.d.ts', 'nonExisting')); }); it('should simplify a function reference as a static symbol', () => { expect(simplify( reflector.getStaticSymbol('/src/cases', 'myFunction'), ({__symbolic: 'function', parameters: ['a'], value: []}))) .toEqual(reflector.getStaticSymbol('/src/cases', 'myFunction')); }); it('should simplify values initialized with a function call', () => { expect(simplify( reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/function-reference.ts', ''), reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/function-reference.ts', 'one'))) .toEqual(['some-value']); expect(simplify( reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/function-reference.ts', ''), reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/function-reference.ts', 'three'))) .toEqual(3); }); it('should error on direct recursive calls', () => { expect( () => simplify( reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/function-reference.ts', 'MyComp'), reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/function-reference.ts', 'recursion'))) .toThrow(new Error(`Error during template compile of 'MyComp' Recursion is not supported in 'recursion' 'recursion' references 'recursive' 'recursive' called 'recursive' recursively.`)); }); it('should throw a SyntaxError without stack trace when the required resource cannot be resolved', () => { expect( () => simplify( reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/function-reference.ts', 'AppModule'), ({ __symbolic: 'error', message: 'Could not resolve ./does-not-exist.component relative to /tmp/src/function-reference.ts' }))) .toThrowError(`Error during template compile of 'AppModule' Could not resolve ./does-not-exist.component relative to /tmp/src/function-reference.ts.`); }); it('should record data about the error in the exception', () => { let threw = false; try { const metadata = host.getMetadataFor('/tmp/src/invalid-metadata.ts')!; expect(metadata).toBeDefined(); const moduleMetadata: any = metadata[0]['metadata']; expect(moduleMetadata).toBeDefined(); const classData: any = moduleMetadata['InvalidMetadata']; expect(classData).toBeDefined(); simplify( reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/invalid-metadata.ts', ''), classData.decorators[0].arguments); } catch (e) { expect(e.position).toBeDefined(); threw = true; } expect(threw).toBe(true); }); it('should error on indirect recursive calls', () => { expect( () => simplify( reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/function-reference.ts', 'MyComp'), reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/function-reference.ts', 'indirectRecursion'))) .toThrow(new Error(`Error during template compile of 'MyComp' Recursion is not supported in 'indirectRecursion' 'indirectRecursion' references 'indirectRecursion1' 'indirectRecursion1' references 'indirectRecursion2' 'indirectRecursion2' called 'indirectRecursion1' recursively.`)); }); it('should simplify a spread expression', () => { expect(simplify( reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/spread.ts', ''), reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/spread.ts', 'spread'))) .toEqual([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); }); it('should be able to get metadata for a class containing a custom decorator', () => { const props = reflector.propMetadata( reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/custom-decorator-reference.ts', 'Foo')); expect(props).toEqual({foo: []}); }); it('should read ctor parameters with forwardRef', () => { const src = '/tmp/src/forward-ref.ts'; const dep = reflector.getStaticSymbol(src, 'Dep'); const props = reflector.parameters(reflector.getStaticSymbol(src, 'Forward')); expect(props).toEqual([[dep, compilerCore.createInject(dep)]]); }); it('should report an error for invalid function calls', () => { expect( () => reflector.annotations( reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/invalid-calls.ts', 'MyComponent'))) .toThrow(new Error( `/tmp/src/invalid-calls.ts(8,29): Error during template compile of 'MyComponent' Function calls are not supported in decorators but 'someFunction' was called.`)); }); it('should be able to get metadata for a class containing a static method call', () => { const annotations = reflector.annotations( reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/static-method-call.ts', 'MyComponent')); expect(annotations.length).toBe(1); expect(annotations[0].providers).toEqual({provider: 'a', useValue: 100}); }); it('should be able to get metadata for a class containing a static field reference', () => { const annotations = reflector.annotations( reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/static-field-reference.ts', 'Foo')); expect(annotations.length).toBe(1); expect(annotations[0].providers).toEqual([{provider: 'a', useValue: 'Some string'}]); }); it('should be able to get the metadata for a class calling a method with a conditional expression', () => { const annotations = reflector.annotations( reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/static-method-call.ts', 