/*global jasmine, __karma__, window*/ // Browser testing shim (function () { // Error.stackTraceLimit = Infinity; jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 1000; // Configure systemjs to use the .js extension for imports from the app folder System.config({ packages: { app: { format: 'register', defaultExtension: 'js' } } }); // Configure Angular for the browser and with test versions of the platform providers System.import('angular2/testing') .then(function (testing) { return System.import('angular2/platform/testing/browser') .then(function (providers) { testing.setBaseTestProviders( providers.TEST_BROWSER_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS, providers.TEST_BROWSER_APPLICATION_PROVIDERS ); }); }) // Load the spec files (__spec_files__) explicitly .then(function () { console.log('loading spec files: '+__spec_files__.join(', ')); return Promise.all(__spec_files__.map(function(spec) { return System.import(spec);} )); }) // After all imports load, re-execute `window.onload` which // triggers the Jasmine test-runner start or explain what went wrong .then(success, console.error.bind(console)); function success () { console.log('Spec files loaded; starting Jasmine testrunner'); window.onload(); } })();