workspace(name = "angular") # # Download Bazel toolchain dependencies as needed by build actions # http_archive( name = "build_bazel_rules_typescript", url = "", strip_prefix = "rules_typescript-0.17.0", sha256 = "1626ee2cc9770af6950bfc77dffa027f9aedf330fe2ea2ee7e504428927bd95d", ) load("@build_bazel_rules_typescript//:package.bzl", "rules_typescript_dependencies") rules_typescript_dependencies() http_archive( name = "bazel_toolchains", urls = [ "", "", ], strip_prefix = "bazel-toolchains-5124557861ebf4c0b67f98180bff1f8551e0b421", sha256 = "c3b08805602cd1d2b67ebe96407c1e8c6ed3d4ce55236ae2efe2f1948f38168d", ) http_archive( name = "io_bazel_rules_sass", url = "", strip_prefix = "rules_sass-1.11.0", sha256 = "dbe9fb97d5a7833b2a733eebc78c9c1e3880f676ac8af16e58ccf2139cbcad03", ) # This commit matches the version of buildifier in angular/ngcontainer # If you change this, also check if it matches the version in the angular/ngcontainer # version in /.circleci/config.yml BAZEL_BUILDTOOLS_VERSION = "49a6c199e3fbf5d94534b2771868677d3f9c6de9" http_archive( name = "com_github_bazelbuild_buildtools", url = "" % BAZEL_BUILDTOOLS_VERSION, strip_prefix = "buildtools-%s" % BAZEL_BUILDTOOLS_VERSION, sha256 = "edf39af5fc257521e4af4c40829fffe8fba6d0ebff9f4dd69a6f8f1223ae047b", ) # Fetching the Bazel source code allows us to compile the Skylark linter http_archive( name = "io_bazel", url = "", strip_prefix = "bazel-0.17.1", sha256 = "ace8cced3b21e64a8fdad68508e9b0644201ec848ad583651719841d567fc66d", ) http_archive( name = "io_bazel_skydoc", # TODO: switch to upstream when is merged url = "", strip_prefix = "skydoc-fe2e9f888d28e567fef62ec9d4a93c425526d701", sha256 = "7bfb5545f59792a2745f2523b9eef363f9c3e7274791c030885e7069f8116016", ) # We have a source dependency on the Devkit repository, because it's built with # Bazel. # This allows us to edit sources and have the effect appear immediately without # re-packaging or "npm link"ing. # Even better, things like aspects will visit the entire graph including # ts_library rules in the devkit repository. http_archive( name = "angular_cli", url = "", strip_prefix = "angular-cli-6.1.0-rc.0", sha256 = "8cf320ea58c321e103f39087376feea502f20eaf79c61a4fdb05c7286c8684fd", ) http_archive( name = "org_brotli", url = "", strip_prefix = "brotli-1.0.5", sha256 = "774b893a0700b0692a76e2e5b7e7610dbbe330ffbe3fe864b4b52ca718061d5a", ) # # Point Bazel to WORKSPACEs that live in subdirectories # local_repository( name = "rxjs", path = "node_modules/rxjs/src", ) # Point to the integration test workspace just so that Bazel doesn't descend into it # when expanding the //... pattern local_repository( name = "bazel_integration_test", path = "integration/bazel", ) # # Load and install our dependencies downloaded above. # load("@build_bazel_rules_nodejs//:defs.bzl", "check_bazel_version", "node_repositories") check_bazel_version("0.17.0", """ If you are on a Mac and using Homebrew, there is a breaking change to the installation in Bazel 0.16 See """) node_repositories( package_json = ["//:package.json"], preserve_symlinks = True, node_version = "10.9.0", yarn_version = "1.9.2", ) load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_rules_dependencies", "go_register_toolchains") go_rules_dependencies() go_register_toolchains() load("@io_bazel_rules_webtesting//web:repositories.bzl", "browser_repositories", "web_test_repositories") web_test_repositories() browser_repositories( chromium = True, firefox = True, ) load("@build_bazel_rules_typescript//:defs.bzl", "ts_setup_workspace") ts_setup_workspace() load("@angular//:index.bzl", "ng_setup_workspace") ng_setup_workspace() ################################## # Skylark documentation generation load("@io_bazel_rules_sass//sass:sass_repositories.bzl", "sass_repositories") sass_repositories() load("@io_bazel_skydoc//skylark:skylark.bzl", "skydoc_repositories") skydoc_repositories()