'MyCondComponent')); expect(annotations.length).toBe(1); expect(annotations[0].providers).toEqual([ [{provider: 'a', useValue: '1'}], [{provider: 'a', useValue: '2'}] ]); }); it('should be able to get metadata for a class with nested method calls', () => { const annotations = reflector.annotations( reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/static-method-call.ts', 'MyFactoryComponent')); expect(annotations.length).toBe(1); expect(annotations[0].providers).toEqual({ provide: 'c', useFactory: reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/static-method.ts', 'AnotherModule', ['someFactory']) }); }); it('should be able to get the metadata for a class calling a method with default parameters', () => { const annotations = reflector.annotations( reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/static-method-call.ts', 'MyDefaultsComponent')); expect(annotations.length).toBe(1); expect(annotations[0].providers).toEqual([['a', true, false]]); }); it('should be able to get metadata with a reference to a static method', () => { const annotations = reflector.annotations( reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/static-method-ref.ts', 'MethodReference')); expect(annotations.length).toBe(1); expect(annotations[0].providers[0].useValue.members[0]).toEqual('staticMethod'); }); it('should be able to get metadata for a class calling a macro function', () => { const annotations = reflector.annotations( reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/call-macro-function.ts', 'MyComponent')); expect(annotations.length).toBe(1); expect(annotations[0].providers.useValue).toBe(100); }); it('should be able to get metadata for a class calling a nested macro function', () => { const annotations = reflector.annotations( reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/call-macro-function.ts', 'MyComponentNested')); expect(annotations.length).toBe(1); expect(annotations[0].providers.useValue.useValue).toBe(100); }); // #13605 it('should not throw on unknown decorators', () => { const data = Object.create(DEFAULT_TEST_DATA); const file = '/tmp/src/app.component.ts'; data[file] = ` import { Component } from '@angular/core'; export const enum TypeEnum { type } export function MyValidationDecorator(p1: any, p2: any): any { return null; } export function ValidationFunction(a1: any): any { return null; } @Component({ selector: 'my-app', template: "

Hello {{name}}

", }) export class AppComponent { name = 'Angular'; @MyValidationDecorator( TypeEnum.type, ValidationFunction({option: 'value'})) myClassProp: number; }`; init(data); const appComponent = reflector.getStaticSymbol(file, 'AppComponent'); expect(() => reflector.propMetadata(appComponent)).not.toThrow(); }); it('should not throw with an invalid extends', () => { const data = Object.create(DEFAULT_TEST_DATA); const file = '/tmp/src/invalid-component.ts'; data[file] = ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; function InvalidParent() { return InvalidParent; } @Component({ selector: 'tmp', template: '', }) export class BadComponent extends InvalidParent() { } `; init(data); const badComponent = reflector.getStaticSymbol(file, 'BadComponent'); expect(reflector.propMetadata(badComponent)).toEqual({}); expect(reflector.parameters(badComponent)).toEqual([]); expect(reflector.hasLifecycleHook(badComponent, 'onDestroy')).toEqual(false); }); it('should produce a annotation even if it contains errors', () => { const data = Object.create(DEFAULT_TEST_DATA); const file = '/tmp/src/invalid-component.ts'; data[file] = ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'tmp', template: () => {}, providers: [1, 2, (() => {}), 3, !(() => {}), 4, 5, (() => {}) + (() => {}), 6, 7] }) export class BadComponent { } `; init(data, [], () => {}, {verboseInvalidExpression: true}); const badComponent = reflector.getStaticSymbol(file, 'BadComponent'); const annotations = reflector.annotations(badComponent); const annotation = annotations[0]; expect(annotation.selector).toEqual('tmp'); expect(annotation.template).toBeUndefined(); expect(annotation.providers).toEqual([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]); }); it('should ignore unresolved calls', () => { const data = Object.create(DEFAULT_TEST_DATA); const file = '/tmp/src/invalid-component.ts'; data[file] = ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; import {unknown} from 'unresolved'; @Component({ selector: 'tmp', template: () => {}, providers: [triggers()] }) export class BadComponent { } `; init(data, [], () => {}, {verboseInvalidExpression: true}); const badComponent = reflector.getStaticSymbol(file, 'BadComponent'); const annotations = reflector.annotations(badComponent); const annotation = annotations[0]; expect(annotation.providers).toEqual([]); }); // #15424 it('should be able to inject a ctor parameter with a @Inject and a type expression', () => { const data = Object.create(DEFAULT_TEST_DATA); const file = '/tmp/src/invalid-component.ts'; data[file] = ` import {Injectable, Inject} from '@angular/core'; @Injectable() export class SomeClass { constructor (@Inject('some-token') a: {a: string, b: string}) {} } `; init(data); const someClass = reflector.getStaticSymbol(file, 'SomeClass'); const parameters = reflector.parameters(someClass); expect(compilerCore.createInject.isTypeOf(parameters[0][0])).toBe(true); }); it('should reject a ctor parameter without a @Inject and a type exprssion', () => { const data = Object.create(DEFAULT_TEST_DATA); const file = '/tmp/src/invalid-component.ts'; data[file] = ` import {Injectable} from '@angular/core'; @Injectable() export class SomeClass { constructor (a: {a: string, b: string}) {} } `; let error: any = undefined; init(data, [], (err: any, filePath?: string) => { expect(error).toBeUndefined(); error = err; }); const someClass = reflector.getStaticSymbol(file, 'SomeClass'); expect(reflector.parameters(someClass)).toEqual([[]]); expect(error).toBeUndefined(); }); describe('inheritance', () => { class ClassDecorator { constructor(public value: any) {} } class ParamDecorator { constructor(public value: any) {} } class PropDecorator { constructor(public value: any) {} } function initWithDecorator(testData: {[key: string]: any}) { testData['/tmp/src/decorator.ts'] = ` export function ClassDecorator(): any {} export function ParamDecorator(): any {} export function PropDecorator(): any {} `; init(testData, [ {filePath: '/tmp/src/decorator.ts', name: 'ClassDecorator', ctor: ClassDecorator}, {filePath: '/tmp/src/decorator.ts', name: 'ParamDecorator', ctor: ParamDecorator}, {filePath: '/tmp/src/decorator.ts', name: 'PropDecorator', ctor: PropDecorator} ]); } it('should inherit annotations', () => { initWithDecorator({ '/tmp/src/main.ts': ` import {ClassDecorator} from './decorator'; @ClassDecorator('parent') export class Parent {} @ClassDecorator('child') export class Child extends Parent {} export class ChildNoDecorators extends Parent {} export class ChildInvalidParent extends a.InvalidParent {} ` }); // Check that metadata for Parent was not changed! expect(reflector.annotations(reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'Parent'))) .toEqual([new ClassDecorator('parent')]); expect(reflector.annotations(reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'Child'))) .toEqual([new ClassDecorator('parent'), new ClassDecorator('child')]); expect( reflector.annotations(reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'ChildNoDecorators'))) .toEqual([new ClassDecorator('parent')]); expect(reflector.annotations( reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'ChildInvalidParent'))) .toEqual([]); }); it('should inherit parameters', () => { initWithDecorator({ '/tmp/src/main.ts': ` import {ParamDecorator} from './decorator'; export class A {} export class B {} export class C {} export class Parent { constructor(@ParamDecorator('a') a: A, @ParamDecorator('b') b: B) {} } export class Child extends Parent {} export class ChildWithCtor extends Parent { constructor(@ParamDecorator('c') c: C) {} } export class ChildInvalidParent extends a.InvalidParent {} ` }); // Check that metadata for Parent was not changed! expect(reflector.parameters(reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'Parent'))) .toEqual([ [reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'A'), new ParamDecorator('a')], [reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'B'), new ParamDecorator('b')] ]); expect(reflector.parameters(reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'Child'))).toEqual([ [reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'A'), new ParamDecorator('a')], [reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'B'), new ParamDecorator('b')] ]); expect(reflector.parameters(reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'ChildWithCtor'))) .toEqual([[reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'C'), new ParamDecorator('c')]]); expect( reflector.parameters(reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'ChildInvalidParent'))) .toEqual([]); }); it('should inherit property metadata', () => { initWithDecorator({ '/tmp/src/main.ts': ` import {PropDecorator} from './decorator'; export class A {} export class B {} export class C {} export class Parent { @PropDecorator('a') a: A; @PropDecorator('b1') b: B; } export class Child extends Parent { @PropDecorator('b2') b: B; @PropDecorator('c') c: C; } export class ChildInvalidParent extends a.InvalidParent {} ` }); // Check that metadata for Parent was not changed! expect(reflector.propMetadata(reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'Parent'))) .toEqual({ 'a': [new PropDecorator('a')], 'b': [new PropDecorator('b1')], }); expect(reflector.propMetadata(reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'Child'))) .toEqual({ 'a': [new PropDecorator('a')], 'b': [new PropDecorator('b1'), new PropDecorator('b2')], 'c': [new PropDecorator('c')] }); expect(reflector.propMetadata( reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'ChildInvalidParent'))) .toEqual({}); }); it('should not inherit methods from