import {StringMap} from 'angular2/src/core/facade/collection'; import {global} from 'angular2/src/core/facade/lang'; // This is here only so that after TS transpilation the file is not empty. // TODO(rado): find a better way to fix this, or remove if likely culprit // gets closed. var __ignore_me = global; /** * Defines lifecycle method {@link annotations/LifeCycleEvent#onChange `LifeCycleEvent.onChange`} * called after all of component's bound properties are updated. */ export interface OnChange { onChange(changes: StringMap): void; } /** * Defines lifecycle method {@link annotations/LifeCycleEvent#onDestroy `LifeCycleEvent.onDestroy`} * called when a directive is being destroyed. */ export interface OnDestroy { onDestroy(): void; } /** * Defines lifecycle method {@link annotations/LifeCycleEvent#onCheck `LifeCycleEvent.onCheck`} * called when a directive is being checked. */ export interface OnCheck { onCheck(): void; } /** * Defines lifecycle method {@link annotations/LifeCycleEvent#onInit `LifeCycleEvent.onInit`} * called when a directive is being checked the first time. */ export interface OnInit { onInit(): void; } /** * Defines lifecycle method * {@link annotations/LifeCycleEvent#onAllChangesDone `LifeCycleEvent.onAllChangesDone`} * called when the bindings of all its children have been changed. */ export interface OnAllChangesDone { onAllChangesDone(): void; }