'use strict'; // necessary for es6 output in node import { browser, element, by, ElementFinder } from 'protractor'; import { promise } from 'selenium-webdriver'; const expectedH1 = 'Tour of Heroes'; const expectedTitle = `Angular ${expectedH1}`; const expectedH2 = 'My Heroes'; const targetHero = { id: 16, name: 'RubberMan' }; const nameSuffix = 'X'; class Hero { id: number; name: string; // Factory methods // Get hero from s formatted as '<id> <name>'. static fromString(s: string): Hero { return { id: +s.substr(0, s.indexOf(' ')), name: s.substr(s.indexOf(' ') + 1), }; } // Get hero id and name from the given detail element. static async fromDetail(detail: ElementFinder): Promise<Hero> { // Get hero id from the first <div> let _id = await detail.all(by.css('div')).first().getText(); // Get name from the h2 let _name = await detail.element(by.css('h2')).getText(); return { id: +_id.substr(_id.indexOf(' ') + 1), name: _name.substr(0, _name.lastIndexOf(' ')) }; } } describe('Tutorial part 3', () => { beforeAll(() => browser.get('')); describe('Initial page', initialPageTests); describe('Select hero', selectHeroTests); describe('Update hero', updateHeroTests); }); function initialPageTests() { it(`has title '${expectedTitle}'`, () => { expect(browser.getTitle()).toEqual(expectedTitle); }); it(`has h1 '${expectedH1}'`, () => { expectHeading(1, expectedH1); }); it(`has h2 '${expectedH2}'`, () => { expectHeading(2, expectedH2); }); it('has the right number of heroes', () => { let page = getPageElts(); expect(page.heroes.count()).toEqual(10); }); it('has no selected hero and no hero details', function () { let page = getPageElts(); expect(page.selected.isPresent()).toBeFalsy('selected hero'); expect(page.heroDetail.isPresent()).toBeFalsy('no hero detail'); }); } function selectHeroTests() { it(`selects ${targetHero.name} from hero list`, function () { let hero = element(by.cssContainingText('li span.badge', targetHero.id.toString())); hero.click(); // Nothing specific to expect other than lack of exceptions. }); it(`has selected ${targetHero.name}`, function () { let page = getPageElts(); let expectedText = `${targetHero.id} ${targetHero.name}`; expect(page.selected.getText()).toBe(expectedText); }); it('shows selected hero details', async () => { let page = getPageElts(); let hero = await Hero.fromDetail(page.heroDetail); expect(hero.id).toEqual(targetHero.id); expect(hero.name).toEqual(targetHero.name); }); } function updateHeroTests() { it(`can update hero name`, () => { addToHeroName(nameSuffix); // Nothing specific to expect other than lack of exceptions. }); it(`shows updated hero name in details`, async () => { let page = getPageElts(); let hero = await Hero.fromDetail(page.heroDetail); let newName = targetHero.name + nameSuffix; expect(hero.id).toEqual(targetHero.id); expect(hero.name).toEqual(newName); }); it(`shows updated hero name in list`, async () => { let page = getPageElts(); let hero = Hero.fromString(await page.selected.getText()); let newName = targetHero.name + nameSuffix; expect(hero.id).toEqual(targetHero.id); expect(hero.name).toEqual(newName); }); } function addToHeroName(text: string): promise.Promise<void> { let input = element(by.css('input')); return input.sendKeys(text); } function expectHeading(hLevel: number, expectedText: string): void { let hTag = `h${hLevel}`; let hText = element(by.css(hTag)).getText(); expect(hText).toEqual(expectedText, hTag); }; function getPageElts() { return { heroes: element.all(by.css('my-app li')), selected: element(by.css('my-app li.selected')), heroDetail: element(by.css('my-app > div, my-app > my-hero-detail > div')) }; }