Object.prototype', () => { const filePath = '/tmp/test.ts'; init({ ...DEFAULT_TEST_DATA, [filePath]: ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'test-component', }) export class TestComponent { title = 'Hello World'; toString() { return 'Test Component'; } } `, }); const declaration = reflector.getStaticSymbol(filePath, 'TestComponent'); expect(declaration.filePath).toBe(filePath); expect(declaration.name).toBe('TestComponent'); const propMetadata = reflector.propMetadata(declaration); // 'toString' is a member of TestComponent so it should be part of the metadata. expect(propMetadata.hasOwnProperty('toString')).toBe(true); // There are no decorators on 'toString' so it should be an empty array. expect(propMetadata['toString']).toEqual([]); }); it('should inherit lifecycle hooks', () => { initWithDecorator({ '/tmp/src/main.ts': ` export class Parent { hook1() {} hook2() {} } export class Child extends Parent { hook2() {} hook3() {} } export class ChildInvalidParent extends a.InvalidParent {} ` }); function hooks(symbol: StaticSymbol, names: string[]): boolean[] { return names.map(name => reflector.hasLifecycleHook(symbol, name)); } // Check that metadata for Parent was not changed! expect(hooks(reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'Parent'), [ 'hook1', 'hook2', 'hook3' ])).toEqual([true, true, false]); expect(hooks(reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'Child'), [ 'hook1', 'hook2', 'hook3' ])).toEqual([true, true, true]); expect(hooks(reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'ChildInvalidParent'), [ 'hook1', 'hook2', 'hook3' ])).toEqual([false, false, false]); }); it('should allow inheritance from expressions', () => { initWithDecorator({ '/tmp/src/main.ts': ` export function metaClass() { return null; }; export class Child extends metaClass() {} ` }); expect(reflector.annotations(reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'Child'))) .toEqual([]); }); it('should allow inheritance from functions', () => { initWithDecorator({ '/tmp/src/main.ts': ` export let ctor: {new(): T} = function() { return null; } export class Child extends ctor {} ` }); expect(reflector.annotations(reflector.getStaticSymbol('/tmp/src/main.ts', 'Child'))) .toEqual([]); }); it('should support constructor parameters with @Inject and an interface type', () => { const data = Object.create(DEFAULT_TEST_DATA); const file = '/tmp/src/inject_interface.ts'; data[file] = ` import {Injectable, Inject} from '@angular/core'; import {F} from './f'; export interface InjectedInterface { } export class Token {} @Injectable() export class SomeClass { constructor (@Inject(Token) injected: InjectedInterface, t: Token, @Inject(Token) f: F) {} } `; init(data); expect(reflector.parameters(reflector.getStaticSymbol(file, 'SomeClass'))[0].length) .toEqual(1); }); }); describe('expression lowering', () => { it('should be able to accept a lambda in a reference location', () => { const data = Object.create(DEFAULT_TEST_DATA); const file = '/tmp/src/my_component.ts'; data[file] = ` import {Component, InjectionToken} from '@angular/core'; export const myLambda = () => [1, 2, 3]; export const NUMBERS = new InjectionToken(); @Component({ template: '
', providers: [{provide: NUMBERS, useFactory: myLambda}] }) export class MyComponent { name = 'Some name'; } `; init(data); expect(reflector.annotations(reflector.getStaticSymbol(file, 'MyComponent'))[0] .providers[0] .useFactory) .toBe(reflector.getStaticSymbol(file, 'myLambda')); }); }); // Regression #18170 it('should continue to aggresively evaluate enum member accessors', () => { const data = Object.create(DEFAULT_TEST_DATA); const file = '/tmp/src/my_component.ts'; data[file] = ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; import {intermediate} from './index'; @Component({ template: '
', providers: [{provide: 'foo', useValue: [...intermediate]}] }) export class MyComponent { } `; data['/tmp/src/intermediate.ts'] = ` import {MyEnum} from './indirect'; export const intermediate = [{ data: { c: [MyEnum.Value] } }];`; data['/tmp/src/index.ts'] = `export * from './intermediate';`; data['/tmp/src/indirect.ts'] = `export * from './consts';`; data['/tmp/src/consts.ts'] = ` export enum MyEnum { Value = 3 } `; init(data); expect(reflector.annotations(reflector.getStaticSymbol(file, 'MyComponent'))[0] .providers[0] .useValue) .toEqual([{data: {c: [3]}}]); }); // Regression #18170 it('should evaluate enums and statics that are 0', () => { const data = Object.create(DEFAULT_TEST_DATA); const file = '/tmp/src/my_component.ts'; data[file] = ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; import {provideRoutes} from './macro'; import {MyEnum, MyClass} from './consts'; @Component({ template: '
