const blockC = require('./region-matchers/block-c'); const html = require('./region-matchers/html'); const inlineC = require('./region-matchers/inline-c'); const inlineCOnly = require('./region-matchers/inline-c-only'); const inlineHash = require('./region-matchers/inline-hash'); const DEFAULT_PLASTER = '. . .'; const {mapObject} = require('../utils'); module.exports = function regionParser() { return regionParserImpl; }; regionParserImpl.regionMatchers = { ts: inlineC, js: inlineC, es6: inlineC, dart: inlineC, html: html, css: blockC, yaml: inlineHash, jade: inlineCOnly, json: inlineC, 'json.annotated': inlineC }; /** * @param contents string * @param fileType string * @returns {contents: string, regions: {[regionName: string]: string}} */ function regionParserImpl(contents, fileType) { const regionMatcher = regionParserImpl.regionMatchers[fileType]; const openRegions = []; const regionMap = {}; if (regionMatcher) { let plaster = regionMatcher.createPlasterComment(DEFAULT_PLASTER); const lines = contents.split(/\r?\n/).filter((line, index) => { const startRegion = line.match(regionMatcher.regionStartMatcher); const endRegion = line.match(regionMatcher.regionEndMatcher); const updatePlaster = line.match(regionMatcher.plasterMatcher); // start region processing if (startRegion) { // open up the specified region const regionNames = getRegionNames(startRegion[1]); if (regionNames.length === 0) { regionNames.push(''); } regionNames.forEach(regionName => { const region = regionMap[regionName]; if (region) { if ( { throw new RegionParserError( `Tried to open a region, named "${regionName}", that is already open`, index); } = true; if (plaster) { region.lines.push(plaster); } } else { regionMap[regionName] = {lines: [], open: true}; } openRegions.push(regionName); }); // end region processing } else if (endRegion) { if (openRegions.length === 0) { throw new RegionParserError('Tried to close a region when none are open', index); } // close down the specified region (or most recent if no name is given) const regionNames = getRegionNames(endRegion[1]); if (regionNames.length === 0) { regionNames.push(openRegions[openRegions.length - 1]); } regionNames.forEach(regionName => { const region = regionMap[regionName]; if (!region || ! { throw new RegionParserError( `Tried to close a region, named "${regionName}", that is not open`, index); } = false; removeLast(openRegions, regionName); }); // doc plaster processing } else if (updatePlaster) { const plasterString = updatePlaster[1].trim(); plaster = plasterString ? regionMatcher.createPlasterComment(plasterString) : ''; // simple line of content processing } else { openRegions.forEach(regionName => regionMap[regionName].lines.push(line)); // do not filter out this line from the content return true; } // this line contained an annotation so let's filter it out return false; }); if (!regionMap['']) { regionMap[''] = {lines}; } return { contents: lines.join('\n'), regions: mapObject(regionMap, (regionName, region) => leftAlign(region.lines).join('\n')) }; } else { return {contents, regions: {}}; } } function getRegionNames(input) { return (input.trim() === '') ? [] : input.split(',').map(name => name.trim()); } function removeLast(array, item) { const index = array.lastIndexOf(item); array.splice(index, 1); } function leftAlign(lines) { let indent = Number.MAX_VALUE; lines.forEach(line => { const lineIndent =\S/); if (lineIndent !== -1) { indent = Math.min(lineIndent, indent); } }); return => line.substr(indent)); } function RegionParserError(message, index) { const lineNum = index + 1; this.message = `regionParser: ${message} (at line ${lineNum}).`; this.lineNum = lineNum; this.stack = (new Error()).stack; } RegionParserError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); RegionParserError.prototype.constructor = RegionParserError;