include ../_util-fns :marked # Once Upon a Time # 很久很久以前 Every story starts somewhere. Our story starts where the [QuickStart](../quickstart.html) ends. 每一个故事,都有一个起点。而我们的故事则开始于[“快速起步”](../quickstart.html)的结尾处。 p Run the #[+liveExampleLink2('', 'toh-1')] for this part. p 运行这部分的#[+liveExampleLink2('在线例子', 'toh-1')]。 :marked Create a folder called `angular2-tour-of-heroes` and follow the [QuickStart](../quickstart.html) steps which provide the prerequisites, the folder structure, and the core files for our Tour of Heroes. 创建一个名为`angular2-tour-of-heroes`的文件夹,并且遵循[“快速起步”](../quickstart.html)中的步骤初始化它 —— 环境准备、目录结构,并放进我们《英雄指南》的核心文件。 include ../_quickstart_repo :marked We should have the following structure: 我们应该有如下目录结构: .filetree .file angular2-tour-of-heroes .children .file app .children .file app.component.ts .file main.ts .file node_modules ... .file typings ... .file index.html .file package.json .file styles.css .file systemjs.config.js .file tsconfig.json .file typings.json :marked ## Keep the app transpiling and running ## 保持应用不断转译和运行 We want to start the TypeScript compiler, have it watch for changes, and start our server. We'll do this by typing 我们要启动TypeScript编译器,它会监视文件变更,并且启动开发服务器。我们只要敲: code-example(language="bash"). npm start :marked This command runs the compiler in watch mode, starts the server, launches the app in a browser, and keeps the app running while we continue to build the Tour of Heroes. 这个命令会在监视模式下运行编译器,启动开发服务器,在浏览器中启动我们的应用,并在我们构建《英雄指南》的时候让应用得以持续运行。 .l-main-section :marked ## Show our Hero ## 显示我们的英雄 We want to display Hero data in our app 我们要在应用中显示英雄数据 Let's add two properties to our `AppComponent`, a `title` property for the application name and a `hero` property for a hero named "Windstorm". 我们来为`AppComponent`添加两个属性:`title`属性表示应用的名字,而`hero`属性表示一个名叫“Windstorm”的英雄。 +makeExample('toh-1/ts-snippets/app.component.snippets.pt1.ts', 'app-component-1', 'app.component.ts (AppComponent类)')(format=".") :marked Now we update the template in the `@Component` decoration with data bindings to these new properties. 现在,我们为这些新属性建立数据绑定,以更新`@Component`装饰器中指定的模板 +makeExample('toh-1/ts-snippets/app.component.snippets.pt1.ts', 'show-hero') :marked The browser should refresh and display our title and hero. 保存后,浏览器应该会自动刷新,并显示我们的标题和英雄。 The double curly braces tell our app to read the `title` and `hero` properties from the component and render them. This is the "interpolation" form of one-way data binding. 这里的“双大括号”会告诉应用:从组件中读取`title`和`hero`属性,并且渲染它们。这就是单向数据绑定的“插值表达式”形式。 .l-sub-section :marked Learn more about interpolation in the [Displaying Data chapter](../guide/displaying-data.html). 要了解插值表达式的更多知识,参阅[“显示数据”一章](../guide/displaying-data.html)。 :marked ### Hero object ### Hero对象 At the moment, our hero is just a name. Our hero needs more properties. Let's convert the `hero` from a literal string to a class. 此时此刻,我们的英雄还只有一个名字。显然,他/她应该有更多属性。 让我们把`hero`从一个字符串字面量换成一个类。 Create a `Hero` class with `id` and `name` properties. For now put this near the top of the `app.component.ts` file, just below the import statement. 创建一个`Hero`类,它具有`id`和`name`属性。 现在,把下列代码放在`app.component.ts`的顶部,仅次于import语句。 +makeExample('toh-1/ts/app/app.component.ts', 'hero-class-1', 'app.component.ts (Hero类)')(format=".") :marked Now that we have a `Hero` class, let’s refactor our component’s `hero` property to be of type `Hero`. Then initialize it with an id of `1` and the name, "Windstorm". 现在,有了一个`Hero`类,我们就要把组件`hero`属性的类型换成`Hero`了。 然后以`1`为id、以“Windstorm”为名字,初始化它。 +makeExample('toh-1/ts-snippets/app.component.snippets.pt1.ts', 'hero-property-1', 'app.component.ts (hero属性)')(format=".") :marked Because we changed the hero from a string to an object, we update the binding in the template to refer to the hero’s `name` property. 我们把`hero`从一个字符串换成了对象,所以也得更新模板中的绑定表达式,来引用`hero`的`name`属性。 +makeExample('toh-1/ts-snippets/app.component.snippets.pt1.ts', 'show-hero-2') :marked The browser refreshes and continues to display our hero’s name. 浏览器自动刷新,并继续显示这位英雄的名字。 ### Adding more HTML ### 添加更多的HTML Displaying a name is good, but we want to see all of our hero’s properties. We’ll add a `
` for our hero’s `id` property and another `
` for our hero’s `name`. 能显示名字虽然不错,但我们还想看到这位英雄的所有属性。 我们将添加一个`
`来显示英雄的`name`属性。 +makeExample('toh-1/ts-snippets/app.component.snippets.pt1.ts', 'show-hero-properties') :marked Uh oh, our template string is getting long. We better take care of that to avoid the risk of making a typo in the template. 啊哦!我们的模板字符串已经太长了。我们最好小心点,免得在模板中出现拼写错误。 ### Multi-line template strings ### 多行模板字符串 We could make a more readable template with string concatenation but that gets ugly fast, it is harder to read, and it is easy to make a spelling error. Instead, let’s take advantage of the template strings feature in ES2015 and TypeScript to maintain our sanity. 我们可以通过字符串加法来制作更可读的模板,但这样仍然太难看了 —— 难于阅读,容易拼错。 这样不行!我们要借助ES2015和TypeScript提供的模板字符串来保持清爽。 Change the quotes around the template to back-ticks and put the `

`, `

` and `
` elements on their own lines. 把模板的双引号改成反引号,并且让`


`标签各占一行。 +makeExample('toh-1/ts-snippets/app.component.snippets.pt1.ts', 'multi-line-strings', 'app.component.ts (AppComponent的 模板)') header A back-tick is not a single quote header 反引号不是单引号 :marked **Be careful!** A back-tick (`) looks a lot like a single quote ('). It's actually a completely different character. Back-ticks can do more than demarcate a string. Here we use them in a limited way to spread the template over multiple lines. Everything between the back-ticks at the beginning and end of the template is part of a single template string. **小心!**反引号(`)虽然看起来很像单引号('),但它们是截然不同的字符。 反引号能做的可不仅仅是标记字符串的边界。 在这里,我们只用它来把我们的模板变成多行的,而没有涉及更多用途。 所有被反引号引起来的部分,都是一个单一模板字符串的一部分。 .l-main-section :marked ## Editing Our Hero ## 编辑我们的英雄 We want to be able to edit the hero name in a textbox. 我们想在一个文本框中编辑英雄的名字。 Refactor the hero name `