var broccoli = require('broccoli'); var fse = require('fs-extra'); var makeBrowserTree = require('./trees/browser_tree'); var makeNodeTree = require('./trees/node_tree'); var makeDartTree = require('./trees/dart_tree'); var path = require('path'); var printSlowTrees = require('broccoli-slow-trees'); var Q = require('q'); /** * BroccoliBuilder facade for all of our build pipelines. */ export class AngularBuilder { private nodeBuilder: BroccoliBuilder; private browserDevBuilder: BroccoliBuilder; private browserProdBuilder: BroccoliBuilder; private dartBuilder: BroccoliBuilder; constructor(private outputPath: string) {} public rebuildBrowserDevTree(): Promise { this.browserDevBuilder = this.browserDevBuilder || this.makeBrowserDevBuilder(); return this.rebuild(this.browserDevBuilder); } public rebuildBrowserProdTree(): Promise { this.browserProdBuilder = this.browserProdBuilder || this.makeBrowserProdBuilder(); return this.rebuild(this.browserProdBuilder); } public rebuildNodeTree(): Promise { this.nodeBuilder = this.nodeBuilder || this.makeNodeBuilder(); return this.rebuild(this.nodeBuilder); } public rebuildDartTree(): Promise { this.dartBuilder = this.dartBuilder || this.makeDartBuilder(); return this.rebuild(this.dartBuilder); } cleanup(): Promise { return Q.all([ this.nodeBuilder && this.nodeBuilder.cleanup(), this.browserDevBuilder && this.browserDevBuilder.cleanup(), this.browserProdBuilder && this.browserProdBuilder.cleanup() ]); } private makeBrowserDevBuilder(): BroccoliBuilder { let tree = makeBrowserTree({name: 'dev', typeAssertions: true}, path.join(this.outputPath, 'js', 'dev')); return new broccoli.Builder(tree); } private makeBrowserProdBuilder(): BroccoliBuilder { let tree = makeBrowserTree({name: 'prod', typeAssertions: false}, path.join(this.outputPath, 'js', 'prod')); return new broccoli.Builder(tree); } private makeNodeBuilder(): BroccoliBuilder { let tree = makeNodeTree(path.join(this.outputPath, 'js', 'cjs')); return new broccoli.Builder(tree); } private makeDartBuilder(): BroccoliBuilder { let tree = makeDartTree(path.join(this.outputPath, 'dart')); return new broccoli.Builder(tree); } private rebuild(builder) { return .then((result) => { printSlowTrees(result.graph); }) .catch((err) => { console.error(err.toString()); // Should show file and line/col if present if (err.file) { console.error('File: ' + err.file); } if (err.stack) { console.error(err.stack); } throw err; }); } }