', providers: [provideRoutes({ path: 'foo', data: { e: MyEnum.Value } })] }) export class MyComponent { } `; data['/tmp/src/macro.ts'] = ` import {ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS, ROUTES} from '@angular/core'; export interface Route { path?: string; data?: any; } export type Routes = Route[]; export function provideRoutes(routes: Routes): any { return [ {provide: ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS, multi: true, useValue: routes}, {provide: ROUTES, multi: true, useValue: routes}, ]; } `; data['/tmp/src/consts.ts'] = ` export enum MyEnum { Value = 0, } `; init(data); expect(reflector.annotations(reflector.getStaticSymbol(file, 'MyComponent'))[0] .providers[0][0] .useValue) .toEqual({path: 'foo', data: {e: 0}}); }); // Regression #18170 it('should eagerly evaluate enums selects', () => { const data = Object.create(DEFAULT_TEST_DATA); const file = '/tmp/src/my_component.ts'; data[file] = ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; import {provideRoutes} from './macro'; import {E} from './indirect'; @Component({ template: '
', providers: [provideRoutes({ path: 'foo', data: { e: E.Value, } })] }) export class MyComponent { } `; data['/tmp/src/macro.ts'] = ` import {ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS, ROUTES} from '@angular/core'; export interface Route { path?: string; data?: any; } export type Routes = Route[]; export function provideRoutes(routes: Routes): any { return [ {provide: ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS, multi: true, useValue: routes}, {provide: ROUTES, multi: true, useValue: routes}, ]; } `; data['/tmp/src/indirect.ts'] = ` import {MyEnum} from './consts'; export const E = MyEnum; `, data['/tmp/src/consts.ts'] = ` export enum MyEnum { Value = 1, } `; init(data); expect(reflector.annotations(reflector.getStaticSymbol(file, 'MyComponent'))[0] .providers[0][0] .useValue) .toEqual({path: 'foo', data: {e: 1}}); }); // Regression #18170 it('should aggressively evaluate array indexes', () => { const data = Object.create(DEFAULT_TEST_DATA); const file = '/tmp/src/my_component.ts'; data[file] = ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; import {provideRoutes} from './macro'; import {E} from './indirect'; @Component({ template: '
', providers: [provideRoutes({ path: 'foo', data: { e: E[E[E[1]]], } })] }) export class MyComponent { } `; data['/tmp/src/macro.ts'] = ` import {ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS, ROUTES} from '@angular/core'; export interface Route { path?: string; data?: any; } export type Routes = Route[]; export function provideRoutes(routes: Routes): any { return [ {provide: ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS, multi: true, useValue: routes}, {provide: ROUTES, multi: true, useValue: routes}, ]; } `; data['/tmp/src/indirect.ts'] = ` import {A} from './consts'; export const E = A; `, data['/tmp/src/consts.ts'] = ` export const A = [0, 1]; `; init(data); expect(reflector.annotations(reflector.getStaticSymbol(file, 'MyComponent'))[0] .providers[0][0] .useValue) .toEqual({path: 'foo', data: {e: 1}}); }); describe('resolveExternalReference', () => { it('should register modules names in the StaticSymbolResolver if no containingFile is given', () => { init({ '/tmp/root.ts': ``, '/tmp/a.ts': `export const x = 1;`, }); let symbol = reflector.resolveExternalReference( {moduleName: './a', name: 'x', runtime: null}, '/tmp/root.ts'); expect(symbolResolver.getKnownModuleName(symbol.filePath)).toBeFalsy(); symbol = reflector.resolveExternalReference({moduleName: 'a', name: 'x', runtime: null}); expect(symbolResolver.getKnownModuleName(symbol.filePath)).toBe('a'); }); }); describe('formatted error reporting', () => { describe('function calls', () => { const fileName = '/tmp/src/invalid/components.ts'; beforeEach(() => { const localData = { '/tmp/src/invalid/function-call.ts': ` import {functionToCall} from 'some-module'; export const CALL_FUNCTION = functionToCall(); `, '/tmp/src/invalid/indirect.ts': ` import {CALL_FUNCTION} from './function-call'; export const INDIRECT_CALL_FUNCTION = CALL_FUNCTION + 1; `, '/tmp/src/invalid/two-levels-indirect.ts': ` import {INDIRECT_CALL_FUNCTION} from './indirect'; export const TWO_LEVELS_INDIRECT_CALL_FUNCTION = INDIRECT_CALL_FUNCTION + 1; `, '/tmp/src/invalid/components.ts': ` import {functionToCall} from 'some-module'; import {Component} from '@angular/core'; import {CALL_FUNCTION} from './function-call'; import {INDIRECT_CALL_FUNCTION} from './indirect'; import {TWO_LEVELS_INDIRECT_CALL_FUNCTION} from './two-levels-indirect'; @Component({ value: functionToCall() }) export class CallImportedFunction {} @Component({ value: CALL_FUNCTION }) export class ReferenceCalledFunction {} @Component({ value: INDIRECT_CALL_FUNCTION }) export class IndirectReferenceCalledFunction {} @Component({ value: TWO_LEVELS_INDIRECT_CALL_FUNCTION }) export class TwoLevelsIndirectReferenceCalledFunction {} ` }; init({...DEFAULT_TEST_DATA, ...localData}); }); it('should report a formatted error for a direct function call', () => { expect(() => { return reflector.annotations(reflector.getStaticSymbol(fileName, 'CallImportedFunction')); }) .toThrowError( `/tmp/src/invalid/components.ts(9,18): Error during template compile of 'CallImportedFunction' Function calls are not supported in decorators but 'functionToCall' was called.