/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ 'use strict'; // THIS CHECK SHOULD BE THE FIRST THING IN THIS FILE // This is to ensure that we catch env issues before we error while requiring other dependencies. const engines = require('./package.json').engines; require('./tools/check-environment')({ requiredNodeVersion: engines.node, requiredNpmVersion: engines.npm, requiredYarnVersion: engines.yarn }); const gulp = require('gulp'); // See `tools/gulp-tasks/README.md` for information about task loading. function loadTask(fileName, taskName) { const taskModule = require('./tools/gulp-tasks/' + fileName); const task = taskName ? taskModule[taskName] : taskModule; return task(gulp); } //####################################################### // A format and enforce task for different sets of files. //####################################################### // All source files. gulp.task('format:all', loadTask('format', 'format')); gulp.task('format:all:enforce', loadTask('format', 'enforce')); // Untracked source code files. gulp.task('format:untracked', loadTask('format', 'format-untracked')); gulp.task('format:untracked:enforce', loadTask('format', 'enforce-untracked')); // Changed, tracked source code files. gulp.task('format:diff', loadTask('format', 'format-diff')); gulp.task('format:diff:enforce', loadTask('format', 'enforce-diff')); // Changed, both tracked and untracked, source code files. gulp.task('format:changed', ['format:untracked', 'format:diff']); gulp.task('format:changed:enforce', ['format:untracked:enforce', 'format:diff:enforce']); // Alias for `format:changed` that formerly formatted all files. gulp.task('format', ['format:changed']); gulp.task('lint', ['format:changed:enforce']); gulp.task('source-map-test', loadTask('source-map-test')); gulp.task('changelog', loadTask('changelog')); gulp.task('changelog:zonejs', loadTask('changelog-zonejs')); gulp.task('check-env', () => {/* this is a noop because the env test ran already above */}); gulp.task('cldr:extract', loadTask('cldr', 'extract')); gulp.task('cldr:gen-closure-locale', loadTask('cldr', 'closure'));