'use strict'; // Imports const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); // Constants const PROJECT_ROOT_DIR = path.resolve(__dirname, '../..'); const CODEOWNERS_PATH = path.resolve(PROJECT_ROOT_DIR, '.github/CODEOWNERS'); const PKG_EXAMPLES_DIR = path.resolve(PROJECT_ROOT_DIR, 'packages/examples'); const AIO_CONTENT_DIR = path.resolve(PROJECT_ROOT_DIR, 'aio/content'); const AIO_GUIDES_DIR = path.resolve(AIO_CONTENT_DIR, 'guide'); const AIO_GUIDE_IMAGES_DIR = path.resolve(AIO_CONTENT_DIR, 'images/guide'); const AIO_GUIDE_EXAMPLES_DIR = path.resolve(AIO_CONTENT_DIR, 'examples'); // Run _main(); // Functions - Definitions function _main() { const {examples: pkgExamplePaths} = getPathsFromPkgExamples(); const {guides: aioGuidePaths, images: aioGuideImagesPaths, examples: aioExamplePaths} = getPathsFromAioContent(); const { aioGuides: coAioGuidePaths, aioImages: coAioGuideImagesPaths, aioExamples: coAioExamplePaths, pkgExamples: coPkgExamplePaths, } = getPathsFromCodeowners(); const aioGuidesDiff = arrayDiff(aioGuidePaths, coAioGuidePaths); const aioImagesDiff = arrayDiff(aioGuideImagesPaths, coAioGuideImagesPaths); const aioExamplesDiff = arrayDiff(aioExamplePaths, coAioExamplePaths); const pkgExamplesDiff = arrayDiff(pkgExamplePaths, coPkgExamplePaths); const hasDiff = (aioGuidesDiff.diffCount > 0) || (aioImagesDiff.diffCount> 0) || (aioExamplesDiff.diffCount > 0) || (pkgExamplesDiff.diffCount > 0); if (hasDiff) { const expectedAioGuidesSrc = path.relative(PROJECT_ROOT_DIR, AIO_GUIDES_DIR); const expectedAioImagesSrc = path.relative(PROJECT_ROOT_DIR, AIO_GUIDE_IMAGES_DIR); const expectedAioExamplesSrc = path.relative(PROJECT_ROOT_DIR, AIO_GUIDE_EXAMPLES_DIR); const expectedPkgExamplesSrc = path.relative(PROJECT_ROOT_DIR, PKG_EXAMPLES_DIR); const actualSrc = path.relative(PROJECT_ROOT_DIR, CODEOWNERS_PATH); reportDiff(aioGuidesDiff, expectedAioGuidesSrc, actualSrc); reportDiff(aioImagesDiff, expectedAioImagesSrc, actualSrc); reportDiff(aioExamplesDiff, expectedAioExamplesSrc, actualSrc); reportDiff(pkgExamplesDiff, expectedPkgExamplesSrc, actualSrc); } process.exit(hasDiff ? 1 : 0); } function arrayDiff(expected, actual) { const missing = expected.filter(x => !actual.includes(x)).sort(); const extra = actual.filter(x => !expected.includes(x)).sort(); return {missing, extra, diffCount: missing.length + extra.length}; } function getPathsFromAioContent() { return { guides: fs.readdirSync(AIO_GUIDES_DIR), images: fs.readdirSync(AIO_GUIDE_IMAGES_DIR), examples: fs.readdirSync(AIO_GUIDE_EXAMPLES_DIR). filter(name => fs.statSync(`${AIO_GUIDE_EXAMPLES_DIR}/${name}`).isDirectory()), }; } function getPathsFromCodeowners() { // Use capturing groups for `images/` and `examples` to be able to differentiate between the // different kinds of matches (guide, image, example) later (see `isImage`/`isExample` below). const aioGuidesOrImagesPathRe = /^\/aio\/content\/(?:(images\/)?guide|(examples))\/([^\s\*/]+)/; const pkgExamplesPathRe = /^\/packages\/examples\/([^\s\*/]+)/; const manualGlobExpansions = { // `CODEOWNERS` has a glob to match all `testing/` directories, so no specific glob for // `packages/examples/testing/` is necessary. 'testing/**': ['/packages/examples/testing/**'], }; const aioGuides = []; const aioImages = []; const aioExamples = []; const pkgExamples = []; // Read `CODEOWNERS` and split into lines. const lines = fs. readFileSync(CODEOWNERS_PATH, 'utf8'). split('\n'). map(l => l.trim()); // Manually expand globs to known matching patterns. for (const [glob, expansions] of Object.entries(manualGlobExpansions)) { const matchingLine = lines.find(l => l.startsWith(`${glob} `)); if (matchingLine !== undefined) { lines.push(...expansions); } } // Collect `aio/` guides/images/examples. lines. map(l => l.match(aioGuidesOrImagesPathRe)). filter(m => m). forEach(([, isImage, isExample, path]) => { const list = isExample ? aioExamples : isImage ? aioImages : aioGuides; list.push(path); }); // Collect API docs examples (`packages/examples/`). lines. map(l => l.match(pkgExamplesPathRe)). filter(m => m). forEach(([, path]) => pkgExamples.push(path)); return {aioGuides, aioImages, aioExamples, pkgExamples}; } function getPathsFromPkgExamples() { return { examples: fs.readdirSync(PKG_EXAMPLES_DIR). filter(name => fs.statSync(`${PKG_EXAMPLES_DIR}/${name}`).isDirectory()), }; } function reportDiff(diff, expectedSrc, actualSrc) { if (diff.missing.length) { console.error( `\nEntries in '${expectedSrc}' but not in '${actualSrc}':\n` + diff.missing.map(x => ` - ${x}`).join('\n')); } if (diff.extra.length) { console.error( `\nEntries in '${actualSrc}' but not in '${expectedSrc}':\n` + diff.extra.map(x => ` - ${x}`).join('\n')); } }