`); }); it('should report a formatted error for a reference to a function call', () => { expect(() => { return reflector.annotations( reflector.getStaticSymbol(fileName, 'ReferenceCalledFunction')); }) .toThrowError( `/tmp/src/invalid/components.ts(14,18): Error during template compile of 'ReferenceCalledFunction' Function calls are not supported in decorators but 'functionToCall' was called in 'CALL_FUNCTION' 'CALL_FUNCTION' calls 'functionToCall' at /tmp/src/invalid/function-call.ts(3,38).`); }); it('should report a formatted error for an indirect reference to a function call', () => { expect(() => { return reflector.annotations( reflector.getStaticSymbol(fileName, 'IndirectReferenceCalledFunction')); }) .toThrowError( `/tmp/src/invalid/components.ts(19,18): Error during template compile of 'IndirectReferenceCalledFunction' Function calls are not supported in decorators but 'functionToCall' was called in 'INDIRECT_CALL_FUNCTION' 'INDIRECT_CALL_FUNCTION' references 'CALL_FUNCTION' at /tmp/src/invalid/indirect.ts(4,47) 'CALL_FUNCTION' calls 'functionToCall' at /tmp/src/invalid/function-call.ts(3,38).`); }); it('should report a formatted error for a double-indirect reference to a function call', () => { expect(() => { return reflector.annotations( reflector.getStaticSymbol(fileName, 'TwoLevelsIndirectReferenceCalledFunction')); }) .toThrowError( `/tmp/src/invalid/components.ts(24,18): Error during template compile of 'TwoLevelsIndirectReferenceCalledFunction' Function calls are not supported in decorators but 'functionToCall' was called in 'TWO_LEVELS_INDIRECT_CALL_FUNCTION' 'TWO_LEVELS_INDIRECT_CALL_FUNCTION' references 'INDIRECT_CALL_FUNCTION' at /tmp/src/invalid/two-levels-indirect.ts(4,58) 'INDIRECT_CALL_FUNCTION' references 'CALL_FUNCTION' at /tmp/src/invalid/indirect.ts(4,47) 'CALL_FUNCTION' calls 'functionToCall' at /tmp/src/invalid/function-call.ts(3,38).`); }); }); describe('macro functions', () => { const fileName = '/tmp/src/invalid/components.ts'; beforeEach(() => { const localData = { '/tmp/src/invalid/function-call.ts': ` import {functionToCall} from 'some-module'; export const CALL_FUNCTION = functionToCall(); `, '/tmp/src/invalid/indirect.ts': ` import {CALL_FUNCTION} from './function-call'; export const INDIRECT_CALL_FUNCTION = CALL_FUNCTION + 1; `, '/tmp/src/invalid/macros.ts': ` export function someMacro(value: any) { return [ { provide: 'key', value: value } ]; } `, '/tmp/src/invalid/components.ts': ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; import {functionToCall} from 'some-module'; import {someMacro} from './macros'; import {CALL_FUNCTION} from './function-call'; import {INDIRECT_CALL_FUNCTION} from './indirect'; @Component({ template: someMacro(functionToCall()) }) export class DirectCall {} @Component({ template: someMacro(CALL_FUNCTION) }) export class IndirectCall {} @Component({ template: someMacro(INDIRECT_CALL_FUNCTION) }) export class DoubleIndirectCall {} ` }; init({...DEFAULT_TEST_DATA, ...localData}); }); it('should report a formatted error for a direct function call', () => { expect(() => { return reflector.annotations(reflector.getStaticSymbol(fileName, 'DirectCall')); }) .toThrowError( `/tmp/src/invalid/components.ts(9,31): Error during template compile of 'DirectCall' Function calls are not supported in decorators but 'functionToCall' was called.`); }); it('should report a formatted error for a reference to a function call', () => { expect(() => { return reflector.annotations(reflector.getStaticSymbol(fileName, 'IndirectCall')); }) .toThrowError( `/tmp/src/invalid/components.ts(14,31): Error during template compile of 'IndirectCall' Function calls are not supported in decorators but 'functionToCall' was called in 'CALL_FUNCTION' 'CALL_FUNCTION' calls 'functionToCall' at /tmp/src/invalid/function-call.ts(3,38).`); }); it('should report a formatted error for an indirect refernece to a function call', () => { expect(() => { return reflector.annotations(reflector.getStaticSymbol(fileName, 'DoubleIndirectCall')); }) .toThrowError( `/tmp/src/invalid/components.ts(19,31): Error during template compile of 'DoubleIndirectCall' Function calls are not supported in decorators but 'functionToCall' was called in 'INDIRECT_CALL_FUNCTION' 'INDIRECT_CALL_FUNCTION' references 'CALL_FUNCTION' at /tmp/src/invalid/indirect.ts(4,47) 'CALL_FUNCTION' calls 'functionToCall' at /tmp/src/invalid/function-call.ts(3,38).