workspace(name = "angular") http_archive( name = "build_bazel_rules_nodejs", url = "", strip_prefix = "rules_nodejs-1931156c232a08356dfda02e9c8b0275c2e63c00", sha256 = "9cfe33276a6ac0076ee9ee159c4a2576f9851c0f437435b5ac19b2e592493078", ) load("@build_bazel_rules_nodejs//:defs.bzl", "check_bazel_version", "node_repositories", "yarn_install") check_bazel_version("0.11.1") node_repositories(package_json = ["//:package.json"]) yarn_install( name = "ts-api-guardian_runtime_deps", package_json = "//tools/ts-api-guardian:package.json", yarn_lock = "//tools/ts-api-guardian:yarn.lock", ) yarn_install( name = "http-server_runtime_deps", package_json = "//tools/http-server:package.json", yarn_lock = "//tools/http-server:yarn.lock", ) http_archive( name = "build_bazel_rules_typescript", url = "", strip_prefix = "rules_typescript-0.12.1", sha256 = "24e2c36f60508c6d270ae4265b89b381e3f66d550e70c367ed3755ad8d7ce3b0", ) load("@build_bazel_rules_typescript//:defs.bzl", "ts_setup_workspace") ts_setup_workspace() local_repository( name = "rxjs", path = "node_modules/rxjs/src", ) # Point to the integration test workspace just so that Bazel doesn't descend into it # when expanding the //... pattern local_repository( name = "bazel_integration_test", path = "integration/bazel", ) # This commit matches the version of buildifier in angular/ngcontainer # If you change this, also check if it matches the version in the angular/ngcontainer # version in /.circleci/config.yml BAZEL_BUILDTOOLS_VERSION = "70bc7843bb9950fece2bc014ed16de03419e36e2" http_archive( name = "com_github_bazelbuild_buildtools", url = "" % BAZEL_BUILDTOOLS_VERSION, strip_prefix = "buildtools-%s" % BAZEL_BUILDTOOLS_VERSION, sha256 = "367c23a5fe7fc2a7cb57863d3718b4149f0e57426c48c8ad54c45348a0b53cc1", ) http_archive( name = "io_bazel_rules_go", url = "", sha256 = "feba3278c13cde8d67e341a837f69a029f698d7a27ddbb2a202be7a10b22142a", ) load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_rules_dependencies", "go_register_toolchains") go_rules_dependencies() go_register_toolchains() # Fetching the Bazel source code allows us to compile the Skylark linter http_archive( name = "io_bazel", url = "", strip_prefix = "bazel-5a35e72f9e97c06540c479f8c31512fb4656202f", sha256 = "ed33a52874c14e3b487fb50f390c541fab9c81a33d986d38fb01766a66dbcd21", ) # We have a source dependency on the Devkit repository, because it's built with # Bazel. # This allows us to edit sources and have the effect appear immediately without # re-packaging or "npm link"ing. # Even better, things like aspects will visit the entire graph including # ts_library rules in the devkit repository. http_archive( name = "angular_devkit", url = "", strip_prefix = "devkit-0.3.1", sha256 = "31d4b597fe9336650acf13df053c1c84dcbe9c29c6a833bcac3819cd3fd8cad3", ) http_archive( name = "org_brotli", url = "", strip_prefix = "brotli-c6333e1e79fb62ea088443f192293f964409b04e", sha256 = "3f781988dee7dd3bcce2bf238294663cfaaf3b6433505bdb762e24d0a284d1dc", )