import { describe, ddescribe, it, iit, xit, expect, beforeEach, afterEach } from 'angular2/testing_internal'; import {isBlank, isPresent, Date, DateWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang'; import { SampleState, Reporter, bind, provide, Injector, ConsoleReporter, SampleDescription, MeasureValues } from 'benchpress/common'; export function main() { describe('console reporter', () => { var reporter; var log: string[]; function createReporter({columnWidth = null, sampleId = null, descriptions = null, metrics = null}: {columnWidth?, sampleId?, descriptions?, metrics?}) { log = []; if (isBlank(descriptions)) { descriptions = []; } if (isBlank(sampleId)) { sampleId = 'null'; } var bindings = [ ConsoleReporter.BINDINGS, provide(SampleDescription, {useValue: new SampleDescription(sampleId, descriptions, metrics)}), bind(ConsoleReporter.PRINT).toValue((line) => log.push(line)) ]; if (isPresent(columnWidth)) { bindings.push(bind(ConsoleReporter.COLUMN_WIDTH).toValue(columnWidth)); } reporter = Injector.resolveAndCreate(bindings).get(ConsoleReporter); } it('should print the sample id, description and table header', () => { createReporter({ columnWidth: 8, sampleId: 'someSample', descriptions: [{'a': 1, 'b': 2}], metrics: {'m1': 'some desc', 'm2': 'some other desc'} }); expect(log).toEqual([ 'BENCHMARK someSample', 'Description:', '- a: 1', '- b: 2', 'Metrics:', '- m1: some desc', '- m2: some other desc', '', ' m1 | m2', '-------- | --------', ]); }); it('should print a table row', () => { createReporter({columnWidth: 8, metrics: {'a': '', 'b': ''}}); log = []; reporter.reportMeasureValues(mv(0, 0, {'a': 1.23, 'b': 2})); expect(log).toEqual([' 1.23 | 2.00']); }); it('should print the table footer and stats when there is a valid sample', () => { createReporter({columnWidth: 8, metrics: {'a': '', 'b': ''}}); log = []; reporter.reportSample([], [mv(0, 0, {'a': 3, 'b': 6}), mv(1, 1, {'a': 5, 'b': 9})]); expect(log).toEqual(['======== | ========', '4.00+-25% | 7.50+-20%']); }); it('should print the coefficient of variation only when it is meaningful', () => { createReporter({columnWidth: 8, metrics: {'a': '', 'b': ''}}); log = []; reporter.reportSample([], [mv(0, 0, {'a': 3, 'b': 0}), mv(1, 1, {'a': 5, 'b': 0})]); expect(log).toEqual(['======== | ========', '4.00+-25% | 0.00']); }); }); } function mv(runIndex, time, values) { return new MeasureValues(runIndex, DateWrapper.fromMillis(time), values); }