`); }); }); describe('and give advice', () => { // If in a reference expression, advice the user to replace with a reference. const fileName = '/tmp/src/invalid/components.ts'; function collectError(symbol: string): string { try { reflector.annotations(reflector.getStaticSymbol(fileName, symbol)); } catch (e) { return e.message; } fail('Expected an exception to be thrown'); return ''; } function initWith(content: string) { init({ ...DEFAULT_TEST_DATA, [fileName]: `import {Component} from '@angular/core';\n${content}` }); } it('should advise exorting a local', () => { initWith(`const f: string; @Component({value: f}) export class MyComp {}`); expect(collectError('MyComp')).toContain(`Consider exporting 'f'`); }); it('should advise export a class', () => { initWith('class Foo {} @Component({value: Foo}) export class MyComp {}'); expect(collectError('MyComp')).toContain(`Consider exporting 'Foo'`); }); it('should advise avoiding destructuring', () => { initWith( 'export const {foo, bar} = {foo: 1, bar: 2}; @Component({value: foo}) export class MyComp {}'); expect(collectError('MyComp')).toContain(`Consider simplifying to avoid destructuring`); }); it('should advise converting an arrow function into an exported function', () => { initWith('@Component({value: () => true}) export class MyComp {}'); expect(collectError('MyComp')) .toContain(`Consider changing the function expression into an exported function`); }); it('should advise converting a function expression into an exported function', () => { initWith('@Component({value: function () { return true; }}) export class MyComp {}'); expect(collectError('MyComp')) .toContain(`Consider changing the function expression into an exported function`); }); }); }); }); const DEFAULT_TEST_DATA: {[key: string]: any} = { '/tmp/@angular/common/src/forms-deprecated/directives.d.ts': [{ '__symbolic': 'module', 'version': METADATA_VERSION, 'metadata': { 'FORM_DIRECTIVES': [{ '__symbolic': 'reference', 'name': 'NgFor', 'module': '@angular/common/src/directives/ng_for' }] } }], '/tmp/@angular/common/src/directives/ng_for.d.ts': { '__symbolic': 'module', 'version': METADATA_VERSION, 'metadata': { 'NgFor': { '__symbolic': 'class', 'decorators': [{ '__symbolic': 'call', 'expression': {'__symbolic': 'reference', 'name': 'Directive', 'module': '@angular/core'}, 'arguments': [ {'selector': '[ngFor][ngForOf]', 'inputs': ['ngForTrackBy', 'ngForOf', 'ngForTemplate']} ] }], 'members': { '__ctor__': [{ '__symbolic': 'constructor', 'parameters': [ {'__symbolic': 'reference', 'module': '@angular/core', 'name': 'ViewContainerRef'}, {'__symbolic': 'reference', 'module': '@angular/core', 'name': 'TemplateRef'}, {'__symbolic': 'reference', 'module': '@angular/core', 'name': 'IterableDiffers'}, {'__symbolic': 'reference', 'module': '@angular/core', 'name': 'ChangeDetectorRef'} ] }] } } } }, '/tmp/@angular/core/src/linker/view_container_ref.d.ts': {version: METADATA_VERSION, 'metadata': {'ViewContainerRef': {'__symbolic': 'class'}}}, '/tmp/@angular/core/src/linker/template_ref.d.ts': { version: METADATA_VERSION, 'module': './template_ref', 'metadata': {'TemplateRef': {'__symbolic': 'class'}} }, '/tmp/@angular/core/src/change_detection/differs/iterable_differs.d.ts': {version: METADATA_VERSION, 'metadata': {'IterableDiffers': {'__symbolic': 'class'}}}, '/tmp/@angular/core/src/change_detection/change_detector_ref.d.ts': {version: METADATA_VERSION, 'metadata': {'ChangeDetectorRef': {'__symbolic': 'class'}}}, '/tmp/src/app/hero-detail.component.d.ts': { '__symbolic': 'module', 'version': METADATA_VERSION, 'metadata': { 'HeroDetailComponent': { '__symbolic': 'class', 'decorators': [{ '__symbolic': 'call', 'expression': {'__symbolic': 'reference', 'name': 'Component', 'module': '@angular/core'}, 'arguments': [{ 'selector': 'my-hero-detail', 'template': '\n

{{hero.name}} details!

\n \n \n
\n', }] }], 'members': { 'hero': [{ '__symbolic': 'property', 'decorators': [{ '__symbolic': 'call', 'expression': {'__symbolic': 'reference', 'name': 'Input', 'module': '@angular/core'} }] }], 'onMouseOver': [{ '__symbolic': 'method', 'decorators': [{ '__symbolic': 'call', 'expression': {'__symbolic': 'reference', 'module': '@angular/core', 'name': 'HostListener'}, 'arguments': ['mouseover', ['$event']] }] }] } } } }, '/src/extern.d.ts': {'__symbolic': 'module', 'version': METADATA_VERSION, metadata: {s: 's'}}, '/tmp/src/error-reporting.d.ts': { __symbolic: 'module', version: METADATA_VERSION, metadata: { SomeClass: { __symbolic: 'class', decorators: [{ __symbolic: 'call', expression: {__symbolic: 'reference', name: 'Component', module: '@angular/core'}, arguments: [{ entryComponents: [{ __symbolic: 'reference', module: 'src/error-references', name: 'Link1', }] }] }], } } }, '/tmp/src/error-references.d.ts': { __symbolic: 'module', version: METADATA_VERSION, metadata: { Link1: {__symbolic: 'reference', module: 'src/error-references', name: 'Link2'}, Link2: {__symbolic: 'reference', module: 'src/error-references', name: 'ErrorSym'}, ErrorSym: {__symbolic: 'error', message: 'A reasonable error message', line: 12, character: 33} } }, '/tmp/src/function-declaration.d.ts': { __symbolic: 'module', version: METADATA_VERSION, metadata: { one: { __symbolic: 'function', parameters: ['a'], value: [{__symbolic: 'reference', name: 'a'}] }, add: { __symbolic: 'function', parameters: ['a', 'b'], value: { __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '+', left: {__symbolic: 'reference', name: 'a'}, right: { __symbolic: 'binop', operator: '+', left: {__symbolic: 'reference', name: 'b'}, right: {__symbolic: 'reference', name: 'oneLiteral'} } } }, oneLiteral: 1 } }, '/tmp/src/function-reference.ts': { __symbolic: 'module', version: METADATA_VERSION, metadata: { one: { __symbolic: 'call', expression: {__symbolic: 'reference', module: './function-declaration', name: 'one'}, arguments: ['some-value'] }, three: { __symbolic: 'call', expression: {__symbolic: 'reference', module: './function-declaration', name: 'add'}, arguments: [1, 1] }, recursion: { __symbolic: 'call', expression: {__symbolic: 'reference', module: './function-recursive', name: 'recursive'}, arguments: [1] }, indirectRecursion: { __symbolic: 'call', expression: {__symbolic: 'reference', module: './function-recursive', name: 'indirectRecursion1'}, arguments: [1] } } }, '/tmp/src/function-recursive.d.ts': { __symbolic: 'modules', version: METADATA_VERSION, metadata: { recursive: { __symbolic: 'function', parameters: ['a'], value: { __symbolic: 'call', expression: { __symbolic: 'reference', module: './function-recursive', name: 'recursive', }, arguments: [{__symbolic: 'reference', name: 'a'}] } }, indirectRecursion1: { __symbolic: 'function', parameters: ['a'], value: { __symbolic: 'call', expression: { __symbolic: 'reference', module: './function-recursive', name: 'indirectRecursion2', }, arguments: [{__symbolic: 'reference', name: 'a'}] } }, indirectRecursion2: { __symbolic: 'function', parameters: ['a'], value: { __symbolic: 'call', expression: { __symbolic: 'reference', module: './function-recursive', name: 'indirectRecursion1', }, arguments: [{__symbolic: 'reference', name: 'a'}] } } }, }, '/tmp/src/spread.ts': { __symbolic: 'module', version: METADATA_VERSION, metadata: {spread: [0, {__symbolic: 'spread', expression: [1, 2, 3, 4]}, 5]} }, '/tmp/src/custom-decorator.ts': ` export function CustomDecorator(): any { return () => {}; } `, '/tmp/src/custom-decorator-reference.ts': ` import {CustomDecorator} from './custom-decorator'; @CustomDecorator() export class Foo { @CustomDecorator() get foo(): string { return ''; } } `, '/tmp/src/invalid-call-definitions.ts': ` export function someFunction(a: any) { if (Array.isArray(a)) { return a; } return undefined; } `, '/tmp/src/invalid-calls.ts': ` import {someFunction} from './nvalid-call-definitions.ts'; import {Component} from '@angular/core'; import {NgIf} from '@angular/common'; @Component({ selector: 'my-component', entryComponents: [someFunction([NgIf])] }) export class MyComponent {} @someFunction() @Component({ selector: 'my-component', entryComponents: [NgIf] }) export class MyOtherComponent { } `, '/tmp/src/static-method.ts': ` import {Component} from '@angular/core/src/metadata'; @Component({ selector: 'stub' }) export class MyModule { static with(data: any) { return { provider: 'a', useValue: data } } static condMethod(cond: boolean) { return [{ provider: 'a', useValue: cond ? '1' : '2'}]; } static defaultsMethod(a, b = true, c = false) { return [a, b, c]; } static withFactory() { return { provide: 'c', useFactory: AnotherModule.someFactory }; } } export class AnotherModule { static someFactory() { return 'e'; } } `, '/tmp/src/static-method-call.ts': ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; import {MyModule} from './static-method'; @Component({ providers: MyModule.with(100) }) export class MyComponent { } @Component({ providers: [MyModule.condMethod(true), MyModule.condMethod(false)] }) export class MyCondComponent { } @Component({ providers: [MyModule.defaultsMethod('a')] }) export class MyDefaultsComponent { } @Component({ providers: MyModule.withFactory() }) export class MyFactoryComponent { } `, '/tmp/src/static-field.ts': ` import {Injectable} from '@angular/core'; @Injectable() export class MyModule { static VALUE = 'Some string'; } `, '/tmp/src/macro-function.ts': ` export function v(value: any) { return { provide: 'a', useValue: value }; } `, '/tmp/src/call-macro-function.ts': ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; import {v} from './macro-function'; @Component({ providers: v(100) }) export class MyComponent { } @Component({ providers: v(v(100)) }) export class MyComponentNested { } `, '/tmp/src/static-field-reference.ts': ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; import {MyModule} from './static-field'; @Component({ providers: [ { provider: 'a', useValue: MyModule.VALUE } ] }) export class Foo { } `, '/tmp/src/static-method-def.ts': ` export class ClassWithStatics { static staticMethod() {} } `, '/tmp/src/static-method-ref.ts': ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; import {ClassWithStatics} from './static-method-def'; @Component({ providers: [ { provider: 'a', useValue: ClassWithStatics.staticMethod}] }) export class MethodReference { } `, '/tmp/src/invalid-metadata.ts': ` import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ providers: [ { provider: 'a', useValue: (() => 1)() }] }) export class InvalidMetadata {} `, '/tmp/src/forward-ref.ts': ` import {forwardRef} from '@angular/core'; import {Component} from '@angular/core'; import {Inject} from '@angular/core'; @Component({}) export class Forward { constructor(@Inject(forwardRef(() => Dep)) d: Dep) {} } export class Dep { @Input f: Forward; } `, };